IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Anyone kindly can advise me how to u consult a fertility doc at NUH? need a referral letter from polyclinic? costs involved per procedure, like can deduct from medisave? must fork out how much cash per treatment? Thanks

dian_tang: you are very brave to jab urself! gonal-F needle is fine, but the Cetrotide needle is bigger. but at least for short protocol, there are less jabs to do.

charlotte: u may wanna book an appt with NUH women's clinic to see a gynae 1st for fertility concultation/checks. If u'd like to go to prof wong, u will need to specify that when u make appt. Or else, you could go to any other gynae for this check. the cost may vary depends on what checks is required for ur case.

if there's any medical coverage by ur company for specialist treatment, then u may need to get a referral letter from polyclinic or company GP before u go to private gynaes. hope this is helpful.
Mel:Ha ha i am not brave la.Ya ya the needle for short protocol is longer , my god ! We really need more courage to do the jab . I was ok with the jab with gonal f . I freaked out by the long needle for extracting follicles fluid
bluenosebear: ya actually i haven't register with CHR yet. if end Oct menses will still be Oct cycle? then I will prob take Oct then.

dian_tang: when are u starting ur ivf cycle?

min81: u registered for Aug cycle already?
Hi melroze,

Yup i had actually registered last mth for aug cycle.. Just went to see prof wong today.. Confirmed can go ahead.. My estimated date of my menses is actually 30-31 jul.. Prof said can go ahead, no problem, don't have to wait another cycle

Best of luck for ur ivf in oct

Ya the date's getting closer.. I hope to be able to spread bbdust too!


So have you confirmed if you're on short protocol? Will u be seeing prof wong again before you start?
Min81: oh i am seeing him next thur and also review the blood test results plus pelvis US scan . I only seen him once in the seminar and feel that he was quite patient
Hi Dian tang,
You went for the seminar regarding ivf? How can I attend? I also just done blood test last Saturday and going review result on 06 aug... I still got another round of blood test during menses and hsg...
Hi ylgoh,

I think it's a private seminar for nuh ivf patients.. Prof wong mentioned they hold it like every 5-6 weeks.. I was told by him to attend when my hubby and i made the decision to go for ivf.. I think maybe you wanna wait for the review of your test results first since you've not completed all the tests.. If the results are good, maybe you won't need to go for ivf?
Hi charlotte,

Have you ever done any fertility tests (blood tests, HSG, etc)? You'll need to call nuh women's clinic first and make an appointment to see prof wong.. He'd most probably get you to do the necessary tests first before he advises you on whether you should go for iui or ivf.. He does both..

Hope this helps
Hi sistas, I'll b doing 3rd fresh with NUH-Prof Wong ard Sep. I wld like to check will CHR state reason on the MC when they issue e HL?
Hi ladies,

Just step in to give some encouragement

I went through my IVF with Prof PC wong in Jan-March 12 and successfully got conceived. Hence dont give up hopes and keep up the spirit.
Hi Mel...txs.

Hi SJX...congrats...Tis is my 3rd fresh...really pray hard I will strike under Prof Wong...
1st & 2nd fresh I'm with KKH Dr Tan.
Hi ladies,

Would like to check, my menses just started.. So is today considered day 1 and i go for my scan and jab tmr? Or is tmr day 1?

Hi min81, is it just spotting or full blown menses? If it's full blown, today is D1. Anyway, in whichever case, do give CHR a call tomorrow early morning to find out how to proceed. all the best!
Hi mel,

It started with full flow at about 7pm.. Yup i'll just go straight to CHR tomorrow morning.. Will call them when i'm on the way.. Thanks!!
Hi all,
Had finish review with pc Wong, he said straught go for ivf. He suggest go for short protocol. Just wondernis it need to take lot of mc at the beginning?
ylgoh-the scans will be on morning time.
Most of us will go to work after the scans.
Hospitalisation leave will start after egg retreival, think is 17 days if I'm right.
Hi bluenose bear,
Thanks for your advise. Quite worry on the process...
So far how is your progress? Mind to share?
ylgoh: when are you starting ivf? maybe u can attend prof 's seminar this month and it may help to answer your query.

