IVF/ICSI Support Group

Jkiss, beep, just when I thought no more discharge and I saw slight reddish brown now... Haiz... Tks for the supports...
Shall wait till end of the day and see how it's go. Lets jia you together

saralyn: I am also with TFC, under Dr Loh. I think you are in almost the same process as me leh. He also told me i can start a bit later (2 days later) so start tomorrow. I was also happy la.. hee. I didnt take any medicine yet and have not signed papers. I am on long. Is this your first fresh?

Good to hear that now sick is ok.. i am self-medioating (it has helped making me well sometimes or less sick) so am not so jialat now but if not well soon then need to go see GP le. I also having what you have plus cough. Am working from home today so feeling good
hope4baby: jiayou, i think if not sure, just see doc is better. else take the lotus root +glutinous rice porridge as someone previously suggested?
A lot of sisters seems to be sick. Me too. Luckily I was well during my ET. Now im having flu & cough but telling myself try not to take any medicine. May I ask if my ET was done on Monday, then the day of ET is considered as day 1 or day zero of ET hah?
dreamer: ya .. i saw news mention the flu bug but not many people me have that then i kena it myself.. take care of yourself and i think see a doctor before it gets worse. They must know what to do right?
Asiafrighter I din do AH. Dr loh nv mention that to me.

For sisters with flu and cough try to up your vitamins C by eating more apples n kiwi. No oranges for cough with phelgm.
Thanks Sis Sade! I shall eat some golden kiwis that my dh just bot last night. Had my progesterone level checked this morning. Happy that it is at gd level & hence no need to get a jab
Anyone experience brownish discharge during the last week of 2ww?
It has been there on n off for about 3 days.
Not sure should I go for bt tomorrow..
Hope4baby, I remember they open at 7.30am but not all staff arrive at that time. You can reach at 8am to save waiting time. And bring your BT forms.
Jkiss, I am on day 2 transfer
Just came back from bt.
I think will be negative result cos I having some red spotting now.. Result be out in 2 -3 hrs time ba...
Hi Jkiss, my appt is 28/8..

Mc, this is my frozen cycle left from my 1st ivf on 2010.

Will try naturally for number 2 for a few mths before starting fresh ivf...
Thanks all for the support!!!
Hope all sisters can bfp soon!!
Hi Dian: I am fine. We went down, the nurse taught us how to jab and my hubby did 1st jab today. He is good! Thanks for well wishes!

Hi hope: I salute you for your courage. Jia you!
Babyjourney, I called and called and called but no one picked up the call...

Dr Loh has not given me a date for my laproscopy. What do you think I should do now? Today is already my D7... how?? Can lap be done after ovulation? Aiyo... He is giving me anxiety...

Babyjourney, I wrote email since my menses came...

Asiafrighter, finally I got an email from him... maybe he read this forum....

He told me next sunday... but next sun will be D15 for me...

What happen when the folicle is released during the op? I have replied him and asked this question to him. Hope he reply me...
