IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Siddhi: i'm ok and busy with work lor. now somehow getting reluctant to try again. definitely not going to try this year. Will think again and see if i'm ready next yr. Take good care and hope you will recover fully soon!

hi Ladies,

Can anyone let me know the costs of IVF?
IVF got government subsidies? how much? IVF cannot claim from Medisave right?
IVF can only do at NUH?

Thanks a lot....
Hi Siddhi-Hope U recover well soon.
Maybe want to try TCM to regulate back?
I will be doing my 3rd fresh-short protocol after Nov menses, likely start at end of Nov.
Now still taking Dr Zuo med & accupuncture
Hi Suyana, did you take the chinese medicine when you start your simulation. What other supplements did you take to prepare yourself for IVF? Thanks.
Hi babybaby,

I did not take any Chinese medication.
Only did Accupuncture. I took vitamin c to ensure I don't fall sick that easily.
Once I started on suppression injection, I cut down on cold drinks n stuff. I did drunk HL milk. I try to eat heather food too.
After embryo transfer, no to cold drinks n caffeine.
Hello everyone,

for those of you who were looking for IVF Do's and Don'ts,

another woman from the forum was kind enough to prepare this very detailed spreadsheets..


It's really helpful.. It even has recipes for TCM remedies..

Btw, if anyone is okay for a one hour chat with me for an interview for my NUS Phd thesis, I would really appreciate it.. You can contact me through this account.. Thanks so much!
Yes, I still have 4 (?) snow babies. As I have another condition, this time, I am not rushing things. I think I will have FET only mid next year to ensure my body is ok. These snow babies are too precious. I don't think my body can handle anymore fresh cycles after having gone through so many rounds within a span of less than 1.5 years. Don't know what damage these high dose hormones may have done to my body already.

I had my real flowing menses only after 5 months post MC. I was not able to get a real period but spotting everyday at certain months. Prof gave me med twice but still didn't work for me.

Blue- U are v diligent. Good. U will get your dream come true de. Hope you are all geared and prepared your body well for the new protocol. Best wishes for you!
Mel J-Are U ok?
I agreee that do not rush, only do when U are ready emotionally & physically.
Hope everything goes smoothly for U too.
Hi Blue, thank you for your kind concern. I think I should be better bah; at least one less worry over the menses thingy. Our body is really amazing. Anything not good will show up in the form of some other abnormality.
Blue, in this thread, other than Su occasionally pooping in, many of the other sisters who embarked the ivf journey tog with us previously all seemed to have gone quiet... I hope u and me can find our way to 'graduate'.
Hi Hi hi,
Mel and blue,I will behind you ladies. Same goes to the rest
I hope you will graduate soon too. My prayers are with you.
Mel, hope all ok with you.
Blue good luck for your cycle
Din check in the forum for a while.

Eli: how are u? you had been very quiet. Hope you are doing fine...

MelJ & blue: all the best wishes to you! I hope i could follow ur lead to graduate soon too!
Hi everyone!

I just completed a failed Ivf at kkivf and don't have much confidence in them anymore. I'm thinking of switching clinics to NUH or Sgh and would like some feedback on the Ivf treatment at NUH.

My main concern is that there is no personalized care at KKIVF. I only saw my doc once before the Ivf treatment started and it was just a formality consult that every1 has to go thru before starting. I'm the type of person who needs to know my options and test results and want to be involved in the decision making as much as possible but at kkivf, it's like a factory, u just have to follow everything they ask u to do. Everyone seems to be given the same protocol regardless of their fertility issues in the past. Asking them questions is like trying to pull teeth and they'll not ever give a straight answer and its very hard to get the full details of ur test results.

I only saw my own doctor once during the treatment when he did the EC and he was on leave during the transfer so some other doc did it. Plus I've complained in writing about the substitute doc in the past so was very upset that firstly I was not told in advance that my own doc would not be doing the ET for me and that this doc which I already had a bad experience with previously would be doing the ET for me!

Is the procedure in NUH the same as KK? Or are you guys given more personalized care?

Also I have 2 frozen eggs at kk now and was told that under MOH ruling, I have to use them in a FET before I can do a fresh cycle so does any1 know if I change clinics can I do a fresh cycle straight away?

