IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies

welcome teddybaby & hui,

Its ok for us to post any thread we like, however, we can hav this thread to discuss matters pertaining to the cycle. The support group thread is a great place we can post any matter and we can get the support of all the wonderful sisters there. We may have different threads to cater to pple in different stage of the ivf, however, we can post in the other threads and support each other.

O I C! meiling street in queenstown? I was thinking in chinatown, blur me! I live in Punggol 21 but i dont mind traveling. would love to go with you so let me know when and where to meet, should i make an appoinment first? please advice. many thanks dear.

how's everything, so u too want to go for the acu? ya la, lets give it all we can and hope for the best. I think jolene's post on acu helps u, me too very blur at first now i think i roughly know what to expect. thanks to all the sis who helped

When i did my icsi i had 13 eggs and only seven fertilized out of the seven only 6 were good so 3 put in and 3 frozen (my doc at that time said the frozen ones were not that good thats why i never go for the fet)hope this helps.

I have also replied to ur post in "ivf anyone?" thread. I dont think that putting 3 will cause miscarriage, its better to put three so that the chances of getting pregnant is high. You should take note that for most women only 1 embie(embryo) may implant, for some 2 or all the 3 may implant. the chances of all the embies not implanting is also true. thats why the docs put in 3 to best achieve pregnancy. I would suggest u to read up more abt ivf before u start so that u will be mentally and physically ready.

ER (embryo retrival is not really painful, you will be mildly sedated and may feel slight cramps after that but it should go off within one day.
akandatang - icsi/KKH/SF Low (April/May)
Chloe - icsi/Gleneagles/LC Foong (Apr/May)
Rachel - ivf/KKH/Sadhana (April/May)
Humble - icsi/KKH/SF Low (May/Jun)
moonfairy - icsi/Gleneagles/LC Foong (May/Jun)
constantia - icsi/KKH/SF Low (April/May)
teddybaby - icsi/Mt E/Dr Fong Yang (April)
Hui - ?? (post ur details if u hav)
forgot to add jolene!!!
akandatang - icsi/KKH/SF Low (April/May)
Chloe - icsi/Gleneagles/LC Foong (Apr/May)
Rachel - ivf/KKH/Sadhana (April/May)
Humble - icsi/KKH/SF Low (May/Jun)
moonfairy - icsi/Gleneagles/LC Foong (May/Jun)
constantia - icsi/KKH/SF Low (April/May)
teddybaby - icsi/Mt E/Dr Fong Yang (April)
Hui - ?? (post ur details if u hav)
Jolene - FET/where?/doc? (May)
Hi Humble and Jolene,

Maybe I will join u gals the next time for the acu ? Its better to have company
Hi Humble or any of the other ladies here,
Could you recommend any good websites to read up more on icsi?

Can anyone comment on what's the average number of eggs women produce while going thru IVF? Are having all empty follicles common? I have a friend in Penang who just went thru IVF - there were 7 follicles but found that they were all empty :-<
thanx for ur advise..will take note..

at the moment i can't give u any data..coz i dun have a gyn yet n i dunno when i'm going ivf..i hope my hubby agree me in puting three sperm..myb he dunwan triplets..
Hi Humble
Please include me.
TTBS- icsi / NUH / PC Wong ( April / May ).
great, wld be good.

I m not very sure abt the follicle thing,I only know these 2 websites, these are also discussion forums but you can find links that may be useful or even can post ur question there. May be the other girls have answers or have better websites to recommend.


