IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies

Synergy.... CONGRATS!!

Congrats Synergy!

Hope to join your league soon..

btw ladies.. for those who go for Acu, do you gals feel like releasing bowels more often..?

I tried Acu on Saturday and Sunday itself I passed motion 3 times in a day!!

you went to the amk that one? did you ask y? for passing motion i not sure leh cause now i preg i can pass motion 3 times a day also..
hi hui!!

yes.. i went to the AMK one..
nope.. i haven't ask her yet.. maybe later i'll call her or check with her the next session :p
hi all,

i went to see Dr. Cheng at TMC to discuss abt IVF. He doesnt agree to perform for us and want us to try ourselves for few more months.. i am so upset abt it. i lost faith and confidence on trying ourselves... we want a golden pig so badly... sigh.. time is not at our side
hi alien, may i ask, if u dun mind, how old r u? i am also dr cheng's patient and am 33+. he also still advised me to try clomid, iui or so-iui before thnking abt ivf. at the moment i will take his advice n if by end yr still no progress, then i will explore ivf with him. how do u find him? he often does not want his patients to rush into thgs. this is my sense. overall i am comfortable with him. if you r not, try seek a 2nd opinion.

i am 30 this yr. dr cheng said i am still young. but i thot younger got higher chance... sigh. why must wait until old then can try IVF???
i am having another IUI for this cycle... will discuss with my gynea wats next step if this IUI fail again.
how do i find him.. thru website.

do you know of any other good Acupuncture Clinics (for ladies doing IVF) in the East side..?

the AMK one is ok but i find it a little tiring to travel there esp after work on wk days..:p

any other recommendation ? anyone.?
did most of ladies here try IUI before IVF? i want to go for IVF directly. i was asked to bring hubby and marriage certificate to see doctor to register for the program. and i was asked to take a blood test on day 2 or 3. Is it to determine whether long protocol or short protocol is more suitable?
sori, i may not able to help as i onli went to amk that one..sorie

i went straight to ICSI..before starting the programme there's a few test to do but very fast you can start the programme liao

I go straight to icsi. Yes. In order to register for any ivf treatment you need to bring your hubby and marriage certificate to the ivf centre that you choose to do the treatment with.

The blood test on day 2 or day 3 is to check on your FSH level to determine the dosage of your stimulation drug you will need.
hi hui & bodhi, pls check how do doc determine if the patient needs ivf treatment? we went to TMC ivf centre, but was asked to try natural... so sien

It really depend on your Gynae. I think generally the Gynae will check on the couple's physcial condition. The women's reproduction system is ok and the man's sperm is at good condition. In this case, if there is no defect in both physical condition. Natural conception should occur within 6 months. However, after trying for 6 months and more and still no good news and there is still no find out any wrong with both husband and wife physical condition. The Gynae will usually ask you to try the mildest of the ivf treatment. i.e. IUI etc and the last option will be IVF/ICSI. This will be classified as unknown condition of infertility.

Usual case to go straight to IVF/ICSI is male factor. If your husband's sperms are slow swimmer, low in quantity and weak in quality. No question ask....you will be treated ICSI.

I hope i have answer you.

I was under Lc Cheng before. He have asked me to try at least 1 month natural, 1 month iui (with clomid), 1 month so-iui, then will come to IVF. i think good and bad lah. For me, I couldn't wait and tiring of trying again and again, so I requested to do so-iui straight away, and after the unsucessful so-iui, I switch to KK to see Dr Loh to confirm IVF.

i will be in 2nd IUI soon (with my gynea at tanglin). i dunno when then i can try IVF. Dr Cheng wants us to try natural for longer period. i hate waiting game. every cycle see red/BFN until so discouraged already. i just want to try IVF when i am still "young". i dun understand why must wait until older age? i intend to switch to Dr. Loh too but the q was too long.. our next plan is Glen E for IVF.

the sisters ans ur quest liao. for me i try on clomid 1st for a few cycle then gynae ask HB to do the SA test n the result not so good so straight ask us go ICSI.
i am not on any medication. not even try clomid before. my IUI is unmedicated ones, no hcg shot also. i wonder why my procedure is so difference fr others. my hb's SA test was alright, and i am ovulating every mth. but we just couldnt get conceived. we are getting stressful each cycle seeing a BFN... my hb couldnt perform with so stressful ttc journey. i guess we hv to give up hope on trying natural and wait until old enuf to qualify for ivf.

