IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies


New Member
hi all,
Cant find the support group thread, so started this thread for those who are cycling currently. Anyone cycling now or going to start soon?

hi humble

i am starting my IVF programme this month. Today is CD3 of my current cycle. Went for blood test yesterday and will be seeing dr for further discussion next week. If everything goes well, i should be starting injections on CD21. Going for a tour next friday for a week prior to the IVF programme. Hope everything goes well...
welcome to the thread chloe,
Is this your first cycle? which clinic are you with who is you doc? I'll be starting next month, I m with KKH Dr sf low.
hi humble

Yes, this is my first IVF cycle. How about u, first IVF cycle in May? My gynae is Dr L C Foong, his clinic is at Gleneagles.
this is my second cycle, my first one was few yrs back and was BFN, hope this time it works. I have posted my story in "IVF/ICSI-unsuccessful stories"thread, u can read. It is really a good idea to go on holiday before we start ivf as it will help to relax.
hi humble.... tink support grp thread is close
thanks for starting this thread... hope the rest will be able to find their "way" here
my menses came this AM. so will call KKH tmr to inform them.... my CD21 is on 23rd which is a Sun so mayb i hv to start on Sat???
Hi Rachel,
So u r with kkh, me too, the nurse asked me to call when my mense arrive in may, just cant wait to start. BTW who is your RE?
Cycle buddies

Chloe - ivf/Gleneagles/LC Foong (Apr/May)
Humble - icsi/KKH/SF Low (May/Jun)
Rachel - ivf/KKH/Doc ?/ (April/May)

if anyone is currently cycling or going to cycle just post your tmt/clinic/doc and cycle month here and i will add you to the list.
Hi hi... humble... thanks for your reply... let's all work hard together and pray for each other... add me in also, please? :p mine is same as u... KKH/ICSI?SF Low but me dunno consider starting this month or next... help me figure it out... I'll be starting the injection on 13 Apr 1st ultrasound will be on 26 Apr... so... in Apr or May? :p
hihi humble, jus called KKH to fix an appt for the 1st jab.... as my CD21 falls on Sun so arrange on 24/4, Mon 10am...... RE is?? have been seeing Dr Sadhana & Dr Seng all these while...

and thanks for the list...
let's jiayou together
hi gals

wow, rachel, looks like we will be cycling together! i will be going for my jab on 19 Apr (ie. CD21). Quite apprehensive about it cos i have never used a syringe before! Was quite worried when my doc told me that it is not using puregon pen!!! Just a slight amendment, my is also ICSI.

Chloe - icsi/Gleneagles/LC Foong (Apr/May)
Rachel - ivf/KKH/Doc ?/ (April/May)

Humble - icsi/KKH/SF Low (May/Jun)
moonfairy - icsi/Gleneagles/LC Foong (May/Jun)

Btw, i understand from other gals that the jabs will cause some slight depression... Not sure whether i can cope with that, and not sure how to prepare hubby for that. Anyone can share?
hi chloe, yes.... ours cycle are few days apart... currently am doing contract work so will expire in jun and had told boss i will not continue cos of the IVF and she understands...
bt tis oso means no income bt feel tt this is worth it
really?? use syringe ah?? aiyo, dunno can take it or not cos puregon pen very easy to use
.... tt's y we hv to be physically & mentally prepared for it.... :p

Chloe - icsi/Gleneagles/LC Foong (Apr/May)
Rachel - ivf/KKH/Sadhana (April/May)

Humble - icsi/KKH/SF Low (May/Jun)
moonfairy - icsi/Gleneagles/LC Foong (May/Jun)
Yes, one of the side effect from the injections is depression, that's y at KKH we must go thru the counselling session with the social worker before we start the program. Does GE does that? If it don't, then both u and ur DH must hv lots of communicate prior to the program, it'll help to prepare him of what to expect.
blue_rabbit, speaking of counselling, i hv to go for tt b4 start of 1st jab.....both HB & wife must attend or jus 1 party is gd enough??
hi blue rabbit

no, dun think they provide such service at gleneagles, dr din mention. Moonfairy, any idea? i thought the session will be good lor, cos at least it lets us, esp husband, know wat to expect. Sometimes, i feel that i have some comms prob with my husband, cos it is very difficult for him to understand how i feel. Lately, i think he has become easily agitated, i am rather apprehensive about how he will react if my IVF fails, not sure whether he is able to support me during this period... goodness, if he gets to see this, i think he will really get very upset about my apprehensiveness about him...