I dont quiet get your question, sorry!
akandatang - icsi/KKH/SF Low (April/May)
Chloe - icsi/Gleneagles/LC Foong (Apr/May)
Rachel - ivf/KKH/Sadhana (April/May)
Humble - icsi/KKH/SF Low (May/Jun)
moonfairy - icsi/Gleneagles/LC Foong (May/Jun)
constantia - icsi/KKH/SF Low (April/May)
teddybaby - icsi/Mt E/Dr Fong Yang (April)
Jolene - FET/where?/doc? (May)
TTBS - icsi/NUH/PC Wong(April/May)
Hui - Planning to cycle soon

Hi Humble,
Please update mine.
FET/Mount E/Dr Fong Yang

Hi Didi / Humble,
Oh it will be great, we can go together. Call them today, it seems better to go on Thursday, on Wednesday there is only one doctor so she can't cope. So both of you confirm on Thursday?? I will make appointment for you and keep you posted ok.
I also will try to make it on Thursday but might have to be there on Wednesday, shall see how ok, let you know tomorrow.
Time at 7pm. Didi any problem for you??
Jolene, thanks for the kind offer, But I am unable to make it this thursday, have something on
Will join you gals the next time round

Jolene, where are you staying ? me at Sengkang...
Hi Didi,
I am staying at Jurong East. Oh, ok. No problem. keep you posted okie.
Oh ya Thursday is good night for outing hor, its holiday on Friday... Humble you still ok for Thursday???
thank u soo much, are they open on friday (public holiday) cos i have yoga class on thursdays at 7.30 pm. I think it would b better for mew now as u would have already told them why i m going. Many thanks again.
Hello everyone, I'm new here. Very glad to have found this thread. Will be seeing Dr SF Loh this Wed and he will then advise whether I should go for IUI / SO-IUI / IVF. This will be my first time.

I'm feeling rather anxious and excited at the same time, can't concentrate in my work. Have lotsa questions in my mind but haven't found any websites that can answer them in more details.

Hope you gals can help me... I understand that I would be able to claim $6k from Medisave for the first time, so what are exactly the procedures or tests done that I need to pay in cash upfront? Would we be able to deduct the whole of $6K first and then pay the remaining outstanding amounts by instalment or do we have to pay cash first each time we visit? If it is the later, about how much each time? Exactly what drugs or jabs do we have to take everyday till we test our hCG?

Thank you!
morning Gals,
today abit upset..coz tot this time rnd i got chance to get preggie thru natural process..sob..
..got previous week i got very jia let PMS so tot preggie..but auntie report today with spotting..

this thur i'm goimg to KKH to have my blood test for hormones..then book appt to HSG X-ray to see is my tube ok..i think u got to up front pay 3k+ then the rest claim medisave..the extra chk up if not wrng est nearly 1k+..but not one shot..
Humble - thanks for the websites. Will check them out.

I'm into my Day 7 of Lucrin jabs and I'm beginning to feel like a human pin cushion!!!
My husband does all the 'stabbing' each morning. I can see small pin pricks on my tummy - I told him we should make a pattern out of them!
welcome edel,
hui is right u need to pay 3000+ first but can later get it back when they claim from your medisave. Y dont u go for a briefing with a nurse, she will give u a chart showing the timeline, procedures to go thru and payment details.

don worry, u sure can b a fat preggie one day ok?

I like the term "human pin cushion". me too on lucrin, am waiting for AF to show up so that can start down reg. Do u hav mood swings or frustrations while on injections? I used to be very cranky and annoyed easily when i was on injection the first time, hope it wont be the same this time.
Hi Hui &amp; Humble,
thank u for the explanation. In that case I will ask the nurse to give me a more detailed briefing tomorrow. Hope that I can start during my next cycle.

wish you good luck in your HSG. I had a laparoscopy done and during the procedure, my gynae discovered that my tubes were blocked. Gynae managed to clear one but it is still "sluggish". At first she wanted me to try for another year but after my request, she allowed me to go to the fertility programme. Really wish that I would be preggy after that....
Hi Humble,
They are not open on Friday, it's public holiday. What about on Saturday, I can call and book for you. I can't go down on Saturday but I will tell them it's the same treatment. Let me know.
saturday would be great cos hubby can drive me there, pls book for me and let me know the time. soo....... kind of u
hi Edel,
tomolo u going KKH oso?me too..i will be there in the morning to take hormones test...keke

