I feel like a failure as a new mom


New Member
I just had a baby 2 weeks ago. W
I wasn't abe to produce breast milk and finally was able to ( it was a very painful process for me).

Went to see the pedae for 1 week checkup and the baby lost weight even more!!! I feel so guilty as a mom for starving my baby with my breast feeding.

He is on formula now and taking the bottle well. Tml is his 2 week milestone so hopefully he goes back to birth weight...

I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for starving my baby. I can't confide in anyone Because I feel so ashamed..

I just had a baby 2 weeks ago. W
I wasn't abe to produce breast milk and finally was able to ( it was a very painful process for me).

Went to see the pedae for 1 week checkup and the baby lost weight even more!!! I feel so guilty as a mom for starving my baby with my breast feeding.

He is on formula now and taking the bottle well. Tml is his 2 week milestone so hopefully he goes back to birth weight...

I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for starving my baby. I can't confide in anyone Because I feel so ashamed..

Hello, 1st thing 1st, not giving your baby breast milk is not a crime. you need not be ashame about it. Especially when your reason is so so valid.

2ndly, you are giving your baby formula milk so you are totally wrong to say you are starving your baby.

Please dun anyhow think because you might end up in depression then you really not be able to take good care of your baby le. Stay positive, enjoy motherhood, enjoy your baby too.

Lots of baby out there never even tasted breast milk before and they all grow up healthy and strong. so no worries. jia you.
As a first time mother, you surely have high expectations of yourself, and it is not helping with all the articles about how good breast milk is. I also had no milk supply for all my pregnancies, so don't blame yourself for it. You are also not starving baby because they do have reserve for the first few days after they are born. There are many other ways to determine if you are a good mom and not just based on whether you can give your baby breast milk or not.
Hi wind 1 and aaa111

Thanks for being so encouraging.

Actually I wasn't really that upset about not being able to bf. Rather I was more upset about my own insistence to bf my baby that caused the baby to lose even more weight.. I couldn't even tell that baby lost weight!!

It was frightening for the pede to tell me that if he doesn't pick up on the weight, it wld affect his brain development

Tml is his second week weigh in and I really hope everything will go on well for him..
Hi wind 1 and aaa111

Thanks for being so encouraging.

Actually I wasn't really that upset about not being able to bf. Rather I was more upset about my own insistence to bf my baby that caused the baby to lose even more weight.. I couldn't even tell that baby lost weight!!

It was frightening for the pede to tell me that if he doesn't pick up on the weight, it wld affect his brain development

Tml is his second week weigh in and I really hope everything will go on well for him..


Everything will be fine. Dun worry ya. Having said that, most mummy sure worry baby not enough to drink or/and not drink enough. pardon me for being blunt, your insistance to bf and subsequently being upset about yourself is definitely not healthy and it does yourself and your bb zero good. Since you acknowledge that you are already a mummy, you can tell yourself your thinking need to change to alight with your new role. Mummy typically are a practical lot, if this way cannot, they will rapidly switch to the next option.

Back to your bb, your concern is fully understandable, i strongly suggest you get a little note book and start to record the amount of milk and time you feed your baby, bring this notebook to show your bb pede, ask him/her directly, are you feeding enough. then whatever he or she say, please take it like bible truth since they are pede and you are not (I am assumming you are not a pede ya), also remind yourself that you are paying a lot of $$$ to the pede, if you dun believe wat he or she say, then see the pede for wat leh.

take time to rest, take time to be just yourself, enjoy a quiet moment, massage, nap, whatever that make you feel relax. you totally deserve it and trust me you need it. When you are feeling more relax and compose, you might be able to enjoy your motherhood and baby even more.

jia you. You have done a awesome job to bring this baby into this world, and i am sure you will continue to do a fantastic job looking after the bb and above all, enjoy life even more then before. Isn't this motherhood thingy suppose to do?

