IVF at SGH in Jan / Feb 2013

hi emily tey,

thanks for the advice..think i give him a call to ask him about the adhesions as well..

i am also worried abt it as i never go thru any detailed scans and straight to op.. i hope nothing major happens but i mentally prepared also for bad news

Hey Gals, went for consultation with Dr Seng at Raffles this morning. Was a very gd session, he was really very detailed unlike the doc at KKH. Anyway, I have to go through the tests but looks like the tests are more comprehensive but most importantly have to start my menses first. Dr Seng reviewed the past report for my first IUI, he thinks that our chance of success is very high due to the quality of the sperm but i guess probably due to stress and whatever reason at that point of time that it didn't succeed. He suggested we try IUI again but we are thinking more or going straight to ivf but anyway, we shall see how the HSG test result will be when my menses comes.

JC, were u there too?

Glad to hear everything's gd.. Very impt to be comfortable with your doc


That time my doc actually sent me for detailed scan before deciding on the op.. It helped that during our pre-op consultation which took about an hr was very detailed.. Using the detailed scan photos, he explained what he would be doingduring the op, and what are all the possibilities.. For things that i don't really understand, he drew it out more simply for me too.. I was also scared and worried, but felt a little better after knowing all the details.. It'll be gd to make another appt to see him and know more abt the op first.. All the best!
Hey Jas, I will be doing blood test which will include the egg quality. HSG is to test whether the tubes are blocked. It's to pump in dye and xray. This will be done when my menses come so menses must come! hehhehehe..Hubby redo his sperm test and has been sent for pre conception blood test (both cost about 100 over bucks). I think mine will be more exp but duno yet, will update u. My bill today inclusive my hubby's tests, scan on me, pap smear and a preg test cost 590+. Not as expensive as my prev GlenE doc. Apparently they know each other cos Dr Seng is from glenE. My prob now is i'm given utrogestron (hormones to bring my menses) and i'm so dizzzzzy after taking. So called clinic to ask whether i can take both at night cos i'm driving in the day... faint... weeeeeeeee dizzy...
maomi, i remember tat my gynae told me tat hsg test is quite painful and can onli be done in hospital.
So u have done preg test today and its negative ah? no wonder u wan menses come asap so u can start. keke..
Maomi, yes I'm there in the am & I'm still here now cos I need to be given a jab tonite at the clinic.
Today's review ok and my eggs extraction will be this wed. From today onward, I need to take lotsa protein & lotsa egg whites (4-8eggs daily to prevent bloatedness)
But bad thing is my my left ovary very naughty, cos its moving higher near to my tummy rather than dropping lower near to virginal. So if dr cannot extract the follicles from the left ovary, she will hv to extract it from my tummy (keeping my finger cross that won't happen).
Btw, what time did u leave raffles hosp? I only finish seeing my doc at 10.30-45am.
hi ladies,

i will be sgh tmr for my blood test.. will drop by to give dr tan a call to have a ease of mind before the op..

a few months back when i call him, he was very patient and told me that it is a prep surgery before ivf... hopefully nothing major crops up during the op..

my pre op fear already kick-started... think will be damn nervous on friday...
Yeah Jas, my body hasn't done anything for the past 1 mth! All the bd sessions are wasted. Apparently the doc said that in fact my cycle has just started.*roll eyes* Doc told me to take 2 panadols before I go for the test. So next cycle will be a wasted cycle due to the dye.

JC, I was there till about 1130am. Good to know that your review is gd and hope that your ovary will move down. So excited for you. Btw, can I check with you on the payment, do we have to one shot pay everything? Medisave is direct deduction is it? Dr Seng seems to be more keen to do one round of SO-IUI cos he said my last IUI, the sperm quality was actually very gd, he's surprised that it didn't work out. But we are still considering whether to just go direct to ivf. Cos i'm not young anymore, although below 35 but not far from that.. :p

