IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Min81: good luck for ur next cycle .

dian_tang: 20 eggs is alot. I had no frozen embryos from prev ivf cos the embryo din further grow. So 3 frozen embies are good results. Congrats! Don't stress urself over the 2ww. think cramp is quite normal and which day after ET u experienced the pain? maybe it's implantation? all the best ya!!

min81: good luck!
Mel: it is like a few days since the ET and i can feel the cramps. but the doc said it is ok when i go for my post ET consultation.

eil_sunflower: thanks. best of luck to u too. Are u with NUH too?
Eil: I am not sure abt this but I think is subsided rate, we dun get to choose doc . I am subsided patient too . I only c him once and that is before I start IVF . Maybe other sisters here can advise ?
Hi Hi,
I am scouting around to look for clinic to do IVF. Can anyone here share the price of IVF in NUH? Rough estimate will do. If we see a specific Doc in NUH, do we still get the govt subsidy of $3000?
Thanks in advance for helping!
HI Jie,

the ivf cost in nuh is abt $10k, include govt cofund $3000, $6000 (first fresh ivf cycle) . The rest of amount is the amt that we need to fork out cash, maybe abt 1K plus depend on the medicines that you use.
As long as you are Singaporean, you are entitle the govt subsidy.

Second fresh ivf cycle: medisave $5000
third fresh ivf cycle: medisave $4000
Thanks dian tang!!
if i choose to stick to one doc to follow me thru the entire treatment, do i still get the 3K govt subsidy?
Hi jie,

I'm a private patient at nuh and stick to one doc.. Was told i'm still eligible for the 3k grant.. So long as the ivf is done at govt hospital
Hi Jie and min81: yes . Btw, min81, just a qn, do u pay higher consultation to see prof? Or if you are private patient , you get to consult him
Dian tang,

I'm also not sure leh.. My consultation, normally i pay $90.. Areu paying the same? The last visit i went to start ivf, even though i spent quite some time there and prof saw me twice, cos i din get to start on the program in the end, the cashier toldme prof waived his professional fees and i also don't need to pay for the blood test.. Only paid for scan.. At least they quite flexible.. At first i was thinking so wasted, gotta pay for that visit when cannot start ivf..

Glad to be of help
I'm seeing Prof P C Wong, who's the head of the division.. He's the main doctor in charge.. There are a few other doctors in the team.. Dr stephen chew and dr anupriya are very nice too..
min81: i am a subsised patient therefore i pay abt $40 to see any doc in clinic G. After i comfirmed i am doing ivf, i was transfer to CHR . So i become a private patient but with blood test and consultation at subsided cost.
Dian tang,

I see, so much cheaper hor.. Think that time i didn't know about getting subsidised rate also.. My previous gynae wasted 2 yrs of my time and my hubby and i were eager to see a good fertility specialist.. So i read up and found out prof is reputable in this area so just called up straight to women's clinic to make appt.. But i was civil servant, so after bfp then entitled to subsidised rate at $40.. I still remember my first appt with prof was $130 plus.. Kinda stress to make payment everytime after seeing doc.. But at least i feel that it's worth it.. My previous gynae made us pay and pay for endless exp vitamins for both me and hubby and didn't give us much advice also..
Min81: I agree with you that prof is a good doc and he is very professional . I think chr take good care of their patients. You know , few nurses know my name so I step in the chr , they know who I am . I was like Waa when I c ur MSG Yester abt them calling you .
diang_tang, how I envy you. I just have a big fight with CARE. Almost drop off my procedure with them. My blood pressure shot so high that I can feel myself very unstable & dizzy. Went to the SGH Quality dept to complaint about clinic. Then the nurse manager called & apology to me. My name will be "well-known" (in a bad way) now.

Ya was surprised to receive call from them too.. Cos they know i already delayed by a mth, then was worried whether i would know what to do if my AF starts this weekend.. They also knowme by name, very friendly environment, feel that i'm well taken care of..

That time when i went for first follow up with prof a wk after miscarriage, actually i wasn't in much of a mood to talk.. No questions to ask, nothing to say.. Was gonna get up and go after prof told me all looks fine.. He actually sat me down and talked to me, told me that it's not my fault and it's not about anything i did or didn't do.. Said that sometimes, it's nature's way of elimination cos bb wasn't healthy enough to make it all the way.. I was very down, and i think he helped make me feel better..
Eil_sunflower: in my previous clinic,act i also made some complaint to their feedback column. in the end, i think they did some improvement but in the end i still switched to current one.
diang_tang, yeah if this round I failed again. I intend to switch to NUH to see Prof Wong or some private clinic. Now I can only pray hard. Like my doctor always said "U have to pray to god, only god can help!"
I m waiting for my FET. Should be within next 5 days. This morning just did a scan and blood test. later in the evening gg bk for blood test. Will plan for date to thaw the frozen embryo. now really praying hard to be successful.
Eil: does Fet require injection every day too ? How do they determine which is right time to do ET? Will u be given the hosp leave?
dian: no. FET is the frozen embryo from the IVF. this is the left over. I have pay 1k for to freeze the balance embryo. the ER will be the same as IVF. we will be given hosp leave as well. this is the good thing if we collect more eggs. the only problem is that before they decide the date for ER, we need to visit the clinic very often. On day 2, day 9, day 11. then another 3-7 days to do 2 blood test per day. The time & effort spend is more compare to IVF. Lucky my colleague help me up when I am away. I didnt even take leave or mc to cover all these hours.
Hi ladies,
I used to be a regular here but had been a silent reader for quite sometime.
I used to be with prof wong. Had ivf with him and gave birth last year.
Prof may look stern but he's actually a nice man
Good luck ladies in your ivf journey