Just to share my personal experience, when I had my no1 9 years back, I had insufficient breastmilk and she lost a bit of weight during her first checkup. I was feeling the same as how u felt. Guilty that due to my insistence I caused her to lose weight .
The mummy's guilty at work. 9 years on, my girl is a healthy p3 student.

Please don't think that u r a failure, as mums , it is a lifelong learning journey. Don't be too hard on yourself , we made mistakes , we learn from it.
I made plenty of blunders while taking care of my no1. No one is perfect. Don't dwell on the insufficient milk issue and enjoy your baby.
Thanks for all ur encouragement..

Went back to see the doc on saturday and he gained back more than his birth weight:)

I definitely learnt a lot from this experience and am glad to know that I'm not alone in this..

He is gg to be in his third week tml..

Any guidelines on how much weight he shld gain each week? I heard the guideline is arnd 150 to 200g each week if he takes formula
Yup the weigh range is abt 150-200 g per week for initial mths . After 6 mths will slow down
Thanks for all ur encouragement..

Went back to see the doc on saturday and he gained back more than his birth weight:)

I definitely learnt a lot from this experience and am glad to know that I'm not alone in this..

He is gg to be in his third week tml..

Any guidelines on how much weight he shld gain each week? I heard the guideline is arnd 150 to 200g each week if he takes formula


For such guideline question, i suggest you ask your bb pede beco 1stly he/she is a professional, 2ndly, he/she examine your baby and have a good understanding of your baby condition and lastly, you pay so much to see him/her, so make sure you make him/her work hard for the $$$. I suggest you write down all your question in point form whenever you thought of it, no question is not too stupid, every of your question deserve a proper and professional answer. bring the list along whenever you see your baby pede. ask ask ask.

Enjoy motherhood.
Hi Ironmaiden mummy..

Don't be so discourage okay...

Being a first time mom is stressful..or rather being a mom is stressful...

We constantly worry abt this & that..big or small matters...don't feel like you have failed yr baby when things goes wrong..but rather..learn from the lesson...even though i know how this guilty thing will eat u up inside...i know you will feel so so bad...but we learn new things every day..together with our baby...!!

But right now..it's perfectly normal that if they keep wanting milk...they call it growing spurt I think...once they starts to crawl, walk etc... they will take up more energy...

Lets all jiayou together okay!! ^^
Hi everyone,

I feel so much better knowing that other mummies go through the same thing that i do, and that I'm not alone...

Baby is now a healthy 3.3 kg and still growing :)..but the nurse says i may be over feeding him after he had more than 1 feed in 3 hrs for a few occasions.. guess I'll have to find other ways to placate him...

thanks again for all your words of encouragement...you don't know how much it means to me during these times....

you guys are really my angels!!!
Hi everyone,

I feel so much better knowing that other mummies go through the same thing that i do, and that I'm not alone...

Baby is now a healthy 3.3 kg and still growing :)..but the nurse says i may be over feeding him after he had more than 1 feed in 3 hrs for a few occasions.. guess I'll have to find other ways to placate him...

thanks again for all your words of encouragement...you don't know how much it means to me during these times....

you guys are really my angels!!!

Hello, so happy you are feeling much better now. Happy mummy = happy baby. If nurse say that, then you can ask the nurse/ PD to advice you how to overcome the overfeed problem. I mean what the point of them raising you an issue and do not provide suggestion to help you fix it.

If your bb is on milk powder, one way to reduce your baby intake is to give him/her thinner milk. I,e, if you normally put 3 spoonful of powder for 100ml of water, then you can consider putting 2 spoonful instead, this way the baby will be taking in lesser. Make sense? lots of things are trial on error de, do not be afraid to ask question and if it not life threatening, do not be afraid to try try.

jia you & most importantly is to enjoy your motherhood.
I just had a baby 2 weeks ago. W
I wasn't abe to produce breast milk and finally was able to ( it was a very painful process for me).

Went to see the pedae for 1 week checkup and the baby lost weight even more!!! I feel so guilty as a mom for starving my baby with my breast feeding.

