IVF/ICSI Support Group

J03, the wanton no prawn so ok. Only two small one. Actually I asked before as long is a bit and cooked is ok but not crab n sotong ba. Too cold le.

ha ha yes, later if rain again we will pray for a BFP for everyone here :p Ron would be the first one to BFP.
Am now at kkivf.. Gonna collect my lucrin medications today! Woah, so many people here..
Finally, am starting my ivf journey officially.. The wait was so irritatingly long.. Now that the time has come, I shall stay as positive as I can be..
Hopefully everything goes on smoothly for all!
Take care to those in 2ww and could be very much preggers!
Hi jo3, hmm.. Now u set me thinking.. Hmm....
Dr zou was saying that tcm is made thru natural ways hence it will not conflict with the injections.. But i am thinking .. What if it does conflict leh??? Aiyo headache.. Haha
I have mc before so maybe more careful and think abit more lor..
good afternoon ladies.
just bk from hospital. today went for my pregnyl jab. nuh do pregnyl jab on day4 n day day7 after er. today i learnt how to mix e jab. so sat i will administer myself.

hi mms, forget to answer ur other questions. if u n ur hub never do fertility test b4 or ur report is more than 6 mth, prof might request u to do another fertility test. u may did the test in one mth n start e ivf process in e next mth. but prof normally will suggest u to do 3 times iui 1st if tube no blockage n spermies morhpology n mobility not veri bad. i oni did twice iui n insist to proceed to ivf. e younger age u do ivf, e higher is e success rate.
mi also under dr zou accu for 4plus mths. took her chinese med but stop after i start my ivf as prof does not encourage to take tcm med. some of e tcm med contents r unknown so dunno whether will hav side effects wif e suppression n stimulation jab.
Hi bingo
Oh.. Sorry to affect u.. As me also mc twice two yrs ago so very careful with wht we eat.. Yes, tcm is natural herds but still we must gap 2hr before take any western medi so if injection, it always in our body then will it conflict with it? Sigh.. So to be safe, i only take accu since i hv always been taking tcm medi for one yr before i start ivf.. If only few mths no take then shd be ok ba..;) but during 2ww, i take again..;) is really up to u, hope u dun be affect by me too much.... Just to share my thots only..;)

Hi melodi
Oh i see.. As i stop take wanton since start ivf as worry their prawn actually cut to small bits and mix with the pork.. If urs only two small prawn and can take out, then shd be ok ba..;)

Hi Silsilly
Journey started.. Welcome and all the best..;)
Hi serene
Whts ur embroye grade and cell? Do u hv to do any insert? Woah.. U can administer prenyl urself? Steady.. The procedure so complicated and the worry is when break the glass, will any tiny bit of glass drop inside or not? Thats my worry too so i rather asks the experience one to do..;) so urs also same as melodi? Inject every 3days?

Hi melodi
Yeah.. Lets hope will rain later..;)

Hi ron
All the best to ur bt tomorow.. Bfp bfp...

Hi clb
Finally going to kkh tomorow again for the p bt.. This bt is relax one and the next will be the most worry one.. Hcg bt... Wht time u going tomorow? Me will go early morning as hb need to rush to work after that..

Hi jt
For the p bt, we just take the test at 7:30am and can leave already right? No need wait to see doc or make payment hor?? So shd be very fast hor??? Thk u.. How r u today? Still got headache??
Hi serene
Whts ur embroye grade and cell? Do u hv to do any insert? Woah.. U can administer prenyl urself? Steady.. The procedure so complicated and the worry is when break the glass, will any tiny bit of glass drop inside or not? Thats my worry too so i rather asks the experience one to do..;) so urs also same as melodi? Inject every 3days?

Hi melodi
Yeah.. Lets hope will rain later..;)

Hi ron
All the best to ur bt tomorow.. Bfp bfp...

Hi clb
Finally going to kkh tomorow again for the p bt.. This bt is relax one and the next will be the most worry one.. Hcg bt... Wht time u going tomorow? Me will go early morning as hb need to rush to work after that..

Hi jt
For the p bt, we just take the test at 7:30am and can leave already right? No need wait to see doc or make payment hor?? So shd be very fast hor??? Thk u.. How r u today? Still got headache??
Hi J03. U can go between 730 - 430 for the P Test. I went at 2 plus that time and 1st time I see KKIVF no pple.. haha.. Very fast one. After bt can go liao and the nurse will call u in the afternoon for the result.
Serene - wow. you are very good to administer the pregnyl yourself. I tried but keep worrying about the glass breaking like J03. Apart from pregnyl, are you given any other support?
hi j03, i need to do crinone inserts every morning. pregnly jab on jab on day 4 n 7 after er. 2 jabs nia. but nuh dun do p test leh. wat supports r u given? both my embbies r good grade with cell 6 n cell 8.
hi ron, j03, e nurse teach mi how to break e glass. actually is quite easy to break. u know some facial product solution also break like tat. n e mixing of solution wif e powder. i done tat too when i m jabbing cetrotide. so i m quite familar wif it.
actually i dun dare to do e crinone inserts. my hub done it for mi. keke..
ok. need to take my beauty zzz. talk to u later
Hi jt
I see., ya, in the afternoon, they very relax as no pp.. That time when i come out after my er, realise is so quiet unlike the morning..;) but i hv to go in the morning as hb working after that.. Will try go early..;) hmm.. U go so late and ur bt result so fast come out on the same day?

