IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies


I am sure that u gals will always here, the IVF journey is not lonely with u gals around.

Singleton is good, easier to monitor, I was crazy for twins when I was planning for IVF, but now, not so greedy, just pray for a singleton.

So your bb is more active in the afternoon, ha ha.. All these symtoms show that he or she is growing.. so happy for you.

Hi Fazilah

2WW is 2 weeks to wait. It is from the day of ET to the day we do blood test to confirm the pregnancy.

U are in 2WW now, please rest more during this period.

understand how you feel, sometimes man is difficult to understand us, but remember, u still have us here. Cheer up, ok?

Yes, I will be taking full rest in my 2WW, looking at my heavy work schedule, I don't think I want to take a risk to go back to office during this period. My boss is understanding, but he is that kind, if you can do more, he will pass all to you.. very "kek chim" somtime.. sigh.
Hi Koala
Noted on the 2WW. Thanks.

Im goin back to work on wed, hope my other colleagues don't ask me questions cos I've MIA since last tuesday.... only my boss & close frens at work know that i'm doin the IVF. I will miss my 7 days of eat, rest & sleep days.....even hubby say no need to do work, just rest.... so shiok!

I'll be doin the progesterone jab at my nearest GP cos i don't want to tire myself goin to KK early in the morning n then to work at Tuas! Got the letter from the nurse this morning
Hi gals, as expected was a negative blood test. This morning AF oredi came full force liow...have made appt to see Dr. Sheila Loh next month so that prob can do my FET in march or may...i have not decided yet. Thanks gals for all your encouragement and support! The journey will have been more torturous without all of you sharing it.

Koala, u told ur boss oredi right?

Jeni, have morning sickness is good, at least u know baby is doing ok! just rest well!

Stacy should have some good news to share....
Hi ladies,

Would like to thank everybody here for sharing yr experiences in IVF...I enjoyed reading yr sharing as it prepares me for the things that I may face if I do IVF. I have finally chosen Dr SF Loh and have made an appt to see him in abt 2 wks time to consult him for fertility treatments. Dun know why, also quite stress in the process of choosing doc...but of course this is nothing compared to the stress that most of you experience while doing yr IVF. Hope that you all will be successful in yr TTC journey! Cheers!

*hug hug*
You've been thru' alot already... to come this far is no mean feat... Take a good rest and replenish yourself with those herbal soups + vitamins after your AF, okie?! You need to "condition" yourself for FET... Take care my dear fren

It will be good if you can see your TCM doc to 'tiao'your body again as the jabs and medications has 'manipulated' our hormones and also to prepare for next pregnancy. Take care and don't think too much. Stay positive.

you have done your best and not to worry, we'll all support you here.
I think it is better for you to do it in late may so that you will have the june holidays to rest, you know what I mean? School can suck us dry and rest is crucial at that moment. Anyway, it is just a suggestion. The ultimate decision is still yours and we'll all be there for you when you do your FET, ok?
Sorry to hear that. Be strong orite.. i know how u feel at this moment. During my time, i really breakdown in the office until my colleague and boss are in puzzle. Dont stress up..take care

thnks for the babydust.. hopefully it stick on me.
U have to take care... let the bb rolling...
Dear Buddies,
Thanks for being with me all this while.
at an unexpected high rate of 3925.7. I tot my DH heard wrongly and it should be 392. Went down and the nurses congrats me for having such a BIG reading and should be multiple.... I'm very very happy that I strike at my 1st attempt. For the past 2 days, I had ++ reading on 2 different brands of urine sticks, but still not so convinced until today. I have low confidence in myself,since Puregon injection to post-ET, as I have heavy flu and cough. These few days, I even had slight bloatedness and vomiting. Tot all these are due to OHSS symptom, although the nurse reassured me that this is a good sign and high possibility that I am pregnant, as all this symptom occurred from day12 post my ET. My next scanning will be on 27 jan to confirm the no. of multiply.
I hope you all
and you will succeed one day
BBDust to all of you.
Be strong & have a good rest.... I believe God will give you the best when the right time come!

Congrats to you & hubby!
Dawn, hugs, jia you, you will make it one. i also think you should time it to coincide with your june holidays so that you can rest fully. meanwhile, eat well and healthy.

Stacy, congrats, most likely you kena triplets!!! what time is your appt on 27th? i may meet you there. you going to tps?
Yeah! Today I transfer to TPS cos my hubby will be outposting for the following weeks, so can only available on 27th(Sat). My appt time is 955am. Check with you I tot Dr Loh should have scanning machine in his room?? But the nurse asked us to go level 2 ADC for scanning b4 consultation. Actually I'm half happy
and half worried as my reading hit so hi. Now I understand how you felt last time.

