IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

The discharge finally stopped bout two days ago. I haven't gone for my gynae's appt though and I'm thinking of not going too cuz I dunno what he's gonna say. I don't want to waste my money go there sit less than 5 mins and come out none the wiser. How huh? :(

The discharge finally stopped bout two days ago. I haven't gone for my gynae's appt though and I'm thinking of not going too cuz I dunno what he's gonna say. I don't want to waste my money go there sit less than 5 mins and come out none the wiser. How huh? :(

Are you given any duphaston at the moment? If you have spotting, it is better for you to see gynae as soon as possible so that he/she can prescribe medication or injection to stabilize the baby. Dont take any risk if you really want to have a baby. Remember money is not everything. It is the baby that matters to you now. Even if it is 1mins of consultation, you have to go and hear what the gynae advice.
Are you given any duphaston at the moment? If you have spotting, it is better for you to see gynae as soon as possible so that he/she can prescribe medication or injection to stabilize the baby. Dont take any risk if you really want to have a baby. Remember money is not everything. It is the baby that matters to you now. Even if it is 1mins of consultation, you have to go and hear what the gynae advice.

Huh no la, not preggy. My iui failed and I stopped for one cycle but encountered the discharge for almost two weeks bout one week after my menses stopped.
Huh no la, not preggy. My iui failed and I stopped for one cycle but encountered the discharge for almost two weeks bout one week after my menses stopped.
I encounter the same problem also. Failed my iui last month. Menses last for 7 days then have spotting. Went to see doctor on day 9. He told me is because of corplus luteam that y keep have spotting . Precribes me medicine to eat for three weeks. And say that after stop the medicine, period will come and discharge the corplus luteam. The nurse told me must eat the medicine if not later because cycst.
Hi, I have been scrolling through the postings but I am still a bit confused to what is expected in terms of time / jabs for IUI. Also partly my fault because it didn't cross my mind to ask my doc clearly during my first consultation.

I had Tamoxifen from CD2-6 and my scan is next week.

For the scan, it is to check if the follicles are good enough for IUI, am I right?

So let's say the follicles are good enough, how soon is the insemination going to take place? I read somewhere it is 24-48 hours, is that right?

So if the follicles are not good enough, doc will prescribe more meds or jabs for me?

I am hoping to plan taking leave for these visits but it's so hard to plan. Just hope my employer will understand. :(
I encounter the same problem also. Failed my iui last month. Menses last for 7 days then have spotting. Went to see doctor on day 9. He told me is because of corplus luteam that y keep have spotting . Precribes me medicine to eat for three weeks. And say that after stop the medicine, period will come and discharge the corplus luteam. The nurse told me must eat the medicine if not later because cycst.

Huh... cyst?! But think my discharge stopped already.. then what ur gynae said? Everything will be back to normal after the discharge?
Huh... cyst?! But think my discharge stopped already.. then what ur gynae said? Everything will be back to normal after the discharge?
i still find your doc nurse not professional. she should pass your msg to your doc and let him give you advise on the same / next day. if you find ok, no pain or weird feeling, maybe you can ask the doc on your next IUI appt?
Hi, I have been scrolling through the postings but I am still a bit confused to what is expected in terms of time / jabs for IUI. Also partly my fault because it didn't cross my mind to ask my doc clearly during my first consultation.

I had Tamoxifen from CD2-6 and my scan is next week.

For the scan, it is to check if the follicles are good enough for IUI, am I right?

So let's say the follicles are good enough, how soon is the insemination going to take place? I read somewhere it is 24-48 hours, is that right?

So if the follicles are not good enough, doc will prescribe more meds or jabs for me?

I am hoping to plan taking leave for these visits but it's so hard to plan. Just hope my employer will understand. :(
the schedule should be quite fixed so should be easy to plan
my schedule is CD 2 to 6 take medication and jab
cd10 or 11 to check the size and number of follicles
depending on the size, the doc will advise when to take trigger jab which shld be arnd CD13 or 14
then next following day will do IUI

your doc should be able to advise the dates for each cycle. if your follicles is not good enough, i think whole cycle has to be cancelled.
i still find your doc nurse not professional. she should pass your msg to your doc and let him give you advise on the same / next day. if you find ok, no pain or weird feeling, maybe you can ask the doc on your next IUI appt?

