IVF/ICSI Support Group

Good morning everyone! I caught the 2nd half of dr Lohs interview. He speaks mandarin very well!

Fou fou, I won't suggest you test early. No upside n results is not conclusive.

Nurul, what do u mean by meds for 10 days? I have enough med to bt.

Shainie, are u working or resting, what's your next step? It's nice to still see u around..

sarah, that's cotton and only 1 layer. it dont seems warm to me so i just keep it away..sigh! waste of $..good choice to DIY, maybe you could share with us also
fou fou and kittykatty ...i am also the very scare type to test early as i m afraid of bfn .. however, one of the sister, i think is heartbeats, mentioned that pte do test earlier like D16 or D17.and if u r bfp, its gd to get support earlier.

As such, i tested on dpt15 (fri) and my hcg already 864..i am glad that i start the support over the wkend instead of waiting for the Bt on Mon.

However, the decision is yrs..dun stress abt it :-D
Miracle, today's scan show more egg but some r smaller & dr says might nt be able to use. So usable is mayb bac to like 7. Nvm lah.

After ur stimulation u din go & scan? I did on D5, D7 & 1 more coming up D10. I tink it's for monitoring of the egg growth.
Tutu, I used to be fr this thread oso. Moved to another thread upon BFP. During my ivf journey tat time, I oso get moral support n advise fr other sisters in this thread as well.

So since tat time, sisters in this thread supported mi n nw I support bk u these batch of new sisters.... (ppl helped mi, I helped ppl... Haha...) in fact, not so much of helping la but maybe juz sharing of experiences
Or in other words, I KPO la.... Haha....

Anyway, This time rd, I myself oso learnt abt FET fr this thread ya...
BabyJourney:Do you know if they telecast again in the evening? I want to see Dr SF Loh interview. He is my hubby's idol >Blush<
Really respect what he is doing. He gives us hope and miracle.....
Nurul, r u taking walnuts now? If no, pls take 3-4 walnuts everyday as walnut helps to increase progresteron. But dont overdose cos will cause heatyness.

Kittykatty, not sure if there will be any repeat telecast in e evening. Maybe u can check fb for Good Morning Singapore or xinmsn to see if they upload e show there.
BabyJourney no...Currently takin brazil nuts 7 pieces. Is it too late to take now? Cos today d6pt n DH werkin nite n tomorrow. Guess can ask hym buy on Thur dat is my d9pt.

BabyJourney I pm u...can help me check?
BabyJourney: Thanks for the info. How are you so far? How often u need to see Dr loh now? That's for accompanying us here.

Same goes to Bblis for dropping by to support us
Nurul, no harm giving walnut a try now. I started taking b4 i start my cycle. If can start taking today or tomolo. Hope can help to improve ur progesteron level.
Hi jmamee, thanks for your updates! I've read about how the doctors are more concerned about the quality of the eggs rather than the quantity, so guess it should be ok. Will keep you in my prayers as well. *hugz* i'll update as well on my scan this friday.