He is on formula now and taking the bottle well. Tml is his 2 week milestone so hopefully he goes back to birth weight...

I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for starving my baby. I can't confide in anyone Because I feel so ashamed..
Yo! I just had my 3rd child in Dec. Same thing my baby went to see pd after a few days back home, I was upset the pd said her weight should be more than what she is. Her diaper was dry n she passed yellow urine for like 2-3days!! Pd suggested must pump out milk, feed some formula if not enough milk... My nipples were sore too!!! But I tahan.. This time I want to breastfeed exclusively only. No bottles n formula in the way.

And now she's coming 3months n still on bm, her weight is good and getting chubby. My right nipple suffered cracks n still gets dry but I am hanging in there. No bottles, no pumping milk. Is for stay home mothers like me. And I still have 2 older active boys.

When your next child comes along, tell yourself nothing is impossible. When you have the right mindset, and get help from lactation consultant if needed, exclusive breastfeed will not seem so hard. Good luck.
Yo! I just had my 3rd child in Dec. Same thing my baby went to see pd after a few days back home, I was upset the pd said her weight should be more than what she is. Her diaper was dry n she passed yellow urine for like 2-3days!! Pd suggested must pump out milk, feed some formula if not enough milk... My nipples were sore too!!! But I tahan.. This time I want to breastfeed exclusively only. No bottles n formula in the way.

And now she's coming 3months n still on bm, her weight is good and getting chubby. My right nipple suffered cracks n still gets dry but I am hanging in there. No bottles, no pumping milk. Is for stay home mothers like me. And I still have 2 older active boys.

When your next child comes along, tell yourself nothing is impossible. When you have the right mindset, and get help from lactation consultant if needed, exclusive breastfeed will not seem so hard. Good luck.

How old are your 2 boys?
I have a toddler and she is regressing.
She was potty trained 5mtha ago, now she insist on wearing diapers. She refusing her bath repeatedly and throw humongous fits. I was reading it might be the new baby in the house so she wants attn.
I'm trying hard to focus on caring for both but it seems overwhelming at times.
Worse newborn has a lot of skin conditions: heat rash all over, cradle cap etc...
It certainly doesn't help that my parents sometimes pass comments unwittingly criticizing my toddler saying she's ill behaved. My mums adds it becos of my parenting that my toddler is so difficult.
Feels like I can do no right...
Hi Mummy,

all mothers are doing their best for their babies whether c-section or natural birth, whether formula-feed or breastfeeding. weight loss in the initial days is actually normal. newborns are only expected to regain their birthweight by 2 weeks.

I do not agree with some earlier posts on how pediatricians know best. when it comes to breastfeeding, many doctors, pediatricians or gynaecologists included, do not study it in detail and do not understand the mechanics of it. they want to quantify baby's milk intake in exact volumes and time intervals which is not how breastfeeding (direct latching) works. hence, it might put unnecessary pressure on mummies.

your baby is still young, if you wish to relactate, it is actually still possible. look up a lactation consultant and also join 'Breastfeeding Mums' on Facebook, it is a forum for breastfeeding related queries.
Hi ruixx,

I did try to breastfeed him again although not full breastfeeding haha..more of to comfort him and to placate him between feeds..I've tried expressing and I don't have a lot of milk but he seems to be happy sucking away so I guess I'm happy too..I'm still formula feeding him too

I went to the PD about 2 weeks ago for his monthly check and everything is progressing well :)

Only problem now is that he has colic and a lot of wind in his tummy so we are trying different things to make it better for him
Yo! I just had my 3rd child in Dec. Same thing my baby went to see pd after a few days back home, I was upset the pd said her weight should be more than what she is. Her diaper was dry n she passed yellow urine for like 2-3days!! Pd suggested must pump out milk, feed some formula if not enough milk... My nipples were sore too!!! But I tahan.. This time I want to breastfeed exclusively only. No bottles n formula in the way.

And now she's coming 3months n still on bm, her weight is good and getting chubby. My right nipple suffered cracks n still gets dry but I am hanging in there. No bottles, no pumping milk. Is for stay home mothers like me. And I still have 2 older active boys.

