IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Wow that's very reasonable for a private clinic.

Yes... When i told my hubby on this price, he cannot believe it as well. We both always think charges below $1,500 is acceptable for us for private gynae.

And Dr Chan did pap smear for me as well, i can said that his skills are good n I don't feel any pain or uncomfort when he scrap off the cells from me. My previous pap smear are done by Raffles hospital n it was pain n have bloods dripping after it ( like mens blood)

It makes me wonder how will the IUI charges like for government hospitals....

Hi Ladies, especially those who are working. Can I know for each time you went for your consultation, scans, and finally IUI, do you take full day MC?
Or you applied for half days out from your own annual leave?
Understand the gynae will sure give MC one, just wana check how many of you here took own leave instead of claiming the MC? Well, afterall not too good to take too many days of MC, but for the sake of the "future" baby, what is more impt right!?
My boss is very understanding thou he's a male and my company is quite flexi. I always go for the earliest gynae appt and will be in office 10ish. Sometimes I have TCM appt too and feel bad to be always taking time off so I will take leave, when he knows I took leave just for medical appt, he will ask me to cancel don't waste leave, just take time off or work from home. My both IUI fell on a sat coincidentally so I didn't take MC.
Yes... When i told my hubby on this price, he cannot believe it as well. We both always think charges below $1,500 is acceptable for us for private gynae.

And Dr Chan did pap smear for me as well, i can said that his skills are good n I don't feel any pain or uncomfort when he scrap off the cells from me. My previous pap smear are done by Raffles hospital n it was pain n have bloods dripping after it ( like mens blood)

It makes me wonder how will the IUI charges like for government hospitals....
Yes we always have a perception private docs = expensive haha but now I recalled when I did my natural iui at a gynae at TCM without clomid and jabs, just monitor ovulation and proceed with iui was $400+. But that gynae was not exactly a fertility doc, she mostly see preggies. I felt abit uncomfortable seeing so many preggies while waiting for my appt each time..like when will it be my turn?? Lol
My manager is very understanding and she is only 5 years older than me, so we can talk almost everything, including my TCC journey

She is a mother of one 4 yr old daughter n now pregnant with twins, so she really understand my situation. Allow me to have gynae appointment anytime and for my coming IUI, I just whatapps her telling her i got gynae appointment as usual and she reply ok. I did not tell her i got IUI to do for this time
It's great to have understanding from bosses and their support. My boss is very supportive too and always say just do whatever u need to do.
@missus_wong you are right. Only prob is, swimmers are in millions. Eggs usuallys can count with fingers de. Your issue is male fertility issue? Haiz mine is female fertility issue wor.

Jiayou babe! No matter which procedure we are trying, we actually just need 1 strong swimmer to fertilize the egg...so far iuis have not been successful for me either...
@tryingtoconceive2014 firstly, so qiao! We both in same industry. Secondly, I have to say it's really sad to hear what u have been thru because I myself do feel that ppl in the industry are not really compassionate esp towards women ttc. That is the whole reason why I left and change job.

Hugs!!! Jiayou!! Hope u will bfp soon. Sometimes, if you think abt it, we all work to provide for our families. If the comp or management cannot understd that, then time to move on.

Hi littlebaby_melissa,

Again, it depends on whether your boss is an understanding one or not too. When I did the only one IVF last time in 2011, I did pro bono (without pay) for a middle-sized law firm in Middle Street. I told the boss about the IVF procedure, and why the no pay etc. Initially he is okay with it; however, coz he was not the highest rank in the office (the managing director was and complained to him a few times that when he wanted me to help, I was not in the office; actually my boss's fault too, coz he hired me without informing the managing director since the director was not in the office that day); then towards the ET date, he forced me to make a choice between continuing with IVF or not. I told him about the costs I paid at KKIVF, that I already started, couldn't pull out anymore.

Long story cut short, while waiting for 2nd IVF (my menses delayed for more than 1 week), went to KK clinic D, they did a test and said I bfp unexpectedly. Immediately told my boss, he was happy with it. However, the managing director did not want me anymore, as he had got an intern going into office who was arranged to sit at my desk; and he forced my boss to use harsh words to scold me (2 times over the phone and 1 time in person with office door open facing colleagues so the whole office could hear) causing me to miscarry eventually. The day I left the office, other work colleagues told me it is office politics.

