Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

jasmine, so sorry missed ur msg. ok i will take the Pink one then! thanks

busy recently so i will contact Lili when i can go and pick it up.

Hi Ladies!

Thks for adding my name in.

So fast Charlotte 6mth leow. I giving my bb Heinz rice cereal and Healthy Time Brown Rice but sometimes she dun like. Also tried to give her banana, pear n apple puree too. Thinking of wat else to give.

How to make pumpkin porridge? Can teach me? Also how to choose pumpkin?
Princess nice meeting u and baby tat day at KP. She very adorable leh, chubby chubby de.

Li's BP for HK Step-on Bins (min/max 12 pcs) - CLOSED!
Measures: approx 1 long ruler tall, 8" wide.
RP: $15.90
BP: $12.50

HK Apple:
- lili x 2
- spunk x 2
- emma x 1
- eliz x 1
- jasmine x 1
- bbgirl x 1
- HKL x 1

HK with Bunnie:
- emma x 1

HK with Poodle:
- msblur x 1
- szu x 1
K'S BP 1

BP PRICE: $26.00

- jasmine x 2
- lili x 1 (PAID)
- blue_genie x 1 (PAID)
- tling x 1 (PAID)
- mau x 1 (PAID)
- spunk x 2 (PAID)
- eliz x 1 (PAID)
- szu x 1 (PAID)
- LYD x 1
- sharon x 1 (PAID)
- pp x 1 (PAID)
- acthia x 1
- angeltopg x 1 (PAID)

K'S BP 4

BP PRICE: $4.50

- emma x 1 (TO PASS TO LILI)
- msblur x 1
- jasmine x 1
- blue_genie x 1 (PAID & TAKEN)
- lili x 4 (PAID)
- starlight x 1 (PAID)
- sharon x 1 (PAID & PASSED TO NIKITA)
- eliz x 1 (PAID)
- meiji x 1 (PAID & PASSED TO NIKITA)

K'S BP 6

BP PRICE: $1.90

- Emma x 2 (TO PASS TO LILI)
- cindy x 2
- PP x 2 (PAID)
- tling x 2 (PAID & TAKEN)
- hellokitty x 2 (PAID)
- softpillow x 2 (TO PASS TO CINDY)
- hydrangea x 2
- Eliz x 2 (PAID)
- Dior x 5
- annie x 2 (PAID)
- xing x 3
- acsy x 2
- pinkicon x 10
- msblur x 3

Price: $9.90

- emma x 1 (TO PASS TO LILI)
- hellokitty x 1 (PAID)
- PP x 3 (PAID)
- blue_genie x 1 (PAID)
- forgetmenot x 1
- cindy x 1
- softpillow x 1 (TO PASS TO CINDY)
- sharon x 1 (PAID)

PRICE: $7.90

- tling x 1 (PAID & TAKEN)
- emma x 1 (TO PASS TO LILI)
- msblur x 1
- blueblue x 1
- PP x 3 (PAID)
- forgetmenot x 1
I usually buy a slice of pumpkin from either market or if I happen to go Isetan supermarket, I will buy jap pumpkin. Each time, cut maybe half of a slice only.

Just remove the skin and cut the pumpkin into small pieces. In the morning, I will soak the rice in hot water to soften it faster.

Boil soup with bones (chinse called Long Gu), not so oily. U can put wolf berry (Gou Ji Zi), carrot, potato in to boil. Put rice in and pumpkin. After that I will put fish in. Last is the veg. Veg can buy the baby banyan, brocoli or spinach.

hope it is clear...hee.

so more busy than ur previous job? good to hear u got more things to learn. After a while, maybe u will pick up faster then will be better. U wan the plush too? Which size u ordered?
Nice hor....wink wink!!

Ur hubby is so Xin Fu, got cheese cake to eat. ur cheese cake looks nice and yummy.