Although infertility has brought us closer, there are times which i think we have been challenged with how we manage our emotions. Just over the weekends, my husband has been giving me a cold shoulder just becos i drank coke! i thought there could be better ways to handle this. And just yesterday, he sort of like hinted to me that i was asking stupid questions during our consultation with my doc. Dun feel very comfortable about all these, but i also dun wanna kick up a big fuss over it, cos i am trying very hard not to cause myself to be upset over such things. Infertility journey is hard enough to endure, and to go for IVF/ICSI, requires lots and lots of courage. i just think that i deserve better treatment at this time. ;) *phew* sorry to bore u with all these. will see how to get over it, thanks for "listening". Guess i must be overwhelmed with too many things.
hi all,
was unable to post anything since yesterday, dont know whether website problem or my computer prob.


Chloe - icsi/Gleneagles/LC Foong (Apr/May)
Rachel - ivf/KKH/Sadhana (April/May)
Humble - icsi/KKH/SF Low (May/Jun)
moonfairy - icsi/Gleneagles/LC Foong (May/Jun)
constantia - icsi/KKH/SF Low (April/May)

if anyone is currently cycling or going to cycle just post your details and we'll add you to the list
How are you feeling abt the cycle? Is this your first cycle? i m kinda excited and scared, esp. scared of facing the result. Dont worry abt the injections, u'll get used to it in no time. Btw who will inject? HB?

curious and blue rabbit,
thanks for dropping by to jia us and share your expertise.

I think u r cycling in April and may. You can check the chart that the nurse would hav given you in the beginning showing the timeline.

I totally understand how you feel. ivf is an emotional rollercoaster for both husband and wife. Like the other girls say, counseling is very imp. You and HB may read some books on ivf, Zita West's guide to getting pregnant is a good book but there are also other books that will bring the couples together. May be he is still overcoming the fact that u guys hav to go for ART.

Just to share, during my first cycle (few yrs back) hubby used to be like what you hav mentioned, he hates me asking questions and would get very frustrated when i complain abt the pain and discomfort. This time worst, he simply told me he is very busy at work and he can only accompany me for signing the consent papers, counseling and ER, the rest i should handle myself. I felt very angry over this but later realized there's nothing he can do by just coming with me.

I think men see this tmt differently from us because they are not able to do much other than give sperm, this could be contributing to their frustration and ignorance.
chloe and humble,
hihi... me also experience similiar problems with u. Was totally frastruated and think was having a slight depression before we started on IVF. Everyday, I would cry when I reached home. Everytime I see a pregnant lady, I feel like crying. Furthermore at that time, 3 of my colleagues got pregnant! My emotions got so bad that little things will make me shout and scold. My hubby at that was also having mood swings and we would always quarrel and keep thinking maybe our marriage is an error. But after going to KKH and find out that there's still a chance, our mood got better. Although we know this is not 100% but we really think through everything. Although he still scolds me sometimes, and I still flare at him for no reason :p, but really glad we are together handling this problem. Really hope this will bring us very close in the future, same as for both of u too!!!
Both u and hubby go together... it's beneficial cos the social worker also went thru IVF herself so she understands what we hv to go thru.
I feel strongly that our hubby must be supportive at this challenging time. We r the ones who hv to be poked over and over again, we hv to go thru ER + ET, we hv to endure the discomfort. So I make sure he accompany me to every appointment, every check-up and I'll also share with him whatever I readup in the internet abt IVF. I also made him do the injections for me. Although there r times when I need extra attention and he juz simply ignore me, but he still relent in the end and gave in to me. The important thing is both of u must talk about it, u hv to let him know ur feelings and fears and discomfort and let him know that u need him to be there for u. Let him know that he don't hv to do much, juz don't lose his temper at u and juz hold u or give u a hug now and then.
morning to all girls....

hi humble, initially it was my HB who wants to go ahead with IVF when the SO-IUI failed and i was not prepared for it but in the end, decided to go for it as both of us r not young (in 30s) and we had tried for 5yrs.....

can't wait for the prog to start :p like u, am excited but at the same time worried abt the whole process & outcome - both physically, mentally & financially..... and yes, this is my 1st cycle....as for injections, same as SO-IUI - i will be doing it myself cos HB scared of injuring me...

thanks blue_rabbit... will try to "brainwash" my HB to go with me....
hi gals

Thanks for all ur advice, really comforting that there are still pple out there who could understand how i feel.