For myself, i just start the ivf prog on 06 Aug 2012 and on short protocol. The jab will start on day 2 with gonal-f. on day 5, i am going back for scan and blood test.
Hi ladies,

Was unable to start on my ivf cos my day 2 scan showed 2 cysts.. Prof wong says to wait for next cycle.. If cysts don't go off then gotta go for laparoscopy.. Anybody had same experience? I was wondering if prof will perform the laparoscopy himself, or another doctor will do it?
hi min81: I had cyst before in 2 occassions, but not when i was doing ivf. yes cyst needs to be removed to ensure a snooth preganancy. Even if the cyst is found after one is preg, still need to do op to remove it. So better to do it early. Would u mind share how big is ur cyst and what type?

btw, i did the cyst removal with private gynae, so not sure if it'll be performed by prof himself. u should check it out with him for more details.
dian_tang: How's ur stimulation? egg retrieval completed? All the best!!!

tahope: Sept is coming! how's ur preparation? doing acu with Dr Zou now?

Bluenosebear: I still haven decided if to try again in Nov. sighzz, somehow getting tired of this and becoming reluctant. how's ur preparation?
min81-I don't think Prof will do the op, likely he will refer U to another Dr. But no harm asking him.
Melroze-Still continuing with accupuncture & Dr Zuo tcm med. Not much prep
Maybe U want to book as Nov, but tell CHR that is tentative. At least is a slot if U are ready by then.
But U should be emotionally & physically ready before U embark
Dian_tang: congrats on successful ER & ET! how many eggs retrieved? any frozen embryos? all the best to your 2ww. waiting for your bb dust!!

I haven't made up my mind.
Bluenosebear: you are so right that I need to be ready before I embark the 3rd time.
Hi i m new here. I hv done my 1st ivf with SGH. Surprise to know fm this thread tat can overnight in hospital. I was given nothing fm sgh. Just tell me to go bk n pray to god for baby. It failed of cos at the end of the whole process.

One cyst is abt 3 cm and the other is about 4 cm.. Not sure what kinda cysts they are.. Misplaced my scan report and couldn't check.. Prof said it's very common and they often go off with next menses.. He was very reassuring, told me not to think about it and just go on day 2 of next cycle..

I was going through the brochure of the gynaes and saw that dr fong yoke fai is the specialist in the area of laparoscopy.. Hoping it's not him who will perform the op cos of bad reviews about him.. Not sure if you've read about him before..
Hi Min81,
Yes, for pte patients, the dr whom prof will refer to do lab is Dr Fong. I was also referred to him to do hysteroscopy by prof. At first i wasn't comfortable aft reading -ve reviews on him like you. But I got the reassurance from a CHR nurse, who told me dr Fong is the 'scope king' in Nuh, even nurses go to him.

So I went ahead, he is quite ok, quite soft spoken, but there were many trainee drs with him then, good thing all were ladies ;)

Don't think too much, hope the cysts would be gone and you need not go through lab at all!
Hi Min 81: If prof said the cyst will prob go off with next menses, it's prob functional cyst which is common. Hope it disappear by itself so that u dun need to go op.

hi Jamp: I did hysteroscopy with Dr Fong too, which was referred by prof before my ivf. the exp was pretty ok, Dr Fong was very friendly and the whole process went on smoothly.

Hi eil: welcome to this thread, and do u plan to try ivf again at NUH? btw, for ivf, I dun think there's overnight stay required. ER & ET are both day surgery, but u will get to rest in the ward after the procedure.
Hi Mel: sorry for the late reply. I have 20 eggs and 3 frozen embryos . Btw is it normal to feel cramp and slight pain at lower abdominal dur this 2 weeks?
Mel & jamp jamp,

Thanks! I feel more reassured now
Also hoping the cysts will go off by itself.. Another 1 week plus and i should know whether i can proceed with ivf or if my AF will go on long vacation.. Hehe..

Dian tang,

How are you feeling now? Best of luck!!

So that means you retrieved 20 eggs, 5 were fertilised and you transferred 2?
Min81: hope the cysts has disappear . So u going for a scan next week?
I felt cramps and some pain at lower abdominal but the doc said it is ok to have cramps . I didn't ask her on the pains cos I only experience today .

Dian tang,

Okie hope all these are good signs
Take it easy these 2 weeks and have a good rest..

Prof told me to go on day 2 of next menses so if cysts are gone, he will get me to start on the injections straightaway so that we won't waste another month.. Next cycle should come in about another wk.. Actually, come to think of it, maybe i should have just done a natural iui when couldn't proceed with ivf..
