Help! Scared and worried.. Preterm labour and PPROM


New Member
I loss my angel recently. She was born early due to PPROM (Preterm Premature Rupture of water bag). And since her immune system wasn't strong enough, she passed away days later due to an infection that was contracted after birth.

Now that my hubby and I have worked through the first and most difficult phase of our loss, we are trying our best to look ahead and plan for the future.

Having been through this level of devastation and pain, I do not wish for any parents to go through such a disaster. However, being scared and fearful of the future, we really need some critical advice and information from people who share similar experiences.

1. Did anyone experience PPROM and preterm delivery during her 1st pregnancy but managed to successfully carry to full term in her 2nd pregnancy?

2. Did anyone received weekly prescription of progesterone (injection or oral pills) from their gynea to prevent preterm labor throughout their pregnancy or from 2nd trimester to 3rd trimester?

3. Does anyone have a good "high-risk" gynea to recommend based on your experience? We will need one who is patient and willing to listen and discuss our concerns.

We need all the encouragement, kind support and information that we can get and sincerely thank you for your reply to this thread. We hope that we can use these information wisely as we plan ahead for our next pregnancy and take all possible preventive measures.

Hi my anggel baby

Sorry to hear about your angel. I hope you are healing well.

I miscarried my first, so doc gave me progesterone pills for my second pregnancy, and it was a normal pregnancy and delivery.

My third pregnancy needed no progesterone, as pregnancy was fine till 20th week scan:

For future pregnancy, I would be more cautious, maybe get some tests done before conceiving.

Our lifestyle is getting harsh on our bodies. So our reproductive system is also suffering. I am aiming for a more organic lifestyle now.
Hi Anggel Baby,

Sorry to hear about your loss, I just lost mine little angel due to pPROM too... Hugz...

I was admitted to NUH too. Prof Biswas is the head of department there. I'll be followed up by the high risk clinic in NUH, see how it goes la.

on progesterone, I was still on that in second trimester..
Hi angel baby,

Am very sorry to hear your loss... I have also just lost my precious baby boy at 21 weeks due to pprom. It was a trying period for my hubby and myself esp. as this was our first success after years of trying (he was the result of ivf) and a stressful first trimester due to severe bleeding from hematomas in the uterus.

Similarly I was treated by Prof Biswas at NUH who promised me he will hand me a healthy baby in my next pregnancy :) he treated us with utmost professionalism and really seems knowledgeable on the matter. For future pregnancies, he has (very broadly at this point) suggested I start taking baby aspirin 1 month before trying (but maybe more to avoid bleeding again?) and progesterone (although i was already on this most of the time for my 1st pregnancy). I have yet to pin down the exact treatment protocol yet. However I have read from many places that extra vit c and e during 2nd trimester helps to strengthen the amniotic sac so that is something I will inquire about in our future visits. Similar to hilfe, am also adopting a healthier lifestyle by switching to organic foods when possible, and will look to get some tcm treatments before trying again.

Has everyone else been able to pin down the cause of your pprom? One thing that irks us the most is that docs just kept telling us its a fluke... But we really need to hear some kind of explanation for better closure,

Good luck and stay positive!