Blue rabbit, my husband accompanies me to most of the visits to the doc, but i try not to bother him when it comes to going to doc's clinic for jabs and blood tests (which i hope he has not taken it for granted). Frankly, i dun mind going alone. What i mind most is that whenever i need to go through something major like laparoscopy and this time ICSI, he tends to get easily angry over things, or he will say something that is so insensitive to upset me... There was once *so frustrating* he even flared up at me for not knowing or making any efforts to find out what i can and cannot eat during my cycle! strange hor, i thought if he is really concerned about me, then he should be the one making the effort, cos i am already overwhelmed with lots of things...

Nowadays, i just try to keep quiet (better than yelling and screaming right??) about it, cos i know, i am the only one who could help myself. i am happy enough if he does not come and upset me. u are right, there is nothing much he could do but to produce sperms 8). The last thing i want to be upset about is his temperaments, i think i got other more impt things to worry about. Wish me good luck for the coming ICSI!
Ya.... men r all the same. Juz take 1 thing at a time and talk to us here... u will feel better.
Wish u good luck and success.
hi blue_rabbit

Thanks, will pop in to vent my frustration. 8)

gals, i stumbled upon the IVF/ICSI Mother-to-be thread, looks like a few cases of multiple pregnancies! how nice! Can deliver once and then close shop!
hi buddies,
feeling a very
, its like everything is going to be "HORRIBLE" kind of feeling, dont know whats wrong with me today
hi buddies, I m back to normal today
I think i was thinking too much about the cycle especially my health. I have been leading a very unhealthy life lately. I dont eat breakfast almost everyday, the min i step into my workplace i work like mad (I m in human resource management and managing adults is just very very stressful to me at times). The food at my workplace "sucks" there are no eating places around, so almost starve myself everyday until i come home at about 2 or 3pm (i work shorter hours but always bring home my work). all i do after work is watch tv and surf the net as HB works long hours. for the past 3 days i started to hate myself for the way i eat and that had stressed me a lot.

I remember you mentioned abt the HB not happy that you drank coke, for my case i m angry because my hubby never stops me from eating such unhealthy food, and whenever he's at home he wil sleep most of the time and skip his meal as a result i will also end of skipping. If i ask him why is he doing this , he simply says "why are u waiting for me, go and eat if you want to eat" this really drives me nuts I feel like as if i m the only one who need to take care of myself.

I dont know why am i unable to make changes to my eating habbit. May be i m very lazy to eat. Today i told myself "if i dont take care of myself, who will" hee hee!

Blue rabbit,
Thanks for asking, yes I m stressing myself too much, hope i will do better from now.
thanks for sharing your exp. yes u r rite, the medicines, stress and money involved in this tmt really pushes us to the limit. I should remember we are not alone we have buddies who hav similar problems. Take care U
Hi everyone,
I stumbled upon this forum while surfing for blogs/websites of Singaporeans going thru ICSI. I started my first jab on 5th April. Today's the 3rd jab. Ok so far but I guess I'm still early in the cycle. I'm with SF Loh, KKH, ICSI. Hope to join this forum to learn about other ladies' experiences and to share/vent as and when needed!
akandatang - icsi/KKH/SF Low (April/May)
Chloe - icsi/Gleneagles/LC Foong (Apr/May)
Rachel - ivf/KKH/Sadhana (April/May)
Humble - icsi/KKH/SF Low (May/Jun)
moonfairy - icsi/Gleneagles/LC Foong (May/Jun)
constantia - icsi/KKH/SF Low (April/May)

if anyone is currently cycling or going to cycle just post your details and we'll add you to the list
hi gals

good news, puipui, one of our sisters, ICSI under dr foong has made it!!!

moonfairy, i am very very happy for her!!! Hope we can graduate soon too!

