IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies


I sms u ...no reply leh...so me went and buy 2 packets liao. How are you doing? BB start moving? They must be having fun har....:)

Thanks moonfairy and Catherine.

Glad to know you will move on. Jiayou!Jiayou! Meantime, can try to seek Chinese treatment. I didn't go for any acu, but I took lots of tonic b4 starting the program. Especially cordyceps and multivitamins. Hopes can help.

You still left how many jabs? Countdown for you...

Yeah! Can feel tired easily in this period and most of the time when I smell of food, my stomach will..... and follow by nausea/vomiting unless I quickly feed myself. For past few days, I received early "morning call" at around 4-5am, teling me that I'm hungry so must quickly get up to eat.Now I think I have good "reasons" to eat,eat,eat...Hopefully they are healthy and developing well. I emailed Dr Loh and asked him abt my hi-reading. He said in this case have to rest more and he only has a few cases like me. So abit worried about the no. and their development.We Jiayou 2gether
Thanks for the BB dust, left with 7 days of jab. I've checked with the nurse, my progesterone reading is 47, thats y they ask me to increase the dosage....

During the 2WW, do have any symptoms that you're pregnant?
. The procedure is not as frightening as what I first tot to be. I also very afraid of injection so everytime will close my eyes tightly when my hubby or nurses injected on me.
ET- Embryo Transfer
2ww-2 weeks wait (period After ET up to pregnancy test)

WOW ! That's fast. So you will have beta test next week. Minimum level is 60, so you are only slightly below it.
Every individual has different symptoms. Mine is bloatedness back from day 12 onwards. Morning is not much until evening and after dinner stomach can be very bloated, though I did drink enough water. All the Best
Sorry, I really never received yr sms. Thousand apologies! Well, both my babies are doing fine and they are at 4 cm now.
1 of them still show me his/her hand when I went scanning this mornin, but twin B very shy, didn't want to get scan this morning.

No worries. Just pass on to others who need it.

It must be amazing right...seeing your 2 precious doing well inside you. Good, Good! Well Done!

Cordyceps is "Dong chong zao", can improve man's sperm's quality, but is a bit ex and they sell in "liang" quantity. You can get from "fu hwa" or "Eu yan sang". Better tell them for wat purpose, I think they also sell in powder form.
Deer deer / blackcurrent

Welcome! Have a smooth IVF journey. Can you update us your details so that can put your name in the cycle buddies list.

Deerdeer - ivf/icsi/? /Dr ? (Jan/Feb 2007)
Blackcurrent -ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (?/? 2007)

Sorry for your news and couldn't response to you until today. I hope you are better today.

I have been doing ACU since last Oct with Sr Xia Rong from Eu Yan Sang and also a doctor from AMK who is using Dr Xia's method. Currently I am doing ACU twice a week, if you are keen to try, we can go togther. I will p.m. you my contact.

Take care.

How are you, buddy? Have been injecting for abt 1 week, right? How is your gastric?

Have been telling you, I will try not to stress, but last night dreamt abt 3 babies make me shock. Always tell Hb I want to put in 3, but actually deep into my heart may be I also scared of triplet..

But now, i think the most important thing is we are able to complete the whole IVF process. Actually when I was given the date for injection of lucrin, its remind me on my m/c one year ago which happened after my injection of 7 days of suprefect on my first IVF. So this few days I am a bit "unstable".... I hope I can be strong and walk through this journey smoothly.
koala... you mean you were found to be pregnant on the first few days you are on suprefact? was that why you miscarriage? which doc were you under?

anyone inject lucrin at night? the nurse told me to do it in the morning but i told her i prefer night so in the end, she gave in and said okay but for the day when i need to inject pregyln to release egg, I inject in the morning.
Hi Ladies,

Left with 6 more days of jab..... but down with flu since yesterday nite
, hope will be ok for the next few days....

If you do the inject of HCG to release egg in the morning. Your ER will be in the evening evening. That's the reason why they prefer you to do lucrin injection in the morning.
hi Bodhi,

no, i am not doing the HCG in the morning but the lucrin injections to be in the night, the HCG will still be at night and if my lucrin is in the night everyday, then only on HCG day, I inject lucrin in the morning so that HCG can be at night.
FYI,cordyceps is traditionally used to help the body increase strength and endurance, improve lung and kidney functions, reduce phlegm suppress cough and promote blood circulation.There is also proof to show that Cordyceps Sinensis is helpful with male potency and female vitality. I took that together with my DH 2months before the process. But it is really X.
Please take care. Dun be like me so sick during 2ww.Try some hot honey with lemon (natural remedy) than medicine.