I called again. Told the nurse I'm not going for the appt later. And asked her bout the discharge but she also not sure. But she said the discharge will not affect my next IUI cycle. Problem is I don't even know my period will still report on time not after a two week long discharge. And should I wanna wait for another cycle? But I already have the injections in my fridge. Can tahan so long?

Anyway I dropped Dr Loh another email. Though not very sure he will reply. Feeling kinda sianz.
I called again. Told the nurse I'm not going for the appt later. And asked her bout the discharge but she also not sure. But she said the discharge will not affect my next IUI cycle. Problem is I don't even know my period will still report on time not after a two week long discharge. And should I wanna wait for another cycle? But I already have the injections in my fridge. Can tahan so long?

Anyway I dropped Dr Loh another email. Though not very sure he will reply. Feeling kinda sianz.
that's why i say the nurse not professional. she definitely would not know what's wrong with you, that's why she need to ask the doc and give message back to you. you can check the expiry date on the box, i think all injections gt write expiry date
the schedule should be quite fixed so should be easy to plan
my schedule is CD 2 to 6 take medication and jab
cd10 or 11 to check the size and number of follicles
depending on the size, the doc will advise when to take trigger jab which shld be arnd CD13 or 14
then next following day will do IUI

your doc should be able to advise the dates for each cycle. if your follicles is not good enough, i think whole cycle has to be cancelled.

Thanks! Maybe my next appointment he will explain the dates to me. Hopefully the follicles will be good enough... fingers crossed!
Huh... cyst?! But think my discharge stopped already.. then what ur gynae said? Everything will be back to normal after the discharge?
Ya. That what nurse told me. I finish the medicine last 3 days. Today I am first day menses. Thinking to go scan again after menses to see whether the corplus luteam go away.
I called again. Told the nurse I'm not going for the appt later. And asked her bout the discharge but she also not sure. But she said the discharge will not affect my next IUI cycle. Problem is I don't even know my period will still report on time not after a two week long discharge. And should I wanna wait for another cycle? But I already have the injections in my fridge. Can tahan so long?

Anyway I dropped Dr Loh another email. Though not very sure he will reply. Feeling kinda sianz.

Jinnous, dr Loh is very busy as he see patient in the morning at Tfc n afternoon in his own clinic plus surgery n delivery. If your question require him to scan and check he won't reply. If you are still spotting best to go down n consult him.
Ya. That what nurse told me. I finish the medicine last 3 days. Today I am first day menses. Thinking to go scan again after menses to see whether the corplus luteam go away.

Does ur menses still come on time due to corplus luteam? Or delayed? Then did you do iui for that cycle?
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Jinnous, dr Loh is very busy as he see patient in the morning at Tfc n afternoon in his own clinic plus surgery n delivery. If your question require him to scan and check he won't reply. If you are still spotting best to go down n consult him.

I know he's busy but if he could reply me about my concerns then I would have made a trip down to check as early as possible. But I didn't know anything about it and tried to google and looked for information about my condition. The reason I didn't go down cuz the spotting stopped two days before my appt.

Is it selective hearing? That time when I emailed him bout the iui he replied on the same day. I don't want to point fingers but I'm a bit miffed la.
I know he's busy but if he could reply me about my concerns then I would have made a trip down to check as early as possible. But I didn't know anything about it and tried to google and looked for information about my condition. The reason I didn't go down cuz the spotting stopped two days before my appt.

Is it selective hearing? That time when I emailed him bout the iui he replied on the same day. I don't want to point fingers but I'm a bit miffed la.

I know he don't reply all messages cos some of the email I sent him he don't reply too but he do reply majority of the messages. If you ask him why is it spotting probably he won't reply cos he cannot answer until he check. I can understand your frustration. Spotting after failed cycle is common. I have that too. It can be due to hormone imbalance and need to take med to regulate it.
I'm doing my iui Tml.first time doing iui. Can I check,on that itself after the iui, u girls bed rest whole day is it?
Just curious, I tend to suck in tummy a little Cos my tummy very big. When I return to work, n I suck in my tummy. Will it affect my chances?
hi all,
I read from the heybaby.com website, says that for couples going for ART (eg. IUI, IVF ), 1st cycle can use medisave to pay $6000, 2nd cycle able to claim up to $5000 and 3rd cycle able to claim up to $4000.
However, doctors will always advise couples to try at least 3 cycles of IUI first before they decide if the couple needs IVF eventually.

