IVF/ICSI Support Group

Congrats Tutu. So happy for you

Grabbing some of your baby dust......
Now you must be good and stay healthy. Have a good & smooth 9 months. Take care & keep in touch.
Just went to check also, abit of brown discharge. Called Kkh and they said monitor first as log as no fresh blood still ok.
Last nite I tested hpt is negative. Mayb tmr then test again .
Hope4baby, test again tmrw or the following day, sometimes too early to be read by HPT . Hang in there, you can do it!

I have given up already as my flow too heavy and also didn't want to continue inserts. Confirmed by kkh earlier
however I'll still be around to jia you for you n beep n those who are in this tread, all the mtb.
Hi All, Dr instructed me to do hysteroscopy next mth before I start my next cycle. May I know is the procedures painful? How many days mc will be given? Can the surgery entitled for insurance claim? I check with my insurance agent and he mentioned that provided there is a principal diagnosis then can claim, if just check then can't claim insurance. Anyone can advise? Thanks in advance.
Tutu!! Congrats!!! Grab Ur bb dust !!!
Really miracle can conceive natural !! I also hope it happen to me....!
Any tips r ...?
Jkiss, thank u for sticking around to help us da3 qi4. **hugssss** I know how suucckkyy it feels, but jiayou okay, it will be a bfp next cycle. As for changing docs, I think go with your gut instinct, which I feel is our best guide for now. Which docs do u have in mind?
Sisters, is it alright to hv those cramp feeling at only at one side, mine is on e left side of my tummy after ET? Today is my 2d after ET.
Beep, actually am thinking of one whom I visit the first time before I embark on ivf, but don't know if he'll still take me. He's the doc in the mixed up case lor. I went kkh cos my friend said dr s is good n also cheaper option. Haiz...also don't know what to do.
Dreambear, it's normal to feel crampy, pulling effect after ET. It could be due to enlarged ovaries during stimulation. Don't worry .
Jkiss, if u can afford can try dr loh. I feel better with him but now he is at tfc. If I can afford I will go back to him..
But I want to save $ so go Kkh
Dreambear not to worry if you feel crampy shld be normal because I ve crampy feeling after ET n it lasted for quite long. And during implantation the cramp will be even more so don't worry ya
good luck n hope you can bFP soon
Tutu: congrats! So happy for you and grabbing your baby dusts!

Lil: I am glad the sharing helps. As the powder will naturally generate foam on stirring, using chopsticks will probably introduce more air in the mixing. I find that stirring with teaspoon gives a lumpy feeling at first but continual stirring actually is a breeze. As mentioned, the lumps can be dissolved by pressing the back of spoon against the wall of the cup. I didn't like the taste v much so I drank it as a liquid concentrate constitute. I do add water to "clean up" whatever leftover in the cup. On the ivf, i guess knowing yourself is also part of the prep. For me, I tend to think too much so the remedy is to know enough and leave to doc; afterall we pay so much :p Try to keep the mind occupied with other stuff, as long as we try, if it is to be, it will happen.. Trying or not. No point wasting energy on unnecessary thoughts; use that energy to think what to do during this time that you might not have... Haha, I am really talking to myself :D

A question: anyone on Immunocal experiencing lots of air in the tummy?
Dunno why I keep waking so early everyday like 8 plus when I used to be able to sleep till past noon.....Zzzzz

Jkiss ah, dun fret dun fret. I feel, if cost isn't an overwhelming issue, and you are exploring trying private, u wanna think about trying dr Loh? I also changed to dr Loh after I failed my 2 iuis and first fresh (and my initial consultations were with another doc!). I've done my second fresh, FET and am on current third fresh with him, and even if I bfn this round, I have no intention of changing doc. That's the level of comfort I have with him. That said, I think it's also luck of the draw for ivf, a game of probability. Maybe some of us just need to go through a few more rounds than others.
Thanks for all the advice. I will visit few docs before deciding which to go to for next cycle, Loh will definitely be one of them! Hee hee...
Is it easy to book appointment with Loh?
hi ladies.. happy national day!!

Im also on natural cycle, waiting to go for my FET in september. Just now when i went to toilet, i see reddish blood spotting like pre-menses kind of spotting but after awhile no more liao, today is my DPO 10. Im abit worried cos i went for massage 2 days ago, don't know if i hurt my cervical
. Im not sure if its implantation spotting too cos we didnt 'work hard' this cycle but we did BD. I tested the HPT but -ve.

tutu.. congrats!! You ttc naturally that cycle?
Thanks for sharing my happiness ladies
im happy but at the same time having the same 2ww anxiety ... Just hope bb will continue to grow healthy n happy .. Not within my control but can only pray ...

Snoopy-i started tcm after my failed fresh. Seeing dr zhong xi ming at eu yan seng, no accupuncture, medicine only for abt 2 mths. I noticed my menstrual flow was much less cloggy last cycle n i also stopped grinding my teeth which means my stress level was under control. I drank lrt but only on a weekly basis. Have been drinking hot water thru the day as office can be quite cold. My vaginal discharge problem hasnt been resolved in fact it turned itchy n worse this cycle. Due to the discomfort, we didnt have much sex so really surprised it happened! My DH even jokingly questioning if its his! Hahaha... I think tcm n reduced stress helped
n also believe this is probably in god's plan ... Its still early days for me n hence while staying positive im managing my expectation too.. Praying hard the bb will make it

So continue to have faith .. It will happen one day

Happy national day !!!!
@ Sarah : Hysteroscopy is not really painful, bearable for me. Doc will insert a small camera thru down there & go all the way in to check our womb & uterus to check. There is also a screen for u to see how beautiful they are
I did my ivf in pte hospital, and e clinic helped me to aoply & use my medisave to pay for majority of the cost for this procedure. Hope this clarifies.

