IVF at SGH in Jan / Feb 2013

HI DIana, today scan result, I asked the nurse why yday scan, today hav to scan again. She said I got 1 follicle is 17mm yday. So today must come in again. Today result, I roughly see in the table that they filled, 1x 20.5, 1x 17, 1x 15 in my LO. and only 1 x 10mm in my RO. Did surgery before on RO, where it's volume reduce so much, so didnt expect it to produce much. IT stuck to lateral of uterus too.

I will have trigger shot(HCG) tonight at 9.45pm sharp. Egg collection will in Sat morning. The HCH a bit different then lucrin and Gonal-F. Have to mix liquid and powder. Nurse who teach me said this shot is slightly more painful. Scare now...

Hi Min, how do you feel abt the trigger shot.
Did your follicles continue growing after trigger? How are u now?

Looks pretty gd! I hope I can be soon man, very bloated nowadays. DH already say I put on weight.

Don be scared ok? We have to bite through all the way to ET.
All the best to u!
Hi emily,

Your progress sounds gd! Follicles are of gd sizes
My trigger shot is using Suprefact, not a hcg shot.. I found it ok, not especially painful, kinda like cetrotide.. Don't worry too much abt it k.. Actually i also dunno whether the follicles will continue growing after trigger shot, i guess they do.. Jia you for ER! My morning sickness is not gd and have lost some weight but it's all worth it
Wishing you all the best!!

Hi Dianna,

When's your ER? All the best k!
Hi Min, Dianna, I hav completed the Pregnyl jab. But when I try to mix the liquid and powder into solution, there are huge bubble! It is not easy to let go. I wasted some solution while trying to push the bubble out
hope it doesnt matter...
Emily, u got try to flick it?
Anyway, if its not alot of bubbles i think is fine.

If not, call up ur gynae clinic and ask.

I just came back from my scans this morning. 2 follicles at 15mm, the rest at 12mm. was asked to carry on till sunday. Monday would be my last scan and tentatively my ER will be on next Wed.
sound good! At least yours growing atmost same size, if they grow big together, Dr will be able to retrieve many eggies for you. mine seem not growing at same pace le.. some very big some very small. Besides, something is worrying me now. I got heavy browish discharge the last 2 days of stimulation and a lots more which wet the whole pad after last night HCG. I called CARE to ask but no reply from them yet. Nurse said will ask Dr Yu for me.. but it has been 2 hours liao. Haiiz.. dont know if I have ovulated already or what.. or if my lining for issue..
Yes, dr yu said maybe bcoz of hormone.. I actually experience this Before the ivf treatment. But it became more heavy after the treatment. My mum told me, if the ivf success then it is gd, else want me to see another gynea to check thoroughly by surgery to find out wats wrong inside. Before this, I been to several Drs, they scan me, if me medicine but also don't know wat the problem, also can't cure it, I took Chinese med and do accup for 1.5yrs also no help! Don't know wat the hell happen inside!! That's why I always prepare for worst for this ivf .
Actually if tcm doesn't work, no point carrying on with tcm. Though I know ppl say tcm take very long for ppl to have response.

But think positive. I always tell my mom, whatever I can do already do. IVF is my last option. If also cannot means no fate... But who knows what will happen down the road. Might conceive naturally by our own again.

Need to have faith with IVF and the doc and her team that's helping us.
hello ladies, i m a new patient with SGH CARE. i did my counselling and Day 2 scan with bloodtests on 9 apr, when should I expect a call from SGH huh? Wait till my neck long liaoz
ecym, nowadays SGH so crowded, lots couples seeking for help. Pls call them instead of wait for them to call u.

HI Dianna, I did my ET on Monday. Painful experience due to bladder super full while doing the transfer. Rush to toilet after the procedures. I has 2 embryos. None to freeze. How are u ?
Hi ecym! Normally doc would need about a month to do the planning for u, be it short or long cycle.

