Hello Kitty Fans Gathering


I walk there and walk back!!!

LYD, technically speaking yes...cheaper.


SKS got coin bank, luggage tag, water bottle, files, eraser, caps.
I didn't see SKS t-shirts yet. But Sanrio t-shirt F-size about $19.90.
I think water bottle is $6.90. There is another water bottle quite nice. It's $7.90, but at TH Lifestyle. Very nice.
They also have the KT recycle bags...the items mainly HKG HK items...they even have HK Pens.

U make me so excited leh. keke... Cant go now wor, so sad. If I still work in Shenton Way I would hv cheong dwn now lor. keke.....
Waa.. TH got so many loots.
Think you tok tok tok also no use..
Best like me, work and stay far far away then tempted also cannot go.

Ringo ya got LD ah?
Need to be member then can play right??

I bought non authentic ones at chameleon.
For small babies with very little hair, its very small ones..
Those authentic ones too big ah..

Got address of that Jomum.
Will go collect this sat
Oh I tink I saw tat keyboard vacuum at Sanrio HF wor at $16.95 or something like tat. Ex de lor.... BTW, I no great fan of SKS lor juz tat I wana buy for my little cousin. keke....
eliz.. aiyo.. hear that jomum's name i sianz lohz.. maybe should warn the ladies here... sigh.. never join toysrus sprees... shipping is more ex than items itself.. end up i have to pay like 40 bucks for sippy cups!!!! but in sg only how much?? sianz.....
Yesyes, must warn everyone here. This jomum is a sham!!!
At 1st i not so angry but after emma was billed the shipping charges,
I felt so cheated!
where's that place? TH? i haven been to the new TH yet. seems that everything is original? cos i remembered not everything in the old TH is authentic.
eliz.. ya lohz.. i mean.. maybe shipping charges are realli that ex lahz.. but the thing is she doesnt post any of these charges on her spree threads... if we had known better that shipping is more ex than item itself, then we wouldnt have joined/ordered.. its not exactly a matter of whether she overcharged us lahz.. that one we can never prove.. but its the fact that she like trying to hide the shipping charges lohz!! angwee!!

TH is on 3rd floor OUB @ Raffles Place.

TH is still called TH and located at the same place and they obtained & converted to sell licensed Sanrio items now.
Emma, What???!!! $40 for shipping for cups? whaoz...i sure flip...cant be right.

i joined her spree before..admit its nt cheap lo...i ordered Leapfrog stuff...but luckily overall still cheaper than buying locally..but is really alot more exp cos my fren did her own spree aft tt nt so exp! ya if no breakdown given then nt very transparent lo.
Wow...new TH looks so sanrio now hehe
Heng TH is beyond reach else pocket sure burn BIG BIG TIME..

Btw, today LD is Autumn series?? Have we played b4 or is brand new?
SAL..i paid 116 for 5 items.. and shipping was 90 bucks.. i bot sippy cups, a story book, a light and flat bag and a thermal cup thingy.. i mean volume wise its not v big mah.. so i dun understand y shipping is so extravagant lohz!!!! so if avg out, shipping per item is $18 bucks leh!!! where got so ex one!!!! but sippy cups in sg also no need $18 lah...

BA.. we played the summer series wor.. so that means autumn is new?
Leapfrog stuff really depends on how they do the packaging. I organised and kenna before so I know. A fren's sis even questioned me on that. So I got to pull out everything, emailed her all transactions even though my fren already warned her may not be worth the effort cos she too kenna previosly.
Emma y not u post in her thread ask to break down lor. If she cannot ah means sumthg fishy then maybe the rest of buyers will realise and query her too. Then she has to come clean. Maybe becos nobody 'challenge' her so she think evrythg ok? JMO.
Pom Pom, ya i know and i did leapfrog spree myself before too...also didnt come out so exp le. anyway also didnt ask for breakdown jus guai guai pay la...as long it still works out cheaper than here i jus leave it lo.

emma, woa did anyone make noise at the end?
ya lohz.. the fact that new accounts cant post on the spree threads also quite what lohz.. oh well.. suan le lahz.. at least i'm not as unlucky as another mommy on the spree.. her item is USD19.90 and shipping is $115 sgd lohz!!!! muz admit her item is bulky lahz.. but realli.. tsk tsk tsk...
Summer is the red n black color stuff rite?
hmm...then autumn is orange theme? kekek

Wow..the spree shipping is so ex??
sometimes organize tis type of spree is nt easy n we who joined mus b extra careful
Wa...got sks coin bank ah?? Gd gd! Oh dear...tink u 'tok' until u nose bleed liao lah, 'tok' so hard some more! Haha...
Juz nw i call Grace, she said she hasnt open the carton boxes yet, but said tink its the same series u gals played last wk loh. The big hk cushion one.
Wa...look at his face, reali oso can brighten up a bit lah. Hee...
Hmm...is he painting goldfish?? Did u keep it? Let me ask him on Sat. Kekeke...
tink i will go there hv a look lor, non authentic nvm lor =D...as long as can clip okie liao..keke =D..wan to make her look meimei..hee

U went TH? same plc?