Oh well!!!!!!!
@Kelle_lee for govt hosp, iui+sperm wash+trigger jab is abt $411 thereabout excl scan. Scan is abt $100+ each time where I did abt 2-3 times - on cd9 or 10, cd11. So all in all is abt $600+ to $700? Excl the prerequisite blood tests for both hb and wife. Tis is for sgh care centre price. Not sure abt kkh or nuh.

Yes... When i told my hubby on this price, he cannot believe it as well. We both always think charges below $1,500 is acceptable for us for private gynae.

And Dr Chan did pap smear for me as well, i can said that his skills are good n I don't feel any pain or uncomfort when he scrap off the cells from me. My previous pap smear are done by Raffles hospital n it was pain n have bloods dripping after it ( like mens blood)

It makes me wonder how will the IUI charges like for government hospitals....
hi all

I am currently trying for #2, my #1 girl is 4 years old now also conceived thru so-iui(hub having super low morphology-2% only). currently at CD8 on pureugon injection with KKH. anyone here also almost the same day as me?

went for CD6 scan and two biggest follicle only 8mm and 7.5mm, the rest are 5mm, but I have EWCM last nite does it mean my biggest follicle gonna ovulate soon? isn't it too early? :( going for another scan tomorrow

Baby dust to all! hang on and we will get there.
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@dino_meow for cd6, your follicles are good in terms of the size. Don't worry too much about your EWCM ok. It just means you are ovulating soon but not yet de. So your next scan is cd9 rite? I believe will grow more de. Technically, you need about 18 to 21mm for your follicle to pop out.

hi all

I am currently trying for #2, my #1 girl is 4 years old now also conceived thru so-iui(hub having super low morphology-2% only). currently at CD8 on pureugon injection with KKH. anyone here also almost the same day as me?

went for CD6 scan and two biggest follicle only 8mm and 7.5mm, the rest are 5mm, but I have EWCM last nite does it mean my biggest follicle gonna ovulate soon? isn't it too early? :( going for another scan tomorrow

Baby dust to all! hang on and we will get there.
@littlebaby_melissa serious? I didn't know that. Interesting. Thks!! I also hope urs will tio then ho seh liao!!

Yeah its true.. With more IUIs, the chances of getting pregnant is higher. Yesterday i went to see my gynae after failed IUI first time and she was saying don't worry, the medication is still in your system so it will help you 2nd time also. I'm due for 2nd IUI this month! I hope its successful. If not, i need to IVF and im not really looking forward to that. :(
Yeah its true.. With more IUIs, the chances of getting pregnant is higher. Yesterday i went to see my gynae after failed IUI first time and she was saying don't worry, the medication is still in your system so it will help you 2nd time also. I'm due for 2nd IUI this month! I hope its successful. If not, i need to IVF and im not really looking forward to that. :(
Good to hear..I dread going back to IVF too. Hope this month will be the month for you! :)
Hi littlebaby_melissa,

Again, it depends on whether your boss is an understanding one or not too. When I did the only one IVF last time in 2011, I did pro bono (without pay) for a middle-sized law firm in Middle Street. I told the boss about the IVF procedure, and why the no pay etc. Initially he is okay with it; however, coz he was not the highest rank in the office (the managing director was and complained to him a few times that when he wanted me to help, I was not in the office; actually my boss's fault too, coz he hired me without informing the managing director since the director was not in the office that day); then towards the ET date, he forced me to make a choice between continuing with IVF or not. I told him about the costs I paid at KKIVF, that I already started, couldn't pull out anymore.

Long story cut short, while waiting for 2nd IVF (my menses delayed for more than 1 week), went to KK clinic D, they did a test and said I bfp unexpectedly. Immediately told my boss, he was happy with it. However, the managing director did not want me anymore, as he had got an intern going into office who was arranged to sit at my desk; and he forced my boss to use harsh words to scold me (2 times over the phone and 1 time in person with office door open facing colleagues so the whole office could hear) causing me to miscarry eventually. The day I left the office, other work colleagues told me it is office politics.