When your next child comes along, tell yourself nothing is impossible. When you have the right mindset, and get help from lactation consultant if needed, exclusive breastfeed will not seem so hard. Good luck.
Yo! I just had my 3rd child in Dec. Same thing my baby went to see pd after a few days back home, I was upset the pd said her weight should be more than what she is. Her diaper was dry n she passed yellow urine for like 2-3days!! Pd suggested must pump out milk, feed some formula if not enough milk... My nipples were sore too!!! But I tahan.. This time I want to breastfeed exclusively only. No bottles n formula in the way.

And now she's coming 3months n still on bm, her weight is good and getting chubby. My right nipple suffered cracks n still gets dry but I am hanging in there. No bottles, no pumping milk. Is for stay home mothers like me. And I still have 2 older active boys.

When your next child comes along, tell yourself nothing is impossible. When you have the right mindset, and get help from lactation consultant if needed, exclusive breastfeed will not seem so hard. Good luck.
Hi wanna dance,

Really thumbs up for all the effort u made..It is really not Easy when the doctors tell u that u aren't giving enough milk for the baby
.after all, no mother wants to starve their kid..

I have tried breastfeeding again..although not exclusive bf...mostly is to placate him when he is hungry between feeds..I don't have a lot of milk but baby seems happy sucking away and I enjoy the experience too..

Anyway he has a healthy weight gain so I guess I'll just stick to this first..now we face problem with colic so I guess one step at a time :)
Hi wanna dance,

Really thumbs up for all the effort u made..It is really not Easy when the doctors tell u that u aren't giving enough milk for the baby
.after all, no mother wants to starve their kid..

I have tried breastfeeding again..although not exclusive bf...mostly is to placate him when he is hungry between feeds..I don't have a lot of milk but baby seems happy sucking away and I enjoy the experience too..

Anyway he has a healthy weight gain so I guess I'll just stick to this first..now we face problem with colic so I guess one step at a time :)

Thank you :) is already my 3rd child and after many mistakes here n there I realise exclusive breastfeeding is not that hard. In the beginning first few weeks is indeed tough as I grapple with fullness in breasts, sore cracked nipples, constant nursing etc.

Compare to you when I had my first child, I was more lazy n succumb to formula. So you are really doing great! Oh dear colic... Really not easy moment now!

I agree with ruixx that certain things PDs say about feeding baby, don't need follow 100%. Trust your instincts more.
How old are your 2 boys?
I have a toddler and she is regressing.
She was potty trained 5mtha ago, now she insist on wearing diapers. She refusing her bath repeatedly and throw humongous fits. I was reading it might be the new baby in the house so she wants attn.
I'm trying hard to focus on caring for both but it seems overwhelming at times.
Worse newborn has a lot of skin conditions: heat rash all over, cradle cap etc...
It certainly doesn't help that my parents sometimes pass comments unwittingly criticizing my toddler saying she's ill behaved. My mums adds it becos of my parenting that my toddler is so difficult.
Feels like I can do no right...
Oh dear don't be discourage. Toddlers like to test our patience n see how far they can stretch their limits as they are developing social skills. One good tip I've read about and tried is always to distract them. For e.g Bring bath toys like a small cup & spoon or rubber duck or squirt toy to make bath time more enjoyable. During or before meltdown, change topic like "hey look I saw something bright outside the window let's go take a look" . Main thing is not harp or get stuck in the tantrum/situation. My first boy at 2-4 years quite tough to handle too. No point explaining to them too much about their behaviour as they can't really absorb N understand yet.

My boys are 2yr+ apart. I understand it is tough handling a Tod n newborn together. But very soon, they will enjoy each other as playmates! Good luck!
Actually baby will lose weight during the first week then gradually increase weight... not sure why your PD fails to mention that...

Anyway don't be too hard on yourself about bf.. most important is your baby is fed and growing healthy.. doesn't matter is bf or formula..

