IVF/ICSI Support Group

faithfullyyours, sorry to say this..
I think it is important to seek a 2nd opinion regarding your dh's case. Angela is a embrologist and Paul is a gynae. I believe they had given you the advise based on their many experience with her IVF patients. I also know of gynae who does testicular varicose op on man which I find a little strange... However, the urologists are the ones who are specialist in the man's part so I think can go and find out more infor.

Just my 2 cents worth.
Sunstillshines, actually to see an urologist to check and consult TCM doctor are two of the things that we had discussed.

You said you went to Mount E to seek advice and the conclusion is that the testicles are not damaged. But is it a blockage problem?

How high is your DH's FSH? Any TCM doctor to recommend?
According to Angela, my DH's case is like a man going through andropause but not quite similar.

Basically, the testicles gets the feedback from the brain to produce sperms but yet the testicles can't produce sperms and that explains the high LH and FSH.
Babysmurf, Haha...coming soon lah... be paitence ;)

Me ah! Waiting to see dr Tan in Sept then see when I can start FET lor. My aiming is Nov or Dec.
faithfullyyours, no, conclusion about the high fsh after seeing the urologist. There was no blockage at all. However, one of the testicles was not working well. This could be due to the mumps that he got when he was a kid. TCM doctor said that he is like woman undergoing menopause... He is still producing soldiers now.

The tcm dr has suppressed dh's fsh and he was able to produce more soldiers. We are not seeing that tcm dr anymore as it was of no help at all after 2 years. She has a lot of success pregnancy rate. After her, I went on to see different tcm and now currently seeing dr Tan Siew Buoy.
Does your dh always dream at night?

Do find out more about your dh's case before you embark on ivf. This is the time that your dh needs a lot of encouragement. He must be undergoing a lot of stress..

Your pm is off. Pm me and I will tell you more of the urologist and the tcm.
Babysmurf, finally I got an op date from Dr Loh. It is on this sunday! it should be a day for celebrate (Hari Raya) but I go for op. Today I got to know that I am #6 in the queue for the lap on Hari Raya. Even op also need to queue.. I hope I can survive the starvation as I must fast the night before until my turn.

When will you be starting your first jab?
Sunstillshines: jia you. After that do tiao your body.

Usagi: thank you. Now enjoying my life. Lazing ard before cycling.
Hi! *Wave*
I'm starting my cycle today... on 200 Puregon & 75 Menopur. KKH, Dr Matthew Lau. 1st time on Menopur... hopefully my body react well with it, cos last time only puregon then it dun react well actually.
Anyone also starting?
Snoopy, I went to op because I hope to eliminate causes of bfn. Like using a scrub to scrub away the dust so that I will feel fresh.... hahaha... and have more success rate to get a BFP!
Hi dreambear,
I went kkh this morning for blood test after testing with clearblue digital hpt for second time. It shows 'pregnant 2-3' compared to monday's reading 'pregnant 1-2'. Will update you my results when kkh calls.
Sunstillshines, after your op, can go home after a few hours rest or you need to stay in? Jia you!

melody123 and eumin - Congrats :D Have a smooth 9 mths ahead! What is your BHCG level?
Hi Melody & Eumin, congrats ya!!!!!! I'm gog for mine on Fri. Is this the 1st ivf for e both of u? Dare not to do e test at Hm & now I'm feeling both anxious & scare.....
Hi, my reading is 140. Kkh say pregnancy not yet cfm. Gotta repeat blood test on this Friday, which is the actual scheduled date. Kkh say reading must be at least 250.
Hi Dreambear, thanks! This is my 1st IVF. My bt is supposed to be on this fri. But i did the hpt early so went down for bt.

Good Luck for your bt!
Hi ladies

Am trying for another bb I am in my mid thirties already

Can anyone advise me how is the process for Ivf?
Did yr gynae recommend Ivf after u tried to conceive naturally after few months but no good news or you can request yr gynae to do it Asap?

Scare to approach my gynae about this as he may suggest I try naturally first but I got no patience Liao as getting old already .....

You know sometimes doc will say pls try first before u want to try another alternative
Hi eumin and melody 123, congrats !! Take care . It is nice to hear that the sisters are getting bfp. For me it is my first IVF , I am still in middle of program .wish every sisters good luck !!
Ladies guess I will b starting my cycle soon coz feeling cramp n juz went toilet n saw a bit of spotting so guess d full flow will cm by tonight. So if 2ml consider day 2 coz d nurse told me to call only when full flow on day 1. Any1 can gve me advice?
Hi hi everyone! I disappeared for awhile cos went holiday. How's everyone? How's my luv, babysmurf, snoopy, sunstillshines? Congrats to those sisters who bfp n have a smooth 9 months ahead
dian tang, dun worried first, maybe it might not happen or is only mild ohss. Just take it easy k. I was hit by mild ohss. I eat about 4 - 6 hard boiled egg whites a day and evenutally i feel better.
Leor: ok currently I only tried to drink ensure milk and maybe 2-3 egg . Think my intake was too little . I try to increase . Thank you for your encouragement !!
Luv, yeap. It's always nice to b back to my "hometown"... Haha

Thanks leor... But but but I don't wanna come home wor... Hehe

I1bb: so nice of you still remember me. Heehee. On enjoying my leave while waiting for the witch to come. She should be ard the corner.

Enjoyed your Bangkok.