Oh well!!!!!!!
@tryingtoconceive2014 , as per what you have described, your previous workplace is like HELL to me.
Good to leave that evil place.
Are you currently staying at home to rest and relax? I guess Stress level do affect the chances of conceiving leh.
@Kelle_lee for govt hosp, iui+sperm wash+trigger jab is abt $411 thereabout excl scan. Scan is abt $100+ each time where I did abt 2-3 times - on cd9 or 10, cd11. So all in all is abt $600+ to $700? Excl the prerequisite blood tests for both hb and wife. Tis is for sgh care centre price. Not sure abt kkh or nuh.
Hi @graceakaclouds , for those scans you did on cd9-11, are they vaginal scans? Haiz...I don't like those scans, though not painful but definitely NOT PLEASANT lor...., but I guess that's the only "passage way" for most gynaelogy checks (this is what my friend told me).... can't they invent something which can be scan right from the outside? hahaha.
Ladies, I had a scan done yesterday - CD4 and my follicles were 10mm. The dr didnt seem too happy? What is a normal size for follicles at CD4? Any idea?
Going back to IVF? So you have tried it before?
Yes I've failed 2 IVF. Planning to do my 3rd next year unless I strike before that :) My current doc suggest that I build the quality of my eggs first before rushing into another IVF. In be meantime try naturally or iui.
Yes I've failed 2 IVF. Planning to do my 3rd next year unless I strike before that :) My current doc suggest that I build the quality of my eggs first before rushing into another IVF. In be meantime try naturally or iui.
Oh, okay! Don't worry @babyloveyou you never know, you might fall pregnant naturally also. My SIL was trying for 4 years. She underwent so many treatments and got so fed up that everything was not successful. So she stopped all her medications and the next month she became pregnant. Don't know what to expect also...
@Suhaidah oohhh so it's true. In that case, the med already in my system for 2 months liao because the dr gave me 1 month to begin before the month I did my IUI. Still dun have wor :(

oh dear, hope your next IUI will be successful. Actually at cd4, your follicles at 10mm is considered quite decent leh. Did you ask your gynae what is the decent size for cd4? Are you on med/jab or both?

Yeah its true.. With more IUIs, the chances of getting pregnant is higher. Yesterday i went to see my gynae after failed IUI first time and she was saying don't worry, the medication is still in your system so it will help you 2nd time also. I'm due for 2nd IUI this month! I hope its successful. If not, i need to IVF and im not really looking forward to that. :(
Ladies, I had a scan done yesterday - CD4 and my follicles were 10mm. The dr didnt seem too happy? What is a normal size for follicles at CD4? Any idea?
Not sure for cd4, but ideal follicle size for iui shld be 18-22mm. CD4 is still pretty early, don't stress too much about it..u can gauge better ard CD7-8. Maybe your doc is having a bad start to the week that's all :)
@Suhaidah oohhh so it's true. In that case, the med already in my system for 2 months liao because the dr gave me 1 month to begin before the month I did my IUI. Still dun have wor :(

oh dear, hope your next IUI will be successful. Actually at cd4, your follicles at 10mm is considered quite decent leh. Did you ask your gynae what is the decent size for cd4? Are you on med/jab or both?

yeah, me also 2 months. first month, i was just on clomid. 2nd month, i was clomid + injections + iui. this will be my third month but since i went on day 4 of period, she say she cannot prescribe clomid because abit too late so start off immediately on jabs. I'll be going for 2 jabs today. Maybe my Dr just trying to be encouraging la so she is saying that higher chance with more IUI or maybe she just wants more money? lol! Anyways, one can only hope...

Yeah, she said 10mm is average sized which i find abit appalling la considering my last cycle, CD8 my follicle was only 18mm. So, CD4 at 10mm actually quite ok what.. haiz. I also hope this IUI is successful. Though i know my husband is secretly hoping it won't be so that we can try IVF and have twins instead. Like helllo?? Grrrr.
Not sure for cd4, but ideal follicle size for iui shld be 18-22mm. CD4 is still pretty early, don't stress too much about it..u can gauge better ard CD7-8. Maybe your doc is having a bad start to the week that's all :)

yeah thank you @babyloveyou. I am trying not to think too much.. what if all that stress shrinks my follicles instead of growing it? Lol.
have finished my IUI (less than 5 mins procedure) and back to work. Now is waiting time for me....Do U gals do the pregnancy test or wait the AF to report?

Attached is the post wash semen test for my hubby...Dr Chan said 9M/ml is a bit low but the motility % is good... n said we can try tonite naturally to increase the chance as well...but think my hubby's soldiers need time to replenish?


