IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi Cherrie, update us after your scan today. Hope everything goes well

Hi koala, sorry. Being busy these few days. I came for scan again today. Finally folicle size grow to ideal size, 24, 22, 19, 18, 16. I think can do the withdrawal of egg on Monday. Now waiting to see doc to confirm
Hi Cherrie, the forum has been quiet, perhaps all the other sistas are out for holiday. I have been waiting for your reply.

Good to hear the good news! Very good sizes
So happy for you. All the best and rest well over the weekend! breathe...breathe...breathe... Perhaps can ET on Wednesday or Thursday. Its a good season to rest, after which Xmas and New Year, can keep your mind occupied.
Dear ladies,
I am 34 years old and have been TTC for one & half years and no success. Last week, we have done some tests and found out that my hubby SA tests was not so good. Sperm count & motility are low. Sigh...so sad.

My gynae recomended to try IUI with clomid for me and hubby are to start on multivitamin immediately.

Any one can advise me should I try IUI or don't waste time and try IVF instead?

I am currently seeing Dr Yvonne Chan at TMC. She is a good gynae and I m very comfortable with her. But, she don't do IVF. So, I am not sure if I should start my IUI with her or should I consult Dr Loh who has so many good review here.
Hello ladies.

I have done an IUI in the past and failed. Then I went on to IVF and failed too. I tried another time and got my BFP! I have just heard my baby's heart beat last Friday. It was a tough journey and I'm sure many of you have even more difficult journey than mine.

I just want to share a wonderful person who has helped me a lot in this ttc journey. I strongly believe she has a pair of healing hands to help you too. She is Mdm Tan from Yoga Inn who does healing sessions for me.

Well, here is my little bfp story and I hope she can do miracles for you too! Good Luck ok!

Just to emphasize that I'm not advertising for her. I just want to share my experience and I know how it feels to get that bfn (I cried to myself, I lost hope and I lost my direction in life. I contemplated quitting my job etc etc, I went to countless tcm etc etc)


My Lao Shi (Mdm Tan) do help people conceive naturally, so you can give it a try. If I have known her earlier, I may not need to go onto IVF path and spent about $10K now (CPF and cash)

PS: I'm active in the IVF thread, if u want to know more about me...

Jia You! There Baby Dust for you!
Hi ladies, this thread seem quiet as most of the ladies on holiday

Tabby_angelbaby, thank you for the tips
I m going for the pick up on mon. Can i ask u what is the procedure for ET? Is it like iui? Just 5 mins thing? How do u feel after that n what do u eat during the 2ww?

Kitty_katty, if u are comfortable with your gaynae, y not try 1 iui with her? This is just my view. Iui is aso simpler than ivf. I think most impt is you hv faith with your own doc. Somemore kkh queue can be quite bad too
Thanks for your advice :eek:) I guess you are right I really should give my gynae a try on IUI. I really like her a lot and she even encourage me not to give up without a fight.

And, good luck to you Cherrie! Hope to hear good news from you soon.

Baby dust to all of us here!
Baby dust to everybody including me

I am new to motherhood forum but I have been reading alot as I am one of you doing the iui at KKH. Last time when I read it I do not understand , now after getting into the same boat.. I can fully understand !

Jia you..
Kittykatty, ya. Don't give up. Who knows u will strive the first time? A lot of miracle happen too
those ladies who succeeded mentioned that it definitely worth the effort when u see heartbeat
which I believe is true too

Welcome enchanted garden, hope that everything goes well to u too

Jiayou to all
I have completed my soiui n was told to go back for the last 2 jabs did u all encounter tat too? Eventually if iui fails, it will b either try naturally or do iui again or proceed ivf right? Anyone can share the procedure for ivf? Is there alot more leaves n time off required as compared to soiui?
Hi Cherie thanks for your kind concern. It has always been a roller coaster ride. This time my eggs are not responding so well to puregon n thus has been increasing the dosage from 50 to 100. The last 3 jabs was painful for me as the nurse used the syring instead if the pen. Wah I cried all the way home ..
Hi liang I do not remember going back for injection even after this cycle I only go back for blood test no injection.
Good luck !
hi ladies, i'm back
hasnt been able to log in as i fell sick over the wkend & busy with work now when bk in office today.
koala - do update us on yr scan today. so u pushing for IUI again tis mth?
i went to c Dr Zou ytd. she saw my hubby's sperm results n said quite difficult for us to ttc naturally or even go for iui. quite disappointed in hearing this. however, now my hubby starts to take her medication n go for accupunture. we give ourself 3mths time to see whether got improvement then decide wat to do.

can c a few new comers in this thread. welcome ladies
babydust to all of u
Morning all, this thread was so quiet and now everyone is back

Hi Cherrie, were you at SGH today? I was there at 830am for my scan and left at 930am. There are a few ladies there. I was with my hubby, in a light blue dress and hubby is in black polo.

