IVF/ICSI Support Group

Redvel n pupnui, but I hav 3 dominant ones already...the rest need some time to catch up...only worry is the dominant ones cannot be used cos too matured and the smaller ones cannot catch up
up to low 20s may still be ok... trust the doctor is all i can say..

Hi everyone, I am new here. I like to know if anyone has experienced the same as what I have gone through.

I had my first cycle of IVF and was confirmed pregnant by two blood tests. Two weeks later I was scheduled for a scan, but the doctor cannot find anything in the uterus and they suspected ectopic pregnancy as there was a shadow from the scan on my right ovary. The doctor then rushed me for emergency laparoscopy surgery where they cannot find anything near my ovaries or in the two fallopian tubes. My HCG level remains high.

One week after my laparoscopy, my HCG is still not falling fast enough. Based on my blood test, I remained pregnant but the mystery remains unsolved. Doctor's diagnosis is - I have a pregnancy in an unknown location. He was considering D&C procedure but decided against it as I just had laparoscopy done last week. He then prescribed a jab - Methotrexate (which is used on cancer patient) to terminate the pregnancy. I was told this is a common treatment used on ectopic pregnancy. I postponed this jab as it will mean, I cant conceive naturally for the next 3 months.

Pretty confused and hopefully someone who has walked this path can shed some light.

Thank you
Hi everyone, I am new here. I like to know if anyone has experienced the same as what I have gone through.

I had my first cycle of IVF and was confirmed pregnant by two blood tests. Two weeks later I was scheduled for a scan, but the doctor cannot find anything in the uterus and they suspected ectopic pregnancy as there was a shadow from the scan on my right ovary. The doctor then rushed me for emergency laparoscopy surgery where they cannot find anything near my ovaries or in the two fallopian tubes. My HCG level remains high.

One week after my laparoscopy, my HCG is still not falling fast enough. Based on my blood test, I remained pregnant but the mystery remains unsolved. Doctor's diagnosis is - I have a pregnancy in an unknown location. He was considering D&C procedure but decided against it as I just had laparoscopy done last week. He then prescribed a jab - Methotrexate (which is used on cancer patient) to terminate the pregnancy. I was told this is a common treatment used on ectopic pregnancy. I postponed this jab as it will mean, I cant conceive naturally for the next 3 months.

Pretty confused and hopefully someone who has walked this path can shed some light.

Thank you

Hi @Kameli... Don't take the jab... where you do IVF? KKH? Did you go for 2nd opinion? Go look for another doctor to check again for safe...
Hi everyone, I am new here. I like to know if anyone has experienced the same as what I have gone through.

I had my first cycle of IVF and was confirmed pregnant by two blood tests. Two weeks later I was scheduled for a scan, but the doctor cannot find anything in the uterus and they suspected ectopic pregnancy as there was a shadow from the scan on my right ovary. The doctor then rushed me for emergency laparoscopy surgery where they cannot find anything near my ovaries or in the two fallopian tubes. My HCG level remains high.

One week after my laparoscopy, my HCG is still not falling fast enough. Based on my blood test, I remained pregnant but the mystery remains unsolved. Doctor's diagnosis is - I have a pregnancy in an unknown location. He was considering D&C procedure but decided against it as I just had laparoscopy done last week. He then prescribed a jab - Methotrexate (which is used on cancer patient) to terminate the pregnancy. I was told this is a common treatment used on ectopic pregnancy. I postponed this jab as it will mean, I cant conceive naturally for the next 3 months.

Pretty confused and hopefully someone who has walked this path can shed some light.

Thank you
Hi @Kameli, I had similar situation in my Feb IVF. For my case, I took the jab 1 month after first BT. However, slight difference was my BT numbers dipped before increasing and only hit a "healthy HCG" level after a few weeks. Dr THH diagnosed it as Pregnancy of unknown location (PUL) after 2 weeks but we waited to observe if the HCG would drop. I only took the jab when my HCG hit 7000 and yet still couldn't locate. By then I was supposed to be 8 weeks. D&C cannot help much cause Dr can't locate. I had my AF 1 month after the jab.
Methrotrexate have to wait at least 3 months for safety of your baby if you conceive later. Will attach some research I found in the next post.
Hi MichNg - Many thanks for your response. I am very NEW there are some abbreviations that i dont understand - BT, AF?
How did you terminate the PUL?
I am so thankful for your response as I understand that this is a rare case.
But this is the case where lap was done and nothing found in the tubes and ovaries.

This is something very new to me. And unfortunate :( Hope you will feel better soon kameli.
BT is the blood test for beta HCG. AF is menses / aunt flo. :) I took the Methotrexate jab. We couldn't find anything either after numerous scans. I scanned and did blood test (BT) weekly from 1st blood test to confirm pregnancy until 8 weeks.