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@Kelle_lee for govt hosp, iui+sperm wash+trigger jab is abt $411 thereabout excl scan. Scan is abt $100+ each time where I did abt 2-3 times - on cd9 or 10, cd11. So all in all is abt $600+ to $700? Excl the prerequisite blood tests for both hb and wife. Tis is for sgh care centre price. Not sure abt kkh or nuh.

I see...my total spending from my 1st visit till today's IUI is around $1,800
@tinklebbdust Actually your emotional wellbeing also does matter. End of day, if it doesn't work, then live in the hope of tomorrow. There are ppl so much worse off than us so we must strive to jiayou!!!

Haha yes that is a good idea. Better than putting it in office and ppl will be asking you so you having bb? @@ so awkward.

Yup this is my first IUI. It wasn't as painful as I expected. The pain was bearable. Serious ar? I didn't know that leh. But these few days when I wiped, there was some pink cm. Then again, it could just be af creeping up. Who knows right? I think as long as no red then there should be chance? :) Jiayou to you also!!

Thanks babe for your encouragement.
It is really good to have buddies who are on the same boat to encourage us whenever we are down!

I am currently no working, so do not have the worries of being "concerned" in the office, heh.

How's everything?
Any good news?

You are supposed to test again yesterday/today?

My fingers and toes have been crossing!
@littlebaby_melissa I really like your pic leh. The gal is so cute!! Yes have to be vaginal scans, no choice. Good thing the sonographers are female here so ok de. Haha ultrasound scans can do when you are preggie ok ;)

Hi @graceakaclouds , for those scans you did on cd9-11, are they vaginal scans? Haiz...I don't like those scans, though not painful but definitely NOT PLEASANT lor...., but I guess that's the only "passage way" for most gynaelogy checks (this is what my friend told me).... can't they invent something which can be scan right from the outside? hahaha.
@tinklebbdust Nice!! You quit your job to ttc? That is the best ideal situation I feel :) But we cannot afford to have a single income family for now so no choice.

In any case, no good news lah. You need to uncross your fingers and toes HAHA!! AF reported zhun zhun ytd morning. So sian :( hahaha nvm lah, there is hope in tomorrow. I alrd called the CARE clinic asking them to schedule me for a post IUI review and give me med also. Now waiting for them to call me. Sorry haha!! Let's see who is next to test?

Thanks babe for your encouragement.
It is really good to have buddies who are on the same boat to encourage us whenever we are down!

I am currently no working, so do not have the worries of being "concerned" in the office, heh.

How's everything?
Any good news?

You are supposed to test again yesterday/today?

My fingers and toes have been crossing!
@Kelle_lee does that include blood tests like the usual HIV, etc etc tests? I think we paid abt S$500+ for blood tests for both of us. Sperm binding test (in prep for IVF) was another S$200+ I think.

I did not do any blood tests or HSG test with Dr Chan as I did all these previously with Raffles Hospital and I show him my results

These costs consists of consultation fees,ultrasound scans, clomids, HVS culture, semen analysis tests, PAP smear etc And he prescribe vitamin C for my husband which costs $145
@tinklebbdust Nice!! You quit your job to ttc? That is the best ideal situation I feel :) But we cannot afford to have a single income family for now so no choice.

In any case, no good news lah. You need to uncross your fingers and toes HAHA!! AF reported zhun zhun ytd morning. So sian :( hahaha nvm lah, there is hope in tomorrow. I alrd called the CARE clinic asking them to schedule me for a post IUI review and give me med also. Now waiting for them to call me. Sorry haha!! Let's see who is next to test?

Sorry babe, but a new cycle means a new hope!
So you're taking a break for this cycle?
(I thought normally the medicine and/or injection gotta start from CD2 onward?)

Yeah quit my job to ttc, but it is very stressful as well - too vacant and anyhow think..
I guess I'd better start looking for a job now, I'd rather be busy! (but when life is getting busier, start to complain again)

Told husband about getting the baby pictures/posters, he laughed it off :cool:
have finished my IUI (less than 5 mins procedure) and back to work. Now is waiting time for me....Do U gals do the pregnancy test or wait the AF to report?