Hi Liang, I did all the jabs by myself. Only the HCG jab was done by nurse because it so happened that my egg was ready to be released on the same day. After that, no more jabs. Maybe you check with the doc, your jabs are to stablise and improve your chances? If they are, then jia you! Its worthwhile
If I read correctly, IVF is more time consuming and more jabs. That means more absence from work. There is also 2 weeks hospitalisation leave, but I have checked with my gynae, they will give you the leave but it is up to you if you want to take it. When can you test for pregnancy?

Hi Enchanted garden, welcome! We are here to give moral support to each other, we are in the same boat. Since problem is diagnosed, good to know. Everyone of us here are in roller coaster rides, the emotion part is the most terrible to bear. But ultimately only one aim, so lets jia you. When can you do your IUI?

Hi Rainy, you are back. My scan is ok. My menses this round is very very long. CD8 and I am still spotting! And flow was like tap. How about yours? I am not going into any procedures for now due to Dec and Jan festive seasons, will start IVF in Feb. I have put in my request. Good to know that your hubby will be taking some medication! Got hope

I am going for my holiday this Wed..cannot push for IUI.

Hi Kitty, trust your gynae, try a round of IUI first. Might just strike, then no need to think leow. One step at a time...think positive.

Hey Tanny, thanks for sharing your lao shi's infor! I am the same koala in the IVF thread, I asked for your lao shi's info. Read your threads
koala, my menses r as per normal. lasted for 7days n stopped ytd liao. maybe bcos i didn't take any medication during my IUI round so everything normal. did u check wif yr gynae y yr menses this time round is so long? could it be due to the jabs u took?
hey since u gg holi soon, then can try ttc naturally in the meantime till feb. got hope also since both u n yr hubby hv no prob. who knows u may strike even b4 u start ivf
for my case, is tougher but watever has happen has happen. no point dwelling on the past. juz hv to look forward to the future
Hi ladies... Im new to this thread... But im not unfamiliar with TTC.. acutally im in the 2WW thread but most of the ladies graduated and i have decided to go through SO-IUI... hope i can join u ladies for the support...

My case was ttc for 5 yrs but no news no sound all the while.. went thru checking & found out DH SA test v v low.. but after taking dr zou med for more than 1/2 a yr and recently went to go through another round of check-up & his results is excellent but not me.. (Rainy: dun worry abt your DH.. he is in good hands under Dr zou)
I have spotted a ovarian cyst (this cyst was there for 4 yrs but not growing) & doc suspect MAYBE is a endo cyst and ask me choose to go through So-IUI or lapro..

I went to Dr Sadhana for advice.. she charge 7k for lapro.. =.=" im thinking of asking another dr opinion.. anyone is under SF loh??
Hi Rainy, usually mine is like yours, about 7 days. This time 8 days, but spotting is lesser. Likely that its because of the jabs. TTC is a bit difficult, age and also my body is pretty weak. DH's sperms are not binding to egg. Thanks for your encouragement though. I wish that you will strike TTC too! I look forward to my holidays and then will do IVF in Feb

Hi E-cups, welcome! I did the removal too under Dr Chris Chen, super ex, $15K. So I think 7K is fine. There are a few ladies under SF Loh and he is good. Good to hear that your DH improved after Dr Zou's med!
By the way, Rainy, I have an appt with Dr. Tan at Clementi on 29 Dec. I managed to get an appt because I am on leave, so it is easier. His clinic is nearer to my house. Not that I am lazy to travel but enough stress shuttling between SGH and work. I don't need another far away TCM. Since he is equally good, I will go for a consultation and leave it to fate
koala.. guess everyone is stress up abt TTC.. i cant believe that we are the only ones.. until i wwent twith DH tfor his SA test.. i told him that we are not the only ones... there are also alot of pple with the same kind of prob with us..

So we are seeking for the help here.. and maek us more understand anthe IUI procedures.. and wht to look into it.. But most of all everyone here have a chance to strike!!

