IVF/ICSI Support Group

Luvnhope, that was exactly what I was wishing for when I was in the operating theatre, ie rather than let the embryos swim in there, how about using a needle prick a tiny hole n house the embryo in there?

Well, am sure the pro must hv tot of it, but prob not feasible.
Ling, hahah.. the docs prob still can't replicate the chemical reactions that have to take place for implantation to occur. Well, but who knows in the future?
Well dreambear, I was on 425 Puregon n 150 Menopur for 13 days and I had only 5 eggs retrieved! I didn't ask dr loh why so few coz I know my age is a big factor.

If I were you, I will transfer both embbies. No harm.
Well Ling, if I'm not wrong u r trying for ur number 2 currently right? Look at the bright side, at least not so bad lah... Dun mind me asking, how old r u? I'm 36 this yr, still young at heart
Am really looking fwd to e transfer but at e same time also scare....
Eumin, hmm I was not informed of d medication, think will only get to know when I go bk for d scan. I only knw d dosage will b 150iu.

Serene, did d dr say y af for 2-3 days r no gd? Me actually oso hvin it bout full flow for 2 days n then 3rd day spotting n then af end. In d past, im actually hvin longer af till 5 days but now dont knw y it last only 2 days. Can u share more info w me?
Hi gals, I tried Ivf last dec and failed. Only had one embbie and nothing to freeze. I did it at Nuh and when I went to dr Loh after the failed cycle, he discovered that I had a polyp. I had it removed during a Lap with dr Loh last feb and tried a few iuis with clomid and natural but failed. Thinking of embarking on Ivf again. Any idea how much dr Loh charges? Do we do it at his o&g clinic?
tub, remember me? I did my first fresh end of last year too. IVF with Dr Loh is done at TFC @ Novena Specialist Centre. All the best!
Hi Beep, I also never drink cold water anymore (ok.. once in a blue moon I do, but it was like once a month)... and seldom take room temp drinks... even the bubble tea I took once a month is warm.. lol...

Laki_gal, our AF duration is a gauge to see if our womb lining is good enough for implantation to take place... I would suggest you go for TCM to improve this womb lining... Things that I do are all for womb lining.... but there seems to have no solution for womb temp (that's gauged from our basel temp).
Hi all
I read that a lot of you are recommending royal jelly, DHEA, coq 10.
Can I check what are these for and where can I get it. I was taking multi vit but the TCM I went advice me don take any other supplement only take his Chinese Medi.
I am so temp to take the supplements you all have recommended. Did any of your TCM advice you all not to take them?
I had a failed ivf recently not good eggs. Still thinking to try again or not.
Laki_gal, basal temp n duration of AF do not have any connection (i think). So when a person has low temp, it does not mean that the AF is not enough... Just happen that I am in this situation. Hmmm... maybe got a little relationship.. I will need to ask my TCM doc lor.

CoQ10 is prescribed by my doc (Dr Matthew Lau, KKH). As my egg quality is not good, he says this supplement might help in increasing the activity level of our embryo (they need energy to split into multiple cells). My TCM doc never say cannot take... Just rem to have at least 2 hours in between the western med & TCM med.
hi lainelaine,

thanks, think i will brave my courage to go thru it.. my gynae never tell me i have cysts or anything.. he just said need to have a lapo so that he can clear whatever that is not good to increase the chances of conceiving..

hi ladies,

can anyone share with me the actual costs for ivf? i am doing it at sgh.. not sure of how much costs i should allocate..
Hi luv, u bfp-ed right?? Congrats! Can I ask how much dr Loh charges and how much grant can we use?
Hi tub, thanks!!
BFPed in my 2nd fresh.
I'm not with Dr Loh, so I may not have the accurate costs. Estimated cost I'd say is from $12k to $15k or more, depending on your dosage? No govt grant cos it's private hosp. Can use Medisave still.
All the best!!
Serene, did your basal temp improved after you have switch to drink warm water instead of room temp water?

did you carry the thermal flask everywhere? it is very heavy....
Hi tub, Dr loh is now at TFC. A fresh cycle costs $12-$16k depending on your dosages. No govt grant, can claim medisave $6k for first attempt. Do consult Dr loh at his O&G clinic first. N if he deems that u need ivf then go TFC for first consultation with the nurse n she will explain the procedure n estimated costs.

Mmland DHEA is for low ovarian reserve. Royal jelly is for good egg quality. Do Google to find out more. I din take tcm only Accupunture.
Came across a website that mention Royal jelly is fed to queen bees and they can produce lots of eggs and live a longer life than worker bees. Google to find out more.
Hi minibunny, the estimated cost is around $13K to $15K depending on the dosage given. The nurse will give you an estimated breakdown listing of the cost for your reference.
mmland - I took the following list of supplement with no TCM.

1) COQ10 100mg
2) blackmores conceives well gold
3) folic acid
4) EYS cordycep pills

dream - I was over stimulated, harvested 38 during ER, suffered quite a bit but all worth it! by day 5 of stimulation, there was close to 30 eggs already, Angela immediately bring down the dosage of gonal-f
Thanx sisters I will go google for more info.

dreambear best of luck!!!