You will suceed one day.
Remember to have more rest during your next 2ww and its best to pick school holi.Jiayou!
Stacy, think the nurses blur lah, no need to go AMC if you going TPS, Dr loh will scan you in his room. my appt is later, maybe you'd have left by then. nvm then, sure got chances one, i'm going to see him on sats only since my hubby can't make it weekdays.
I think you should have struck 3!!!
Take good care!
I want to switch to TPS too but due to school, I may have to stay in clinic D unless my school management is understanding

Anyway congrats to you and the rest of you who are going to embark on the journey, good luck!!
Stacy, a big congrats to you! happy for you....do take care and keep us updated on the "pending" triplets!

Thanks gals for all your kind words and encouragement...it reallys helps me to take this BFN in a better stride. Will tiao my body for a few months and see how. Problem is School is going to send me to States for education conference during the March hols.....*sigh* don't think i should go...as i want to consider FET.

Fazilah, panadol is okay. as last time when i was having bad gastric pain after ET, i was told that i could take panadol. It is those original ones, not those for colds.....
Hi buddies, updated list:-

Fadilah - ivf/icsi/?/Dr ?/ (Dec/Jan 07) (Promoted to 2WW)
Synergy - ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Dec/Jan 2007)
Moonfairy - ivf/icsi/TMC/Dr LC Cheng Dec06/Jan2007)
Rose -ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr Sheila Loh (Dec/Jan 2007)
Atlas - ivf/icsi/NUH/Dr PC Wong (Dec/Jan 2007)
Bodhi - ivf/icsi/CARE/Dr C.F Koh, (Mt.E) (Jan/Feb 2007)
Koala-ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Jan/Feb 2007)
Yvonne - ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Jan/Feb 2007)
Ashly -ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Feb/Mar 2007)
Zinnia -FET/KKH/Dr ? /(Mar 2007)

Fadilah/Zinnia, sorry I think I have missed your doctor's names... can update?

Hmm.... so many of us will complete our mission in Feb huh..
Thanks Buddies.Baby Dust to all of you cycling here. Your turn will come next.


Dawn, please take care. I know you will make it one day. Really appreciate your companionship during my 2ww, if not for you I tink I will be very lonely. We will all by your side when you have your FET. Jiayou!!

Yap! Santa has fulfilled our wishes.He will continue to help our other buddies too. Also special thanks to our DR for lending us his "LuckY" hand.

Thanks Dawn, today i feel slightly better.

Fazilah - ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr Sheila Loh/Dec - Jan 07

Rose, when is ur ET? Mine on 11/1/07. The "DAY" will be on 26/1/07....
Congrats to you!!!! PLEASE...DO TAKE CARE!!
Wishing everything goes smooth...

Zinnia - FET/KKH/Dr Sheila Loh/Mar 07
Thanks Zinnia and Fadilah,

updated list:-

Fadilah - ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr Sheila Loh/Dec/Jan 07) (Promoted to 2WW)
Synergy - ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Dec/Jan 2007)
Moonfairy - ivf/icsi/TMC/Dr LC Cheng Dec06/Jan2007)
Rose -ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr Sheila Loh (Dec/Jan 2007)
Atlas - ivf/icsi/NUH/Dr PC Wong (Dec/Jan 2007)
Bodhi - ivf/icsi/CARE/Dr C.F Koh, (Mt.E) (Jan/Feb 2007)
Koala-ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Jan/Feb 2007)
Yvonne - ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Jan/Feb 2007)
Ashly -ivf/icsi/KKH/Dr SF Loh (Feb/Mar 2007)
Zinnia -FET/KKH/Dr Sheila Loh/(Mar 2007)
Hi Stacy,
BIG CONGRATS to you!!!
Dun worry about how many BBs u hav, just take good care of yourself.

Hi Bodhi,
U MIA for a while like me ah? How r u now?

Just a little update for myself, yesterday scan & bloodtest is ok.
I wil proceed to puregon tomorrow, but I heard the dr said left side stil hav the cyst.
Will email dr loh and check with him.
Hi Ladies,
Did my blood test for Day 7 this morning, I just called the clinic, the nurse say my progesterone jab not enough.... must increase dosage to 100mg.

Has anyone encounter this before?
Thanks for informing me. I will go straight to Dr Loh's room for scanning.

You2 MIA again!

Extension of Lucrin is confirmed has no effect on our treatment. Jiayou!

Great to know your scanning and bldtest is okay, so probably you will ER/ET by this month. Try to drink more lukewarm water and eat less soya product.

What is your progesterone reading? They increased dosage, maybe level is not enough. But tink it positively and dun worry as more dosage will help to increase your chance.
I remembered my last reading for progesterone only borderline pass.
Hi Stacy
I did not ask the nurse just now... When I heard that I have to increase the dosage, i just got this negative feelings.....
but i've to think positively rite buddies? It's not the end yet!!! Maybe ur rite Stacy, more dosage meaning chances will increase.... Amen!
Ya..me MIA. This time round...my treatment...i dont know why...feel very sian leh...everything also no mood. Face somemore got pimples! Me not in 2ww leh...just the start of suppression drug!

Synergy...dont worry about the cyst lah. See wat your doctor say first. If he say...can continue...just go ahead.

