IVF at SGH in Jan / Feb 2013

The detailed semen analysis is only for those gg through IVF. Cos is meant to further check whether hubby sperm can 'hatch' together with our embryo which IUI doesn't need this process. IUI only make sure we ovulate n gynae just put the gd sperms into our body. IUI is still so called natural process cos there's no artificial insertion of 1 sperm to 1 embryo.

N this detailed analysis will cost $200+ which is rather costly compared to the usual sperm test report.

Ok. I understand that I will also need to go for a test on the egg reserve to see if I m a good candidate for IVF. Expecting more and more ahead. Just hope that we will succeed in this last attempt w IUI.
Hi hopemiracle30,

Actually it's alrite that you didn't use the medisave claims for your IUIs.. Cos can only use 3 times, regardless of whether u claim for iui or ivf.. So most of us will just pay cash for iui cos way cheaper than ivf, just in case really gotta go ivf, then at least still can claim..

All the best for your iui!!
Hi sisters, thanks for all your well wishes. Hope my follicle/s mature the right time,and we can get it done on Saturday so i can rest sufficiently over the weekend. Jia You!
Hi all, no IUI today cos follicles still not ready. Monday will proceed. Pray for blessing in God's time! Have a great weekend to all
Hi Dianna, thanks for your wishes! I did my IUI yesterday with 2 ruptured follicles ( I hope there are ova) . Dr was very encouraging, guessed she could sense my pessimism. Anyway, by faith we went for the procedure, by faith we will wait for the result..... Penetrative and sticky baby dust on me!
And for sisters who are undergoing similar experience, Jia you!
Hi all, i'm very new to IVF. Today is my day 3 and doc had seen me today. Will be starting my jab tonite for 4 nites.
I'm just scare...
hi JC, are u doing the short cycle or long one?
I am starting mine soon. hope my day 1 starts when am back from overseas. So worried that I will have my menses before I am back.
Hi Emily, welcome to our thread.
Jackzel, I'm very new and quite blur w the process even though my gynae had explain to me.
What I know is I was given 4 doses of pUregon, then on the 2 jan go for scan & jab by doc. The extraction of the eggs will be ard 9-13 jan.
Then they will fertilized the eggs to d2-D5. They will inform me again if to put in D2 or D5 egg.
So is mine long or short cycle ?
Emily, so u hv done ivf before? This s my 1st & last time to do cos I can only afford for 1 try since its so.. expensive.
That is aso the reason I go straight to ivf instead if iui.
I'm not young already so I must do it ASAP.
JC, i not yet try, Apr 2013 will be my first try. I also no more young, 36 this yr. Both my hubby and I are doing acupunture now, already 4mths with no results. So will give ourself another 3mths try before we proceed to ivf. What is your age? Who is your doctor? How is your first jab last night?
I'm 35 this yr. I've been trying for more than 4 yrs still no news. My previous gynae say both me & hubby no prob, just try naturally. So try & try for 4yrs, I need to do something.
My friend recommended Sheila loh from raffles hosp to me. Seen her since oct & told her the urgency of me having kids soon, & I only hv fund for 1 try. So decided to go for ivf soon.
I'm very comfortable w her & she is very detailed doc. But she is rather expensive cos she is the hd of fertility of raffles hosp.
why dont u consider government hospital? there is 3K government grant, if not mistaken can apply upto 3 times. I do hope you can success for just 1 try
YOur first jab ok ?
Ok w 1St jab.. Actually not as scary as I tot. The needle is rather thin, hence don't really feel the pain.
Today is 2nd jab,, aso alright, but prob I jab on the diff side today, so I hv to used more strength to inject the puregon. After he 2nd jab, there is a slight spot of blood, so I used he alcohol wipe it.
Emily, I want to do it quick & hope to do it by beginning of this yr, hence decided o o pvt hosp.
Kitkat, yes, u need to find a fertility doctor to check if there is any prob w u & ur hubby 1st.
Hi all, may I know roughly how long the wait is to get an appointment with Dr Yu Su Ling (SGH)
or Dr Sadhana (KKH) ?

As I'm afraid the waiting period could be few months in govt hospital hence will be helpful to know the waiting time so that I can plan ahead. Thank you.
Dear All sisters, does anyone experience light bleeding during ovulation time? I went through surgery for cyst removal, after the operation I experience this nearly every mth. I visited some chinese websites and noted it is normal.. But I asked many of my friends that non of them experience this. After the ovulation, this thing totally cleared. I would like to ask, will this thing affect IVF result? I went to 2 gynea but both said I am ok after the ultrasound but why I bleed with (light brown sticky / watering discahrge). I also doing accu and taking chinese herbs for ard 9mths already with no improvement..really dont know whats wrong with me. Anyone experience this, please share with me, I really need some advise as it really bothering me.
Seen my gynae today.... Need more puregon jabs + another additional jabs for the Nxt 2 days ( to delay my eggs from coming out).
Gynae say some eggs r quite Gd size already & there r a no. of eggs still small...
today just went for my D2 scan and blood test. Waiting for the team discussion to be completed and then nurse to call me when to sign consent form with dr.

Hopefully i can start after CNY.
Hi dianna, u r with sgh too? I did all the pre if test at nuh last year apr. Bring to sgh but they recommend me to redo.. I have yet to call them coz waiting my AF now. I hope can do ivf coming apr as march got oversea trip.
Hi Dianna,

all the best to you. I also waited quite a while before the team decides on my treatment. I am getting more and more nervous coz i am suppose to start my treatment when this month's AF comes.
Hi Emily!
Yup, in with SGH but with Dr Yong instead. Normally when u change places, they will wan u to redo all the tests. Cos the tests are not transferable.

