IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies

Hi gals!
Thanks for the encouragement....makes me feel better. really dunno what to do if there is no this forum/thread to support one another. *sigh* but these 2 days i got the 'seng' crampy feeling that i always get b4 AF....and also feel got wet discharges, make me think that AF have come....rushed to toilet check, luckily still no red. *touch wood*

Ashly, Feb will come soon!
b4 u know it....you are in action liow!

Stacy, you must take care....i went through tat stage too...extreme bloatedness, so pain that u feel the stretch on your tummy, cannot stand straight right? otherwise like will tear the skin of your tummy? a big bruise (bigger than the size of the palm) even appeared on my tummy, think it is over stretched in too short a time!
Drinking lots of water is the only solution. Even though i felt like exploding that time and had problem peeing out...i kept drinking...until finally the bloatedness went down...i was so relieved, thought had to be hospitalised and put on drip at one stage. I also took the protein drink that WanBB mentioned she bought from the GNC store. Dunno if this drink caused the bloatedness to subside or it was coincindental that the bloatedness subsided 3 days after taking the drink. Yah man, 3 more jabs and have to do the blood test liow!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRHHHHHHHH....dont think i want to think about it!

Jeni, congrats on your little bundle of joy!
Hmmmmm......u mean in total, your IVF is only about 3K+? That is good leh! Now to think of it...i have only spend 1K + on the medication up to now.....
Now i am so normal that i aways zoom around in school and have to keep reminding myself to stop zooming around doing things. haha.

Hi! Jeni,
It's great! You get back refund so fast. In total, I spent $7.1K on everything. $2.8k(ER) and $1K(ET) are deducted from medisave directly, so not need to fork out cash. Total Cash spending is $3.3K. If can get back $1K+, I will be very happy..

Hi Dawn,
I missed your posting yesterday..
Thanks.I'm better today.I think yesterday I was too Kancheong and drowned too much H20 that caused me more bloated. The nurse also advised me just dun drink belo requirement, not need to overdo it,she even hopes this can persist???? Hope she is not joking with me. As for my bloatedness, it is the"hard" type,not big type. No matter what, we still need to cross finger until Monday, it is the actual day with our "Actual Reading". Everything is too early to tell now.
Hi Stacy, glad to hear u r better today!
Mine was big and HARD last time too....like rock. haha.....really scary! I was too tired yesterday...only managed to read the thread and then collapse onto the bed to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
How u know ER is 2.8 K and ET 1K har? I was not told anything leh...or is it i too drowsy tat day, din hear them say? I only signed a medisave form, but din see any amount stated in there.
Hi Dawn,
I think you need to collect the invoices from KKIVF. I was given, if not wrong,on 2 or 3 days after ET. The figures for ER/ET will be stated clearly on the invoices. But We need not pay them cash. All will be directly dedect from medisave.
I'm with Dr SF Loh. I was introduced to see him thru my auntie who work as nurse at KKH. Right from beginning, I'm consideras a walk in private patient (under him). However, only for a few consultations (B4 any procedures), ER and ET managed to see him. Scanning is done by a sonographer and review by any Dr on duty at KKIVF on that day. If you want to choose KKIVF, it's best to book in advance (abt 3 months) for the procedures.Beforehand, you are required to attend briefing and counselling session.
Hope you have a clearer picture.
Stacy, hmmm........just ask them to give us the invoice is it? Everyday i juz go and jab, din know must collect invoice. thanks for letting me know!
Hi Dream

I was under LC for 4 months, I have done 1 failed so-iui with him. He is patient and professional and would call you back on that day itself if you call the clinic.

The only comments is he is very very busy to run the two clinics and the waiting hours can kill me. And I also very cost concern after the so-iui which cost me S$2,500 (as I need higher dosage of stimulation drugs) so end up, I switch to KKH.
Thank you Catherine...
I seem not to have much appetite now although I am hungry all the time due to the nausea feeling
Do you experience the same thing? It is getting worse...

Stacy and Dawn, counting down...


your cash spending is about the same as mine so, I am sure you will get back roughly the same amount as I did...

Aiyoh Dawn,

my total spending is about $7k too. The $3k+ is the cash spending only...
Hi ladies...

I'm new here. Wish to know all the ladies here.
Congrats to Jeni and MSH.
Wishing all the ladies here good luck!
Koala and Jeni,
Yap! WE are counting down..Another 2 jabs and 3 more days. Very scared leh, as approaching....
the tension also starts to build up.Haha... Can try pee stick 1st? Or it will give false reading due to hormones jab?