BT results:
11 Mar - 51
13 Mar - 43
19 Mar - 850
26 Mar - 1500
28 Mar - 1800
11 Apr - 7400 - administered Methotrexate
13 Apr - 9400
15 Apr - 7800
22 Apr - 1500
14 May - 9
Hi @Kameli... Don't take the jab... where you do IVF? KKH? Did you go for 2nd opinion? Go look for another doctor to check again for safe...

Hi, I postponed taking the jab. I am going back to my doctor in Thomson Medical (I had to remove a cyst & fibroid then). I did my IVF in NUH, the entire process was well carried except now ;(
Hi Redvel, nope, tomorrow then the transfer.... hb also keen on putting two but I am afraid satisfactory= not so healthy bb...

Hi, I asked my doctor but was told that patient gets pregnant with average eggs too. In fact, the doctor also mentioned that the grading of the eggs are not conclusive. The embryologist only look at the egg at one juncture, but the eggs may developed later (after it has been graded) i.e. a well graded egg may slow down in its development while an average egg must catch up, vice-versa. Quality of eggs do not affect baby growth and development.
Mmm whats the ideal follicle size for trigger? I know 18 is the minimum but bigger than 18 ok? I have 3 at 17 but another few between 9-15. Dr wanna stim another 2 days...scared the big ones will overgrow...endless worries. First I scared grow too slow. Now I scared some grow too fast...

Laine, can u request the scan again on next day just to make sure rather then take 2 days jab. I asked dr Loh before and 20mm trigger is still acceptable. Not bigger than that.
I was quite shocked dr wait till the egg grow so big. Did you check with him or her? Usually they trigger around 19mm. Too big can result in over mature eggs.
In fact on fri I had my scan and I only have 1 that is at 20mm and the rest between 10-18mm. So on sat doc scanned me again to see if I'm ready as she didn't want to sacrifice the rest just for that big one which she had told me the big one may not be usable by then. But sat most of them suddenly grow very fast and I had my trigger shot on sat night. During the scan I think they only saw about 8-9 eggs but I manage to retrieve 15 n 12 matured.
Laine, can u request the scan again on next day just to make sure rather then take 2 days jab. I asked dr Loh before and 20mm trigger is still acceptable. Not bigger than that.
:( I emailed dr loh but he hasn't reply me...does kkh open tmr? Do they do scanning tmr? Im scheduled to do trigger on sun. Can I walk in tmr morning to kkivf and ask for scan?
Xiaomyang, I did not have biochemical but same symptom. Did not manage to call kkh today. Will try calling tomorrow and see what they says. Not.discomfort but just feels uneasy right ? Keep you posted after I call them
Hi summer,

Did you manage to call the hospital? Today my spotting became even heavier like menses... A lot of blood when I wiped... Sigh, I called up the hospital and my next appt is Tue. If menses stopped by then, I will cancel the appt... I tried to google and could not find much information. So unsettling.
I guess in ivf anything can happen. I was just surprised they only trigger when 28mm.
Actually the day b4 the trigger there's only 1 @ 20, the rest biggest 1 only 18mm. But the next day they grow very fast suddenly. Yes anything can happen in ivf so we must have faith :)
Hi summer,

Did you manage to call the hospital? Today my spotting became even heavier like menses... A lot of blood when I wiped... Sigh, I called up the hospital and my next appt is Tue. If menses stopped by then, I will cancel the appt... I tried to google and could not find much information. So unsettling.

Hi Xiaomyang , I called the center and they couldn't advice. Only asked me to try to get an earlier appt. I have an appt with the doc only on 29. Haiz they said will call be back but haven't done so. Doubt there is any earlier slot. Mine also got heavier 3 days ago. And now it is back to.spotting. :(
Hi sisters, I m new to this thread. :)
I already tried naturally conceived for about 4 years but still no good news :(. After discussed with my Hb, decided to go through IVF. My Hb's SA result not good, motility only 2%, morphology only 1% :(. Today is my 1st time consultation with Dr SF Loh, after did a ultrasound, found that I hv endometrial polyp. Dr Loh advised to do a Surgery to scan n remove it. Does anyone here has this experienced before? Should I direct go for a surgery to remove it or seek for 2nd opinion? So upset now, thought I can go through IVF soon:(
Hi Xiaomyang , I called the center and they couldn't advice. Only asked me to try to get an earlier appt. I have an appt with the doc only on 29. Haiz they said will call be back but haven't done so. Doubt there is any earlier slot. Mine also got heavier 3 days ago. And now it is back to.spotting. :(
Hi summerreef,