Attached is the post wash semen test for my hubby...Dr Chan said 9M/ml is a bit low but the motility % is good... n said we can try tonite naturally to increase the chance as well...but think my hubby's soldiers need time to replenish?
I will wait for AF to report then test to confirm neg so that I can start taking med for next cycle. I also thought to give the soldiers sometime to replenish so we BD only the next morning. Good luck to you and welcome to the TWW! :)
It is Monday, a brand new week and brand new month ahead!

A little update from me.

Visit doctor last Saturday to collect reports and a short review. Did AMH, Insulin Test as well as SA, overall was OK except I am having slightly higher blood sugar and insulin. Doctor suspected this is a pre-diabetes symptom and asked me to go back for another round of blood test to confirm. He said, however, that's not a very serious case, can be controlled via a watched diet and medicine which may take 1-2 months.

AMH is 21.10 pmol/L, falls under the healthy range (6.75 - 47.84 pmol/L), and not within the PCOS range (22.28 - 89.96 pmol/L). There's some overlap between the healthy and PCOS range though. While for husband's SA, there's some improvement in terms of the count - from 25mil/mL to 48mil/mL, morphology still same, ramains at 2% :( The lab did a sample wash for us and the post wash volume is 12mil/mL with 99% motility.

A silly question:
Is there any difference in terms of the quality of sperm (count and motility especially) between specimen collected via masturbation with stimulating images/video and without? My husband said he's stressed when he's asked to produce in the room and somemore without any stimulation. The room is actually equipped with some "materials" but he's too shy to explore it :rolleyes: I did a check online and realized that it does really make a difference. Not sure about the rest?
@Kelle_lee I see. WOW!!! Vit C for S$145?? @@ That's pretty ex right?

I did not do any blood tests or HSG test with Dr Chan as I did all these previously with Raffles Hospital and I show him my results

These costs consists of consultation fees,ultrasound scans, clomids, HVS culture, semen analysis tests, PAP smear etc And he prescribe vitamin C for my husband which costs $145
try using his own handphone - to search for videos online?

It is Monday, a brand new week and brand new month ahead!

A little update from me.

Visit doctor last Saturday to collect reports and a short review. Did AMH, Insulin Test as well as SA, overall was OK except I am having slightly higher blood sugar and insulin. Doctor suspected this is a pre-diabetes symptom and asked me to go back for another round of blood test to confirm. He said, however, that's not a very serious case, can be controlled via a watched diet and medicine which may take 1-2 months.

AMH is 21.10 pmol/L, falls under the healthy range (6.75 - 47.84 pmol/L), and not within the PCOS range (22.28 - 89.96 pmol/L). There's some overlap between the healthy and PCOS range though. While for husband's SA, there's some improvement in terms of the count - from 25mil/mL to 48mil/mL, morphology still same, ramains at 2% :( The lab did a sample wash for us and the post wash volume is 12mil/mL with 99% motility.

A silly question:
Is there any difference in terms of the quality of sperm (count and motility especially) between specimen collected via masturbation with stimulating images/video and without? My husband said he's stressed when he's asked to produce in the room and somemore without any stimulation. The room is actually equipped with some "materials" but he's too shy to explore it :rolleyes: I did a check online and realized that it does really make a difference. Not sure about the rest?
It is Monday, a brand new week and brand new month ahead!

A little update from me.

Visit doctor last Saturday to collect reports and a short review. Did AMH, Insulin Test as well as SA, overall was OK except I am having slightly higher blood sugar and insulin. Doctor suspected this is a pre-diabetes symptom and asked me to go back for another round of blood test to confirm. He said, however, that's not a very serious case, can be controlled via a watched diet and medicine which may take 1-2 months.

AMH is 21.10 pmol/L, falls under the healthy range (6.75 - 47.84 pmol/L), and not within the PCOS range (22.28 - 89.96 pmol/L). There's some overlap between the healthy and PCOS range though. While for husband's SA, there's some improvement in terms of the count - from 25mil/mL to 48mil/mL, morphology still same, ramains at 2% :( The lab did a sample wash for us and the post wash volume is 12mil/mL with 99% motility.

A silly question:
Is there any difference in terms of the quality of sperm (count and motility especially) between specimen collected via masturbation with stimulating images/video and without? My husband said he's stressed when he's asked to produce in the room and somemore without any stimulation. The room is actually equipped with some "materials" but he's too shy to explore it :rolleyes: I did a check online and realized that it does really make a difference. Not sure about the rest?