Yesterday, I accidentally sprained my ligament and ended up seeing Dr at 24hrs. He did early scan for me and found 2. We are so happy....
I am glad to hear that you are having 2.
So you will be seeing Dr Loh at TPS on the 27 Jan right?
I went to see him yesterday morning too as I discovered some brown discharge in the middle of the night and there's cramp. So, the nurses at TPS told me to go there straight away to see Dr Loh.
The wait was not too long and Dr Loh did the ultrasound scan for me and found that bb is okay as his /her heart is beating well.
So he decided to give me an oil-based jab and also told me to take the white tablet 3 times a day, rather than 2 to provide more support to the pregnancy. He also gave me a week mc.
Luckily, the brown discharge has stopped now.

Btw, the cordyceps Sinensis is in what form? Powdered form? How much is it and where can I get it? I want to buy some for my hubby to take for his health and how does it taste like?
I'm feeling better today, only blocked nose. Thanks for your recipe.

Do take care as now ur preggie....

Sometimes I do feel quite worried
as I don't have symptoms, only noticed that I burp alot for the past few days & also got white discharge. At times, I tell myself not to think about it so much... but difficult leh....

Well, left with 5 more days.....

All the Best to ME!!!
Take this opportunity to have more rest. Glad that your discharge has stopped.Luckily you seek treatment promptly.
My mum bought for us the cordgyceps(original form) and brew it with Dansheng.Heard she spent around $400 for 10 rounds of intake. If you are interested, can check with the few reputated Chinese pharmacy and they will advise you the dosage, usage and which type is more suitable.
Jiayou! Jiayou!
All the best to you.
Is your test date this Friday?You can called them after 1pm. I recalled that day we were very KiaSu and called them at 12 noon while stationed around KKH.haha... and managed to be the 1st to call and 1st to reach there. The nurses all laughed at us 4 being so anxious..
hi all,

I'm new here.. and congrats to all who have conceived thro IVF!!!

I, too, have gone thro the process but got very negative results... so sad... did 2 IUI, can't even proceed to IVF! cos not even eggs!

Just wondering, for those who have puregon injection or gonal-F, what dosage did u take?

and is Dr SF Loh queue very long? thinking of seeking a 2nd opinion on my condition...

Many Thanks!
Congrats on your twin bundles of joy

All the hard work + sacrifices are sure worth it...

Sorry, i've been MIA for awhile... very busy at work, always need to do OT these few weeks. Went for a biz trip last week as well. Do take care of yourself and your little ones... heh... heh... can imagine your house will be bustling with activities after they arrive...
Hope you are feeling better and beginning to enjoy your motherhood journey... Do rest well... And keep us posted of your little one's developments...
I'm getting tired from all the work + OT leh...

how i wish i don't need to work liao... u saw my msg on the OCP (to further supress the hormones)... according to Nurse Sara, i start lucrin on cd16 and coincidentally, its around CNY week...
Ashly and Koala,
I think when you start your procedure, it is better to take time off esp after ER, ET and during the 2ww. I think that plays an important part.
When I was overworked, I got the brown discharge and the cramps. But when I rested well, it stopped. Hope this will help.
Hi Jeni
during ur 2ww, is there any symptoms that ur pregnant?

My blood test is on 26/1/07.... Feels excited & also scared lah...
Hi, buddies, see updated list.

Fadilah - ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr Sheila Loh/Dec/Jan 07) (Promoted to 2WW)
Synergy - ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Dec/Jan 2007)
Deerdeer- ivf/icsi/NUH/DrNg Soon Chye (Jan/Feb 2007)
Atlas - ivf/icsi/NUH/Dr PC Wong (Dec/Jan 2007)
Bodhi - ivf/icsi/CARE/Dr C.F Koh, (Mt.E) (Jan/Feb 2007)
Koala-ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Jan/Feb 2007)
Yvonne - ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Jan/Feb 2007)
Moonfairy - ivf/icsi/TMC/Dr LC Cheng (Feb/Mar 07)
Ashly -ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Feb/Mar 2007)
Blackcurrent -ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Mar/April 2007)
Zinnia -FET/KKH/Dr Sheila Loh/(Mar 2007)

Any more updates?
on around 12th day of my 2ww, I have pimples all over my body but that is very individual as my colleague and friend had rashes on their limbs instead ... other than that, I feel bloated but then again, I have gastric problem all along and the nipples feel extra sensitive, not the whole breasts as most people said.
I think the best bet is that AF has not reported.
I know you are excited
... cross your fingers, ok?
Hi buddies

Unfortunately, I have to terminate my cycle as I am not responsing well to the stim medication. Will be back in action around Mar/Apr 07. Best of luck to everyone here.
