IVF/ICSI Support Group

pinkaddict - u can take any brands c.e. I buy eys cos of the promo they have, but try not to drink at nite in case u get insomia

yes like what winnie said, any brand is fine. Just that we cant stand Brand's and also cos EYS had a roadshow that's y all of us stocked up on EYS.

I started drinking on and off before Lucrin. Then now during lucrin, I was planning to drink alt days. However cos I had insomia (dunno if it's a side effect of lucrin + ocp), I started taking c.e. every morning now.
<font color="0077aa">kopi
i take both frm gnc. Mine royal jelly is not the raw form, mine is the one mix with honey. Theres also capsules form</font>
kopi - coq10 any brand is fine, gnc have promo buy 1 get 1 free not sure till when. royal jelly can't advise u cos I'm allergic to it
Hi all, kkivf confirmed that I have BFN.. although i am very upset that it is not successful.. I hope i will have better luck next time. Has anyone tried with Dr thong pao wen of rh? do anyone know how much is their ivf there??
miracle and winnie - thanks! will check out gnc!
cc - i am so sorry to read your post.


take good care of yourself and rest well over the next few months to get your body ready for the next cycle. dont give up!
thanks kopibb... i had a gd cry.. but i think i shld be strong again... my AF is not here yet.. i wonder why and if it is stuck.. I have the Asherman's syndrome and hard to heal.. any one heard of it before and have heard that ple who have this can get preggy or not?
Hi cc, sorry to hear abt ur bfn. Understand how u feel, yes have a gd cry n u will feel better. Take some time to rest ur body b4 u start ur next cycle.
Yes, as per Susan, I'm with dr thong. The cost is dependent on the protocol n also dosage. My 1st cycle is abt 13k n 2nd is abt 16k. Coz my 2nd cycle I was injecting growth hormone 1 mtg b4 cycle and all the way till retreival
hi susan and tokkie.. thanks a lot..my heart is heavy.. i m thinking since dr loh cant help me with my asherman's syndrome.. i was thinking of seeking 2nd opion.. for the RH ivf.. can medisave be used?
<font color="0077aa">cc
i did a google of your syndrome....but still not clear....dun mind i kpo...
Can anything actually be done to rectify it from western point of view? I understand that you also with tcm, eastern med cant do much?</font>
dun worry, sometimes the blood test result take quite long (>2hr) then if Dora is bz she also won't call immediately.
somemore today monday, think they'll be quite bz.
<font color="0077aa">cc
looks like oni surgery can help with asherman syndrome. I read from archive posts, that adhesion can reduce chance of preg. I think it will be good to seek a 2nd opinion. Since dr loh cant help much. How abt dr sheila loh from RH.

Anyway do take care. Rest yoir body well before you embark on your treatment again...</font>
thanks winnie and syrah for your advise on c.e... wow... now one more thing to intake...hehehe

kopibaby u buying Coq10 ah? I check with GNC last week already... it cost S$127.90 per bottle and second bottle 50% off leh. I oso thinking whether shld i take it or not but when I ask Dr Zou last thur, she said dun need to take wor...scratching head...
I'm a bit grouchy today cos my nose has decided to take revenge on me again! my greatest wish now is to have a change of nose or to be completely cured of this stupid sinus flu!!
ineedmicracle: asherman's syndrome is when the lining of the womb become adheive and stuck together. Dr SF Loh had done 3x surgery for me to cut away the adhesive tissues but my lining was still adhesive after 3 times of surgery.. Dr Loh also dunno why and how to solve it so I am thinking of seeking 2nd opinion with Dr Thong as I heard that she is also quite gd..

I am actually seeing EYS for TCM... taking their prescription but still not much of improvement..

Susan &amp; tokkie: thanks for the information. If I go with RH for the 2nd time IVF, i can only claim 5k medisave. The rest 8k by cash.. kkivf 2nd time cash how much ah anyone knows?
just went to gnc to check the coq10 and royal jelly during lunch just now. yeah, it is quite expensive. but now august also have some promotion which ends tomorrow - 40% off second item so no need to buy two items of the same kind.

i also asked about the royal jelly. got capsule form and paste/liquid form. the SA said paste/liquid form gets absorbed by body faster.

i didnt buy in the end; told her i will think about it coz the shop quite crowded and the SA seems more interested in other customer

but the SA when explaining the benefits of coq10 and royal jelly, did not once mention anything about the reproductive system or the effects on eggs :p
orh.. so RH wont have govt grant as it is private right? BTW.. where can i buy the blackmore conceive well vitamins and how much is it?
kopi - the SA will not say abt reproductive system or effects on egss. but say ur gynae whether u need to take 150mg or 100mg. I was told to take 100mg and hubby take 150mg for coq10
cc - any guardian will have conceive well and it cost $46 per box, if u're lucky sometimes they'll have promo but currently didn't see any
<font color="0077aa">kopi
they will only the basic and more general benefits. Ivf, eggs benefit are more specified benefits which we googled frm the internet. Hee... We just being more kiasu lor.... Anyway also wont harm the health. So up to individual =)</font>
miracle and winnie - thanks for info!

appreciate it.
i will prolly go pick them up after work later....

more pills to pop into mouth every morning!!
<font color="0077aa">kopi
coq10 more as anti oxidant. So if you taking any similar ones, then no need for this. Royal jelly, if you have no asthma or severe cyst/fibroids.</font>
miracle - i have a clarification:

if you have no asthma or severe cyst/fibroids - meaning if no asthma or no severe cyst/fibroids then should take royal jelly OR
dont take royal jelly if have severe cyst/fibroids?

kopi - if u have no asthma, severe cyst or fibroid go take royal jelly. if u have any of the above then better to avoid or get docs advise before consuming
ineedmiracle : The book I mentioned is The in fertility survival handbook by Elizabeth Swire Falker. I bought it at PageOne. It a quite easy to read book, not too bad.. coz it talks abt men &amp; women infertility, IUI, IVF and some what to expect stuff...
Was previously from NUH and my cycle was aborted due to over stimulation. Now thinking of changing clinics

Day - Was very surprised that Dr Cheng, TMC allowed you to carry on even though you have 48+ follicles. Can I know what is your dossage n age, please? Mine was 150 and I am 36 so considered very low dossage. Very disappointed to know that the cycle has to be cancelled.
i done hpt, is +ve !
Hope coming wednesday pregnancy blood test wont disapoionted me.

My bloating still here since D12, how to ease it ? I feel no appetite.
yes, according to Prof, the number of follicles are more than 30. Hence I was very surprised that Day was allowed to continue by TMC. Like to find out more so that I might want to change clinics.