If I do go hospital next tue... I'll update you on what happened... Hopefully just haywire hormones... I'm also going to poas just to be very sure...
appleangel, not sure abt endo polyp but I had endometriosis. It will be gd to clear the unwanted objects in our body so that you are in best condition to conceive via ivf. Dr loh is quite experienced so shldnt be an issue. If u r worried, u can seek 2nd opinion for ease of mind. :)
Hi sisters, I m new to this thread. :)
I already tried naturally conceived for about 4 years but still no good news :(. After discussed with my Hb, decided to go through IVF. My Hb's SA result not good, motility only 2%, morphology only 1% :(. Today is my 1st time consultation with Dr SF Loh, after did a ultrasound, found that I hv endometrial polyp. Dr Loh advised to do a Surgery to scan n remove it. Does anyone here has this experienced before? Should I direct go for a surgery to remove it or seek for 2nd opinion? So upset now, thought I can go through IVF soon:(
Angelapple, prepare your body for ivf. I dunno is endometrial polyp same as polyp. I have polyp n I had to postpone my transfer due to that. I'll need to see next cycle if it's still there else I need to go for D&C b4 doing my transfer.
7dp2dt and now getting af cramp. My af cramps are very distinctive (the ache goes down to my cervix! ) Normal ttc cycles I do get the same cramp around 9 - 10 dpo then few days later start to spot then af.

I'm not a symptom spotter that make myself paranoid. But i just feel the cramp so strong and feel I need to lower my expectation.
Hi sisters, I m new to this thread. :)
I already tried naturally conceived for about 4 years but still no good news :(. After discussed with my Hb, decided to go through IVF. My Hb's SA result not good, motility only 2%, morphology only 1% :(. Today is my 1st time consultation with Dr SF Loh, after did a ultrasound, found that I hv endometrial polyp. Dr Loh advised to do a Surgery to scan n remove it. Does anyone here has this experienced before? Should I direct go for a surgery to remove it or seek for 2nd opinion? So upset now, thought I can go through IVF soon:(
I removed a blood cyst outside the ovary area and mild polyps in the uterus before we started the ivf.
The "clean up" will give your embies a higher chance to be implanted.
appleangel, not sure abt endo polyp but I had endometriosis. It will be gd to clear the unwanted objects in our body so that you are in best condition to conceive via ivf. Dr loh is quite experienced so shldnt be an issue. If u r worried, u can seek 2nd opinion for ease of mind. :)

Thank u lainelaine:). Think I will seek for 2nd opinion;) Already book appt at kkh with dr THH.
I removed a blood cyst outside the ovary area and mild polyps in the uterus before we started the ivf.
The "clean up" will give your embies a higher chance to be implanted.

Thank u Irisy, I will remove the polyp once double confirm it. Hope can start my ivf journey soon. ;)
Angelapple, prepare your body for ivf. I dunno is endometrial polyp same as polyp. I have polyp n I had to postpone my transfer due to that. I'll need to see next cycle if it's still there else I need to go for D&C b4 doing my transfer.
Hi Janices, if do D&C, how long hv to wait to do ET?
7dp2dt and now getting af cramp. My af cramps are very distinctive (the ache goes down to my cervix! ) Normal ttc cycles I do get the same cramp around 9 - 10 dpo then few days later start to spot then af.

I'm not a symptom spotter that make myself paranoid. But i just feel the cramp so strong and feel I need to lower my expectation.
Redvel, yes could be implantation cramp. I get cramps too the last time and given progesterone support. Probably you may want to call the clinic for support.
:( I emailed dr loh but he hasn't reply me...does kkh open tmr? Do they do scanning tmr? Im scheduled to do trigger on sun. Can I walk in tmr morning to kkivf and ask for scan?

Yes kkh open half day on sat but I am not sure if u can go down for scan. Unless u try n if they refuse u wait outside for THH to check with him.
Hi sisters, I m new to this thread. :)
I already tried naturally conceived for about 4 years but still no good news :(. After discussed with my Hb, decided to go through IVF. My Hb's SA result not good, motility only 2%, morphology only 1% :(. Today is my 1st time consultation with Dr SF Loh, after did a ultrasound, found that I hv endometrial polyp. Dr Loh advised to do a Surgery to scan n remove it. Does anyone here has this experienced before? Should I direct go for a surgery to remove it or seek for 2nd opinion? So upset now, thought I can go through IVF soon:(

Polyp can hinder implantation. I suppose if polyp at endo it is necessary to remove it cos endo is our lining.
7dp2dt and now getting af cramp. My af cramps are very distinctive (the ache goes down to my cervix! ) Normal ttc cycles I do get the same cramp around 9 - 10 dpo then few days later start to spot then af.

I'm not a symptom spotter that make myself paranoid. But i just feel the cramp so strong and feel I need to lower my expectation.

I know is hard but we have to hope for the best. Its not the end yet.
Yes kkh open half day on sat but I am not sure if u can go down for scan. Unless u try n if they refuse u wait outside for THH to check with him.
Decided not to stress myself. Will jus go with what the dr recommend. Now will pray hard the small ones grow faster n big ones slowly. Leave it in god's hands bah! Thanks!

Decided not to stress myself. Will jus go with what the dr recommend. Now will pray hard the small ones grow faster n big ones slowly. Leave it in god's hands bah! Thanks!
Ya. I feel so too

Afterall, they are the experts and they know better too

Don't make yourself stressed and keep thinking what if, if only etc

Just believe.. And have faith... :)