Sade, you mean for 2nd attemp can't use medisave?
Hi Sade

I tried going iherb but there are so many type of royal jelly. In capsules, raw honey & softgel... Which is the one you are taking? Maybe can recommend me. So confused. :$
Mmland, sorry to confuse you. 2nd attempt is $5k medisave, 3rd attempt is $4k for private. I have to pay upfront and TFC will only return the claim amt in 3months times. I don't know if the system is the same now. I did it in April 12.

The iherb product which i took is Y.S. Eco Bee Farms, royal jelly & Pollen in honey.

I took 2 and half bottles and then for my ivf, i only hv 5 follicles and only 2 eggs were retreived. 1 mature, 1 non mature and resulting in BFP with Dr Loh.

You might wanna check with your TCM whether you can take royal jelly or not. Cos dont know if it's cold type. I din consult TCM but did accupunture twice weekly for abt 4 months before ivf but in between break for 2 months.

As for DHEA, can only buy from KKH.
back from KKIVF with my 1st Lucrin jab.

So crowded when I arrived +_+||| no seats at all...have to stand and wait for my Q....

next round will be BT and scan on 22/8...
Hi Girl,
I think we will be quite close.. All the best! Dr Loh says i can delay the lucrin by 2 days (start on this sat) instead.
Hi beep and hope4 baby, how r u doing? Jia you ok? All the best, one week to go!
I went kkh just now to take blood test as bleeding yesterday, result was quite negative. However, still continue v insert till BT date!
think you asked a few days back on if *poot* lots after taking dr zou's chinese med..yes i do too lol..rather gassy..but these week not too sure as i naughty..stopped a little as i stress over home reno now..
Sorry ladies to interrupt again.
I have some extra Blackmores Conceive Well Gold tablets and capsules to let go. Pls PM me if u're keen?
Hi ladies, dr Loh advised me to take DHEA. Xan I buy it over the counter at kkh? Dr Loh gave me a prescription. Can advise where to buy?
Luv, thanks for the info. I used up the first grant when i did the ivf at nuh. The 12-16k u mentioned is before subsidy right? So second time i can claim 5k is that right? Only at govt hospital then i can claim an extra 3k izzit? Dr loh suggested that I do soiui first..
tub, yup, the amt is b4 Medisave claim. sade also provided estimated costs earlier on in another post.
Yeah, you can claim $5k medisave for 2nd time. So far i think only KK, NUH and SGH has govt grant. If u do SOIUI then maybe not so worth it to use ur Medisave for now? Unless u're certain it'll hit $5k or above.
Hi chrisl: I didn't take dr zou medication only did accupture. Next day like laosai. Sorry. Doing my accupture today shall see tmr
Wow, i 2 weeks never post and so many new sisters joined this big family! Welcome and all our dreams will come true!!!

Today went for my 1st scan to detect heartbeat after bfp. And due to previous bad experience, was kinda scared of the scan although laoshi did tell me that she 'sees' heartbeat in my last week healing session.. Haha scare myself for nothing.
Actually was hoping to see if i can hv twins due to my high beta level but laoshi told me there is only one! Heee

Sisters who trying ivf or fet soon, i understand it is really not easy esp the 2ww. Even gynae cant tell us whether it will succeed anot but i have to admit that I'm impressed with laoshi. I'm not promoting her hor... Just want to share my experience. Laoshi and linda really my 贵人. Whether is it a bfn after bfn or mc, it is really not easy for any of us to go through and experience it. But laoshi really really help me tobe sane this 2 weeks waiting for heartbeat and of cos the 2ww waiting for beta. The last 2ww she assured me that i will bfp cos she sees a baby. This time she assured me a heartbeat.
So i feel, if many things are beyond my control then laoshi and linda is really a gift from heaven to help me...
Good luck to all

I dun bring thermo flask along... just drink when needed... if thirsty.. have to drink room temp water... but usually warm water lor...
I used to think my temperature very high, as I use the ear kind... now I use the oral kind, that's when I know actually mine is so low... sad.
Chris> really? Hehe...come come let's jiayou for each other....

Reikibaby> really...a baby is a gift from heaven. Of course as mummy to be, must take good care of yourself, ok? So now baby is how many weeks?

today i ask the SSN at KKH that how long the MC will be...she say the MC will cover from ET onwards....so was thinking that can we ask for longer MC????
Hi jkiss,
I finished 1 week vacation leave and back to work... Super Sian at work... Tested hpt yesterday for fun n it's negative...
Think I got nothing better to do to test so early...
Jkiss, yesterday was how many dpt? You must jiayou too, whatever happens alright *huggggs* Yes, do continue with the meds until BT. I'm staying sane, and wondering why 2ww is crawling by. Had some bloating since last thurs, but it's going down......dunno to be happy or sad.

Reikibaby, yayyy, another hurdle crossed!
Hope4baby, why u back to work so soon? HPT starts working from wed, day 11, hehe

Beep, was day 8. Was hoping for only implantation bleeding but got slightly heavier, so disappointed. I think after day 8/9 will hv not much symptom as already embedded in your lining le...keep spirits high yay...
Jkiss, I don't feel anything after day 6... Oh day 11 is tmr !! Hehe..
I did not take mc and hl for the fet. Just took 1 week leave for the critical period.

hope4bb and jkiss...day 8 is definitely too early to test hpt... if u had hcg jab previously, it shows that all hcg had cleared yr body so the upcoming test will be accurate..

jiayou and stay Zen....

reikibaby...gratz on yr heartbeat scan...what was yr hcg lvl tat time?
