IVF at NUH--feedback pls

Hi Celine: that excel keeps track of the forum sisters' details on ivf journey, the ivf hospital info, cost comparison, and some of the food tips, dos & don'ts. It's contribution from all the sisters in the forum. click on diff tabs u can view diff sheets.
Hi mel, long time no chat with u,how are u? Finally my appointment with Prof Wong coming soon,which is next wed 2pm.As i take time off from work to go to NUH,do u think will i be able to see Prof Wong at 2pm sharp? Just want to prepare my time.thanks
Lavender, He's quite on time for appointment. I don't remember waiting him for long for my appointment unless if there's something that crop up.all the best.
Hi ladies, i'm a newbie here. Pls help and share all ur valuable experiences and advices wif me. My hubby and i are planning to go IVF. We've been married for 5yrs.
We choose NUH for the process. Last sat we decided to bisit the fertility clinic there for consultation but we couldn't get to see any doc/nurse due to walk-in cases. So i called the women clinic and ask them for info on the process. The lady on the phone told me tat its not immediately tat we're allowed to do ivf..we will have to go theu several checks,test and eventually the doc will decide whether we need IVF.

After the dissapointing efforts, i came upon Jurong Women's clinic..so i discussed with my hubster, why not we go to Jurong Women's clinic for our fertility checks and we'll see from there. So i need your advise ladies, i can't decide. What's the best way. Thank you soo much.
Hi Juliana,
If you have decided to do ivf, it's better to have your hormone/blood test checked at Nuh itself. Coz even after your check in other clinics, even if you have the records, I'm not sure if you still need to do somemore at Nuh.

I did my ivf with prof p c Wong. You may want to make appointment with him. Most likely you can do ivf unless if you have something mire serious which even ivf will not help, he may not encourage you. If not should be a Problrm. Some ladies here did with dr Stephen chew.
Hihi Lavendar: how r u doing? yes finally our review appt is approaching! Mine will be 1st Jun. usually prof Wong appt waiting time is not long, but prepare for 30mins just in case the previous ones drag. it's better if u can arrive earlier at the clinic to register earlier.
Hi Juliana, welcome to the forum.

Would u mind sharing what's the reason u considering ivf? did u try any other means for ttc, like tcm, charting BBT, IUI and etc? usually gynae will do some check-ups for u n ur dh before they make further recommendation on ivf, e.g. ultrasound scan, BT, semen analysis, if fallopian tubes block etc. If u haven't consult any gynae before, u may try Jurong Women's clinic 1st, or else can still make appt to see prof wong for advices.
Hi All, I am in my 2ww after my FET. My ER was on 21st May 2012 and My BT is on Friday. I am finding this wait period unbearable. Dont know if I can consider few things as pregnency symptoms like too much cramps as if my AF will start any moment, severe back ache, chapped lips, hot flashes for 2 days during the weekend. til yesterday I had puking feeling but today its not. Anyone who has these kind of experience? When is the earliest I can do my HPT.?
siddhi: u FET is in NUH? anyway, dun think too much on the symptoms as it vary for each individual. Just try to distract urself with some other things, and hang on there, just a few more days to go! all the best and waiting for ur good news!
Mel: yep my FET was in NUH under Dr. Stephen Chew, though my fresh was with Prof Wong. But Prof was not around during my FET so I went ahead with Dr. Chew.

Your review on 1st...hope prof can give u some answer for ur failed cycle. In my case he did not had any answer as there was no implantation.

Nurul: All the best. Any symptoms u r getting???
Hi Friends,

Today I had my BT and I am happy yo share i am BFP. It was unexpected as my yesterday HPT was negative and I cried a lot yesterday. I am thankful to all the friends here for helping & supporting me specially Blue, Cool Cool, Mel, Emily and all. Sorry if I misssed any name.

Lots of baby dust to everyone here.
Thanks Nurul & Coolcool.

My supports are Dydrogesterone - 2 tabs evryday
Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate injections twice a week.
Congrats Siddhi!!!!!! so happy for you! take good care and smooth 9 mths ahead!!

I had my review with Prof Wong today. he suggested me to try another time. he said earliest i could do is June cycle. But i think i will wait for a few more mths. He also recommended acupuncture which is proven could help for lining and implantation. so im gg to continue tcm n acu for a while more before i start next fresh cycle. Hope I could graduate like those bfp sisters soon. fighting~~
Hi hi

I'm rejoining the thread after keeping silence for many mths.

Siddhi, I find we hv many things in common:

*both from NUH
*fet 21 may by Dr Stephen Chew (he's my doc in charge though, not Prof Wong)
*bfn hpk 31 May
*bfp bt 1 Jun

My hcg was a low of 83 as of d12 yesterday but the nurse reassured me that >6 is qualified as pregnant in Nuh liao.

Did u get to see any doc after your Bt yesterday? What kind of post-Bt support did he give u? I will only get to talk to dr chew's stand-in later this morning.
Hi mel, I went to NUH see Prof Wong last few days and i like the environment there (like hotel) as so must better than KK! Prof did some checking with me and advised me to do some blood test & hubby do sperm analysis before start next cycle,so if everything smooth then i can start on July.I'm comfortable with Prof and can feel that he is very experience.

so mel, u decided to try another cycle for next few mths later? Why u want to wait few more months? If yes then i should be earlier than u if i start on July.Then we cant be cycle buddies?! Sad...sad...how about blue? Didnt see her update here,Do u know when she will start next cycle?
COngrats Anne n Siddhi,

You may just have the same edd n who knows may be staying side by side in the delivery ward.