Mini, hugz, don't be scared, you are one step closer to being a mum.
Minibunny, hope u hv a smooth op.
I'm aso scare now cos tomorrow I'll be totally knocked out to removes my eggies for ivf.
Maomi, u hv to pay by per visit & medi cost..Not 1 shot pay $16-17k. Medisave is hospital will help u to claim later, u hv to pay first.
JC, so far, how much have u paid? Sorry for asking so much cos we r trying to weigh whether we can afford ivf or we should go for iui again.
I'm out from my "knocked out". Got 24 eggs. Will hv to wait for embrorist to call me tomorrow on how many hv fertilized. Today's bill is $7500 (heart bleeding)!!!!!
Will prob hv to come on fri for insertion of the fertilized egg(s). I've to decide if I'm putting 1 or 2.
Maomi, I will hv to go back to check how much I've spent to-date. Will keep u posted.
wow 24 eggs
thats good: ! $7500 ! reall heart bleeding le.. But it is worth as u got 24eggs which not many ladies can get that.
Wah!! 24 eggs that's alot man! Good on you JC.

Thanks Thanks, u rest more ok.
Wow!! Good to hear that u have got 24eggs! Isn't the $7500 from cpf? U mean we gotta pay all from our own pockets first?
Hi hi.... Me hv been groggy since back from hosp...now feel tat my womb like dropping out. My movement hv to be slow too, & hv to sit down/stand up slower.. Ahhrrrr....pain....Now then I understand y I need to hv 5 days mc..
My viginal is nt very pain but hv little bit of stain. Tummy still big though the eggs hv been removed.
Anyone hv such experience?

Btw, more eggs = more $ leh..... By right I hv 30+ eggs, but some are empty eggs, so only 24 eggs will be used. 1st 12 eggs are fix cost.. Subsequently don't know how many eggs, extra cost again..

For the total cost tat I've spent to-date, will keep u all posted later cos I want to reduce moving ard today and standing too much
Hi minibunny!

I've also went for keyhole on nov cos of ovarian cysts, rested abt a mth before seeing my gynae to discuss for ivf as this is my 2nd ops with the span of 2yrs.

late Nov - follow up with gynae after keyhole
Dec - went for IVF counselling
Jan - went for scan and blood test during D2

Now waiting for their call... dono when leh. me n hubby excited over it and also scared as well.

Hi JC!

Thats awesome that you've got so many eggs! I would suggest to put 2 eggs cos since we are doing, no harm to put more than 1.. cos firstly it's costly and if put 2, can have twins and/or might only 1 survive (hope not!). u put 1, if dont work out (touchwood!), need to go through the egg implantation again. but just my suggestion la, you might not agree with me.
Ok.. I've paid $11.7k up to yesterday.. Woww!!!! Tat's a lot of $$$$. Tat y I can only go for ivf once & Tat's it! Don't know what is the cost tomorrow for putting the eggs & more injections...

Dianna, yes, I will be putting 2 for higher chance. Doc aso recommend putting 2 eggs for D2. Doc say if eggs were excellent, then can try putting on D5, then for D5 egg, just need to put 1.

Oh, forget to tell u all, embrorist called just now tat out of the 24 eggs, 20 hv been fertilized and 15 hv survived. Hope they are all Gd & healthy.
Hi JC,

Wow $11k!!! All cash or what? I thought can claim from CPF? Am so happy to hear that u have so many fertilized eggs. Are ugg for embryo transfer or blastocyst transfer?
Jackzel, nt sure leh, I can't remember the technical term. But I remember that that blastocyst is for D5 egg.

Dianna, I'm nt sure abt the ivf process as this is my first time doing..& too many steps. So usually I request doc to tell me step by step after each completed step. Dr say if D2 eggs grade are good then it can be hold till D5 for it to grow bigger. However, if the eggs to survive till D5 ( tougher to survive at environment compared to our womb), we cn hv a choice to put only 1 egg.
Yup JC, that's what my Dr told me also. I am also worried abt having twins. Btw, u haven reply me question on the $11k that u spent. Is it all in cash???
Sorry, miss out that qn. Yes, all in cash first. Thereafter, hosp will issue a cheque back to me for the medisave claim.

All the best for your upcoming ET!