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to join us
Hi Jeni, Stacy, Koala,

Thks for the feedback..Dr SF Loh seems quite gd based on alot of positive feedback gathered here...Though Dr LC Cheng shd be quite gd also but din get alot of feedback abt him cos most of the ladies here are under KKH.

Stacy, now I have a clearer pic...that's mean even if I choose to see Dr Loh at The Private Suite, my ultrasound will also be done by a Sonographer instead of doc...er..just to clarify, for procedures like ultrasound of the ovaries etc(whereby they insert the thing through the vaginal) will also be done by Sonographer?...that's mean everytime I will get different person for poking me?..definitely a female rite?...pardon my ignorance..just wan to find out more so that i wun be surprise if i decided to go kkh.

Actually in terms of procedures and waiting time, seems not much difference if i choose TPS instead of clinic D?

Koala & miracle, since both of you went TMC n kkh before, guess you are the best person to chk reg these 2 centres. Talking abt short protocol, if I compare TMC and KKH...is it true to say that at TMC is much simplified, i.e less injection? At TMC, does the doc does your ultrasound or sonograher?

Koala, your SO-IUI not cheap ah...

Jeni, hope you r coping well..
Hi Dream,
Dr Loh has scanning machine in his room, so he can also do scanning for you (during consultation). But once you start the program with injection, you will be required to go KKIVF for scanning done by Sonographer (a lady) to check your response to suppression and stimulation jabs.Cant actually tell you the wating time for TPS and clinic D, that depends on which day (peak or non-peak) you intend to go.Heard TPS is more convenient with pharmacy inside. I go to clinic D, so need to purchase drug from pharmacy located at level 1.
hi dream,
short protocol is pretty similar in both centre. in kk, u will start puregon on CD2 as well as lucrin. as for tmc, u will start with gonal f on cd2 n centrotide on CD5/6. that is what happened to me. like i said before, your doctor will be the best person to assess which protocol is most suitable for you. some of my friends also went for 2nd opinion before they decide which doctor theya re comfortable with.
in tmc, yr doctor will do the u/s for u whereas in kk, once u start ivf, the u/s will be done by the same female sonographer.
for my case, it is faster to get an appt to see
sf loh at tps,moreover he runs wed nite and sat clinic at tps. waiting time is also shorter at tps ( abt 30mins for me), i heard from friends they waited almost 3-4 hrs at clinic D.

That y I transferred to KKH, during my so-iui, most of my cost was spend on Gonal F (the stimulation drugs), abt 1,500+. I guess if I stick with private for IVF, I need to pay at least S$ 18,000.
Hi ladies,
Hope all of u doing fine.

Thnks Stacy. U remind me of my 1st test, cant wait to know the result. BUt i hope u doing great.

HI Fazilah, me too under Dr sheila loh. cant wait for my FET in march. and dat the earliest they can give. Hope u take a good rest.
Hi Fazilah and Zinnia! Welcome! I am also under Dr. Sheila Loh.

Gals....I am bracing myself for bad news....cos saw a tinge of brown stain when i went toilet juz now.......so sad. *sigh* Nurse says that can do the "pee on the stick" type of pregnancy test if i really want to know i preggie or not, but i dun have the courage.......juz keep praying that is not AF. *sigh*...but if that is not AF reporting...can't be implantation cos so late liow...
hi dawn,
don worry so much! u still have hope as long as it is not red. my friend who bfp also had some brown staining before she tested positive. she delivered her bb boy liao.
Hi Dawn,
What do u think of her(Dr Sheila Loh)?

I know how u feel. Pray hard and dnt think too much. Cross finger!!
I also dun have courage to test on pee stick leh.
It is still early to tell whether AF or implantation, just monitor longer. Dun worry as I read from the thread, implantation spotting around this time is also possible. Remember MSH.

Let's Cross finger
How many have you transfer?
You must take good care and have more rest lor! Also must drink lots of H20.I remembered the few days after my ET, can feel very bloated. With enough water intake, bloatedness will go off. Now my bloatedness come back again.

Which stage are you in now?

I failed my 1st ET in Dec 06. so now waiting for my FET in March. I heared alot of pill this time.

