IVF/ICSI Support Group

LaKi gal, u changed ur nick! Much more cheerful nick!

^5 red_velvet.

And 1 more thing... Dr zou say can take quail ew instead of the normal egg. Smaller size, easier to swallow. I couldnt take half boil egg cuz top goes in bottom come out soon after :p
Hope, my max i only take 2 pkts. Cos according to the distributer she mention 3 pkts is mainly for paitence that diagnose with cancer. If not, 2 pkts a day is very good.

I took early morning with empty stomach. Straight 2pkt at one go. Cos I lazy to make it for a second round. Moreover at work place very troublesome. Had never try 3 pkt at one go wor. Maybe u can take 2 at one go early morning then another pkt just before lunch becos by then yr stomach should be empty also.

The distributer did mention no point drinking more than 3pkt becos it will be wasted.
Ladies, wher u all get d immunocal?

Celc, d quail egg will tk in as whole? Then will it impact d chlorestrol level as I heard tat il1 quail egg is equally to around 5 eggs
Laki, just fyi that immunocal cannot mix with warm or hot water. Can only mix either normal room temp water or cold water.

Usually I mix with HL milk or yougurt drink directly from fridge
Velvet: I also didn't really CRIB..but I tested early on day 9 with those cheap test strips...when I saw two lines..I started to be a bit more careful and slow in movements...still walked ard to cook lunch...I didn't go out tho
biggly, u can detect so early ah! I only detected mine on 13dpt wor. I tested negative on my 12dpt lor. Luckily all go smoothly in the end.
Haha..coz I still have a lot of strips left...think coz I was too bored then I read that some cld detect at 9th day..so I tried...in a way it was gd too coz there wasn't any stress when I tested..coz it's ok to be -ve then..when I saw two lines (which I never did before) I was shocked too..so I tested everyday fm then on to c if the colour turned darker..
Thanks gal! I'll take my head off baby for at least half a yr. budget planning is coming and i just got promoted so have to work even harder. I'll b back! Cheers
I feel so guilty today. Weather so hot today. Having very bad cough n sore throat. Already drink ot of water. In addition drink ice bottle qiu hua tea n also a big cup of ice milk tea from mos burger. Bad bad me. Best thing I left my medication in office.
Babysmurf, if you are having sore throat n cough, better to stop LRD (if u r drinking) for the time being as you may be too heaty liao. Hv some vit C or take manuka honey with lemon.
babyg / luv: pls let me know wether yr dr gives u yr HL. then i see wether can ask from dr.s. how many days or weeks u planning to ask?
Luv, already replied your pm.

Redvelvet, thanks! When is your next scan? Am also very excited for you. Everything has been lOoking great for you so far. Hope you'll have a smooth and successful ER next week.
My FET will be in sept instead cos my clinic shorthanded and appointment very full
Anyway, im looking at airtix now already..hoping for a good deal in july so can stay till sept
So enough time to do TCM and accupuncture (if i find my courage by then) and most of all i'll still be in time for the DURIAN SEASON!!!!! lol

BTW, Laki gal i love your new nick hehehe
sounds more positive!! Good good! postive vibes = positive embbies and thus they'll be more happy to stick around!!

Celc yeah! quail eggs are higher in cholesterol and more ex..