For me i bf my twins for 6weeks plus.. night time will feed 1 time formula & pray that they can sleep longer.. so far so good.. weight gain is about 150g to 200g per week
I can understand the pressure the society has put on mummies on breast feeding. But seriously if no milk then why force it. I ask the hospital to just feed my no.2 formula cos I know hydration is impt for bb to get rid of jaundice.

My first born was down with serious jaundice n nobody told me the importance of hydrating a nb. If u think u r a bad mummy then me worse. Dun even know my bb jaundice so high n need to do blood transfusion.

For my second born, I m ebf but will give him formula if supply no good. Important thing is bb is not hungry n no jaundice. Ebf bb will also fall sick often one loh.

Instead of educating mummies about breastfeeding, doctors n hospital should educate on jaundice. Even if bb no drink breast milk still will grow up healthy. But jaundice will affect the bb brain, eyes, hearing n etc. Just my 2 cents from own experience.
Hi wanna dance,

Really thumbs up for all the effort u made..It is really not Easy when the doctors tell u that u aren't giving enough milk for the baby
.after all, no mother wants to starve their kid..

I have tried breastfeeding again..although not exclusive bf...mostly is to placate him when he is hungry between feeds..I don't have a lot of milk but baby seems happy sucking away and I enjoy the experience too..

Anyway he has a healthy weight gain so I guess I'll just stick to this first..now we face problem with colic so I guess one step at a time :)

Jia You!
Any amount of breastfeeding is admirable. It's really a mums sacrifice!
As long as baby is healthy and mummy is happy. All is good.

Wanna_dance - toddler is gradually getting better... I hope this is just a phase like all things w Children, it will pass.
My no.1 was exclusively breastfed till 10mths... Looking back I'm wondering myself how did I do it. And for no.2 now, even w the experience the 'temptation' of formula is still great. Looks like u r off to a good start for ur lil one... Do persevere and all the best!!!
I can understand the pressure the society has put on mummies on breast feeding. But seriously if no milk then why force it. I ask the hospital to just feed my no.2 formula cos I know hydration is impt for bb to get rid of jaundice.

My first born was down with serious jaundice n nobody told me the importance of hydrating a nb. If u think u r a bad mummy then me worse. Dun even know my bb jaundice so high n need to do blood transfusion.

For my second born, I m ebf but will give him formula if supply no good. Important thing is bb is not hungry n no jaundice. Ebf bb will also fall sick often one loh.

Instead of educating mummies about breastfeeding, doctors n hospital should educate on jaundice. Even if bb no drink breast milk still will grow up healthy. But jaundice will affect the bb brain, eyes, hearing n etc. Just my 2 cents from own experience.
Hi fellow mummy

Yes I agree..I think moSt impt is the health of my baby..dun care bf or fornula

But I guess I am lucky too..Baby on formula but he also likes to suckle so I bf him when he is cranky or between feeds..He sucks for pretty long so I do suppose he still gets some breast milk
Jia You!
Any amount of breastfeeding is admirable. It's really a mums sacrifice!
As long as baby is healthy and mummy is happy. All is good.

Wanna_dance - toddler is gradually getting better... I hope this is just a phase like all things w Children, it will pass.
My no.1 was exclusively breastfed till 10mths... Looking back I'm wondering myself how did I do it. And for no.2 now, even w the experience the 'temptation' of formula is still great. Looks like u r off to a good start for ur lil one... Do persevere and all the best!!!
Wow wow good to hear! And even more wows for nursing them right from the start. I wished I had been more hardworking to nurse my 1st child.

Thank you & happy feeding to us all! Haha... Hey check your inbox I pm You :)
Hi fellow mummy

Yes I agree..I think moSt impt is the health of my baby..dun care bf or fornula

But I guess I am lucky too..Baby on formula but he also likes to suckle so I bf him when he is cranky or between feeds..He sucks for pretty long so I do suppose he still gets some breast milk
Ironmaiden, perhaps you could really exclusive breastfeed if that's what you wanted from the start.