I still having the bloatedness. Cant wear my normal pants
Oh REALLY! So hard to regain our figure. I' quite worried too, cos my bloatedness is back, and I've bought a few elastic pants and put aside the normal "button" ones.
You still have how many embryo left for FET?
I admire your" never give-up" spirit.
Yup.. till now i'm still bloated but slightly better. It will slim down slowly ..i think. During my ET, my tummy bloated as if i'm pregnant like dat. So when i'm out to work or somewhere ppl tot i'm pregnant.
I have 4 embryo only. So suprising, at my age, i cant produce much eggs.
Actually collected 18 eggs, 9 usable & transfered 2 embryo. Do you feel any pain if u wanna fart? hehehehe I'm feeling it leh.....
The bloatedness feeling come and go rite?
Hi gal, thanks for the encouragment....now no more spotting but got backache and feeling my usual seng AF cramps and lots and lots of wet discharge. Very stressed and worried.....*sigh* think these few days will be more stressful. praying for a miracle!!!!

Stacy, your bloatedness is very good....keep it up! cos when ohss returns after D10 and worsen, it is most high chance that you r preggie liow. MSH had her bleeding around D10 leh....today oredi D16 for us liow.

Zinnia, you still bloated after ur Dec 06 IVF? oh dear, yours must be serious. I ballooned up to 5, 6 inches in my waist 3 days after my ET
but went down after another 4 days. lost a lot of weight too...*sigh* Btw, how fast do they allow you to do FET? must rest for a few cycles?
What must we do for FET? Must take any injections?

Dr. Sheila Loh is detailed and experienced, quite encouraging during consultation but her waiting time is horribly long.
So you have to go back KKIVF for daily injection. Me too... but I only left 1 jab..haha..I'm on progesterone, always jab on buttock. What abt you? HCG or progesterone? It is common to feel pain for the next few days after ET. I walked very slow during that period. Find myself looked like an old lady

Anyway you are still young, so still good chance.
I regret that I hesitate too long and wait until now.
Let's pray hard 2gether.

This morning I tried on the pee-stick, dun quite believe the result (cos it is from Mustafa). So intend to buy a new one to try tomolo. At least I'm more prepared by Monday. So SCare.......
Yup go back to KKIVF for daily injection on my buttock, me too on progesterone. Mine still long way to go lah... last will be on 26/1/07
Haiya... 5 days at home, feel lazy to go back to work on tuesday... somemore need to rush early for jab at KK & back to work in Tuas..... sigh

They allow 2 cycles onwards for resting the body before start FET. They will give more pills than injection. Tomorrow i'm started to take supress pill for 1 Wk. Then injection of lucrin.
When the age is young, its can produce lot of eggs. but for me.. during my 1st IVF, only produce 8 eggs, 6 usable. Doc said its becoz of i ever got cyst. The cycst makes me like i'm at the age of 35. But no matter wat... i'm not giving up hope.
HI girls,

When you first started the D21 injection, if you get pregnant , would it affect anything? Did the doc tells you when to start abstaining from sex?
hi Dawn,
I've read some of the messages on the board, did you do your progesterone jab at ur nearest GP or at KK? If can, i would also like to do it at my nearest GP, dun mind paying extra as long no need to travel from Jurong to KK n then to work at Tuas.....

How do u know ur embryo's grade? In the form they did not state it. But during the ET, heard Dr Sheila told the lab to take 9 & 4, dunno what it means... haiya should asked her then.

BTW, I'm turning 33 this March, tried 2 IUIs before, the 1st time complete the whole process but with only 1 egg. Tried for 2nd time, doc increase the Puregon dosage to 200 units, too much egg, doc review & it's either convert to IVF or terminate the whole process. At that time, not prepared financially, so we terminate it. This time we are prepared thats y we went straight for IVF treatment.

All the best to everyone!!
Dawn, saw you had some brown spotting. actually when i had my spotting, the nurses told me it should be spotting nearer to the blood test, not as early as mine.... so yours is still good chance. tkae care and rest well.

Stacy, sounds like your pee stick test result is positive? believe it!

Keep faith. When we were doing the treatment, my FIL who was overseas and didn't know about the treatment sent us this sms (he only knew we were hoping to strike soon) "A group of villagers are praying for rain, on the day of the prayer all the villagers turn up to pray but only one boy turn up with an umbrella" I think it's very sweet of my FIL, he always encourage us but gives no pressure. He's quite religious and has lots of faith in his God to help us conveive. I hope you gals have a positive result on monday!!!!
Hi gals, i think mission failed, saw red today and down with bad cramps. Very very sad after doing my "pee on stick" pregnancy test this morning which was a BFN....but hubby was supportive and understanding (the couselling session with caroline must have helped) and we talked for a long time....guess I will get over it soon and prepare for the FET a few months later.