I know what u mean. Every trip sure kana tempted. When I see their Jap catalog, I just salivate...so nice lor. The tomica car veg cutter, I din see the actual one before..see pic only. On the deal le. hope it's nice...
I'm hungry, as i read yr recipe I'm even more hungry! She going 7th mth nx wk so hope to let her try more things. Maybe 1st time when i let her try i dun put so many ingredients,then nx time slowly add other ingredients tat u mentioned. Thanks so much for recipe, yummy! k going to take my lunch....
those ingredients hor...like wolf berry, potato etc is for the soup only. dont let her eat. It's only to add taste to porridge. Only let her eat the veg (cut into v small pieces till she knows how to take it well), fish (ngor fish)(cut into small piece too) and pumpkin (small pieces).

If not, try brown rice. I find it easy to start off cos it's like cereal just that its more nutritious. when they grow bigger, they may not wan to take brown rice. So better start young

tell u hor, sometimes I see his porridge, I also hungry..take a few mouth too. haha. cos I like the soup taste..yummy.

ms blur
How r u?
Hee..im fine! Nt taking lunch? Can tell u like ur current job ya? Coz' see u more active nwadays.

Ah yo tell u ah...i love to eat bb porridge loh! Last time always will cook more, den the remainder i will put bovil/mamite mix & eat. Nw thinking of it i oso feel like eating liao! Haha...
ms blur
I took early lunch at 1130am. hee, new job not bad lar. Pay and work scope also good! So no complain le. Boss is nice....so far.

Same here.... Marmite! my hb and I r still eating that...with porridge. I like pork floss with porridge too. Sometimes, we just eat Cai Xin (can type) with the minced pork in can (u know which one I am saying?, yellow color tin). Nice lor...
ya lor, time flies..how old ur ger?
Mayb ucan add the apple puree into the cereal lor..Hv u start giving ur ger porridge?

wat type of rice u used to cook porridge? normal rice or zhen zhu mi?
wow...pay & work scope gd?? nt bad ya...

Oh ur hubby oso eat Mamite de ah? My hubby would prefer to add minced meat inside & cook loh. So if he cooked that, i will ask him to cook more, den i will mix with juz Mamite to eat nia. Yummy! Tink this wkends will ask him cook porridge liao, craving for it nw lah. Haha...
wah... yummy porridge.. soon me will be cooking porridge for the small one too.. er.. 5 months later lahz.. haha.. enzo was a super fussy eater.. porridge muz slow cook in stock for 4 hrs, then fish and veg muz steam separately then blend, then mix with the porridge.. pengz.. muz be that fine if not he wont eat...

msblur.. got craving ah.. hmmmmmmmm.. lol
eliz.. i super envy u lohz!!!!! i see megan eat, i so wanna send enzo to ur mom's place for training sia!!!! he takes like an hr to eat porridge.. somemore muz sit in front of tv then will eat lohz... now alonzo also lidat... i juz spent the last hr feeding him his milk!!! feed till i fed up leh!!!!

ms blur got cravings now..ha ha. Suspicious!! hee hee.

some babies eat slower...ryan eats super fast. He will be angry when u feed him too slow. Super impatient.
Oh no, Alonzo also like this?? No good no good.. Come lar, send him to my mama's!! Haaa..
Megan nowadays also naughty.. she gets distracted and wants me to feed her while she walks ard.
I ignore and just straps her in her feeding chair.
Yes, I ordered the plush too but me got the big one cos small one very difficult to hug...hahaha. I think next month got to survive on bread and plain water liao...spent all my money on hk. haiz...As for work, yes, more expectations and more responsibilities
Haha...no need suspicious lah. Me no hav loh.
If hav will tell u ok.

Ya...i saw Megan eating b4. Feed her slow leh, she make noise liao! Haha...
Cannot let the kids walk ard den we chase them to feed them loh. Bad habit. My PIL used to do that too, so angry! Always hav to tell them to sit down lah & let the kids come to them, but they always said by the time they come wat time liao! Hai...I said den use cane lah!! Faint**
My niece lagi best...told her i count to 3 ah, make sure she come! I count 1,2...she still can continue 3! Everytime hav to tell her if 3 oreadi, means the cane will come to her liao ok! Den she will be scared. Haha...
eliz.. ya lah.. girls more so cannot walk ard and eat.. not pretty.. haha... i want to send them there lohz.. haha.... even though its so far, its worth it!!! i see megan and her 2 cousins eat.. i so super envious lohz...
Yalor, megan is terrible.. Very impatient esp when its her fav food.
She's sick of porriage already so now i have started her on soft rice and pasta.

