IVF/ICSI Support Group

Blur xuan, drink pocari instead of 100plus to make up e water loss due to LS.

N pls dun feel paisay of keep emailing yr gynae. Dun compromise e paisay thingy over yr precious bb. Furthermore, wat there to be paisay. She ur gynae n u r paying her ok. In doubts or worry, of coz muz ask la...
Thks Miracle, BBjourney, Chevy, Blurxuan, Hope, Babysmurf, Joyfully! Finally back home after ER. Was a much more pleasant n comfortable experience than my last ER. Hubby allowed to go in too, tho I was knocked out by the time he came in, hahah. Thankfully side effects much much lesser too. Phew!! ET on Sat if all goes well.

Babygalore, hope all went well for u?
Luv, congrats
how many eggs retrieved?
Thks Prosepina! Will be ur turn soon!

Retrieved 28 eggs to my surprise cos was expecting fewer this round. But yet to know how many are mature, n have to see how many fertilized.
Thanks Sarah for the information on the TCM at Parkway Parade.Do you normally see him on weekends?
Is it true that he is able to diagnose without you telling him your problems?
Is his medication very bitter? Sorry for so many questions.... :p

Hi Maggiemee, your nick sounds familiar too! I think we are cycle buddies in 2009.

How are you? What stage are you at now?
Luv, wow, congrats on the gd no of eggs! Rest well and may many of your eggs be fertilized! Rest well and all the best for your ET on sat!
Thks Joyfully! Was a nice experience at CARE today. More personal touch than at KK definitely. You'll be in good hands come ur turn too.
Luv, congrats on your successful ER. Since u hv so many eggs retreive, u must drink at least 2litrs of water, eat more eggwhites, drink immunocal to prevent OHSS ok.

I also like CARE alot. I enjoyed my ER n ET experience there. Very relax and they dont rush us, gives us time to recover n get ready.
Luvnhope, congrats... 28 is a lot. Rest well and all the best for ur ET this sat.

Minnie, I normally see him on weekends. For my 1st visit, I nv tell him whats problem I facing and only tell him failed my IVF. And he listen to my pulse and tell me I have low progesterone level. Which is true as all the test done before IVF my problem facing is low progesterone. After that he ask me whether my uterus is retroverted. He did told me with retro uterus it will be harder to conceive naturally. Now he is treating my thyroid in order for me to proceed for FET asap.
Luv, glad to know that you have a great experience at CARE today.
thanks for sharing your experience, it was a relief for me to know as well.

I am feeling very excited for you, time flies, and pray that you'll be able to see your bb's heartbeat soon.

Take care, Luv!
wah.....I had to backtrack quite a bit to locate your post heheheeee...... I tried to wear it last wkends, can't make it thru 3hrs after waking up. Weather too warm n the warmer was kinda prickly hahahahaaaa.......
Hi Blur_xuan,

So long as your LS is not accompanied with fever, then it should be ok. Just keep yourself hydrated and monitor the situation.

In my last pregnancy, I had diarrhea + fever and was hospitalised for 4 days. Take care!
MC, will try the fluffy 1 this wkend. Hope it's more comfy heheheeeee..... dun wan end up scratching like monkey lor wahahahaaaa

How r u feeling now? Good?
Sarah, yepz, me using the Daiso ones. I bought 2 types to try. The normal (non-fluffy) one is slightly prickly but length-wise, quite stretchable. I can wear it from under my breasts to lower tum. Which one did u buy?
blur_xuan, i have diarrhea too, I can go to toilet 3 times a day.. I checked with my gynae and she said its perfectly fine as long as it is not too sever.. .. drink more water k to hydrate yourself..
HI sisters. My bt reading is 1058.4! But i'm worried about my spotting and so i requested to see Dr Sadhana tomorrow morning to request for more support..... BB dust to all sisters!!!
Congrats luv! Keep us informed of your embryos!

Joanne, give us good news-we need it here!

Honestly, i wish im suffering from something in my 2ww but I have been feeling so well I'm not confident I'm going to succeed this round
. Went to see Loh today for discharge and he said if I'm anxious, I can bt this sat. I will be doing that. Super duper nervous now.....
Joanne, I just did a flashed back to read your history messages. I admire your determination n you are such a role model n encouragement for us. Have u also done a progesterone test? Increase your support! N stay calm. Do your best to keep your embbies safe n tight. Keep the good news coming! I'm not experience enough with spotting, hope someone could advise u on this....
Sarah, I bought mine from Rivervale mall. It was the last piece on the rack. I fast hand fast leg grab it. Actually I also duno warm bo. Am I supposed to feel the heat