Anyone have dr loh email address?? Can share?
koala-i heard Dr Tan is gd at treating males issues but read from forum that he's a recommended TCM doc too. but his waiting time is quite long. u r in safe hands. dont worry

u went to chris chen b4? his chgs r super exp but i know he will always write his medical reports such that patients could claim from their insurance policy. did u claim yr previous fee from yr insurance?
anyway be stress free during yr holi & who knows miracle will happen

E-cups- hw low is yr DH's sperm test? my DH only has 1% mortility so tat's y dr zou said quite hard to ttc naturally. but i'm not giving up hope. hope my DH will take the tcm medicine on time and hope to see improvement in 3 mths time lor.
E-cups-did dr zou prescribe medicine to u as well? for me, no problem but dr zou still told me to take her medicine. she said sometimes test results ok but in tcm terms, my womb could be liang. b4 gg to dr zou, i was seeing EYS. find dr zou chgs almost similar to EYS leh. but as long as got effects we dont mind paying. cant imagine hving a baby could costs so much $ & time
rainy, i visit dr zou every week once together with my DH.. we will have medicine and accupunture tog... darling yours only mortility.. My DH last time
In Mar In Dec
Volume: 9mil/ml 63 mil/ml
Density: 6% 23%
Mortility: 1% 3% (note that WHO
standard is 4%)
So dun worry!!! if u wan to see the report i can scan to u..
*hugs hugs*
As for the cyst, normally is the pelvis scan.. u can check with the doc...

Hopefully my info does help u!!

Koala, any idea which ladies are with dr Loh...?? i need to check with him some issues..
Hi all. I completed the ovum pick up. They pick up 7 eggs, hope all is well n smooth ET on Wednesday.

Koala, I m in kkh, not sgh. So dun think can see you there

Ladies, for those of you planning ivf, I can share with u that scanning in fact lesser for me compare to iui in kkh. When I doing iui, I started scanning every alternate day from cd 7, I scan till cd 18 n do my iui procedure. For ivf, I do 1 injection daily for 2 weeks, then add in another injection for another 2 weeks. So meaning total 2 jab a day for last 2 week. But if your folicle grow well, u no need last for so long as me. For the 1 month injection, I total went for 5 scanning only till my folicle to correct sizes. Now, I starting my 2 week hospitalization leave today.
Cherrie, I have not start to read this thread yet...So u are in your IVF cycle now?? Please forgive me if i dun knw anything..
Can you advise which doc u are with at this moment.. Im with KKH as well..
Thanks E-cups! My body is weak, I will go by myself first. Our last IUI, DH's sperms were 99.9% good and 4% motility, 10 million. Not sure who are SF Loh's patients, I suggest you read the IVF lastest thread, a lot of them are under SF Loh. I think Liang, in this thread, is also under SF Loh now because her gynae is away.

Hi Cherrie, that's good! 7 eggs...good chances! Please keep us updated and meanwhile, you rest well. I know its useless to say no stress...maybe you try and distract yourself ok.

Hi Rainy, yes, I am Chris Chen's patient. Operated under him for cysts removal, exhorbitant! $15K and each visit is about $200-$300 at least. I should have just gone to Dr. Sheila Loh from Raffles Hospital, I showed her my cysts removal report and she said not really necessary to go under the knife
E-cups, I'm with dr tan heng hao at kkh. Yes, I now in ivf. I did twice so-iui but failed. Hence decided to go to ivf.

Koala, thanks for yr encouragement. I'll try to relax
Hi Cherrie, my friend is also under Dr. Tan HH. She said he is very good. You take good care.

By the way, can share on your ET today? How is it like? 5 mins only or you are under anaethesia?
Hi Ladies,
@ Koala, Thanks for your encouragement! I had done my iui on the 6th Dec at KKH so by right should go back and check blood on he 23rd dec. but i decided to go tomolo morning. let say it is negative at least I can go for my holiday on the 23rd. But most likely I am going for the holiday lah.. :p

Hi Cherrie you are doing ivf? I not sure if i want to go for the ivf for me going through all the jabs were like a torture for me. Even though my hubby jab for me. But this cycle i felt all jabs were painful on my tummy i am not sure why.. eat so much still pain sigh.. ya can share your ET? my frd at thomson said she was sedated for half an hour or more for this procedure.

