IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi ceraine,
cos eggs dun grow...
so jab for it to grow lorz... else if i wait naturally dunno wait till when...
when u wan it to O, eggs dun O...

hi snuuggly,
maybe vio bfp liao le... no news sometimes is good news... i hoping she tio liao...

hi valteen
hi piggy,
thanks... must really identity the main prob then work on it... else we can really beat ard the busy with no results...
Sticky buddy: yeh very likely
Hi bcube
All the best to ur bt result tomorow..;) i want ur bb dust too.. Oh.. U went back to work before ur bt?? When u go back? Why not rest few more days till ur bt?? Jiayou k..;)

Hi gals
Been sooo busy at work after the cny holiday.. No time to read all post yet.. So glad is weekend again..;)

Hi stickybfp
Yeah!! Hope u can bfp thru soiui this mth..;) but with so many eggs, they willing to do iui? As i remember gynea will convert to ivf if more than three eggs as worry multiple?? Jiayou k..;)

Hi dew
At least is still a bfp posdible so try to stay relax these few days k... And tok to ur embiess to jiayou..;) will wait for ur bbdust too..;)
bcube: all the best..initially i had wanted to come back to work too b4 my bhcg on tues nxt wk but i've decided not to coz i was scared i cannot focus at work..

stickybfp:i like ur spirit..nvr give up..try all the means available to you..bfp will come nearer towards you..

snuuggly,were ur stomach bloated before ur bhcg? My stomach is bloated now like its 3 mths preggie! My last hcg shot was on wed..

leor: ur eggs are a lot and hopefully they will grow sui sui on ER..and also hope u can keep some for freezing..at least u dun hv to go thru the same thing again..

lynn:as long as there are eggs growing you should be doing fine..i heard on overseas forum even with 1 egg they actually bfp..so jiayoh ok
Rashal: my stomach was slightly bloated the 1st week due to the er but not like 3mths pregnant. I believe it is largely due to mild ohss. Second week on, no more bloated.
morning ladies...whoa, just did my 2nd scan @kkh. Now waiting to see doc

Lining 11, 3 big eggs (20.5,16.5,16), 3 eggs are below 10 (7,7,9.5), other 7 are varies between 11 to 15.5.....pheeeeew...

Lets see what will happen next... :D

Happy saturday
lynn, i left le. All the best to yr scan today!

OMG! Am at high risk of OHSS. Today scan still have many small eggs. Chiam

Lining 12

R - 16, 15, 12, 15.5, 12, 11.5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 11, 9

L - 13, 14, 12.5, 13, 12.5, 11, 11, 11, 9, 10, 9

I will have pregnyl jab on Velantine's Day nite and ER Wednesday. Hope all the small eggs can catch up man!

Bcube and Moo, all the best to yr BT today too! BFP BFP BFP

Rashal, Thanks. Hope all go smoothly.
All the best to yr coming Tuesday BT
BFP Yayy!
hai nadia, my ER will be on tue. One more puregon jab tonight (finishing my last 200IU), hcg (is it correct?) shot tmrw...


Leor, are u still @kkh?
Pravda, Wow...yr eggs look good! So when is yr ER? Monday? Best of luck to u
One Step nearer to BFP liao. Jia You!
hi all gals!

Sorri for my veri late reply... was out w my DH after my BT yest d whole morning & afternoon (no smart phone to update) n then went over to my sis's hse for family gathering & dinner till late nite.

hee... i m BFP! Thanks God! Tons of bbdusts to all of u.. jiayou jiayou n all d best to all of u!
n all of us can be preggie ard at d same time..

Bcube & Dawndew, all d best for yr BT tdy and next Mon respectively..
thanks nadia & leor....
my prayer for u...

Leor, just take it easy & relax...dont be to stress. Hope ur eggs will grow bigger. I took nothing during my jabs, just try to be 'happy go lucky' hahaahhaha. Hope it will work on my 2ww....and we can bfp together
Congratulations, Vio!

I am trying to encourage myself that even if Monday's results are negative, it's my 1st IVF attempt and I am 31+. So there's still hope...
Dawndew, as long as its not confirmed bfn, dun gif up hope. U r still young...in fact younger than mi...n sure gt lots of hopes. All d best to yr BT tmr ya!
Nadia, tks..
hee...bbdusts to you..may all of u here will be preggie ard at d same time w mi..

Leor, i looked at my kk slip.. it stated D17 for bt. i counted..D17 is considered from ER ler. If ET is Day 0, then its D15.
Leor, haha I think yr date n mine same same. Dic said most likely my er is wed but depending on mon's scan lah...

Vio, gong xi gong xi
<font color="aa00aa">Vio - Congrats!!!! WOo WHEEE!!!

Nadia - There were patients there when I arrived at 9:30 already!

Leor - Take more protein, no OHSS!! Great lining.

Pravda - jia you!

Janice - Almost there!

Seems like next week is a big week for our thread!</font>
Vio, thanks

Janice, my ER confirm Wed le. They scare my big eggs will gone if I continue to wait for the small eggs to catch up. Btw, am at high risk of OHSS wor.
iloveshoes, thanks will continue up my proteins. Yap think next week many doing ER and ET keke. So by early march will have lots if BFP news yayy!
Shoes, yeah thank u

Leor, all d best... As per d sisters here suggested, take more egg whites... Egg whites help in de. ..

This morning I over cook my egg whites (slightly on purpose hehe), dh asked me to take more later zzz
Leor, dun worry..continue ur protein diet.. n relax after d er n et k...n sure can wan..

gals, tks for yr wishes.. mi gonna go for lunch n moving bk to my in-laws hse.. will log in later. tata..:p
iloveshoes, i had 2x immunocal before head to KKH le and also had 2 eggwhites too
Will take another 1x immunocal and 4 eggwhites tonite heehee....

Yap later going out with my sister's family for lunch and shopping
U staying home whole day?

Janice, u r nearer to BFP le...so just bear with it and listen to yr HB guai guai eat more eggwhites k. Me also guai guai eat....hahaha...
Let's fight fight fight and BFP BFP BFP keke...
Congrats Vio! So happy for you!!

Leor: I just came back from KKH, ER will be on Tues..tomr night go KKH for pregnyl jab.

Today's reading:

Lining : 11
Rt: 14, 16, 12, 11, 11, 9.5, 11, 11, 10, 7, 8, 8
Lt: 12, 14.5, 11, 12, 13.5, 11, 11, 8.5, 11, 8.5, 12, 9

Seems like the follicles are smaller than Rashal..wonder why ER not on Wed instead. Hope they can grow bigger bigger by Tues