Anyone of you here has fully utilized the 3x medisave payment for their 3x IUI cycles?
If eventually need to undergo IVF, isnt it very costly as no more payment can be paid off by Medisave?
I know he's busy but if he could reply me about my concerns then I would have made a trip down to check as early as possible. But I didn't know anything about it and tried to google and looked for information about my condition. The reason I didn't go down cuz the spotting stopped two days before my appt.

Is it selective hearing? That time when I emailed him bout the iui he replied on the same day. I don't want to point fingers but I'm a bit miffed la.

Hi jinnous,

Yup. Dr Loh is a very busy person. If your spotting stopped already, maybe you can ask him during your consultation with him about your next IUI appointment, about the discharge for 2 weeks after the failed IUI.
Just curious, I tend to suck in tummy a little Cos my tummy very big. When I return to work, n I suck in my tummy. Will it affect my chances?

It won't affect. Our body is amazing and if sperm meet egg and able to become embryo and hatch out to your womb, it will implant no matter what.
hi all,
I read from the heybaby.com website, says that for couples going for ART (eg. IUI, IVF ), 1st cycle can use medisave to pay $6000, 2nd cycle able to claim up to $5000 and 3rd cycle able to claim up to $4000.
However, doctors will always advise couples to try at least 3 cycles of IUI first before they decide if the couple needs IVF eventually.

Anyone of you here has fully utilized the 3x medisave payment for their 3x IUI cycles?
If eventually need to undergo IVF, isnt it very costly as no more payment can be paid off by Medisave?

Do not waste grant on IUI because IUI only cost a small amount. Unless you are sure you do not need it for ivf then you can go ahead to use it. All the best.
hi all,
I read from the heybaby.com website, says that for couples going for ART (eg. IUI, IVF ), 1st cycle can use medisave to pay $6000, 2nd cycle able to claim up to $5000 and 3rd cycle able to claim up to $4000.
However, doctors will always advise couples to try at least 3 cycles of IUI first before they decide if the couple needs IVF eventually.

Anyone of you here has fully utilized the 3x medisave payment for their 3x IUI cycles?
If eventually need to undergo IVF, isnt it very costly as no more payment can be paid off by Medisave?

I never really understood what the 3 cycle medisave meant. I always thought that IUI and IVF are separated! But today at the doc's the nurse explained to me that if I utilize medisave for the first cycle for IUI, it is counted as one cycle used. OMG... so I decide to use cash for IUI instead... just in case we really need to do IVF in future.
I never really understood what the 3 cycle medisave meant. I always thought that IUI and IVF are separated! But today at the doc's the nurse explained to me that if I utilize medisave for the first cycle for IUI, it is counted as one cycle used. OMG... so I decide to use cash for IUI instead... just in case we really need to do IVF in future.

You are right. IUI is still ART. I initially thought IUI and IVF are 2 different procedure like you. But after the explaination, it makes sense. Just save the grant for IVF. We might need it.
wow! luckily we have this forum to share experiences and knowledge so at least we know which choice to select to save our precious time and also money!
@catinthesky - you started your 1st IUI soon? Wana share your experience?
Hi everyone, I am new here. I am 9dpiui and am currently on duphaston. This is my first SO-IUI and the 2ww is nerve racking and I feel like it is a rollercoaster ride with no one beside me. I have not told any other close friend or family about the procedure, so naturally I see my husband as the only source of support. i've been getting signs that my af is going to come, and so i told my husband, hoping that he would comfort me. Instead, he got really upset and we've just had a big fight. I'm just wondering if I am expecting too much from my husband? Or am i overly sensitive because of the hormone pills?
Hi everyone, I am new here. I am 9dpiui and am currently on duphaston. This is my first SO-IUI and the 2ww is nerve racking and I feel like it is a rollercoaster ride with no one beside me. I have not told any other close friend or family about the procedure, so naturally I see my husband as the only source of support. i've been getting signs that my af is going to come, and so i told my husband, hoping that he would comfort me. Instead, he got really upset and we've just had a big fight. I'm just wondering if I am expecting too much from my husband? Or am i overly sensitive because of the hormone pills?

