IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hello mummies,

Haven't been here in a really long time. Just wanted to ask if anyone has heard that CoQ 10 can help with egg quality? My doctor said I can take CoQ10 now while waiting for my next cycle.

I did ET two weeks ago and went for BT today but alas, it's a BFN. :(
Hello mummies,

Haven't been here in a really long time. Just wanted to ask if anyone has heard that CoQ 10 can help with egg quality? My doctor said I can take CoQ10 now while waiting for my next cycle.

I did ET two weeks ago and went for BT today but alas, it's a BFN. :(
Hugs... :(

Ya. Heard CoQ10 is good
Ask your hub to take too, plus vit E

I feel both has to take, not just the ladies.
koirc, hugs. hang in there... yours is FET this round ?

yes hv been taking cq10. It's the only thing I take religiously apart from folic. An antioxidant and I make hubs take it too.. actually i hv made my elderly parents take it too and they find themselves a little more energised.
@lil_mermaid, very sorry to hear abt what u had gone thru

Am sad that some sisters hv to go thru an emotionally volatile journey to hv a bb they call their own. I mean motherhood is such a beautiful thing which ought to be entitled to all women who yearned so. Why do some hv it easy while others hv it hard? I sincerely hope everyone here will succeed.

Honestly before i became a mom, i din really like kids. My first born is also one of those super demanding n high needs bb. It was pretty trying moments in her first few mths but i soon learnt to appreciate all e joys she brought to all of us n quickly decided this wasn't too bad after all.

Jiayou everyone, here's praying mother stock will visit all of us with bundle of joy
Thanks for sharing, dear dramaqueenie.

I am desperate. I would cry.
And you're right. When it's our time, it's ours! :)

Thanks for the positivity.

lil_mermaid, omg, u've been through so much! *hugz*
For acupuncture, most of the ladies here do at dr zou in amk. There r quite a few ard e.g. raffles hospital etc. Im doing at rochor centre with my tcm dr.
For diet, generally try to avoid cold and raw food. I make it a point to avoid liang vege like cucumber too but it dpds on your body composition whether it is liang or heaty.
As for wat to do and what not to do after er and et, mmm, I've been following the to-do list oso nv strike...I guess it's really fate. My fren on birth control pill can even strike leh...whats ours will be ours, its a matter of time. Be strong and have faith that we will hold our baby in our arms one day! :)
Hi dear,
Sticky babydust to all sisters TTC-ing right now!

Btw, do you have the contacts for Dr Zou frm AMK? What are the cahrges like?

Hello mummies,

Haven't been here in a really long time. Just wanted to ask if anyone has heard that CoQ 10 can help with egg quality? My doctor said I can take CoQ10 now while waiting for my next cycle.

I did ET two weeks ago and went for BT today but alas, it's a BFN. :(
Hugs koirc...
Need some advice here ladies.. failed my fresh cycle last month and had my menses on 1 Aug.. however, my menses seem to be super long and heavy for first few days and has been spotting all the way until even today! it has been 2 weeks! These 2 days.. the bleeding starts to get more and got bright red again.... has anyone experienced this before??
Hi summer,

I have exactly the same case as u... Failed fresh, had a biochemical pregnancy and then menses on 1 aug.. And spotted until now.. And got heavier these two days until I need to wear panty liner... I asked the gynae and he told me it's normal after biochemical pregnancy... But I feel uneasy... Let me know if ur doc says anything.... I will call the hospital again if spotting persist for another week...
Hello mummies,

Haven't been here in a really long time. Just wanted to ask if anyone has heard that CoQ 10 can help with egg quality? My doctor said I can take CoQ10 now while waiting for my next cycle.

I did ET two weeks ago and went for BT today but alas, it's a BFN. :(
hugs... I know how it feels...
Jiayou! Dont give up hope ok!

Hi summer,

I have exactly the same case as u... Failed fresh, had a biochemical pregnancy and then menses on 1 aug.. And spotted until now.. And got heavier these two days until I need to wear panty liner... I asked the gynae and he told me it's normal after biochemical pregnancy... But I feel uneasy... Let me know if ur doc says anything.... I will call the hospital again if spotting persist for another week...

Xiaomyang, I did not have biochemical but same symptom. Did not manage to call kkh today. Will try calling tomorrow and see what they says. Not.discomfort but just feels uneasy right ? Keep you posted after I call them
Hi summer when I had my failed fresh, my af was heavier and extended by another 2 days more that's all. Doesn't seem quite normal if bleed too long. Hope you'll get to talk to the hospital today and not delaying it.
Good morn, just curious.... If the hospital call and said out of 3 eggs, 2 fertilised....come ET date, will it still b 2 or could b 1 or none left. Thanks....
fion: 2 out of 3 is good rate. pray and hope for 2, but yes, it could continue to arrest (stop growing) and left with lesser than 2 by ET
It will depends.

Once fertilized means they have developed into 2PN on D1.
D2 will be usually 4-cell
D3 between 6 to 8cell

Most of the time, if fertilized will go on to develop well too..