Wow, may I which clinic are you going to? My clinic does not provide a "room" for the guy to produce the sperms... So you have to do it in the toilet! So stressful!

But the nurse told me that my husband can do it at home first and rush down to the clinic within 30 mins to pass the sperms to the lab for washing... So that's what we did.
Wow, may I which clinic are you going to? My clinic does not provide a "room" for the guy to produce the sperms... So you have to do it in the toilet! So stressful!

But the nurse told me that my husband can do it at home first and rush down to the clinic within 30 mins to pass the sperms to the lab for washing... So that's what we did.

We have done 3 SA so far (as SA result only valid for 3 months). The first one was with KKH few years back, there's a room to produce as well but nothing's inside according to husband. Second one was May this year with Parkway Lab, husband produced at home and we rushed down to the lab in 30 minutes time, kind of stressful too for him, but no choice, hahaha. And the most recent one was last week, we were with TMC at JB.
@Kelle_lee, may I know what Vit C did Dr Chan gave your husband? My gynae gave my husband 2 types of Vit C as well... Costs about $200 plus in total and it lasts for about 1 month?

Vit C is good to improve semen's quality, together with Zinc, Selenium and Vitamin E.
Husband has been consuming Zinc and Vit C daily for the past 2 months, there's a significant improvement in his sperm count but morphology remains.

I guess just get the supplement from the rack of most pharmacies will do :)
Thanks @tinklebbdust ...wish everyone here can graduate soon and move to another thread....

What are the food I can eat to help in 'warm' my womb / body?

I have read from the previous post that red bean soup and black glutinous rice can help on uterus lining, not sure how true it is. Avoid cooling stuff like all the melons including cucumber, cold drink, coffee, raw foods. Oh, and red date longan drink is good also! Some said pineapple cores and brazilian nuts help in implantation. Wear socks (and long pants) to sleep to keep our body warm. I only wear socks 'cuz I always feel hot all the time, but I sleep better ever since I wearing socks to bed. Oh oh, and please remember your daily pre-natal supplement, very important also..

Hahaha I sound like a freak, all the "hear and listen".

Waiting to grab your babydust ;)
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@tinklebbdust Yes, I just got notified that my gynae will be on leave during the period I'm going to ovulate and I can only see her on the week I ovulate. So I'm just going to leave it in faith and not do anything, go au naturel Haha!!

That is always the dilemma right? When we work, we want to stay at home. When we stay at home, we feel bored and want to work. Ar Life!!

Just buy and paste. He has no choice :p I bought mine from this shop at Hong lim 2nd floor where they sell stationery. I happen to see then just buy!

Sorry babe, but a new cycle means a new hope!
So you're taking a break for this cycle?
(I thought normally the medicine and/or injection gotta start from CD2 onward?)

Yeah quit my job to ttc, but it is very stressful as well - too vacant and anyhow think..
I guess I'd better start looking for a job now, I'd rather be busy! (but when life is getting busier, start to complain again)

Told husband about getting the baby pictures/posters, he laughed it off :cool:
Sorry babe, but a new cycle means a new hope!
So you're taking a break for this cycle?
(I thought normally the medicine and/or injection gotta start from CD2 onward?)

Yeah quit my job to ttc, but it is very stressful as well - too vacant and anyhow think..
I guess I'd better start looking for a job now, I'd rather be busy! (but when life is getting busier, start to complain again)

Told husband about getting the baby pictures/posters, he laughed it off :cool:
@tinklebbdust Yes, I just got notified that my gynae will be on leave during the period I'm going to ovulate and I can only see her on the week I ovulate. So I'm just going to leave it in faith and not do anything, go au naturel Haha!!

That is always the dilemma right? When we work, we want to stay at home. When we stay at home, we feel bored and want to work. Ar Life!!

Just buy and paste. He has no choice :p I bought mine from this shop at Hong lim 2nd floor where they sell stationery. I happen to see then just buy!

Hannor hannor, when work complaining tired, when no work complaining bored, me ah me ah :cool:
I know which shop you're talking about, hahaha, you are working somewhere nearby too?