My Sister baby had breastmilk jaundice. First time we have ever heard of. It is not jaundice because of lack of breastmilk, but due to a substance in the breastmilk (no known specific causes actually). So the baby had to be given formula in addition to breastmilk for the first month. She also express her milk n offer baby in bottle. Baby starting to show signs of impatience on breasts since bottle flow is faster. Progressively she nurses more than offering bottle. I also read in a local breastfeeding book where the lactation consultation helped a distraught Mother to re-latch her baby successfully at the breast because baby wants the bottle more.

Since your baby enjoys suckling from you, perhaps can try latching more often to increase milk supply? The milk that you pump out doesn't indicate how much your baby is drinking. Baby may be drinking more from you cos baby's suckling is more effective. Some mothers express little milk, but is not indicative of how much their breasts are producing. Will know from Baby poops & wet diapers.
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Ironmaiden, perhaps you could really exclusive breastfeed if that's what you wanted from the start.

My Sister baby had breastmilk jaundice. First time we have ever heard of. It is not jaundice because of lack of breastmilk, but due to a substance in the breastmilk (no known specific causes actually). So the baby had to be given formula in addition to breastmilk for the first month. She also express her milk n offer baby in bottle. Baby starting to show signs of impatience on breasts since bottle flow is faster. Progressively she nurses more than offering bottle. I also read in a local breastfeeding book where the lactation consultation helped a distraught Mother to re-latch her baby successfully at the breast because baby wants the bottle more.

Since your baby enjoys suckling from you, perhaps can try latching more often to increase milk supply? The milk that you pump out doesn't indicate how much your baby is drinking. Baby may be drinking more from you cos baby's suckling is more effective. Some mothers expresses little milk, but is not indicative of how much their breasts are producing. Will know from Baby poops & wet diapers.
Hi wanna dance,

I experienced smthg similar too..The doctor told my that my baby had jaundice is because my bm noy sufficient for him so it caused the jaundice..I think initially I really didn't have much milk because his pee and poo was so little until I stared to bottle feed him.

I am trying to latch him more often as well..usually he latches around 30 mins to an hr..so I think he does get some milk
Ironmaiden, perhaps you could really exclusive breastfeed if that's what you wanted from the start.

My Sister baby had breastmilk jaundice. First time we have ever heard of. It is not jaundice because of lack of breastmilk, but due to a substance in the breastmilk (no known specific causes actually). So the baby had to be given formula in addition to breastmilk for the first month. She also express her milk n offer baby in bottle. Baby starting to show signs of impatience on breasts since bottle flow is faster. Progressively she nurses more than offering bottle. I also read in a local breastfeeding book where the lactation consultation helped a distraught Mother to re-latch her baby successfully at the breast because baby wants the bottle more.

Since your baby enjoys suckling from you, perhaps can try latching more often to increase milk supply? The milk that you pump out doesn't indicate how much your baby is drinking. Baby may be drinking more from you cos baby's suckling is more effective. Some mothers expresses little milk, but is not indicative of how much their breasts are producing. Will know from Baby poops & wet diapers.

Yup. The bb can be put back to the breast again. My no1 was given FM cos of his jaundice for the first month n the rest of the month I bf him but end up b4 go bk work, he reject bottle. But anyway ebf, FM or bottle fed, my boy already is a healthy boy coming 3 years old.

Ironmaiden: nobody is born as a mother. Nobody are born to b a pro milk provider with unlimited flow of breast milk (thou I do envy those who can express 3 bags a day). We learn as we grow with our children. By time u have the second one sure more pro already. Nobody is a bad mummy unless u abandon or physically hurt your child intentionally. You are already doing well as a new mum
Hi wanna dance,

I experienced smthg similar too..The doctor told my that my baby had jaundice is because my bm noy sufficient for him so it caused the jaundice..I think initially I really didn't have much milk because his pee and poo was so little until I stared to bottle feed him.