I see ur boy's pic liao also feel brightens up wor..

Anyone knows how does the autum LD looks like?
haha.. ya lohz.. this is how he smiles when u ask him to smile for the camera.. so cartoon hor.. haha..

lili says he looks exactly like mrkitty.. pengz!!!! lol

How do I collect my stuff from you? Can I have your account for payment? Did you change your no? I messaged you 2 days ago on the said matter but you didnt reply.

My fren's sis ordered a system. Compared to the books, of course ex and Leapfrog sent it in a big box with some empty space.

Furthermore, I weighed item by item and thus shipping is calculated by weight. In the end, buying the system is really not worth lor. Cos actually cost savings is not much liao. E.g $15 vs $28. Whereby for books is $5 vs $25.

So cute...So happy lah!!!


Same place...no change.

All, The LD is the bathroom one...so no need to get excited...can *tok*tok* a lil slower now.

Eliz, Emma, tell her go rob...the items came in a Concorde ah!


The SKS coinbank super cute....super nice...the most ex amongst the characters wor.
Enzo so cute n yes, i agree wif lili. From tis photo, he looks exactly like mrkitty

Pheww....heng arr, else bye bye to $$$$
<font color="ff00ff"> feifei</font>,
My gynae no special way to move placenta up. It's now juz a wait and see thingy lor. haiz...

<font color="ff00ff"> Mau &amp; Starlight</font>,
Nice meeting you gals for lunch and short chit-chat session juz now. Mau, sorry... me went all the way and forgot your toothbrush. aiyoyo... gotta arrange to meet you again.

<font color="ff00ff"> Spunk</font>,
OMG!! Got so much new stuffs at TH yah... me drooling all over my table lah. Must "ren"... for the sake of my Bugaboo stroller... hahahahah...

<font color="ff00ff"> Emma</font>,
Aiyoh! Where got shipping so ex one? Could it be she mark-up all the shipping prices to earn some $$$? If can... email her and ask her for the breakdown.
Btw... i love the way Enzo smiles. Really can brighten up your day!

<font color="ff00ff"> LYD</font>,
I've collected all my stuffs liaoz. Thks. Everything is in excellent condition.

Btw, I've done the funds transfer (via ATM) for the toothpaste holder liaoz. Details as follows:
Date / Time: 04/09/2008 1310 PM
Amount: S$12.00
Ref No.: 0285

<font color="ff00ff"> Lili</font>,
So I collect the clock and my stuffs from TH tomolo? But I also gotta pass you MsBlur's and Cindy's things leh. How??

Oh... have also done the funds transfer for the clock liaoz. Details as follows:
Date / Time: 04/09/2008 1310 PM
Amount: S$20.00
Ref No.: 0286
enzo de ma,
tt time i had stomachache n fever was stomach flu. aiyo, hope u feeling much better now. Take care babe.

Yo...ur enzo is sooooo cute, seeing him really makes u happy.

He bo bian have to do himself otherwise he gotta live with a messy house...wahahaha
Wow just past two day did not read the post, the post was like running so fast. This morning just started to read the post until now finally i finish all.

Ur boy so cute enjoying drawing and smiling happily. You better take care urself anything u feel not right have to see ur gynae.

Paisai i still have not transfer the money to u will do it tonight or tomorrow morning. Tks sorry for the delay.
If the HK things that we ordered from lazymummy there ready for collection please let me know can?? cause I cant find the thread...Thanks..
It was nice to chit chat a little juz now. Pai sei ah, I hv to rush back office coz today got guest coming in mah so muz come back on time. Pai sei hor.... Hope we can hv a long gathering the next time round ya.

Hello, how r u getting along?

Actuali I oso cant tolerate dirty &amp; messy house de lor. I oso hv to keep everything neat &amp; tidy de but now I got only 1 room in my in law's place, so whole room is super packed with carton boxes lor. See liao will faint de lor. keke....

Did u go TH a not ah? Got buy anything?

U sure u TOK TOK TOK liao nvr buy anything a not? keke..... Show wif us wat u buy leh... We cant go TH so hv to depend on u who went liao wor. come come show us pls pls....

I still *tok*tok*tok-ing*

Waiting to clear my lau hero...later go pick up...if clear...juz kena big big one...not 4D ah, scolding hor...

Got ask Lili or not...I din sms her...cos din bring my handphone today! Grrrr...