For govt hosp, they'll do all the claims and subsidy for you.. You just have to top up the excess at the end of it.. For eg, if your bill is 11k, they'll deduct the 3k govt subsidy, and claim 6k medisave (1st cycle) for you, you top up 2k cash..
JC, ganbatte!!!! So you won't be doing a D5 transfer but a D2? Anyway, don't have to reply if you are very tired. Rest more gal!

I'm done w the Tfr!!!! Only hv 2 A- grade (which is average to gd) which I've put in..
Kept 4 grade B eggs frozen. The rest discard as they are all C grade!!!
Now only can pray hard hard already!!!
oh~~~ I got confused with the D2 & D5, thought y doc put eggs when we having menses... hahaha! malu man...

all the best to u, JC!
Congrats JC, hope its successful! You are officially on 2ww right? How much was the bill today? REST REST REST!

Jas, yes, that's right. I'm quite comfortable with him and he's very detailed.
Sorry ladies, sidetrack abit..

My colleague is seeing him now at gleneagles. She told me he is quite experienced and good. he even helps couples. How much is first and subsequent consultation? mayb we can talk in 2ww thread..
JC, rest well! Good luck and baby dust to you!

My AF is finally here. Am gg to SGH now for blood test and buymmedicines according to the nurse.
Tks all...I'm still feeling very very bloated & so darn sick of eating eggs (3 half boiled in the morning & 3 fried eggs for dinner). Need to drink plenty of milk & water...
Hv to contine to do all these for the Nxt 2 wks before I can know the Gd news!!!
Maomi, today is abt $4.5k, so total I've paid is what they hv gauged ($15-$16k). The nurse has aso help me complete the medi save form today.
Jackzel, Gd luck, ur turn is here now! Jiayou woh!
Emily, I took 3 half boiled eggs (w only 1 yolk) & 3 fried egg (w only 1 yolk too) daily.
Maomi, I drink dumex cos raffles got give me some sample for me to try which I feel acceptable. I think ensure is chocolate flavor, too sweet for me.
Dianna, we hv to take eggs even be4 2ww. I think I was told to take egg & milk abt 1 wk before egg retrieval.
Jackzel, jabs is nt a prob for me, I very lethargic since eggs retrieval till now... Nt sure I can make it to work Nxt wed or not..
Hi ladies,

i am back from my lapa, surgery was smooth, no cysts or fibriods found.. doc say we can start ivf in 2 months time....

was damn scared at the ot, doc came out to reassure me on the op... overall procedure was quite fast.. though the ga effects make ne giddy for whole day...

We are excited on the ivf....

Do we need to prepare 10k cash to pay first before claiming medisave?
JC,how come only 7 days? i read from other thread is abt 19 days after ET for IVF?

minibunny, great to hear that! now u can start "tiao" your body for ivf. 2 mths later means Mar or Apr, I will be abt the same too. Maybe we can be cycle buddy
Emily, Maybe I type too fast lah... And blur blur...so u may hv prob understaning what i say.
Bcos I'm very bloated, so I was told to eat eggs earlier (1 wk earlier )before ET & take it for another 2 wk after embryo tfr.
hi Emily,

Great, hopefully we succeed with every one here

What should I eat to tiao my body? Thinking to take conceive well....
I take chinese herbs(powder) form, milk, 2 half boil eggs /day, flexi seeds oil, royal jelly, red bean soup, acid forlic, calsium tablets. I took conceive well for past 3mths, but stopped,coz feeling very heaty if also taking chinese herbs. I also do acupunture once a week. Also trying to take more green vege and some fruits. Sometimes also take pineapple core, heard tat contain selenium.
Thinking to replace current HL milk to Ensure or the other brand, cant remember the name, only knowsome sisters get it fr OG. Yet decide, know which one suite.
Wowthatisis a lot..interested in the powder... any ladies can advised me?

Think I also need to lose some weight... hopefully the ivf cycle will not be very scary for me...

Are we also under ga during egg retrieval?
Minibunny, I don't take milk & was told to take pregnancy milk recently before & after ET .
Yes, u will be under sedation ( totally knockout) for ET.