Hi serene
Wah.. Thats great.. Me also dun know how many cell is mine.. Rest well.. For us , we hv to instert utrogen ( progestrone) three times a day..no injection..unless we dun want insert then will hv to inject pregynl daily ..
JT - still having cramps but no bleeding. 50% excited coz still no AF! 50% super scared coz after BT no more denial if negative
Ron.. Cramp is normal as uterus expanding for baby..;) jancie always she got cramp after bfp too.. Yesterday spot shd be implantation ba.. Must give us bb dust k..;)

Thk u jt..;)
Thanks for the courage, JT/J03. i am really hoping & hoping. Dh is on travelling again & only back tom night so would be lovely if got good news when he lands. If not, i will be at the Katong Laksa shop by myself having 2 bowls of laksa for dinner.. drowning my sorrow in laksa soup.... singapore style sorrow remedy

JT - when are you back at work? after the BT? are you still working from home this week? take it slow if u are, ya?

J03 - when you get back to work on Monday, remember to keep the womb area warm if your office aircon is cold.
Thanks jo3..
Hmm.. I guess I will still take her medicine for now but once I start the injection on 20 April, perhaps I will stop le.. Hmm.. Maybe later I will change my mind again.. Haha flicker minded lar me..
Wow u start tcm for 1 year?? Me only started for 2 months.. Haha
Ron, so u will be going for bt tomorrow yourself? Take care ya.. U wont be eating laksa tomorrow evening cos u will be celebrating with your dh...

Yeah, i am still working from home. Doing emails and customers still call me.. what to do.. keep reminding myself to relax lor...
J03, no rain
sweating again.

Yes, I am same like serene need to go kk for the pregnyl jab, other than that no support le. Dono enough or not. Actually I have a box of left over progesterone pill from iui last year but don't dare to anyhow take. Do you gals take your own support?

Ron, good luck no bleeding today is a good sign already.

Serene, wow you have good cells. I don't know about the cells of mine actually. But think mine not very good. Slightly fragmented too. Any sisters have cells with moderated fragmentation too? A bit disapointed they don't look like the perfect round shape i saw in internet. Hopefully my embbies can zheng and I know they will
Yes bingo.. After two mc in yr 2009.. I stop all art treatment and hope can conceive natural since natural will be more stable.. Take tcm for 1yr and Sadly, tummy no news.. Sigh.. So go to the xtreme and do ivf since me not young le..

Hi ron
Yeah.. U will be celebrating tomorow..;)

Hi jt and ron,
Is the waiting killing u? Really not easy to past this 2ww hor..
Ron must be glad that her waiting is ending soon.., and with happy returns..;)

Hi melOdi
Maybe rain will come only tonight... Oh.. Serene is taking crinone insert too.. Wonder whts that for? Anyway, like wht jt say.. U better dun anyhow take support too.. As preynl injection is same as progestrone insert since nurse say if i dun want insert then can take preynl daily.. So u better dun end up overdose since u got injection le.. Dun worry, ur bb is strong and will bfp soon k..;) u intend to test hpt urself first before hcg bt?

Hi gals
Just Hv a good nap.. Shiok...

Thk u ron for ur advise.. Maybe i will wear jacket in office? So funny as weather so hot and seldom wear jacket one.. Wht other ways to keep womb warm huh?
ron- tat's good news, no spotting today =).. jus to share... my fren got spotting for quite a few days.. she tot AF reporting, and kept waiting and waiting, but no full bleed...finally took hpt kit 6 days later and discover BFP (conceived naturally)... baby's fine despite all the spotting... the spotting also continued after that for many days...so, stay positive.. one more day to go, excited for U!

ron, we shld start talking abt positive things, like what to eat to celebrate, when BFP!...