Thanks in advance for any feedback and sorry for the long post! : )
Hi cjkookie,

Sorry i don't have much to share cos i have not done my ivf yet.. Will be doing it in dec.. But have been with prof p c wong as a pte patient since end last yr.. In nuh, if u are pte patient, u get to choose ur doc and the doc will always be the one to tend to you, i.e. all consultations,scans, etc. unless he's on leave.. Even then, it'll be another senior consultant who covers for him and not a junior doc.. Hope this helps a little..
HI cjkookie
For Prof PC Wong, U need to ask him questions, he will definitely give U t he answers or options (if there is).
The nurses in CHR is also give personalised service. They would remember the patient's name.
As for the frozen embryos, U would need to ask Prof if U decided to be under NUH.
Maybe U go for consultation both in SGH & NUh then decide where to be done.

Hey i have also postponed to feb cycle.. Cos prof not ard during my crucial period in dec.. Did u check whether he's on leave anytime in feb? I'm seeing him next mon.. Wanna check on his leave dates, the chr nurses don't have it yet..
Su-thanks. Really hope will BFP after such long waiting.
Min81-I plan according to my schedule. I do not mind any Dr to do if Prof is not around. So I did not check with them when he is on leave.
But normally he will not be around during CNY time.
Blue, think positive. It will happen. Rest n relax during 2ww.
Do things as per normal but take it easy. That was what I did on my success attempt. Do something to take your mind away. What I did was something like scrapbOoking for my cook book
Hi Blue, I came in to find out how u have been doing and realized you hv postponed the cycle. Do it when ready and you will get success! I wish you all the best :)
ive been reading this NUH IVF Forum. it helped me alot. But it seems quiet here, i think everybody has migrate to the main IVF/ICSI Support Group?
jelly > will get back to u again coz the receipt is at home, now im at work. Wat i remember for Dr Anu consultation fee is $110+ before subsidy. Den i paid for swab test and SA test. Den the next i paid for D2 scan and blood test. No need see doctor. Next appt is at Clinic G, den see doctor for SA and Blood test result etc.
Jelly > sorry for the delay. Been busy.

Here's wat i paid for my first consultation in clinic g.
Get to meet doctor on duty dat is Dr Anu.
Consultation $115
Swab test-Chlamydia $55
SA Test $60

Total $230 but after subsidy i paid $119.50

Den on D2 to do scan and blood test to check egg n hormone level. This one no need see doctor. Paid:
Blood test
Amenorrhoea $100
Anti-mulleroan $32
Rubella $27

Scan $85

Total $244 but after subsidy i paid $183.60

So next consultation with doctor the blood and SA result i guess. Dont know how much i need to pay. After subsidy and also havent start ivf yet, i think its such an expensive procedure to begin with. I wonder is kkh cheaper. Haiz...
Dear Mummies,

I have an appt with NUH on the 4th Feb at G Clinic for IVF, 1st Try. Can anyone tell me your experience with this clinic.

I lost my 1st baby at the 9th wk of my 1st pregnancy in 2011. This was the 1st try of Clomic and under went 5 cycles of it with 1 cycle of IUI with a Private Doc.

There after my hubby and i tried normal to conceive for a year till decided to go thru the polyclinic for referral to NUH for IVF. Any good souls to advise me???
Bluenosebear & Mel,

I came in to find out how u have been doing and realized both of you hv postponed the cycle.Same as me, i have postponed and going to see Prof Wong end of this month ( CHR said that my blood test got few need to re test as already more than 6 mths) and the slot available for IVF/ICSI on Apr.

How both of u doing? Start your IVF/ICSI journey?

Anyone else here going for IVF/ICSI this few months? Hope we can share more during the process...
bluenosebear, min81: wow you 2 started on the same day! Good luck and wait for your good news!!

Sanjeev: How's everything going so far? good luck!!

Lavender: hihi, glad to know that u are ready to start the cycle soon. all the best!

i have postponed my ivf plan further, probably will try next yr. decided to try nature for a while 1st. hope to cath the babydust from the sisters here soon!
Hi blue/Min,

Both of u start same day...
I will be short protocol also based on what Prof Wong told me previously. Seems everyone using short protocol now...why? Haha...How both of u prepare yourself for this IVF/ICSI cycle?

Hi Mel, good luck for u.Good that u still log in here even thought u not going to start your cycle recently.

Thanks! Hope to hear good news from you soon and that you don't need to go for ivf


Maybe cos short protocol cheaper cos less jabs? Hehe.. I didn't do much, just took ensure milk and coq10 since aug last yr.. Also dunno whether will help.. Haha.. But no harm i guess.. Seems like more people doing ivf at nuh now.. Heard there'll be about 50 couples at the seminar today..

Hi anyone here attend the seminar for IVF/ICSI by Prof Wong before? Is it useful or any additional information about IVF/ICSI?