Hi Su yana,
Have you done acupuncture before the ivf?
what need to take note during or before the ivf like food to avoid, etc
Hi ylgoh,
I did Accupuncture before doing my ivf. Just like 2-3 mths before only.
When I started the supression stage, I avoided cold drinks as far as possible. I ate brazil nuts during 2ww. Other than that, I did not have specific diets. I avoid caffeine during 2ww too.
Dear eil,

If you don't mind sharing what was your experience in SGH that got you so angry, and who was ur doc? To be honest, I'm currently on my 2nd cycle with SGH too but have not much confidence in my doc cos the 1st round, ET was very painful and I suspect done quite carelessly
wondering if I should request different doc..
Hello Hopewaves, I used to be with Dr Hema. Are u with her too? During ET, it should not be very painful. Some pain when they insert the "tube" in.
During my 1st IVF, my Dr was always not in town (hear she has some problem with her kids in Inida). I was not given much information and advise. All decision I have to make myself. I don noe why we have to pay so much $$ when we suppose to obtain some advise from Dr before we made any decision. My ER was done by Dr Yong as Dr Hema had been flying back to India every week. I am sorry if she really have problem with her family, but if she could not handle, she need to voice out for help.

On the 12th day of the ET, I called them to inform them that I am bleeding they took a long time to advise me and maybe that why i failed on the first time.

During my FET period, I was "treated" transparent sitting at the sofa when all the private patient go for scan first. At the end, they found that someone has put my file back to the cabinet. So noone noe I am there!! After much fight with them, I decided to walk into SGH complaint department and lodge a complaint against the dept. Same time I force them to change my Dr to Dr Yu. So I am a "private" paitent. At least Dr Yu given me advise and suggestion during the ET. Then I make the final decision. I felt the $$ was pay more worthwell. Finally a doctor given me advise before I make a decision. I should have change to Dr Yu before I decided my FET. But I have no regret I only pray that a hope will fall from sky.

Basically, I have tried all the doctor's skill in Care now. Dr Yu & Dr Hema on ET. Dr Yong on ER. I can feel Dr Yu & Yong are very nice and paitent person. Especially during ER with Dr Yong, I was very worry. My oxygen level keeps falling to dangerous zone. Dr Yong was very caring.
With Dr Yu, after the ET, she explain clearly where the embryo landed and I can see. As for Dr Hema, you have to pray to god only god can help u.
Hi Eil,

Thanks for the prompt response. I have some thoughts to share with you and ask you for advice. Tried to pm you but your profile does not accept pm. Can you pm me your email or contact if convenient so we can talk?

Thanks a lot!!

Hi Melroze, sorry I was not following the thread for a while, didn't see your qns until now.
My period didn't come full since... In fact I was spotting almost everyday until recently. I have another med condition so seeing another Dr and taking medication. Won't be resuming FET until early next yr I think. Need to fully recuperate.

Jamp- hello. So in the end u saw Dr Fong. Prof also referred me to him and in the end I cancelled it. I don't think I really need at this stage. Prof referred cos I asked for it but that was cos I thought he is doing it.

Blue & Su- (wave)
SJX- how's everything?
Sidd- menses regulated yet?
MelJ: hihi, I haven't checked in the forum for a while too, too busy with work. yes take a break to fully recuperate 1st. take good care!

Dian: if i rem correctly, ur test date is close? looking forward to hear ur good news!

Bluenosebear, Lavendar: it's mid Sept le, have you started ur cycle? hope everything goes well.

Eli: How's ur 2ww? take care and all the best!

mc_007: it's ur 2nd trimester already rite? how are the 2 little babies growing? =)

Siddhi: how are you doing?

To all dear sisters who had not been posting much: ~~~wave wave~~~ hope u all are doing fine!
Mel, thanks. I am waiting for my "senetence of result" in 6 days time. This time been feeling dizzy. But haha... but still eating a lot.
Hope everything will goes well for U.
Make sure yr body is tiao well before FET.

Mel-I be starting only on end Nov, book as Nov cycle.
Eli: seems like good signs wor, hehe, jia you jia you

blue: oh ya my bad, forgot u change to Nov cycle. all the best to ur preparation. Think im not going to try this year le. too much work commitment for the next few months and my dh goess on biz trip often. I better wait and find a better time when my dh n I are both in better condition. Wait for your good news 1st ya!
can i check if Prof Pc Wong recommends acupuncture? and any particular acupuncturist?
is it in NUH - the acupuncture?

I heard paragon eu yang sang acupuncture is ok, anyone tried before with positive results?

Dulala: I asked him before . He mention the eu yang sheng paragon and another place call hua Mei acupuncture . I didn't try either one .
Hi dulala (dulala)

For Prof Pc Wong, he dont like TCM to mix with IVF procedure but he do trust acupuncture help in fertility but he would rather dont mix...

Melroze: Doing okay. Just back from India after 1.5 months. How r u? When are u planning ur cycle?

Mel_Melj: How are u? my menses not regulated. when in India, i was bleeding for almost 25 days continuously. For me there are too much of side affects after this miscarriage. Swollen legs now and then under went all kind of tests. How are u? when are u planning next? do u have snowbabies?

Blue: How are u? what have u decided on ur next cycle?