hi buddies..
anyone can tell me if doing IVF is HSG a must?quite ex leh...abt $250...
hi buddies,
sorie to post so many msg..but reali bored at wrk..i read the previous post that u gals have posted abt HB..haiz..my HB abt the same..example yesterday nite..i was having spotting n afraid that if today AF nvr cm full force i can't go for the blood test tomolo..i told him pray hard i cm full force tomolo(as in today) he juz en..en..n en.. nothing else..so i ask him y seem dun care wor..then he'll reply..wat can i do to ur AF..i went silence..keke..IVF is my HB who suggest..coz we married for 4 years n no result..i'm 22 years old this year..hope to be a young mummy when i juz got married..
Hi Humble - funny you should ask I only started to feel a little cranky today but am not sure if its PMS (AF came yesterday) or if its the Lucrin. R u on Lucrin jabs already?

Hi Hui sorry that yr AF showed up. I know how disappointing that can be (Ive been ttc-ing for abt 3yrs). As for your qn re: HSG - I think they do it so that you can see if your tubes/ovaries etc are ok. I went for it and they found a polyp which I've since removed so I think the HSG is a gd thing to make sure your insides are ok! I wish you all the best as u decide what to do next in your quest 4 a baby!
soo sorie that AF showed, the good thing is you can start planning your cycle now. akandatang is right, its best to go for the HSG, i went for it too if u r a subsidised patient its cheap wat? cant remember how much i paid but not 250. abt the postings, ha ha it happens to me too sometimes, i will jus keep posting until i m satisfied hee hee. When u mentioned that u r 22, my mind rolled back 8 years. I was married when 22 and was hoping to be a young mother but now i m already 30 hmmmm...nvr mind 40+ also stil young for ART ha ha!

I havent start anything yet, waiting for this months AF and will start on D16 i think. I was on puregon last time, so i dont know abt lucrin yet thats y asked u. if u usually hav pms then it shld be that if not it may be the jabs. All the best, will join u soon ha ha........
dat day u ask me go read some books..i borrow two books..now reading THE COUPLE'S GUIDE TO IN VITRO FERTILIZATION..quite useful...hehe
good, good! me too need to go and borrow "Zita West" so that can prepare myself. Aiyo! dont know how many times i read the book, still feel like cant remember anything. The best part is i read everything but dont follow anything. Lazy me right? keke...
Yes, this is a good book that gives very clear and condensed info on ivf and how to increase the chances of implantation. Really a great book in my opinion. Oops! got to go and watch american idol, will log in after that K?
Hi ladies,

I finally went through the briefing which lasted 3+ hrs, so tiring... Find that Dr SF Loh was a bit rushed &amp; impatient when explaining things to me but the nurse told me that was because he was very busy. Anyway, he said that I should go for IVF. I opted to start in June.

After hearing so much, now when I look at the notes given, I'm a bit confused. Need to ask u ladies to confirm.... Is it I should call KKIVF on my 1st day of menses in June, then go for hormone blood tests (FSH &amp; E2) on day 2, then on day 21 start Lucrin for 2 weeks, then go for scanning &amp; blood test again?
Hi Humble,
Yes it's the same address at Meiling street. It's next to Mei Chin food centre. Will confirm to you tomorrow night. So you check out my msg ok.
Hi Hui,

so u did ur hormone blood test today? Is it FSH &amp; E2 test, got the results already?

Hi akandatang &amp; humble,

so excited for u two, going to start at about the same period. Now I know why IVF is so expensive, other than the ER &amp; ET procedures, the jabs are also the cause!
Hi Humble,
It's also near to Queenstown sports complex. Please give me your full name any chinese name?? Send me an sms my contact 91990335.
Thanks. We book tonight.
hi ladies, it's been a while since i login to yak... was bz with work..... anyway, had seen the social worker at KKH on Tues... was slightly emotional (me), laughter (all of us) and enlightenment (both HB &amp; myself)....

appt was 330pm but was 10mins late.... was sotong at wich counters (there's abt 6 counters) to go to so anyhow went to 1 of them but was referred to Counter 2... but can help me if the counter 2 has other pple......

after giving her both our particulars, was waited for another 20-30mins b4 starting the conselling..... this session was indeed helpful to me, personally, i thot it's mainly the girls' tt did most of the "work" but for guys' it's more emotional support (jin sheng shang)......
Hi Humble,
I have book your appointment at 9am on Saturday under your name. Any problem please feel free to give me a call. You take care.
Hi Humble
Due to unforeseen circumstance, I cannot cycle this month. Guess it is all fated. Sigh ! Will go for holiday to take a break. Cycle will start in May. Cannot believe so "sway". Want to start cycle also cannot start.