I don't dare to buy poster, too big, like too high profile, maybe some photographs for a start first ;)

Going au natural is good, many success stories on those who strike on the cycle when they are taking a break or not having any medication!
I am sure this is gonna be your month! :D
@tinklebbdust I think for your borderline diabetes case, you can try to cut down on your white rice/bread intake. Take lean meat and more veg. My hb has also borderline diabetes but he's not on medication and trying to control with diet, etc.

To be honest, I don't think there is a difference in quality of sperm collected with or without images/video. It wouldn't affect in that sense bah. Although men are more visual creatures, it would be easier for them to produce semen specimen. To improve your hb's motility, etc, you can ask your hb to take megamen. Get the one that has oyster extract. Give your hb more zinc like prawns, oysters from time to time. It would improve it from time to time. My hb did his SA in Feb this yr and then did again in Sept. After 3 mths+ on megamen, his SA results improved slightly. So I think it does help.

It is Monday, a brand new week and brand new month ahead!

A little update from me.

Visit doctor last Saturday to collect reports and a short review. Did AMH, Insulin Test as well as SA, overall was OK except I am having slightly higher blood sugar and insulin. Doctor suspected this is a pre-diabetes symptom and asked me to go back for another round of blood test to confirm. He said, however, that's not a very serious case, can be controlled via a watched diet and medicine which may take 1-2 months.

AMH is 21.10 pmol/L, falls under the healthy range (6.75 - 47.84 pmol/L), and not within the PCOS range (22.28 - 89.96 pmol/L). There's some overlap between the healthy and PCOS range though. While for husband's SA, there's some improvement in terms of the count - from 25mil/mL to 48mil/mL, morphology still same, ramains at 2% :( The lab did a sample wash for us and the post wash volume is 12mil/mL with 99% motility.

A silly question:
Is there any difference in terms of the quality of sperm (count and motility especially) between specimen collected via masturbation with stimulating images/video and without? My husband said he's stressed when he's asked to produce in the room and somemore without any stimulation. The room is actually equipped with some "materials" but he's too shy to explore it :rolleyes: I did a check online and realized that it does really make a difference. Not sure about the rest?
@tinklebbdust I think for your borderline diabetes case, you can try to cut down on your white rice/bread intake. Take lean meat and more veg. My hb has also borderline diabetes but he's not on medication and trying to control with diet, etc.

To be honest, I don't think there is a difference in quality of sperm collected with or without images/video. It wouldn't affect in that sense bah. Although men are more visual creatures, it would be easier for them to produce semen specimen. To improve your hb's motility, etc, you can ask your hb to take megamen. Get the one that has oyster extract. Give your hb more zinc like prawns, oysters from time to time. It would improve it from time to time. My hb did his SA in Feb this yr and then did again in Sept. After 3 mths+ on megamen, his SA results improved slightly. So I think it does help.

Yeah, have to go on a healthier diet plan. I am a carbs and soft drink lovers, dammit. Since we are taking a break for 2-3 months, it is good also that we start adapting new diet. My husband finally listen to me to start exercising! He's taking lunch break to go to gym for some jogging. He said his colleagues are laughing at him (so bad right!) for doing that, I asked him to ignore them and prove them wrong! I am glad that he's willing to sacrifice his "face" for our "future" :D

Megamen is the multi vitamin from GNC is it? My husband doesn't eat oyster, he is quite picky, hahaha..
I used to get his the multi vitamin from Blackmores, he said it smells and tastes really yucky, I feel so heartache to force him swallowing that everyday, so after he's finished one bottle, I changed to Zinc+Vit C (chewable) and he's fine.

Will try to check Meganmen out! ;)

I have read from the previous post that red bean soup and black glutinous rice can help on uterus lining, not sure how true it is. Avoid cooling stuff like all the melons including cucumber, cold drink, coffee, raw foods. Oh, and red date longan drink is good also! Some said pineapple cores and brazilian nuts help in implantation. Wear socks (and long pants) to sleep to keep our body warm. I only wear socks 'cuz I always feel hot all the time, but I sleep better ever since I wearing socks to bed. Oh oh, and please remember your daily pre-natal supplement, very important also..

Hahaha I sound like a freak, all the "hear and listen".

Waiting to grab your babydust ;)

I did drink red date longan drinks at times..but I cannot stop coffee, is my daily energy driver...hahaha

I also hear n listen as there is no one to guide or advise me... :)