@ Beep : Me too, I used to be able to sleep till v late & able to fall asleep any time of the day!  But since I'm on MC & HL, I wake up abt 8am plus everyday & can't sleep every night! Guess cos no stress at work bah?
Hi ladies
Happy national day
I just completed my first Egg retrieval at NUH and got 29 eggs. I'm at very high risk for OHSS so eating lots of protein and taking rest but feeling quite tired and sick. I'm also using progesterone gel suppositories. Has anyone used this before? I feel very nauseous with this and so hoping it is normal.
I was on long protocol and find this waiting period post retrieval more painful and tiring than injections!
Love to hear and read everyone ttc journeys and spreading baby dust
Beep,jkiss how r u now? I still have abit of brown discharge since yesterday late morning. Tested negative with cheapo hpt today... Not sure what nxt for me... Tested negative yet af not here yet. It's day 13 today ..called Kkh yesterday just told me to monitor if got fresh blood then go down for blood test on Friday ...
Hope4baby, u monitor okay, I will keep fingers and toes crossed for you. It's not over yet unless it's heavy flow. Hang in there! I'm okay leh, symptomless but shall stay zen.

Jkiss, it's quite easy to make appointment

Dreambear, yalor!! Esp painful as I'm waiting for time to fly by so that the 2ww ends quickly. Hahaa ironies of life
Asiafighter, from my experience, the embryologist will automatically recommend AH if the shell is tough, and I assume with dr loh's concurrence. Otherwise, dr loh wouldn't advise or do AH automatically at the outset, unless you request for it. When my eggshell was tough, the embryologist auto recommended AH. When my eggshell was ok, we had to ask dr loh (and somewhat insist) on doing AH and dr Loh was ok with it.
Congrats tutu. U r so lucky!

Tried to pm u but was blk. Possible to share the cause of ur infertility previously?
I went for my 1st fresh cycle in jul but was unsuccessful. I hv endometriosis n hydrosalpinx. Did my ivf wif KKH. Recently, I consulted dr Loh n he told me tat I shd not hv gone ahead wif ivf as the liquid due to hydrosalpinx will cause the embbies not to implant well.
Any ladies here wif hydrosalpinx n can share ur experience wif me? Hope there r those wif tis prob n hv bfp oreadi..

I am starting my Lucrin jab tomorrow. Do I have to jab myself at a certain time? I was too excited during my doc consultation that I forgot to ask. Heehee..

Also, the Lucrin is only so little in the bottle. Enough for the 10+ jabs before my next appointment with the doc?
Hi pokoyo, doc deemed our case as unexplained infertility. I do have pcos but ovulate regularly. My dh has slight low sperm morphology but according to dr loh its ok. N when we did ivf n icsi, ivf succeeded just as well as icsi. I believe tcm n reduced stress have improved the quality of my lining for implantation. Hope this helps ..
Hi jkiss, no more brown discharge since last nite.
But think I running fever n flu this morning cos my gal is running fever since Thursday. Not sure if I got the virus from her. Now at work later will take half day to see doc.
Did not test hpt today cos dun want to keep testing n result is negative. If no Af then wait for bt on Monday
Hi ladies, can I seek some advise from you? My AF has been late for 5days but when I tested the HPT yesterday, it shows negative. Anyone can tell me what I shd do next ? Am suppose to start my cycle this mth but now still no AF and am really stuck.
Hope4baby: thank u. Where to go to do blood test ? GP or kkh? Coz am thinking of going down today, terrible feeling of not knowing what has happen to u
Winnie: thanks, u mean I go to the 24hrs o&g and tell the counter that i request for blood test to test for pregancy? is it ok to go down in the evening coz am working today? Sorry to have so many qns.
hi Saralyn, I am also starting jab tomorrow! I will go down to the clinic as they will normally do the first jab and to sign forms, am wondering if yours is different? where are you seeking ivf at?

As for the lucrin amount, what i heard is if you draw the right amount, it should be enough as the doc will know how many days it is supposed to last? i am guessing that once u finish the bottle, it will be time to check if your hormones are controlled and start stimulation?

I am getting sick with flu also.. does anyone know if this will affect the start of the cycle? What a timing to get sick since I have been doing well these months
Jkiss, I haven't bfp yet at all so far leh, sianz :p

Hope4baby, no more discharge is good! U take good care meanwhile, hope u dun fall sick.
Sunnie: i think a blood test will be able to know. I ever did a blood test at Mt ALvernia and they can inform you on the actual day itself, just need 1-2hours.

Chris: are you on long or short protocol? I am with dr loh.. So far, I have not signed any papers yet.. I thought I will start the jab during the last consultation but he delayed afew days.. He said don't need so many days of jabs.. Hm.. Well, I was too happy to hear that and forgot asking him the timing to jab and is it enough with just one bottle..

Anyway, how about you? Where you doing your ivf?

I was/am still sick. Nose congestion and inflammation. I asked dr loh is it ok to proceed. He said is ok. As long as don't be sick on the actual day which I assume is the ER or ET.