You really cane or fake one?? If fake too many times, they will know.

I'm considering when to buy the cane!! hahahaha!!
eliz.. we never buy cane.. we use the balloon sticks.. haha.. i bot like 100 for enzo's first party so had lotsa left over.. mrkt only chose the purple ones... v strange.. haha... but we realli cane one leh... if not he is realli atrocious!!!
Hmm...when i say cane, i meant it one loh. N i can cane worse than my hubby. So everytime my kids dun listen to him, he would call out to me liao. Im the devil lah, he's the angel mah! Hee...
Dat day i was still telling them...i got to buy 2 long canes liao, den stick their names on the canes. See who's cane will spoil 1st! Haha...

Cannot fake one lah, fake too many times, they dun 'hiew' u liao men! Kekeke...
You two good de lor.. I still bu she de.. esp when Megan come manja me when i scold her.
Scold already cry like sky crashing down, cannot imagine when i cane her.
haha.. but i lousy one lahz.. i cane alr.. then after a while i will sayang him.. then explain y he shouldnt have done that.. hahhaha... i also soft hearted one.. keke

but u dun see mrkt like gentle giant lidat.. he cane enzo is jialat jialat one lohz.. 2 weeks after i delivered... cant remember what notti thing enzo did.. he caned him so hard my heart broke lohz.. i literally hugged enzo and cried together with him leh... think that time hormones also siao siao lah.. but i so heartpain lohz...
Haha...even if i cane liao, i oso wont go straight away go sayang them one. My hubby would do that lah, but i always screamed at him loh! Hee... spoilt market men!!

If its nite time...i cane liao, straight away jump onto my bed & sleep liao dun care. Hehe...
Told them if i hear them make noise again, i cane some more! Me jialat hoh?? Kekeke...
They quarrel i would tell them, i dun care who's right who's wrong loh, both i oso cane!
You really like my mama ley.. 1 did anything wrong, all 4 of us will kena.
I'm the eldest, always kena the worst. Sianz!! Not my fault also kena one..

I think i will be like u.. hahaha.. I hear liao also wanna cry..
Tell Mr Kitty he's a man ah, doesn't know his strenght. Enzo still so small..
Haha...den will be fair mah!

Ah yo...me opp with Emma's case lah. Me cane the stroke will still stay there for days. Mrblur cane, very fast disappear liao de. Hai...
Dats y whenever the gals are notti, mrblur always warn them 'dun wait till mummy take the cane ah, u should know hw mummy cane one'! Hee...
The devil table only $35!!!
So tempting!!!!


And all the apple series car accesstories!!! I need to buy a car!!

BBgal - Our fav series!!!!
There got price ah. From her past BP, pricing includes shipping already ley..
I also interested in the cabinet. Asking her for price. Haaa..


Payment time – please arrange for funds to be xferred to my Posbank Savings acc no. 093-46422-2. Thereafter, arrange collection with me. Thanks.

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Lili’s BPs</font></font>


Design 1 - HK Pink Hearts (4 pcs)

- eliz
- jasmine
- Forgetmenot
- stephy

Design 2 - HK with Rabbit (15 pcs)

- eliz
- starlight
- bbgirl
- purin x 2
- spunky x 8 – PAID &amp; COLLECTED
- stephy
- Lili – PAID &amp; COLLECTED

Design 3 - HK with Lolly (7 pcs)

- eliz
- starlight
- jasmine
- purin x 2
- stephy
- Lili – PAID &amp; COLLECTED

HK DOOR STOPPER - $3.50 (24 pcs)

- eliz
- bbgirl
- jasmine
- msblur
- emma x 2
- blue_genie
- Lili x 5 – PAID &amp; COLLECTED
- Princess
- Helen Sim
- S@L
- szu - PAID
- hydrangea x 2
- Stephy x 2
- bpreciousg
- hellokitty x 2