Jackzel, how long u waited to sign the consent? Is it about 3weeks at least?
Ya, I waited for like 1 month. I manage to call and bring forward my appt to like beginning of Dec. Then went back to do trial cannulation on the 28th Dec. Now am just waiting for AF to come and start the treatment.
Hi sisters, wishing you all a Happy New Year!
Just an updat: My IUI failed again last month, my mensus is about to come
, starting to spot since yesterday.
Hope there will be miracle as I turn 30 this month
Dear hopemiracle, dont be sad. U still very young. I am 36 this year, turning 27 very soon and still trying.. I will just tell myself to try my best and I dont regret eventhough not success by end of the process.
Hi Min81, maomi from 2ww thread, just reading up on ivf, the 3k grant from govt, do i have to get referral letter from polyclinic to go to the public hosp to enjoy or I can be private patients? How long is the wait at public hospitals?
Hi maomi,

For the 3k grant, u'll be entitled as long as it's at govt hosp (sgh, kkh, nuh) regardless of whether u're subsidised or private patient.. Hmm i'm not sure abt sgh or kkh, for nuh, the wait about 1-2 mths? I guess it also depends on how many people doing during that time frame.. Last jun, was told i can do july.. But this time in late nov, was told earliest feb..
Hey Min81, thanks. I'm seeing Dr Seng of Raffles hospital on monday for some advice, wanted to see Sheila Loh but her appts are filled. So just randomly picked Dr Seng. Previous gyne at GlenE is way too expensive to maintain.
Tks, Emily. I'm keep my fingers cross.. Will keep u ll posted.
Hopemiracle, u r still young. Don't be discourage, k! Since u hv already tried iui, y not do ivf since chances is higher.
For the rest, Gd luck to ur ivf!
Maomi, I'm w Sheila loh now. Hv seen her since late oct last yr, and now starting my ivf w her.. So far if u r already w her, they will be able to slot u in, just that u hv to wait. I'm going tomorrow am& noon to see her.
Hey JC, understand, anyway, will see Dr Seng first then see how. How's your experience in Raffles?
Seen doc today, hv to jabs again....only 2 big eggs...& many miedium & small eggs..
Seeing doc on mon, am.....
Maomi, I've Gd exp there. Doc, nurses r all very detailed & experience. They aso guide u how to jabs & let u practice on jabbing (nt on ur tummy, on the sponge cube)
Gd to know that, very assuring. thanks jc. I have no prob on jab, did it before hehe. Oh my appt is at 10am on Monday
I've appt 8+ & 10am too.. We may see each other there too.
The environment there is aso very gd, nt very crowded. I usually will get a cup of coffee or hot choc from the dispenser there while waiting..

i am also with sgh for ivf.. going for lapascropy next fri first before i can start ivf.. abit scared about it...

i am with dr tan hk.. anyone can share with me what to do after the op? will it be very painful?
Hi minibunny,
My gynae is also tan Hak Koon. You are in good hands, don't worry. Is not painful for the op as you will be under Ga. Just side effects from GA. Hope you conceive after this op. Good luck.

I just went for laparoscopy in sep to remove 2 ovarian cysts cos cannot proceed with ivf with cysts.. How come you have to do lap? Don't worry, it'll be ok.. The incision wounds will hurt when raw but bearable and should heal pretty fast.. You might wanna wear a dress to hospital cos after the op, it could be uncomfortable to have the waistband of pants over the wounds.. All the best!
hi min81,

thanks.. i am quite scared of the op.. hopefully i can go thru it..

hi maomi,

according to dr tan, it is better to have it as it helps to prepare the womb for baby. i only did a pap smear on my first visit and everything seems ok. but cos of my irregular menses, dr suspect i may be pcos.. so the lapo is to check for those as well...

hi usagi_2011,

thanks.. i kinda of worried what will happen during the op... and also scared of such stuff... think i may cry out that day...
hi ladies
can i also check the cost of ivf? do we have to fork out a lump sum like 10k at 1 shot before govt grant?

HI Minibunny, Usagi,
I removed my cyst Apr 2011, Dr Tan HK called it dermoid cysts . I just wanted to share my experience with you. Before the op, doctor said it will be 3 keyholes surgery on my tummy and the ops will be fast, abt 1 to 2 hours. However, my operation last for 7 hours plus. I were pushed to the waiting room of operation theater 2:30pm and out ard 8:30pm. My hubby scared like hell there. I was feeling so painful the whole tummy area and hubby helped me to checked, there was a long bandage and it was so painfuly until I request for pain killer and the nurse gave me the injection type, she told me that mine is open cut. I stayed in the hospital for 5 days due to fever. On the day of discharge, the nurse helped me to remove the bandage and clean the wound, then only i realised that it was a 10cm+- cut instead of as promised 3 keyholes. I didnt ask doctor abt this as I think there must be some difficulties in removing the cycst as it was quite big at 6.5cm+ and which caused the ops last for 7 hours.

Now is about 1 yr 8mths past the op, I was still having abnormal bleeding. I did went back twice to let him check if there is any other issue behind, but no issue found. The abnormal bleed is from 1st day of my mensus to ard 16 to 17 days. (heavy days only last for 2 days, but it dip-drop not clear till 16 to 17 days). Because of this problem I consult tcm and have medicine nearly 1 yr and acupunture nearly 5mths, try to "pu" by body and womb, but still not able to resolve. I went to another private gynea to check, also find no issue. Really dont know what happened to me.

Another thing to hi-light here is, I have pre-ivf test Apr 2012 in NUH and found that my left ovary was stuck to the fundus and another to the back of uterus. I am not sure if this is caused by the ops. I think ppl called this as "adhesions".

Minibunny, maybe u can ask Dr Tan, if there will be any chance of adhesions after the ops and any method to avoid it. Dont be like be, blur blur... coz that time I also dont know what to ask him.