I can understand how you feel. It is tough when you are going thru this with only your husband support. Do understand that he feels the pressure too. And different people have different way of dealing with the pressure. My husband was initially aloof and oblivious. Now, he is getting better at it. So give your hubby time yah. Maybe its the medication, maybe its not. Either way, we are all wrapped up with emotions when we are going thru this procedure. So dont worry, you are not alone. Anytime you feel lousy and you feel like venting it out, do so. We are all here to support one another.

And as for your AF, dont think of it till it really arrives. I know the tww is agonizing but do try to carry on with your life as per normal. When it does come, just think that you still have another chance to do it again.

Cheer up k! And good luck!
I had my scan today and my
wow! luckily we have this forum to share experiences and knowledge so at least we know which choice to select to save our precious time and also money!
@catinthesky - you started your 1st IUI soon? Wana share your experience?

Hi littlebaby_melissa! Yes going to start my 1st IUI this Fri! To be honest, everything still feels surreal. We didn't really plan to do IUI, we only wanted to go for consultation and find out about IVF. Somehow, we were just "swept" into doing IUI along the way.

I went for scan today and if I am not wrong, my right follicle is only 9.5 and left is 15. My left ovary is located way up there so when Dr scan, the nurse had to help press down my tummy - a little painful but bearable.

So 2 days later I have to go back for another scan and take the trigger shot. Have you all taken trigger shot before, is it painful? It's on the tummy so I'm kinda nervous.

Hope our IUIs will be successful :) Where are you doing yours?
Hi everyone, I am new here. I am 9dpiui and am currently on duphaston. This is my first SO-IUI and the 2ww is nerve racking and I feel like it is a rollercoaster ride with no one beside me. I have not told any other close friend or family about the procedure, so naturally I see my husband as the only source of support. i've been getting signs that my af is going to come, and so i told my husband, hoping that he would comfort me. Instead, he got really upset and we've just had a big fight. I'm just wondering if I am expecting too much from my husband? Or am i overly sensitive because of the hormone pills?
Hi littlejas,
I guess this period is really tough on both. The wives suffer mental & physical toll while I think husbands are equally stressful too.
Who don't want to conceive naturally?
Friends who got married , went for honeymoon, pop! come back and announce they r preggy.
S'times can't help it but to feel envious.
How come so FAST? and Sooooo ZUN meh?!?!

But I guess every couple is different, we just have to stay positive. Im sure it will help.
And I guess those hormone pills do affect our emotions too.

Cuz feeling AF symptoms means cycle fail again. Of cuz will feel disappointed.
Instead of complaining to husband, why not just say, nvm we will try again 1 more round? :)

It;s difficult, but we all try ok?
I had my scan today and my

Hi littlebaby_melissa! Yes going to start my 1st IUI this Fri! To be honest, everything still feels surreal. We didn't really plan to do IUI, we only wanted to go for consultation and find out about IVF. Somehow, we were just "swept" into doing IUI along the way.

I went for scan today and if I am not wrong, my right follicle is only 9.5 and left is 15. My left ovary is located way up there so when Dr scan, the nurse had to help press down my tummy - a little painful but bearable.

So 2 days later I have to go back for another scan and take the trigger shot. Have you all taken trigger shot before, is it painful? It's on the tummy so I'm kinda nervous.

Hope our IUIs will be successful :) Where are you doing yours?
@catinthesky i havent started mine, but hope to embark my 1st one soon!
All the best to your 1st IUI this Friday! and keep us updated!
Haha, I guess docs will always recommend IUI first before jumping straight to IVF, cuz most couples want to conceive like ALMOST IMMEDIATELY! Ganjiong thats why go to them for help mah!
But I think they will know which plan is better for us.
Cuz IVF is like the last resort liao, so I think we r in good hands.