If you want to find out now, u may try and call them to ask about the status.

Hi Emily, tomorrow is my ER. Might need to go for FET due to my swollen tube on one side. Doc will monitor to see from inside, if little water, i will still go ahead for ET, if not, FET liao.
it seems there's water trapped in m tube, might be over stimulated. thats wat doc says, if the water is little that she can just poke it and remove,we will go ahead for ET after that. if not, FET will be a better option for me.
ER okay. got 19 follciles out.
Nurse just called and said that out of 19, 10 are fertilised normally thru ICSI.

scheduled tentatively ET on this sat, doc wants me to scan one more time before proceeding. wanna see my lining...
Dianna, congra for the ER! water in your tube cleared? did they tell u the lining measurement?

Hi ccl, good experience for me
Doc say she cannot see, ask me to go for scan early in the morning on sat.

lining as well.

What about u? how u feeling recently?
Hi all, CARE called me on Tuesday almost right after I post on this thread... Like most of you said, after all the tests, the earliest appt date to consult Dr Yu is 13 May. Nurse Barbara said Dr Yu will be putting me on long cycle but she did not mention what's my FSH result etc...

Nurse also mention HB has to provide sample 4x... to make sure have enough to do IVF.

Long cycle - meaning I have to inject myself close to 4 weeks right? Why not short one!
Hi Emily, understand tt u r in 2 weeks wait now. U took mc for 14 days? It is necessary to take mc for 14 days n rest at home? Im waiting sister barbara to call me in 2/3 weeks to sign consent.
Dear all, usually i post in another thread the IVF/ICSI Support Group. Hope this thread will still be ongoing, although the subject title is Jan/Feb.

Ive failed 2 fresh IVF (Jul 12 & Apr 13) in private hospital and yesterday (25 Apr), I was at SGH CARE for 1st consultation with Dr Yong. I had the 1st appt at 9am with her, but she is late cos of a ET lah. Well, i hv to re do alot of test and scans with her before she will share with me what she is going to offer me. I've tried both short and long protocol, gonal f and puregon but both cycles BFN with no snow embryos.

Wonder are there any sisters here can share any positive BFP stories from SGH CARE and your experience.
Ecym, yes yes
they also asked my hubby prv 4x samples. But he went oversea and finally only prv 3x only

Ccl, they will prv up to 18days off, mine is 15days hospitalization only as my egg collection was on Sat and egg transfer on monday.

Dreambear, yes they will ask u to redo the test. I was with nuh before and hav done all the per tests. I requested the full per test report fr nuh by paying ard $80 and bring to sgh, that report is less than a yr so shld be valid but they insist me to redo.. So I redo lor. I think they are quite many success stories in sgh as I saw many babies photos in the treatment from sent fr those ivf parents to the clinic. I also heard someone called the clinic to inform the nurse tat she prefigured, maybe she did the hpt at home..
so there is successful story. But I personally feel tat it is depends on individual health, embryo quality, doctor technic and our luck..

I am in 2ww now, but try to be positive everyday
do things I like, planting, cooking. Today I go bus ride and alight at bt timah to Makan lunch before take bus again back to my home at jurong
feeling so happy.
Just had my ET this morning. 2 of which were selected and they have 8 cells each which one of them belongs to grade one.

Don't really understand the grading of embryo, perhaps is similar to durians grading. ;p. Freeze the remaining 4.
emily, do u have any nauseous feeling?
I was wondering whether is it the medicine that gives me this nauseous since after my lunch and it din stop till now.
hello girls, do you feel the IVF process in CARE is not as standardised compared to other fertility centre?
ecym, do u mean abt the payment process? or which part u feel CARE is not standardised? u can feedback to the nurse.