Hi Prosepina, we were discussing on the results of our scan at day 5 of stim. Today is day 6 of it and I feel like a sudden desire to do spring cleaning so here I am, taking a break after cleaning out my storeroom. My scans are also very frequent because I have PCOS and doc is afraid I might have OHSS. But yours is a long protocol right? Maybe for short the scans are more frequent in between, dunno though. This is my first time anyway. In between my bouts of energy spurt I feel tired and grouchy. Guess that's a common thing around here, our poor husbands. Well, I have Gossip Girl and The Walking Dead dvds to accompany me for now, if you guys wanna borrow it from me I'll be happy to loan!
Kittykatty, i plan to see dr loh every 2-3 weeks due to my condition. like Bbliss, the sisters here help me alot during my cycle so if i can i hope i can help too.
Nurul huda, increased dosage or progesterone will help. With the insert, do u see them " come out" the next morning? I asked nurse n she said its ok . I continue to get "condensed milk" kind of discharge. More yellow than greenish. N the excess progesterone insert that "comes out" as I wipe is stained red slightly.. Hope this is ok. No cramps no sore breast no ohss attack, hope embryos are still alive... Do u feel giddy from the progesterone? I do..
Tutu E insert yes I saw dem come out. But mine is totally white colour and mine so far when wipe colourless. Ya e nurse oso told me its ok. Which dpt u r todae? Mine got cramps 2 nyte straight in a row mainly et nyte. Most of e tyme I hav joint ache et my hip side. Cannot stand e twitching pain. But it goes on n off. For me my stomach bloated, sore breast, giddy so far so good haven't yet cos I hav been in bed since yesterday nyte. I cant sit or walk long, onie den i starts to hav giddiness. But my appetite is not so good. Me too hope our embryos r doing fine n well.
Nurul, hopefully your cramps are implantation n how many eggs did u retrieved? Cos it sounds like ohss. N hopefully it has been triggered from preg hormones. I dont have any of your symptons except giddiness.. Twitching pain could be from ovaries from ER. Do u have any frozen? Which doc are u with?
Hey sistas, i woke up crying. today is my trigger shot day. feeling scared, worried and nervous (is it normal?)
scared because i have no control of things and worried abt the outcomes.
so sorry
nurul and mc: can i just check, if they ask me to be at the kkh 24 at 930 for shot. will it be better to go earlier or later and have a later shot
Bruno, don't worry, you have progressed this far means you have been doing very well. Not everyone proceed to this stage, I have friend who has low ovarian reserve or not enough follicles to proceed with ER. So don't worry at all. How many follicles n who is your doc?
Just a quick question. When did u call and say that you would be on hl? On the same day morning? Or did u all inform prior to er itself? Only my ro knows that I'm having some kinda treatment but nothing specific..
Hi mc - My bt is this fri 25/5.... I read before another sister mentioned we should request for progesterone during hcg bt so at least we know whether we need extra support if bfp right?
Bruno don't b scared. Everything is gona be fine ok. Just have faith n remain positive. U hav gone thru so much n tis far. Juz tel urself I m doing tis in order to hav a complete happy family. Wif GOD wills, u can pull thru. We r ol here for u ya
Babygalore: i will call the day b4 and just say docter say got problem and have to do opt the nx day. covered under HL leave
tutu: thx.i am with doc sadhana kkh. 9 follicles.

nurul. thx. I will just leave eveything to GOD now

babaygalore : thx. we will JIAYOU together. Good luck 2morow for yr ER.
nurul : 15 is a lot. how many frozen?

for kkh when am i suppose to buy the insurance? did any sistas from kkh buy the insurance?
Tutu, dun mentioned. Btw, if yr discharge is yellowish or greenish, it could be some infection. Try use feminine wash. Used e brand starting letter Lac....(cannot rem Liao) can get at guardian. White color bottle. Dr loh gave mi tat for wash when I m having yellowish discharge prev. E discharge as long as no foul smell, no worries

Nurul - able to share wat u mean by no frozen when u have 15eggs ? Thx.
KittyBaby &amp; i1BB simple apologise from them. Never ease my pain.
I will still proceed my IVF at KK for my next cycle. I BFP twice under Dr Tan so will stick with him. This is not his fault but the O&amp;G Dr fault. He never neglected me. The only thing is I hate O&amp;G so much!
My mum said it is very pantang for her to here people said if miscarriage want to happen we can't do anything. It same as ur praying for my m/c. Even yesterday the personal ask my to go to O&amp;G to check up coz Im bleeding again since Monday, I rejected the offer.
Prosepina, I still searching on how to DIY. At 1st thinking to do knitting myself but DH say i will only do half way and ask me not to waste time. So now trying to figure out what other material that can keep warm. Will update here again ok.
Afternoon ladies,

How's everyone's day so far? Me been in the bed the whole day, kinda bored. Call Dr Zuo yesterday and she advise me to take pao shen. Also to cook the lotus root and glutinous rice porridge.

Bruno, the insurance just pay on your ET day after the transfer. Just bring your check book along and the nurse will let you know how much to pay on that day.

kiki, oh u r the gal who called. I was there yesterday when you called. I heard about it she said "oh..got heartbeat, that's good" haha..then the rest can't hear liao...hope you are getting better now.

What's the recipe of lotus root and glutinous rice?
