IVF/ICSI Support Group

Jkiss, aiyooo, day 9 for BT is still early, don't scare urself kay. Are u on baby aspirin? I was told not to take it the last time I was spotting. Do u know if your progesteron levels are okay? We must zen zen zen!

Hope4baby, are u also day 3 transfer like jkiss?

Who else also on 2ww ah?

Hey Beep, I'm also on 2ww le. Did my ET yesterday on Day 4. I keep having bloated & abit crampy feeling. Are these symptoms normal hah sister?? My movements now r very slow n careful, as if I'm already pregnant
must treat urself like a pregnant lady during 2ww! I was on total bed rest esp toilet trips & meal times. never squat or bend down
Yah lor another hurdle cross... Now another 2 weeks... Cant help feeling worried. Seeing laoshi this weekend, hope she will gv me some sanity... Haha
You also iiayou!!

My level was 830+ at 15dpt. But im happy with a singleton as long healthy.

Bloat is good esp if it continues till 2nd week. Gambate!!!
Jkiss55, hav u call Ur dr ?? U r on what day ? What I know if heavy flow, the dr will ask to stop aspirin immediately...
U r with which dr ??
Snoopy, I'm with kkh, dr Sadhana. I called the centre just now, the nurse told me to go down take blood test, again. Conclusion is if I want to stop, have to take blood test. Otherwise must continue with the med.
jkiss..fast fast go down if flow is heavy..dun stop support med first.

reikibaby...yr hcg lvl similar to mine...tot u r twins too ;-)
Dreambear, yups bloating's normal, unless it becomes unbearable like breathlessness etc. Rem to drink lotsa water!

Reikibaby, really every stage's a worry hor. Sure all okay

Jkiss, can stop aspirin now but for the other support meds, I agree that u shld not stop until after BT when u know the results conclusively. Play safe, and hang in there.
Yah lor... My dh still ask dr loh twice to cfm only 1 heartbeat? And Dr Loh's reply "you see carefully ah.. I move from right to left slowly and if you can see no. 2 & 3 tell me hor."
I was lying there and kept on laughing while that stick still in me.

I think theres a jab called Fraxi..... Cant recall the name. But you can always check with your dr. Im sure theres alternative.
Hi Aug buddies - Sunniehope, Babysmurf and Chris! How are you doing? Have you started on the jabs or scan yet? I'm on long protocol so after my blood test on D2, doctor will only see me on D21. I have another 1.5 weeks to go.
Hello Lil!!! Take the 1.5wks to relax and eat well. Eat egg whites, Dr Zou ask me to start on 2 egg whites a day b4 I start the jabs. Am still waiting for my AF to come, which is late for 3 days already. Got me half worried half excited. Wonder if it's delayed due to stress or maybe gd news. But I dun haf any symptoms as in no swollen breasts etc and still eat very well.
Girlgirl: ya really.

Lil: hi! Dr Loh says I can start Lucrin on sat instead of Thurs. He ask me not to read and know too much leh so that I don't stress my DH.. Haha. Anyway he says we won't be doing blasto too and our chance of success is 30-40%, i really hope can have success on first time. Anyway, will just leave to him to manage especially since work is already taking a lot of energy

Sunnie: just enjoy first, be in peak of health and don't think so much (easy to say la)

I want to post on how I mix the Immunocal within 5mins. Maybe some of you already gotten the hang of it but just sharing this. I put in 2.5 tablespoon of water in a cup, pour 2packets of Immunocal, stir with 1 teaspoon with frequent pressing the back of spoon against side of cup until almost done then use another teaspoon to press out any lumps by pressing/rubbing the 2 spoons together. Finally add some milo powder, stir in and is v effective to remove the foam. Doing so helps in drinking the constitued mix and does not cause discomfort to my tummy.
hope this is helpful for u too.
Lil: me still waiting for the witch to come. On short protocol. Expecting to in abt 1-2 wk time. Hahaha.

I just start my accupture with Dr Zou. How our sis Lakigal?
Baby smurf, wave n hugs. Thks for rem me.

Me now nv do anythin, only tkin conceive gold. Seem like I'm v lazy.
I will b starting my cycle soon around 17 aug on short protocol, feelin nervous now. Scare of d injection
Nurul: I heard hardboil damage the protein, is it true?
Laki: dr Zou say both hard or soft are ok. I dun really like soft , so I take hard boil.
Reiki Baby,
Congrats! One more step closer to your dream .
Thanks for sharing about your Laoshi. I enjoy her yoga class and healing session.. It helps me to relax and being more calm.