i did feedback abt the subsidy part cos only sgh patients need to fork out cash to pay for the ivf medicines first and claim later. i feel la, it actually adds on as another stress for us if we are not 'financially adequate'.
Dianna, I only has back pain at left side for two days, nipple very pain since after ET, besides tat I feel very very thirsty, I wake up mid night to drink water due to too thirsty . I am not sure it is bcoz of i eat cereal everyday after et?
Then i also feel like my abdomen is lower, the cervix or vargina like dropping out... i think my uterus is weak la. I also go to toilet more frequent. other than that feeling nothing.
hi dianna not the payment part but the IVF treatment itself? my girlfriend who had her 2nd fresh cycle IVF at CARE finds them very messy from embryologist to the doctor-in-charge (as compared to KKIVF). She is almost certain that her 2nd IVF is an epic failure. Made me kinda of worried cuz we are seeing the same Dr. of cos, the views is one sided la, when I see the doc, I find her quite assuring but I do find their nurses very disorganised!
Anyone here did FET with success? I was told to go back for FET when my menses come. I think it will come in a day or 2. Think I am still not preg despite TCM after failed fresh cycle in Feb. I am still thinking whether to go or not.
Emily, i check with nurse when i was there to do BT. she said is normal, cos body adjusting to the hormones. but thirsty is not, have to keep drinking water.

i don have back pain, nor sore or swollen BBs. initially was swollen during the stimulation stage and it went down. but i hear from my mom, if swollen and painful is a gd sign of BFP.

ecym, i don think all the nurses are like that.

Throughout the cycle, i feel very gd with them. they can call me by my name once i step into CARE... for me i just wan the end results even how messy or disorganised they are cos i know they are very very busy, plus alot of processes to follow. of cos cannot be compared to the private fertility centres la. i just like to 'touch and go'.
Ecym, yes nurses a bit disorganized
but it is ok for me, coz I got my thing done quite fast every time I visit them. When I did my ER and ET , nurses also very caring. Overall I am quite satisfy. Agree with Diana, the nurse can remember my name after several visits.

Jackel, I remember u. Welcome back! There do hav successful stories for FET. Y not go for it since u hav frozen embroy. I got nothing to freeze le. I also stop tcm as I feel it didn't work for me.

Dianna, how r u today? Feeling better? Haizz I a bit mood swing and got angry these days bcoz of my parents in law. 家家有本难念的经!I think I shld go work instead of staying at home. U know, 每天对着就有磨擦。
Wah sisters, i need alot of positive feedback abt CARE lei cos Im considering to switch over from private. I've failed twice fresh in private and yes, cannot compare to private fertility centres lor.

The nurse part, i totally agreed although i hv only been to CARE for one appt. Doctor wise, still ok. Im seeing Dr Yong. Any sisters here same doc as me? I hv not really decided if i shd try my 3rd fresh in SGH or not. Meanwhile, awaiting for my blood test results that Ive done at my gynae. 2 wks later i will hv to go SGH fpr my D2 scan and BT again.

Meanwhile find this thread moving quite slow cos i guess not many sisters under CARE for their IVF?

Emily, your symptoms sounds positive to me lei. Jiayou!!!
hi emily! yes better, not much nauseous like ytd.u stay with ur in laws? what happen?

dreambear, im with dr yong. overall i like the experience there, maybe different ppl different expectations bah.

Do u all wanna exchange contacts? so can whatsapp together? at least is faster this way.
i dun mind exchanging contacts but i have not start my cycle yet... I will be seeing only dr yu on 13 May...
Ya I don't mind to exchange contacts as well..... But I also not starting my FET till maybe in a few days time. I really hope my menses DON'T come on Thurs!!
Hmmm Im bad..... Dianna, u in ur 2ww? Do u mind if we pm u our hp number and you create a group chat? But i will not start my 3rd fresh so soon too. By the time maybe you and emily will be in your 2nd trimester liao, heh!
Hi ecym, hope we are not cycle buddy but buddy in new motherhood... Well sometimes I think I tend to think and hope too much. Always end up in disappointment........