@catinthesky where r u doing ur IUI? How much for the your IUI process?

Btw, just curious, before embarking on IUI, does docs put anyone of u thru a series of blood tests like Hep A, B, C etc. HIV tests la...etc.
Hi everyone, I am new here. I am 9dpiui and am currently on duphaston. This is my first SO-IUI and the 2ww is nerve racking and I feel like it is a rollercoaster ride with no one beside me. I have not told any other close friend or family about the procedure, so naturally I see my husband as the only source of support. i've been getting signs that my af is going to come, and so i told my husband, hoping that he would comfort me. Instead, he got really upset and we've just had a big fight. I'm just wondering if I am expecting too much from my husband? Or am i overly sensitive because of the hormone pills?

It is a difficult journey for us. But I try to remind myself everyday to relax, don't be so overwhelm by just wanting a baby. Continue to enjoy life, enjoy time with your hubby and friends.

Sometimes our hubbys cannot understand fully what we are going through. It's good to have friends you feel safe to share with, so you can "offload" the emo stuff to your girl friends. It's also stressful and heartbreaking for our hubbys to see us sad and anxious. So sometimes, I really prefer to talk about my infertility journey with close girl friends (only like 2 of them) that I can trust. Or just rant in forums like these :)
@catinthesky i havent started mine, but hope to embark my 1st one soon!
All the best to your 1st IUI this Friday! and keep us updated!
Haha, I guess docs will always recommend IUI first before jumping straight to IVF, cuz most couples want to conceive like ALMOST IMMEDIATELY! Ganjiong thats why go to them for help mah!
But I think they will know which plan is better for us.
Cuz IVF is like the last resort liao, so I think we r in good hands.

@catinthesky where r u doing ur IUI? How much for the your IUI process?

Btw, just curious, before embarking on IUI, does docs put anyone of u thru a series of blood tests like Hep A, B, C etc. HIV tests la...etc.

Thank you! Will certainly need all the luck and blessings! Haha :)

Yeah, my gynae also said IUI is cheaper, just do it first!

I am doing IUI with Dr Stephen Chew at NUH. The clinic told me that IUI costs about $800 in total, excluding the fertility tests you have to go through before IUI. I think the fertility tests will come up close to 1K - I'm not sure as we've done our tests back in 2014 at Thomson and it costs around 1K. Luckily, NUH accept our test results despite being 1 year plus, so we only had to do some blood tests which cost about $600 in total.

Yeah, I had to go through all the above blood tests and so did my hubby...
I had my scan today and my

Hi littlebaby_melissa! Yes going to start my 1st IUI this Fri! To be honest, everything still feels surreal. We didn't really plan to do IUI, we only wanted to go for consultation and find out about IVF. Somehow, we were just "swept" into doing IUI along the way.

I went for scan today and if I am not wrong, my right follicle is only 9.5 and left is 15. My left ovary is located way up there so when Dr scan, the nurse had to help press down my tummy - a little painful but bearable.

So 2 days later I have to go back for another scan and take the trigger shot. Have you all taken trigger shot before, is it painful? It's on the tummy so I'm kinda nervous.

Hope our IUIs will be successful :) Where are you doing yours?
Hello. I am also new here. Been reading here and there... this month will be my first IUI... tomorrow going for 1st Jab and collect medications. .. not sure what to expect.. hoping that it will be a smooth journey..
Hi everyone, thanks for all the support.. @littlebaby_melissa I took the trigger shot-it's alright, just slightly more painful than blood test. And I belong to "scared of pain" type of person. Thinking of how you will be having a shot of a little one will help carry you through. And yes, my husband and I also had to do the blood test for diseases

@catinthesky all my 3 best female friends are pregnant now. I'm happy for them, but it's tinged with sadness for my own condition and so I'm keeping this journey to myself. I don't know about you girls, but I also did not tell my mother because I think it would make her sad to know her daughter have to go through so much pain just to conceive.. Don't want her to go through this rollercoaster too
@catinthesky all my 3 best female friends are pregnant now. I'm happy for them, but it's tinged with sadness for my own condition and so I'm keeping this journey to myself. I don't know about you girls, but I also did not tell my mother because I think it would make her sad to know her daughter have to go through so much pain just to conceive.. Don't want her to go through this rollercoaster too

Hi Ladies and little Jas, am back.... well not with good news but rather more like dun care too much about this area liao further more we still have to live by each day with or without a kiddo in sight. Maybe like some elders say have kid or not is like gambling.