Take care n enjoy the next 9 months
hi Lavender: yes NUH after reno is quite nice, the waiting area got quite alot of seats also. i have to wait cos June my hubby and I will be travelling, and july I will be quite busy with work stuff. Also wanna take some time to go acupuncture to tiao my body 1st. Dr Zou told me need to acu for 3 mths, i.e. 2 mths before ivf + ivf month (cos I will be on short protocol). Maybe I will try Aug/Sep cycle but i have not register with CHR yet. have you cfm ur cycle for july already? if u start early, you can pass bbdust to me then!! hehehe
Hi mel,if accupucture need 2 mths before IVF then i think I better do it Aug, in addition,i'm eating DHEA,also need at least 3 mths to see result.I havent register with CHR yet coz Prof Wong said once my blood test report out and after see him end of this month then i can start and no need to wait like KK.So i expect July will be the earliest i can start in my previous post.

I like NUH woman clinic a lot as got hotel feel,unlike KK make me feel very tired and stress when see so many people waiting and nurses like very busy and overload.How about CHR?Is it as nice as NUH's woman clinic?
Lavender, if you like the women's clinic, you will definitely
love Chr clinic. Very cosy, not many ppl most of the time, nurses are great. I think coz of their friendly services I stayed put there to do 3 cycles there.
Good luck lavender.
Lavender, I like CHR a lot. Nurses are very nice, caring, soft spoken and helpful. It always give me feeling that they are doing gr8 services which is in a way thankless as when we succeed we always refer that doc was gr8 but I think here nurses also play the major role as they guide us at every step. they give us so much of mental support.
Hi Siddhi & Suraya,

Thanks for your sharing! I'm glad that i make the right decision to switch to NUH from KK.I will going there tomorrow for my blood test.

Hi Siddhi,forgot to congratulations you.Btw,how long u can bedrest in CHR after ET?As in KK very short,about 10mins only.How did u take care yourself during 2WW?
Lavender, Thanks. For ur ER & ET both you have to admit urself to NUH day care surgery ward. So after ER & ET they will shift you to ur room and u can rest for rest of the day. Personally, I rested for 4 hrs. They shift in strecher so u dont need to move much. After ET, in case you want to use toilet u can use just after reaching ur room. I used it in my FET.

during my 2ww, I was mostly lying down on my bed other than using toilet everything was on bed. I was wearing socks all the time & was covering my tummy from warm blanket always. I always wear slipper and avoided any contacts with floor. Was avoiding cold food & ate 2 brazil nuts daily. I was drinking lots of water. Lika a glass in 20 mins frequency. I was not using much of my laptop & phone as it emits too much of heat. I took accupuncture from Dr Zou from my last menses till my ET. I think it helped a lot.

My symptoms:
1. Lots of back pain & stomach cramping after ET from Day 4 till day Day 9;
2. Felt almost like i lost it as cramping was sign of AF;
3. bit of nausea,
4. Mood swings from Day 7
5. Frequent urination;
6. Chapped lips,
7. Acne.

Now I dont have any of these symptoms. Hope it helps.
Lavender: since your r taking DHEA, maybe u wanna consult prof wong if it's better to wait for 3mths? the BT results will be valid for 1 yr, and HIV result valid for 6mths. So still got some time for you to decide =)

for ER & ET, NUH will have a day surgery ward for you to rest. For me I took single room ($100 more ex for room charge), and I got plenty of time to rest there. During the procedure, my dh could rest and wait in the room. they will call him when my procedure finished and before I'm going to be transferred back to room. They dun allow me to discharge until a doctor check me up for both ER & ET. so i get to rest on bed after ET till 4pm+ (my ET was 1030am). The overall service was good, the day surgery center staff were very nice also. even the day surgery ward nurse also encouraged me before my procedure.

Siddhi, Su: you have any tips to share for us?
Mel, I don't have much tips to share. These are what I did during my successful cycles.
- no cold drink by the time supression period
- cut down on caffeine by supression period and no more caffeine from the day off egg retrieval
- ate brazil nuts (only for one successful cycle)
- Accupuncture (also for one successful cycle)
- I did not do housework but got myself moving around in the house
- I tried to relax n not to think of symptom and like siddhi mentioned af cramp is one of them I got for 2 successful cycles.

Hope this helps
Yes Mel, movement is good I guess but not over exert yourself.
In fact during my 3rd try, I was not taking so much precaution. I tried to be my normal self. I even went out for lunch with my mum taking cab to the place. She was not keen for me to follow but I told her I had done this ivf for 3rd time n I dOnt want to be coop up at home.
Whatever it is, must not strain n stress yourself. I was stressed abt symptom for my 2nd cycle which I failed.. So it's proven for me.
Congrats Siddhi & Anne.
Mel- I likely do using Nov menses, but I have not call up chr to change, as they oput me in Sept cycle. It might not be done by Prof, as he would be on leave on Dec.
Hi Bluenosebear: Didn't see u posting for quite a while! how are u doing?
oh you are delaying to Nov cycle... i still haven't decided when to do the next cycle.

Lavendar: Let us know when u decide ur cycle ya.
Mel- I'm fine, just that I bzy with work & also had a few short trips to relax 
I was thinking Nov cycle, my hubby will not be so stress, after his study exam.
bluenosebear: short trip is great! I'm going for trips as well to Australia and phuket in Jun. Need a break from the routine life here. Nov is good, then you got plenty of time to prepare your body. all the best =)
Mel-Wah, yr trip is long +short trips leh.
U also enjoy, hope after yr trips, U have a clearer mind & decide when U would cheong again.
I think our cycle might be very near. ;p
Have a good week ahead.