I am trying to latch him more often as well..usually he latches around 30 mins to an hr..so I think he does get some milk
80% of newborn will have jaundice.. hence need to drink milk to flush it out of his/her system coz liver not working 100% yet. Even your breastmilk not enough for the first few days, what important most is colostrum produce by you for the first few days. So for the first few days few drops is sufficient for your baby to mega boost his/her immunity system.

For my pre mature twins, i bf since birth, same schedule, same timing. Only went for photo therapy half day and discharge same day as me. Girl clear of jaundice within a month. Boy still have abit jaundice. So even u provide the best for your child, also heng suay whether they can recover faster or not.

As for my girl she was born lighter than my boy, but now she heavier than him. Pee poo every 2 to 3hrs. Boy doesn't latch as well as girl n his pee poo is every 3 to 4 hrs.. again, also depend how your child grow as everyone is different.. like some adult is underweight some is overweight.. but most important is healthy can liao

P.s: by the way no doc no nurse no LC educate me. During pregnancy i read 3 books on general pregnancy, 1 book focus on baby sleeping and 1 book focus on breast feeding. Got questions then i ask the professional. After reading finish mayo clinic guide to your baby first year. Now i reading the wonder weeks.
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80% of newborn will have jaundice.. hence need to drink milk to flush it out of his/her system coz liver not working 100% yet. Even your breastmilk not enough for the first few days, what important most is colostrum produce by you for the first few days. So for the first few days few drops is sufficient for your baby to mega boost his/her immunity system.

For my pre mature twins, i bf since birth, same schedule, same timing. Only went for photo therapy half day and discharge same day as me. Girl clear of jaundice within a month. Boy still have abit jaundice. So even u provide the best for your child, also heng suay whether they can recover faster or not.

As for my girl she was born lighter than my boy, but now she heavier than him. Pee poo every 2 to 3hrs. Boy doesn't latch as well as girl n his pee poo is every 3 to 4 hrs.. again, also depend how your child grow as everyone is different.. like some adult is underweight some is overweight.. but most important is healthy can liao

P.s: by the way no doc no nurse no LC educate me. During pregnancy i read 3 books on general pregnancy, 1 book focus on baby sleeping and 1 book focus on breast feeding. Got questions then i ask the professional. After reading finish mayo clinic guide to your baby first year. Now i reading the wonder weeks.
Wow pixie you have 龙凤babies! And how to handle!! I look at my baby n wonder how it will be like with another photocopy version of her... Definitely crazy! Haha.

The wonder weeks has app version, is it a good read? Thanks
Wow pixie you have 龙凤babies! And how to handle!! I look at my baby n wonder how it will be like with another photocopy version of her... Definitely crazy! Haha.

The wonder weeks has app version, is it a good read? Thanks
I think the book is more comprehensive than the apps... maybe u can buy the app to see first.. if not bad then u can try the book
Hi wind 1 and aaa111

Thanks for being so encouraging.

Actually I wasn't really that upset about not being able to bf. Rather I was more upset about my own insistence to bf my baby that caused the baby to lose even more weight.. I couldn't even tell that baby lost weight!!

It was frightening for the pede to tell me that if he doesn't pick up on the weight, it wld affect his brain development

Tml is his second week weigh in and I really hope everything will go on well for him..

Hugs... it's really not easy being a first-time mom as there are many changes we have to cope with - physiologically, emotionally, hormonally, etc. Coming from someone who has 10 years of parenting experience, I'll like to encourage you to hang in there. Bad times will pass, good times will come. Being insistent on breastfeeding baby is definitely not the reason someone can fault you when baby loses weight. Don't let that kind of remarks bother you. I'm sure baby will thank you for insisting to breastfeed him than to pump him with infant formula that is said to be rich in a lot of nutrients.. but are man-made.

All the best in your parenting journey, and enjoy your baby!
It's definitely not easy being a first time mum based on my experience but you'll feel nothing but a sense of pride seeing the child grow and call you "mama" for the first time. Jiayous all the way!!
