Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

i just emailed u to confirm ur order, pls reply asap, thanks!

Can I confirm u'll take 2 pcs of chopping board then Sharon's order can be included? Thanks!
Ok noted! Thks for ur help.

Oreadi told Lili. She will cancel ur order for the dustbin.
make payment for the previous Bps.

Msbrown-Polka dots BP

To Account POSB Savings
058-51860-3 msbrown
Amount S$17.30
Transaction Reference 1986143638

when u pass to LYD, pls let me know k so i can arrange to go vivo n collect
I just got these from KK this afternoon. also got a silicon cake mold tt's not in the pic. for those who likes mickey mouse, they gng to bring in mickey mouse items soon. waiting for the stock to arrive. hv things like veg cutters and egg molds.

Hi Eliz,
Pretty cheesecake u've made!

Hi Msblur,
Will make transfer to u tonight for the door stopper. Btw, if postage how much will it be?
so i tt u the total amt & opt for normal postage. Possible?

Hi YL,
Nice loot u got! I love the tomika mini sushi and cutters. Just called KK to reserve
.. going to give this set as xmas gift for my friend, so she can make for her son.

Btw,I also check with them on the pooh omelette cutter & they said dun have.
Coz I also placed an order last month. Maybe they forgot to leave a set for me.

<font color="0000ff">I've just baked some HK cookies &amp; even a 3D one using the 3D mould successfully!
Later going to post the pics.
No no...the HK stopper u got to tt to Lili, nt me. See the list above.

U wan postage ah? I can meet u like ytd mah. U stay Sembawang ah?

I like the car moulds too. Hw much u paid for that ah?
can share ur cookies recipe? try make cookies with cutters but not really successful. cos taste nt so gd.
They so fast no more omelette cutter? tot i still see them when i left.

I saw from their catalogue they hv the tomica 3D mould, but i din see them in the shop. dont know if they gng to bring in tt.

I'm excited abt their mickey mouse bento items. cant wait for the stock to come.

the car rice mold is $8.90; omelette cutter is $11.90 and the veg cutter is $9.90. the prices are before discount
serious? but i check the price of the itme i wan, yrs is cheaper leh. how huh? if u close the bp then i will order from lazymummy.
<font color="0000ff">Hi MsBlur,</font>
Oops.. I think i misread your posting. Thought payment to u n collection as well.
Ok will tt the payment to Lili's as indicated per A/C listed in yur post in a short while.

Will you be also helping to distribute the handphone stands later on? If yes, then I wait all the items arrive,
then I arrange to meet up to collect from you.

<font color="0000ff">Hi YL,</font>
I called KK again.. they actually got keep the Pooh omelette cutter aside for me coz one of them mistaken
thought I'm asking for pooh egg mould. Hee... phew (but i going spend more $$ again on next trip)

Today is my 2nd attempt making the cookies. Last wk is a failure as my oven is more on high side,
forgot to lower it and happpen my oven timer spoilt, the cookies all burnt and toast.
I'm very HAPPY with today result.. esp the 3D one.

<font color="0000ff">Here sharing pics of my creation.</font>


<font color="0000ff">waving &amp; saying hello to everyone</font>


<font color="0000ff">The finished products!
(the colors of the cookie are actually darker than shown in the pic)</font>

U can see different sizes of HK face, the big ones using the cookie cutter, the small one is by veg cutter n it works.
Your HK prints really deep! Very pretty!

Here's my loot today - HK Donut Maker!
Heartpain to buy but cannot don't buy!! Hahaha..

Hi Eliz,Jenny, YL
Tks.. I will try harder on next baking project.

Hi YL n others,
Here is a simple recipe for cookie dough.

<font color="aa00aa">Basic Recipe for Butter Cookies</font>
<font color="aa00aa">1. Cream butter with sugar till pale and fluffy.
2. Add in beaten egg, cream till well mixed.
(you may add 2 drops of vanilla essence into beaten egg)
3. Fold in the flour till a dough is formed.
4. Chill the dough for 45 minutes.
6. Shape the chilled doughs accordingly with cookie cutters.
7. Bake at 175C for 18 - 25 minutes.</font>

Hi Eliz,
Where u get the donut maker??? I also want! how much? hee
oops left out the ingredients for making of cookie dough.

Here it goes..
<font color="aa00aa">180gm cake flour, 60gm brown sugar, 90gm butter (room temp), 1 egg (room temp)</font>
Swee swee leh, worth of money, keke
I'm tempted to get tat video camera...
This one no BP la, your HB must be thought this is cheap, hahaha
Hi Lili,
Have just tt you the $ for doorstepper.

To Account POSB Savings 093-46422-2 LILI
Amount S$3.50
Transaction Reference 1986601392

Hi Eliz,
Uh where is TH? Though very ex but think of nice yummy snack made from this cute maker next time.
It is worth the investment. Will TH bring this in again? or GOT BP for this?
HK Donut Maker sound good but $80 is abit exp.

i oso nv been to TH but heard that it's in Raffles Place.i oso wish there is a bp for HK Donut Maker.heeheee
WAh..1 day didn't log in and miss the chopping board..

me saliva dripping lotz..so many apple series..and yr donut maker is mei de lor..spare me 1 hor if you make the donuts..

you very on hor...got cakes, jellies and biscults. All look so nice to be eaten. yr photo skills very good leh..my old camera always cannot see the HK.
I also heartpain the price but just cannot don't bring it home with me.

Let me try it out okie.. if successful, will bring some out during the next outing.
Your 3D Hk cookies so nice. U really made full use of all your Hk cookies cutters

wow, $80 for the donut maker but is nice n sweet de lor
maybe i really have to go Th looklook c whether i can find any HK treasure>>>
Can you give me Th's address.Maybe i will try to see whether i can reserve one

Shall we go TH this coming week?
Hmmm.. i need help.. Its OUB/UOB building huh?? I just know from MRT walk into the building then up the lift to 3rd floor! Haaaa..
should be OUB building..
I also remember, exit from MRT station, turn left and up the escalator, turn left and left again, you will see the body shop. Go up the escalator to 3rd floor..hahaha!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Ladies,</font>
<font color="aa00aa">This time, I got my hubby to take a pic of my pretty HK 3D cookie.
Till now, seeing it so pretty I really no heart to eat it.
This is my 1st and only one fm my baking today as I just want to try out only and
dun know how it will look.</font>


pic taken by my hubby.. definitely a big constrast from mine
Eliz / tling
Thanks for the addresss.I will think of the donut maker till i get hold of it.HEEEEEHee

wow very niceeeee.Should frame it up
Hi tling,
thanks.. I now already have a big storage box, all contains just only my HK &amp; Pooh bakingware &amp; sushi set.

Hi Siowhui,
I planning to go to KK on next tues.
U wanna go together to KK and then TH after that? I dun mind going to 2 places as I may not bringing my girl along.
I scared she will help me grab more HK stuffs and ask me pay. I faint then...

Hmm...i can ask Lili to pass ur stuff to me, den pass to u at SK on sat or sun loh. I would be at SK every wkends loh. My gal having classes there mah.

Ur donut maker is nice de yo...
Juz showed my hubby, he said nice too! But when i told him the price, his eyes opened so BIG! Haha...

Wa...ur pic is nice de loh! Still got greenery behind HK leh! Hee...