Stacy ...please take care of yourself hor...enjoy your 9 months + 19 years :)
Hi Fazilah,
Please dun feel sad, it is not the end result yet.Somemore, they are helping you by increased dosage, now your body should have enough progesterone. Being Happy can help your hormones too.
Aiyoh! The thoughts of having multiple still terrify me.I tink last time I shouldn't joke in the thread that having more is value for $$, but too late to take back my words hehe...... Anyway, need to do further scanning to confirm how many.Cross Finger,please no more surprises!
Just treat you are now"warming up" and slowly momentum will start to build up after Lucrin. Probably b4 CNY, you will receive GOOD news.

Jiayou! You're almost there. Must take care hor.
Dear Stacy
Sorry buddy... been very busy at work...

How r u feeling dear MTB?? Now u got more reasons to pig out... then can hv piggy babies lah...
Hi lo.... Moonfairy hmm... are you the same moonfairy that enjoys Veronica Mars serials ? kinda of missed your posts for so long. Good to learned that you are starting soon

Cheer up, I think "mood swing" is come with the package. Couldn't help, I don't know how would I be after taking the lucrin.. pray hard.

When is your next ACU? Mine is Saturday, any chance to meet?
Congrats!!! U have made it!!!

Don't b despair, we'll all be here to support u when u nid us. Jia you, ok?

Hi, u MIA for so long, u still nid the needles? It's still in my cupboard, am still waiting for yr reply.
Moonsfairy, thanks
don't worry a lot of gals have gotten pregnant and I believe you will be one soon
I am around 26 weeks.
Hi ladies,
remember me? sorry i've been MIA for a while, i was just not feeling so good for the past few days as my cycle was cancelled. I didnt respond well to the meds although i was already on high dosage. So hubby and i decided to cancel and Dr Shiela agreed. There were only 2 follies measuring at 7 and 8 mm after 8 days of stims and a few smaller one. We can continue stims for a few more days and see what happen. But there were so many uncertainties so we decided to cancel. Afterall we dont know if the follies ever grow and if there was any egg in there. So we will try again in march because dr shiela wants me to have 2 months free period to have all my hormones back to normal. So i am going to be around here for another 2 months or so before starting again.

a big congratulations to you! You and hubby must be over the moon. So happy this cycle works.

sorry to hear your news. I hope you will feel better soon and able to move on. I know this must be so frustrating. Take care of yourself and take all the time you need to recover from this ordeal. Will be thinking of you in this difficult time.

sorry i lost track of where you are? When is your ER? Have you gone for your scan yet?

Hi to the rest of the ladies and welcome to all the new joiners.

Hi gals, i have been missing for awhile...as life has resumed its "hectic"ness....and i realised suddenly feel after the disappointment a grief...a load lifted off me. guess i din realised that i must have been quite stressed during the IVF period. Now can any how eat, anyhow walk, jump, run.....for these few months. Will still have to go to States for some conference in March, so will prob do the FET in late april or early May like what most of you recommended.

Catherine and Rose, thanks for your support...
told my hubby that i din expect to get so much emotional support from the forum when i joined initially. Really glad to know u gals!

Stacy, how u feeling now? must rest more as u r carrying 3 babies inside u.

The rest of the gals who are in 2ww....jia you and take care. Will be praying for you!

blackcurrent, welcome!
injections only a bit painful...bearable one. don't worry....after 1 or 2 days , will get used to it!
thanks dawn.

So happy to hear some of you are pregnant. I hope this day will come to me.

I will be doing this process in KKIVF, Dr SF loh. Feel very worry and waiting for this process.
Hi Stacy
Hw r u feeling?
My buttock feels pain after yesterday's injection (now on 100mg), lucky my hubby help me to dab with warm towel... it helps to relief the pain....
Hi Rose,
rest well during this period and maybe, you can follow some of the sisters here and go for acupunture to 'tiao' your body first.
Just try to relax and enjoy this period of break. I have heard that every cycle, there will be different responses. So, even if this time round is not ideal, I am positive that it will be better the next time.

Blackcurrant, as I have mentioned before... I think the poking is not the worst part but the ER and the 2ww. In fact, the poking gave me hope that I was well on my way to get the baby I have always wanted

Hope this will help.

you must be excitedly waiting for the first scan right? Dr Loh told me that on ET day, we are considered 2 weeks pregnant. So, you should be about 4 to 5 weeks pregnant now and by the time you see them, you should be able to see their tiny heartbeats...hehehe
Take care, we'll carry on to jia you together... My EDD is on 31/8. Yours should be in September.
I am glad to read that you are moving on well and also support your decision to do it around April and May... Have you checked the FET procedure and the duration with KKIVF already? You need to plan so that you can rest after your ET and if successful, rest longer for your first trimester... now I feel cramp all the time due to stress and tireness after school... Dr Loh said as long as there's no spotting or bleeding, should be fine but still not stable...
So, due to our job nature, I sugeest that you plan in such a way that you will have ample time to rest before you have to go back to school.
Hope this help you in your plan.

good luck to you on your coming procedures...

The rest of the ladies here...
Baby dust to you!