Understand how you feel, me too, hate to wait and wait. LC told us he always put IVF as the last resource as it is not cheap.

Have you done the HSG test? A simple X-ray test to see if the fillopian tube(s) is/are blocked. If the tubes are blocked, there is no way for sperms to meet the eggs, and of course, the results will be -ve. You may want to check your gynae on this.
Hi alien,
the earlier you try, it will benefit you more. So, talk to your gynae about the stress that both you and your husband are already experiencing.

Koala, how's everything? Which stage are you in now? Keep us updated, ok?
Hi hui & bodhi, the ICSI sounds more expensive than IVF. may i know roughly how much ICSI will cost? my hubby 's sperm test result was okay. don't know which one dr will suggest yet. hate to wait too. every time af got delayed, hope just grew, then was smashed by reality. so don't want to count on luck anymore. understand that no success is guaranteed for any treatment but just don't even want to think about the possibility, i am so scared of that idea .....
hi all...
Pls do not give up on hopes on ttc.. Mayb Dr cheng has his reasons to ask his patients to do IUI or natural instead of IVF. Dr chieng told me to do IVF as tat is my oni hope to get pregant. I overheard that many woman conceived through IUI and clomid under his hand today... So pls be patience.
hi all...
Pls do not give up on hopes on ttc.. Mayb Dr cheng has his reasons to ask his patients to do IUI or natural instead of IVF. Dr chieng told me to do IVF as tat is my oni hope to get pregant. I overheard that many woman conceived through IUI and clomid under his hand today... So pls be patience.
i hv not done hsg test before. i pregnant before but too bad ended in early m/c (ard 6wks). my gynea was saying since i can pregnant, no point do hsg...

thats wat we thot too. the earlier we try the chances are higher. we know is not guaranteed but we were well prepared mentally and financially.

Does anyone here try IVF @ NUH before? our main concern now is able to find a doc to perform IVF for us. Glen E is last choice... sigh

i understand seeing BFN everytime u test.. i ttc for 4 years+ see till sian liao. but do remember this dun have sex for the sake of getting preg.. like that u n ur hubby will get stress..sex is to release stress and not adding stress.. adding stress to hubby the sperm turn out also no good leh.

i think IVF/ICSI no price diff leh. the only diff is the lab process onli mah. they cost about the same price. i fork out 2k+ cash then the rest covered by Medisave then at the end of the cycle medisave will return those money by cheque that is unuse..i recieved abt 1.7k cheque.
I did IVF/ICSI. This only applies to couples who have sperm quality as well as quantity problems. This will not make much difference in the whole process except for the fertilisation part. With IVF, sperms are put with each of the eggs and let the sperms do the fertilisation themselves whereas, ICSI is to inject a sperm into each of the egg by the embroyologist. The cost will not be of much difference too. I did mine with KKIVF and the staff there were wonderful.

Don't worry, You are still quite young. You are 1 year younger than me. Just be patience as every step is a test of our determination, patience, perseverence and tolerance. Just keep the ultimate goal in mind and take every step as a little step towards the ultimate goal.
I paid about all in all, after the deduction from Medisave, $1700 to $1800. Before Medisave, we forked out about $3k+ cash for the reg, counselling, medicine, insurance and so on. Medisave will do the refund a few weeks later after you have completed the process. Hope this information will help to elevate some of your financial worries.

I had same experience as you, preggie by natural conceive, ended up with m/c in 6 weeks too. At that time my 1 tube is totally blocked. Despite that, we still can get conceive.

Noticed that you are doing iui, if let say you have 1 side blocked tube, (touch wood) and what if you ovalulate from the side with blocked tube, even with good focilles, good eggs, the results is still negative.

LC told me the same, "if you can conceive naturally, why need to got for IVF?". But, the problem is after 3 years marriage, I get 1 pregancy, I really can't afford to wait for another 3 year for another 1...
i ever thot of 1 side blocked tube too. but i rem my last pregnancy was on right side. this cycle i will be ovulating thru right ovary again. so i hope it works well. i am having a u/s for follicle this coming sat (CD12)...
hey koala, are you pregnant now?

I hv just gotten email fr TMC. They have booked appt for me to see Dr. Cheng this fri. I would like to know how long it takes to prepare ourselves for IVF? When does the medication starts? CD2 onwards?