So, all May /June cycle buddies, I will join your gp and we will give each other support !
Hi TTBS, Humble, me too, would like to start this mth but dr say they have a new ruling which they can only put me on May waiting list for ivf...so i will be in may/jun cycle...
Hi everyone, sorry for missing out so much... so busy at work this work and I can't access internet during office hours... and everything happens on this week... :p

Started my Lucrin yesterday... so interesting!!! I'm a very weird person, love injections so much!!! :p Prefer this to taking oral medication lah, cause since young I'm always sick. ^_^

Sorry humble, think not joining u for the acp... a bit far lah... :p live in sembawang leh... :p

anyway, anyone knows how many types of injection we need to inject? after lucrin how long more before ER? a bit kan cheong lah... :p

I have the same feeling with you when I went for the counselling. Good experience for my hubby and me. Really makes us a better couple after that. Love to go for similiar talks in future! ^_^

yup yup they have a new ruling. I was one of the last few they let me go ahead and no need to be on the waiting list. Was so worried when I heard of the news. But dun worry, we'll be there for u...
Thanks, will sms u, take care

me too, new questions surfacing as time nears, for me the nurse asked me to call on the first day of AF and start hormone supression medication. D16 start lucrin for two weeks and then go for baseline scan. Even though i hav gone thru ivf once 4 yrs ago, cant quiet remember anything, moreover, the protocols are different now. Anyway i will find out more from her when i call her on the first day.

hi Rachel,
gd to see u after so long, me going for counceling on the 25th of this month, we hav been thru this type of counceling before during first cycle but would like to go again.

Dont worry, its ok look at the positive side, you hav more time to prepare yourself now, isnt that a gd thing? I'm actually supposed to do in nov 05 but so many obstacles and finally i m gonna do.

Welcome to the thread, post your clinic and doc detail and i'll add you to the list K?


Easter is abt welcoming new life on earth (spring, baby animals and so on) let's all put our hands together and wish for a new life to begin in us soon.

hi ladies..
went for my blood test yest..quite impress that very evening i knw my result le..my hormones was fine..will be doing my HSG on 20th..abit scared..scared pain.
..i was surprise so many ppl doing IVF even now reali got to quee...i book Aug/Sept to do my IVF.

dat time when i 1st went to find out more i was attended by Dr SF Loh oso..he reali biz..so nvr reali expalin juz Bla Blar nthen ask us to sign le..dat's y my hubby dunwan to do coz not details engh..till one year later then we think of doing again..for my case i do the test 1st before signing the consent form..
,so far i have done the German blood test,hormones test..so nxt week will be HSG then soon HIV test..after dat can start cycle lo..

u can update me le..i will start cycle on Aug/Sept..

can u give me the book title?btw, HSG x'ray pain?i scared pain..
forgotten to ask u the counselling isit free?before i cycle i nd to call for apptment..btw,wat's ur counseller name?mine is Caroline Chai..i'm wondering how many times i nd to go KKH if i start cycle,coz i juz change new job n will be starting my job on 5th May..so i hope it wouldn't affect my new job alot
Hi Humble, my gynae is Dr SF Loh at kk...

thanks constantia18...we will support each of us here...

Happy Easter to all...
I think the title is "Guide to getting pregnant" by Zita West. The counselling is not free got to pay abt $190, same counsellor for me too. HSG is not very painful but was very uncomfortable for me.

Hi Hui

There is another book by Zita West "Fertility &amp; Conception". Listing the procedure of IVF, do's &amp; don'ts etc - very good book.
