Isit a nor that we need to buy bus ticket back to malaysia for CL?


New Member
Hi there. Would like to check with other mummy out there. Is it common that we need to buy bus ticket or pay for their bus ticket back to malaysia at end of confinement?

Hi Susane,

For both my CLs (I had different CLs for 2 births), I did not buy any bus tix for them. I gave them an angpow at the end of the Confinement in appreciation of their help instead.
Hi Snowball32,

Ic. Thats why. Should had asked more details before hiring. Not just about bus ticket that make it unhappy. I think all CL has all the common Goods & Bads after reading all the post.
Hi Susane,

Its always good to trash things out & be clear on what covers in the confinement charges before you decide to her to avoid unneccessary misunderstandings and unhappiness.

Some CLs are very calculative. So, better be clear in the first place.
Hi, is it a MUST that we give angpows when the CL come and when they complete the confinement?

My CL is asking for a specific amount when she complete the confinement. Is this a standard practice?
Hi Eelain,

We have already paid the CL to engage them. Hence, giving an angpow to them is our gesture of gratitute of their help (if they are good & helpful) & Goodluck. We decide the amt ti give or not give at all. Its not compulsory. The 2 CLs I had did not such demand. We gave out of gratitute of their help.
Thanks Snowball. I felt the same way too, I will give her as a token of appreciation if she had did well during my confinement. Not asking out front which I felt a bit taken back.

Is your 2 CLs good? If yes, would appreciate their contacts too. I'm still sourcing around before committing with this CL that I have found
Hi Eelain,

Both my CLs were quite good. They did not give my problems and have been a good help during my confinement. My younger child is already 4 yo, I have to go home to check if I still the contacts of the CLs. When is your due date?

Will PM you if I can still find their contacts