Hi Nurul dear: how are you doing lately?

I m waiting for my FET turn now. This month finally ovulated though it was late.

Jia You everyone!!
Hi all, i have been a silent reader for a while. I have been resting after a failed 1st fresh in May. Was planning for fet in sep n got a positive preg kit test this morning! It was a dark line which appears very quickly. Not a dodgy tesr kit but one i got from aus. Went for blood test n waiting for results now. Had slight spotting yesterday. Pls share your experience if this could be a false alarm... Not sure if i should stay positive or manage my expectation this could be a false alarm. Waiting in agony for blood test... Kitty katty - gd luck
Sounds like good news :) I m excited for you. Good luck!
Actually, I have been thinking about you too this morning and wonder when wiill you be doing your FET. Hopefully, it's positive and you don t have to go for FET. Keep us posted .
Hi kitty katty, i have been thinking of u too. Gd to hear you ovulated this mth, so are u transferring embryo this mth? Im not hopeful as its too gd to be true. How have u been feeling? Coincidentally i was looking at yoga inn n was planning to sign up..
Mc 007- do u really think so? Im just been very negative now as i have been really bad in the last cycle, alcohol, had sashimi n ice cream. Was in aus last week n was freezing. Lugged heavy laptop n luggages in 2ww. Wondering if the kit could be faulty... Worried it could be chem preg....
Tutu, did u read the line within the valid time limit? If so, shld be a positive. Dun worry yourself out now. Some ladies get a bit of blood on the day they were supposed to get their menses. Sthg like breakthrough bleeding. Maybe that's what happened to u.
Tutu, i just had my FET done this morning cos ovulated on last Sunday. Just praying hard that everything will go smoothly for me this time and I m trying to stay really stress free this 2 weeks. You be positive, ya.
Hi Sunniehope, are you going to try HPT? 3 days late sounds promising. Cross my fingers for you!

Hi Chris, thanks for sharing the immunocal mix technique. Ya, powder is hard to dissolve. I will try your suggestion. Right now, I just mix with water and stir with a chopstick because it does not stick so much. Doctor also told me my success rate is around 30-40%. Maybe more like 30%. All the best in your jab this Sat. You are right about letting the doctor manage and stress about it. I'm going to adopt that attitude too. Hopefully that will take some stress off me.

Babysmurf, enjoy your time now. I'm on long protocol so by the time I start, you will be starting too.

Regarding the eggs for protein, is there any reason why we shouldn't take the egg yolk (besides high cholesterol)?

Tutu, your signs sounds very promising! Congrats! Waiting for the confirmation of your news soon!
Kittykatty, mc007, luvnhope, i cant believe it ! I fall pregnant naturally! Hcg 485
thanks for the positive vibes this morning. Kittykatty - all the best to u, u will get succeed too. lets stay in touch ! To the rest of the ladies still trying - dont give up, im starting to believe, when the time is right, it will happen, be patient n continue to jia you !!!
Congratulations, Tutu! What a blessing! Grabbing your baby dusts! It's interesting that you said you were bad last cycle, alcohol, ice cream, sashmini and lugging heavy stuff and yet still fall pregnant. It is true that when the time is right, it is right!! Take care!
Congrats Tutu
grabbing some baby dust hehe

Lil : nope I haven't tested, no courage to test. I took bbt this morning, it's 36.5 so it seems a bit too low so thot can't be gd news.

I been having those transparent sticky discharge like those u haf when u near ovulation. Any ladies can advise if this is normal ? M already past ovulation lei, menses 4 days late. My body seems to be haywire Liao
Thanks ladies !! Yes i was very bo chap this cycle. Doing all the "don'ts" as i have given up hopes on falling pregnant naturally n all ready for fet in Sep. I even climbed a steep slope in my 2ww in Aus! I hope my story gives the ladies here hopes. We have been ttc for 2 yrs. Did 2 iuis n 1 fresh ivf early this year - all failed. Have been nursing my health as i ohss in my 1st fresh. This happens to me , it will happen to u one way or another - grab my bb dust n stay positive

Tutu, Conceive naturally is different, so no matter what you do also nothing will happen, cos you didn't know. Have a smooth 9months ya! ;)