My frd done her SOIUI at raffles and both strike! the recent one she got twins one boy and one gal leh.. she said the puregon injection is very important it determines the chances too.. she was surprised to hear from me that how come KKH most nurses are doing the job and there is no one fix doctor for review.

aiya heng fan leh
by the way heard Dr SH Loh is leaving end of dec. heard he is going to raffles.

baby dust to all huat arrhh.... talking about this! CNY coming... Questions throw to us again... when are you going to have kid huh? got see doctor? I want to dig a hole and hide can?? "p
Hi Enchanted Garden, think positive! Share the good news with us.

I was at Raffles Hospital under Sheila Loh before I jumped to SGH, reason being their lab was closed! Haha. The re-opening date is 27 Dec. Since I want to do IVF and stop IUI, I will stay with SGH for the government grant.

If its Sheila Loh, I am sure even checking of lining is by her. My friend conceived through her too, a baby gal..she just gave birth. Its her first IUI too.

Dr SF Loh is with TMC now, if I am not wrong. Yah...I wanna hide too. Lets dig a bigger hole to shield both of us! LOL...
Ya man! A big big hole! lol ...I have married for 10 years but I married when I was very young ... at that time my frds were all partying in the early 20s and I got married first. then everyone start to pop like no body business and guess i may be the last ... ( don't know can pop or not) :p cannot try forever and ever leh.. already going to hit mid 30s ... arhhh... stress! my SIL gave brith in April this year.. they also just ttc and strike .. my mum still can say " last time don't want now want .. see lah " sigh... how i wish I can take out my ears or off her button! that one big hole also no use! LoL
My hubby suggesting IVF. you know i never thought I will be doing IVF cose i keep thinking just try at least 3 times since both of us are ok. Doctor puts there -unexplained infertility
I am thinking of the time and how am i going to juggle with my work and the procedure. Fan Fan FAn.
So thinking is it still not fated to have a kid? I went to Nex the other day and saw this tree of life by world vision. I sponsor a child from myanmar. Do not know why but the gal's smile caught my attention among all and i just did it. I felt awesome actually , at least for that 45bucks i can put in for some good use rather than self satisfaction. ( enough of my nonsenses
)This CNY again... many times me and my hubby feel like just go for a short trip during CNY :p
E-cups-thks for the detailed stats. dont need to scan report haha

my hubby is definitely to continue with Dr Zou for med & acc. as for me, Dr Zou said i juz need to do acc 3 days b4 ovulation will do, then take her med daily. but i'm considering whether to continue her med. I've been seeing this regular tcm from EYS for few yrs. not for fertility issue but for general health. so already used to EYS. the other day when Dr Zou felt my pulse, i was quite surprised when she didn't comment anything abt me after that. for previous TCMs, they will always say my health is weak, not enuff qi, etc. maybe i've been taking TCM for several yrs so my health is stronger now. Dr Zou only said i ate too much spicy food after seeing my tongue and i agree with her cos i ate a lot of chilli during holi hehe
yes, Dr Loh is gg to TMC but he will be at Novena Medical center. knew it from the ivf thread. E-cups, suggest u go for a thorough check on the cycst. try nc whether the op costs could be claimed form yr insurance. solve yr prob & both u n hubby will be in prime condition to conceive liao. jia you!

anyone can advise wat r Dr Sheila's chgs at Raffles Hosp for doing SO-IUI?

Enchanted-yr 2ww is almost over. if yr AF is not here yet, then u hv high chances of BFP leh. think positive ok & spread baby dust to us
where r u g for holi?

i'm always away for holi during CNY every yr so already spared the questioning, same for next yr. dont tok abt CNY. even normal frens gatherings, we will also kena qn. cant help it. haii...

the festive seasons r coming! so ladies, dont worry too much. enjoy the holi & think abt the problems later...heehee
My DH also have the same problem. Seems that Dr Zou medication works well for your DH, ya. Can see that a lot improvement.
But, does your DH takes both western medicine and Chinese medicine together? I thought of asking my hubby to try TCM but just afraid is too heaty if takes both western & chinese medicine together.
Hi Rainy,
Thanks for your encouragement
But I feel the PMS leh... and most of the time my AF will report later. Frankly I use a pregnancy kit and tested on Sunday and it showed negative! roughly know the outcome liao lah..

I am going to Vietnam for holiday. going to Hanoi, Halong bay and Sapa.