Stacy, IVF nurse told me at D16 a positive at this time is most likely a positive, no matter what brand it is.
and a negative is most prob a negative!

MSH and Koala, thanks for your encouragement....heavier spotting today...but comes with bad cramps....and BFN pee stick...so i dun hold high hopes.
the nurse at ivf was very nice,she actually offered to let me do the blood test today....but i wasn't sure if i should so tell her never mind. should have done my blood test today so that monday i don't have to go down so early in the morning then rush back to school to work.

Fazilah, i actually ended up not going to the GP cos i felt more comfortable going to the nurses at KKIVF for my jabs. They very nice, will chat with us and give encouragement and advice, so i don't mind driving down everyday. During the ET, Dr. Loh did tell me the grade of my embroys, i had 2 Grade 5, 3 Grade 3 and 15 Grade 4. I think you may have heard wrongly, she must have told the lab to take the grade 5 and 4 embroy.
Stacy and I are the same age as you!!!!

Zinnia, why FET still must take lucrin and pills?
I thought just wait till u r ovulating then put in the embroys? Did Dr. Sheila Loh review your case after your 1st IVF failed last month and gave any explanations?
HI everybody,
sorry for MIA for a while...
Have not been feeling well...

stay positive, you never know... wait till tomorrow, ok? I saw from Discovery Channel on test tube babies that a lady, who had her Af still get a positive result from the blood test... all are not lost yet... keep praying...blood test is more sensitive and accurate than pee stick...Good Luck to you!

Stacy, good luck to you tomorrow!!

The 2 of you, keep us posted tomorrow...

Babydust to both of you and Zinnia!!

Zinnia and Fazilah,
welcome!! The support you can get here is superb!
That's how I pulled through during the process...
One thing I want to say is that to me, injections during the whole process are not the worst but the 2ww period when you have all the anxiety and OHSS... it was very bad for me...
But all are worth it... so keep trying and stay positive!

Koala, are you going to start soon?

Hi hi.. how are you now? Scan already? how many sac? U take care, ok?

hmm.. I will sign the consent letter on Wed, should start the jab by end of the month. This CNY is full of poke poke..

Now start to plan my work schedule, I don't want to affect others during my absence.
Jeni, thanks for telling me about the discovery channel thing....praying for a miracle. I am feeling better now, still having bad cramps on and off. You must take care too....take MC to rest if really too tired, i realised it is really tiring in school climbing up and down the staircases so many times a day and long standing hours in the class. now wondering if all these may affected the IVF 2ww.

Stacy, thanks for the encouragement! You keep us updated tomolo too ok!

Koala, thanks pal for your hug! I really feel good to have you gals giving me words of comfort. wow u r going to start soon!
this lucrin and puregon poke poke is okay one, like what Jeni says, the true torture is after the ER and ET! Are you going to take leave for the 2ww?
Thanks buddies for your encouragement.I'm so excited.Sure will update you all tomolo.
Now I fear of entrying the toilet, once enter will feel nausea. Had been vomitted inside for 3 times.
( Not bcos my toilet not clean.hahaha....)

You're smart,you guess it right!
Hi Ladies,
May I know the meaning of "2ww"? Saw on the injection form on day 7, need to take blood test, what is for ah?

This morning 1st time went for the jab at 24 hrs clinic, saw 3 other couples there too. Wanted to talk to them but seems not friendly leh.... smile smile at them but no reply

Jeni & Dawn,
I agree with both of you, the poking is okay, after the ET & ER, cannot "tahan" lah.... cough abit also pain....
Hi Ladies,
Just wanna share with you gals.
I just finish my prayers, feel very emotional,
but don't dare to tell hubby.... cos if i tell him that i cry... he will "sayang2", will even make me cry alot....

I don't like this type of feelings cos it will make me more sad... how not to have this feelings?
have faith in your prayer...
stay positive... it is understandable that you are emotional as partly due to the drugs that we put into our body...
just focus on the outcome that you want and you will go through this journey with courage and strength...
If I am not wrong, the blood test is to see whether your progesterone level is ok...

Stay positive!

Dawn, you too!
I am fine... I am having singleton...
Now, I am feeling very uncomfortable especially from 11+ onwards till about 8pm.... afternoon sickness...
Scanned last Wednesday and the little fellow is very small... can't really see it yet but can see its heartbeat... very cute!

Don't worry, we'll all be there for you when you start your journey... stay positive, ok?
Jia you!