j03- i'm going in morn, but going with mom, so got to wait for her to reach my house first then take cab.. so will be not so early...hmm...ohh, actually is the SA test of my hubby, he did one jus as i was starting lucrin (he din need to do it actually as he did one 6 mths ago, but due to some reason, he said jus do for fun, see got improvement after tcm)... the results were really bad, 6 mths ago, already borderline pass, then now was fail.even tcm was surpised..add on my hubby kept getting insomnia due to stress at work.hubby's morale also dropped to all time low. seems everything was going downhill at that time..i emailed dr loh and he told me he'll do 100% ICSI.. looking back, it was a blessing in disguise, if he had not done the latest SA test , prob will have lower # of embryos to freeze... hubby also started clearing leave during these few weeks, to de-stress, guessing it helped with the improvement...jus feel sad sometimes knowing i may never be able to conceive naturally...

jt- will u be testing on the hpt kit? =p... isit, i read from ron somewhere, if we use inserts, will not have false positive?
jt- i admire your tolerance level.. i think i cannot tahan so long... i'll test next thu or fri liao... if BFN, i can drown myself in sorrows and prepare for work again the monday after next...
J03 - can wear a long cardigan. I wear dresses to work & tcm suggested to change to pants/jeans (my office is casual). Can also take a shawl and just bunch it up & put at tummy area when sitting down. also can consider wearing black leggings under her dress.
jt- hmm..is hai pai tian xing a short or long drama series... i'm easily addicted.. so trying to control and watch short ones only..like personal preferences only has 16 episodes.. ya the guy inside so good looking, perfect face, perfect body..Lee Min Ho..omg jus googled him, born in 1987...so young and so successful
clb - it is quite a long drama - 20 over episodes... helps to kill time in the afternoon ma

Ron - so u are still testing daily? U will know very soon..... envy u....
<font color="0000ff">Dear Ron,</font>

That really helped loads!!! Many unfamiliar terms but it's good that i now have something to refer to. Have saved it in my word doc. Thanks!!!!

<font color="0000ff">Dear Serene,</font>

That is really helpful too!!! From the looks of it, I can only do the IVF in June, during school hols, tho i still need to go back to school almost every week le... Events, camps, meetings, workshops, training, etc etc... Where is the NUH IVF thread? I'd join u gals there too!!!

<font color="0000ff">Hey gals,</font>
Am also rather depressed seeing so many preggie frens. I have a lot of friends added on FB from the TTC thread, I have switched off all their updates actually, too much on babies. I recall 1 gal un-friend all the TTC friends to rid the updates and then re-friend them when she was preggie, I think. Switching updates more conveneint, less political. I also switch off my students' status updates, too many! Lol.

It is depressing and demoralising sometimes but good to have a bunch of supportive ladies here, pressing on together, sharing the same dreams and walking the same journey

Jiayou to all!!!
JT - ya, i tested daily from Sat until today. This morning finally got a negative so i know the pregnyl is gone. but now i am scared to test tomorrow! hahaa.. plus i too kan-cheong seeing the negative &amp; used 2 hpt today, so i ran out for tomorrow's test... i think i won't test tomrorow &amp; just go to the BT.

You are testing on Mon should know already. that's d15p2dt, right?
I see... must have frighten you at those times... nvm.. all the unhappy thing is going away and coming is all good and happy thing... btw, I think KK like to use ICSI as mine is also via ICSI even though my hubby SA test is ok.... earlier, they also never told me will do it via ICSI...hmm...

Hi Ron,
Raining?? Where u stay?? Here only can hear thundle sound and no rain leh... sky still bright.. sigh.. I think it will just passby again..btw, I read the past archieve and realise that this week you are also taking your own leave?? U only take one week HL leave last week to avoid co collegues suspect also huh?? THanks for the tips on how to keep my womb warm... So sweet of you... Hope your bt result will be great bfp result for you.. JY!!

Oh... u intend to test next thurs or Friday?? Me intend to test only next weekend... see how ba but will definitely test before go as I will be very stress the whole morning if just waiting for the bt result without knowing what will be the outcome... really admire JT courage to hold till then...
Hi JT,
Ok... so it gonna takes one hour for your dark sky to reach central.. sometime it just passers by... actually i dun like such rain as awhile rain but makes the weather even hotter... not sure why too.. perspiring...
hi ron, all e best to ur bhcg test tomolo

hi j03, crinone insert is also progesterone support.

hi melodi, dun worry. keep talking to ur embbies n ask them to cling tight tight to u. be positive okay. NUH never give mi my embbies foto.
Hi J03, yes i might test for fun too end next week. Although it is still early but since I have quite a few left over hpt so should be ok to know when the pregnyl jab is gone. Sometime it is shiok to see the positive line even though we know it is false positive :p I am perspiring too.

Hi CLB, don't be discourage. My DH also has bad result due to very stress work and other issues. Luckily KK do ICSI else I might not even have a chance to try. But just think of next cycle I must do fresh again very sian and stress already. If just one ovary working again how

Nevertheless, hope that our embbies will guai guai do their part this round :D