Wah good leh you can escape the CNY festive! MAybe one day we shall do it .. just leave and go... ( wait my inlaws chop chop us) For Those trying hard! try harder! For me Sleep harder.. Lol

ACtually I want to try the TMC really must go and book appt and tiao my body. but hows the cost like for TMC? Heard 200-300 for one visit?
I guess CNY is a haunt for us... bcos everyone will look at u like u are an alien..HATE IT!!

wanted to go for a holiday but too ex..

rainy, i cant claim any insurance cos is a pre-existing condition...
sad man.. i will ask the costs from dr loh and see how...
But my gal-friend told me to stick to dr sadhana bcos she is the one who spotted the prob...so in dilemma dun knw what is the next step.. Cost & time are not at my side...

Kitty, He only take dr zou medicine.. but i force him to take multivits but he dun take the vits everyday lor.. sianzzzz..

My AF havent come yet but dun harbour high hopes cos i tested BFN liao.. guess the cyst is causing me BIG BIG stress!!!

enchanted, I marry @ 23!!! and we also trying for years and years but no results.. i think we are the same fate sia..
enchanted, don't give up hope yet. as long as AF not here, still got hope. +ve thinking ok

enjoy yr holidays. koala also gg away from tmr onwards. looks like this thread will be quiet again. who knows u could strike during yr holi too. 'work hard' during yr holi ok, including koala hehe
tell yr in-laws nx time that u n yr hubby need to go away druing CNY to hv more time for baby making lor haha i usually dont care abt my in-laws & we dont hv so many relatives to visit too. most of the CNYs, i go away w/o my hubby
enchanted, i strongly encourage u to go to TCM but it takes time to see results. u need to hv patience. TCM may not be so exp. for EYS, each visit is abt $60 (w/o accupunture). similar chgs to Dr Zou also per visit w/o acc. find a gd TCM to tio yr body. it works
rainy rainy... still got me mah.. i will be around to entertain u lah.. dun worry...hmmm i seems to see dragonhopes in theis thread no long ago... is she still active in here???
Morning gals, so long never log in and this thread so happening now !

My AF is finally here yest and I am able to start my SO IUI journey liao
going for my 1st jab now, very happy and excited. Update you gals later.

Have a great day everyone!
E-cups-tks for entertaining me haha. me quite busy with work. just bk from holi n bosses chasing me for mth end closing. stress as i'm the only one doing..

I c drahonhopes in another thread n she has gone to holi at China. not sure whether she's bk but she seems more active @ other thread lor

CJ, gd for u. when u starting yr IUI? which doc u with?
Hi ladies
Ecups - give me high five! I also married around that age .. Did not try for years n years initially cose both of us are busy working n building up financially. We only started like 3 years ago. Suddenly maternal instinct kicks in lol...

Rainy- thanks! I just went for the blood test at KKH so waiting for their phone call from 1-4pm. But cose I came early to do the blood test they said if the hormone level is low I need to go back n take the blood test again 2 days later.
So cute the nurse who took my blood said why I do noisy making the Ee Ar sound. I told her that's the way I distract myself
Now going back home and be pig again.
enchanted-u must be excited now! 'results' coming in the pm. anxious for u. hope to hear gd news from this thread with the festive seasons coming. this is worse than taking exams man...hehe
Hi Rainy, thanks...yes, going for holiday tomorrow and back on Xmas eve. Ecups and Junior will keep you company. Hehe...

Hey Junior, good news! Update us ok.

You gals married so early, for me, its late marriage and that's why I am already 36, going to be 37 soon! LOL... I am the oldest, I think.

Enchanted, never say die until you see red! LOL... anxious for you. Share with us.

Hi Kitty, better don't eat so much med. Just stick to either TCM or Western. Vitamins are ok, but separate about 4 hours after TCM.
I wonder how is Liang doing, she is also into the 2ww. Also Chris didn't log in ler.

Hi Cherrie, if you are reading, how are you feeling today?
Ladies u all got to pinch me real hard! The KKH called me. It shows positive! I almost drop my ears my bag my everything I have on my body with my jaw wide open!!
Cose I always thought I cannot make it. U know I am typing this in a shopping centre staring blankly still thinking is it true?!?!
Hey Enchanted garden, think everyone will adopt a child from tree vision very soon wor. LOL. today is actually your 14th day, so Sunday test was too early. So excited for you. but that means you are not going for your trip ler.

But also means this year CNY, you don't need to dig a hole...don't need to go for trips... You can show the tummy! Congrats!!!