Little Jas, i am a male and have to admit going thru such an avenue is not easy for myself too because alot of negatives thought will come in, partners will start to blame each other or every possible corners to see where the fault lies, after 2 failed iui and multiple nature way, i conclude, i am just looking for answer to see where the fault is to remedy it. Same for the mrs to certain extend, even our consulting doc also cannot provide an answer for us thus finally we decided ivf.

So both mrs and m have to understand through this journey beside the $ and beside the jabs and medication, the emotional part and expectation have to be well managed. Best is dun compare, take each IUI instance as a gamble.

If you feeling very down need someone to talk to come here, there are many listening ears, the ladies here are great and helpful. Dun bottle things up yourself
I'm at a loss... my menses didn't report as usual so I guess that two weeks of spotting affected my menses. So what do I do now? Just wait for AF to arrive or I should go see my gynae? I find it frustrating to pay him for a 5 min consultation just to hear him explain something which can be done over phone. E.g. Paid for consultation to see him just to hear go back and wait for AF to arrive. Haiz.. anyone has similar conditions like me?
@catinthesky all my 3 best female friends are pregnant now. I'm happy for them, but it's tinged with sadness for my own condition and so I'm keeping this journey to myself. I don't know about you girls, but I also did not tell my mother because I think it would make her sad to know her daughter have to go through so much pain just to conceive.. Don't want her to go through this rollercoaster too

Hi littlejas, I can understand. I guess all of us ladies in this thread will understand too... I am already 37. Most of my friends and relatives who got married after me have babies by now. It's really tough, you wanna be happy for them but you cannot deny the tinge of jealousy (or even bitterness sometimes, in my case). It's made worse when well-meaning friends / relatives keep asking when's your turn (without knowing we struggle with infertility).

I also didn't tell my mom I signed up for IUI because she is a super paranoid mom who will probably call me everyday to ask how it goes... haha! And like you, I don't want her to worry and be sad over this. But I did share with my MIL because I am really lucky to have a MIL who is understanding and not the naggy kind. She will listen and quietly cook nourishing food for her children and DILs.

I think it'll be easier if you share with someone you trust, as this journey is really lonely and tough without support. If not comfortable to share with friends, maybe you can just blog it out in cyberspace as a form of venting. :)

Let's jiayou together! Be positive and happy, good things will come your way!
I'm at a loss... my menses didn't report as usual so I guess that two weeks of spotting affected my menses. So what do I do now? Just wait for AF to arrive or I should go see my gynae? I find it frustrating to pay him for a 5 min consultation just to hear him explain something which can be done over phone. E.g. Paid for consultation to see him just to hear go back and wait for AF to arrive. Haiz.. anyone has similar conditions like me?

Are you able to call the clinic and ask the nurse over the phone? They can advise if you need to go in to see gynae or not
I'm at a loss... my menses didn't report as usual so I guess that two weeks of spotting affected my menses. So what do I do now? Just wait for AF to arrive or I should go see my gynae? I find it frustrating to pay him for a 5 min consultation just to hear him explain something which can be done over phone. E.g. Paid for consultation to see him just to hear go back and wait for AF to arrive. Haiz.. anyone has similar conditions like me?

Have you tried using a test kit to see if you are pregnant? If the results is negative, I suggest you wait a few more days to test again. If still negative and your period hasn't come, maybe you want to try calling the nurse and see what they advise?
Have you tried using a test kit to see if you are pregnant? If the results is negative, I suggest you wait a few more days to test again. If still negative and your period hasn't come, maybe you want to try calling the nurse and see what they advise?

No I'm not preggy la.. my IUI failed la.. the nurse doesn't know what to do. She keep insisting I see gynae...

I've just started my 1st SO-IUI too, on day 3 of my jabs...iui expected to take place this weekend. Anyone can advise if we can still BD as usual before and after IUI?
