the thing is nothing is 100%... you must be prepare that you have to find a stable job in future so that you can really secure a future for your kids and yourself...
lets say you won and courts say he has to pay you alimony and child maintenance.. but if your ex is a b@stard, he can stop working (or find part time job just enough to support himself) and declare bankrupt. then he needs not pay alimony and child maintenance...
after spending so many years with a man, cant you see you cannot depend on man forever?
I'm in a stable job but not earning as much as him.. im confident that custody of our son will go to me as throughout his birth, ive been supporting all the expenses. If hes not able to pay any alimony to me ,fine, I'll request to deduct it from his shares. Ive not be dependent on him all this while... With his history of violence & nw adultery, is more than enough for us to be divorced.
Ive already spoken to my lawyer & im going with his flow to just send to his last knwn address & will get a court hearing date to settle down.