I'm also with Doc SF Loh doing ICSI, successful on the 1st attempt and now I'm 2 months pregnant. Good luck to u.
blue_rabbit - wow! Praise the Lord! I am so hoping that I'll be successful the 1st attempt! All the best as you start on this new journey!
hi gals,
i m soooo..........stressed with the acu thing. Can anyone tell me what to tell the acupuncturist during the first visit, do all the acu come up with the same tmt, I m so confused I badly want to go for it. Please

stop stressing yourself... I was in that state previously and almost went to depression! Very serious! Everyday I would cry and sometimes esp after argument with hubby, I wanted to jump down from my building!!! I fell sick like every 2 weeks and work affect; boss scolded; big boss came to ask why i keep taking mc... a lot of things happened at that time... but after thinking through, or think somebody said something, really can't remember, managed to get over it. Dun think so much lah...

Anyway, are you going for chinese sinseh as well? I was actually thinking of that... where do u go? How does it help? Can advice?
Hi Humble,
Glad that you are ok now. I am going for my first acu this morning. Am also quite afraid, not sure how it was but heard that it was not as painful as we tot since we went thru tons of injection right. Dun worry, post you my first experience this afternoon.
hello everyone

new to this board. being kiasu i also posted that the IVF/ICSI support group thread.
did ivf/icsi two years ago in sgh - both fresh and frozen cycle but not successful.
trying again this time, with dr fong yang/Mount E.
today is day 8 of my current cycle and i'm on puregon 150IU (today is 7th injection).
when dr fong scanned me just now, he said there are only 11 eggs - 6 on left and 5 on right.
he said this is fewer than most of his other patients ... so now i'm really worried!
when i did my 1st ivf, there were 19 eggs extracted, and 11 fertilised. But only 6 were viable - 3 used for fresh cycle and the other 3 for frozen cycle.
can the sisters who have done ivf, let me know how many eggs they had extracted and how many fertilised? Is it ok to have so few eggs?
thanks so much!!
Hi Jolene,

Did you went to the Meiling's st sinseh, let us know how's is it, ok ?
Hi Didi / Humble,
Yes, I went to Meiling's st sinseh. It was really uncomfortable. It's not the needle that is painful, it's the burner tat needs to place at our abodminal area. It's really hot and at times unbearable, although my pain threshold is quite good but can't endure this pain. But heard that that is good for our womb as it keeps it warm. Are you thinking of going there?? It's good to try but must bear with it initially and as Winter says she find it unbearable initially but should get immune to it after a while. I am hoping my 2nd visit will feel better. Don't worry, it's good to try out.
hihi Jolene, Humble, Didi...

where u go for acup? is it expensive? Feel like going too... to make myself stronger... what did u tell the sinseh?
Hi Constantia,

Gian Min Medical Centre
Meiling St blk 152,#01-16
Tel: 64759621

I paid for $30 for my first session. Just for the acu treatment only. I have not tried their medicine yet, not sure if it's expensive.

She will ask for your history and what is your problem thereafter proceed with the treatment that last 2 hours.
my pain threshold is very poor, but i tahan this 1 if it might help increase the success rate. Btw when are you starting your cycle? fresh or fet? can I include you in the list?

me too not sure what to expect for acu but understand that the person doing it will know what is ivf treatment and will coordinate with the western medicine to increase the chance.

contantia & jolene,
would be great if we can go together if you are going alone (hope i m not being too kaypoh) let me know if anyone would allow me to join in. I wont disturb u gals if you are going with HB, ha ha ha!
hi humble,
i found the thread..keke..thanx
i think here is more to wat i wan..but juz now gong gong go n post at two diff places to ask quest abt ivf...
sori to be lo soh..but i think i repost it here...

my quest:
*ivf can let u put up to 3 sperm n embro..i was thinking since paying that sum of $ might as well put 3 but my hubby says will have high chances of miscarriage..is dat true?
*is taking out of embryo pain?
that's all...thanx..

P.S: i will take up u ladies advice to see Dr SF Loh..
hi hui

IVF only allows U to put back max. 3 embryos. If u have more than 3 embryos, they will be freeze and keep with the hospital.
When doin ER, you will be put under anaesthesia, hence U dun feel any pain at all. However, after the process, U may
encounter pain and it is advise that U have more rest over the next few days before your ET.

Hi Humble,
My next try will be FET and have if AF comes promptly ET might be around around mid May. Still a long way to go...

I might go this Tues or Wed night , if it's ok for you, you could join me. Will let you know tomorrow. But it's near queenstown, any problem for you? Where you staying?? Thinking of going at 7pm and might finish around 9-10pm depend on the crowd and have to make appointment.