When is your ET, today or tomorrow?
Today will be day2 transfer
fion, of course there's chance! great chance 2. your fertilisation rate is 67%.. have faith. You only need 2 to transfer anyway. ..
[QUO TE="fion40, post: 7360763, member: 82314"]@ron8129 thanks
@Faith-bb not sure yet, hospital said they will call today to confirm.... I guess not much chance this round....[/QUOTE]
Fion, as is always said, we only need 1. Must be positive and transfer both 2 :)

Let's jiayou together!!!!
well, thanks for all e ideas on where to get brazil nuts...
juz ordered brazil nuts from iherb among other supplements...
initially thought of starting IVF in sept but think will prob start 2-3 mths later at e end of yr to prep my body prior to treatments :)
juz curious, do other sisters here also prep ur body first or jump right in? haha
not saying those who prep first sure tio & likewise, those who dont, wont...
juz speaking for myself only... cos we'll be having only 1 fresh cycle so juz wanna do my best & well, at least i know i tried lah :)

Oh.. You order Brazil Nuts from iherb... You ordered which one... RAW?
I ordered there from iherb....
Christopher's Original Formulas, Female Reproductive Formula, 450 mg, 100 Veggie Caps
Christopher's Original Formulas, Hormonal Changease Formula, 460 mg, 100 Veggie Caps
Frontier Natural Products, Cut & Sifted Red Raspberry Leaf, 16 oz (453 g)
Hi all,

Hosp just call and inform 1 egg of good grade and the other of satisfactory grade... should I implant both or just one? Appreciate any suggestions....Thanks.
laine, i didnt take the supp form. I'm already taking so many pills... I rather eat the nuts crunch crunch crunch. More yummy mah.
fion, I have heard many success stories that satisfactory embie can also implant well. So I would look at it as two good embies. If i were you, i whack two. Up the chance.

Good luck and I hope you're doing the transfer today!
Hi Redvel, nope, tomorrow then the transfer.... hb also keen on putting two but I am afraid satisfactory= not so healthy bb...
fion, u will nv know. I have transferred top grade ones b4 oso failed. Instead I heard of sisters who transferred grade 3 yet bfp. Every embryo has a life, give it a chance. Jiayou! :)
Hi Redvel, nope, tomorrow then the transfer.... hb also keen on putting two but I am afraid satisfactory= not so healthy bb...

I will whack 2 also as failed one still have one to go. If you put one later failed you have to go again.... Sorry to say that.. :p
I don't think that it's true Fion. Every embie regardless of grade at this stage tells nothing about health condition. If it's so, ivf centre will only insists top grade and discard the rest. Grading doesn't work like this.

Nevertheless it's your personal decision. Good luck tomorrow.
laine, i didnt take the supp form. I'm already taking so many pills... I rather eat the nuts crunch crunch crunch. More yummy mah.
Hehe dun really like the taste haha. Do u continue all the supplements after et? My multi-vit got dong guai, dunno can continue anot...do u gals continue with fish oil, coq10 etc?
Oh Ok then you take the pill I take the nut heee.

Please stop your multivit as got danggui. It's a no no after ET. Stop coq10 too. Fish oil ok. If you take royal jelly or epo also stop.
Laine today is 7dp2dt. I feel great. Nothing special Haa. Just happy no need to go office. Working from home :p

BT is 25 Aug.
Hi all,

Hosp just call and inform 1 egg of good grade and the other of satisfactory grade... should I implant both or just one? Appreciate any suggestions....Thanks.
I bfp with a day2 transfer with only 2 cells. For me I'll put 2 as well. I transferred 3 and my embryologist told me putting 3 doesn't mean all will implant. The other 2 is to help one to implant. I would rather put 2 instead of freezing n risk the thawing which may not survive. This is only my own opinion, it's up to you which option you are more comfy :)

I kiasu lah, I go for the max :D
Yes, I will put two too! Haa

Increase the chances..

For my 2nd fresh, I put 2. One is sticky! :)

And if really both stick, that's an awesome bonus!

I know of those grade not as good, but baby is healthy and good! :)

Grading can't really tell if baby will develop well or not.

Most importantly the mother must feel positive and good
All the best, fion! after er, start preparing for et! Red bean soup, brazil nuts, chicken essence, durian and some says continue eggs.
Mmm whats the ideal follicle size for trigger? I know 18 is the minimum but bigger than 18 ok? I have 3 at 17 but another few between 9-15. Dr wanna stim another 2 days...scared the big ones will overgrow...endless worries. First I scared grow too slow. Now I scared some grow too fast...
I think low 20ish mm is ok. Yes if too big we might worry over matured already. My first trigger biggest follie is 20mm. Current one is 18mm.

I think how the doc decides to stim further or not is dependant on quantity and the size of your non dominant eggs. Sometimes it's better to give up the one dominant egg and brew the rest than to trigger now and give up the slow growing ones.
Mmm whats the ideal follicle size for trigger? I know 18 is the minimum but bigger than 18 ok? I have 3 at 17 but another few between 9-15. Dr wanna stim another 2 days...scared the big ones will overgrow...endless worries. First I scared grow too slow. Now I scared some grow too fast...

Dr will to sim another 2 days becos to boost up your 15 to 18 above... so you will have more eggs to retrieve...
Redvel n pupnui, but I hav 3 dominant ones already...the rest need some time to catch up...only worry is the dominant ones cannot be used cos too matured and the smaller ones cannot catch up
Redvel n pupnui, but I hav 3 dominant ones already...the rest need some time to catch up...only worry is the dominant ones cannot be used cos too matured and the smaller ones cannot catch up
Elaine, before my trigger shot, I had scanned in d morning and i had 3 size 28 & 25 too... It really depends bad doc will not forgo the rest (if there a a few or many more) just for the 2-3

Laine I know the anxiety reading all these numbers. My first ivf I was kinda wary too as my biggest was 20 and the rest mostly not very big. I wasn't on saizen then so the egg size differences quite big. But in the end ok le. All 16 eggs retrieved and i think 12 or 14 are matured.

So I would share trust your doc. He knows more than you do :p Bu yao zi ji xiang na mo duo!
