Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

YL ah, if lunchbox stuff i will say hongkong. Hkg got alot of those moulds, lunchboxes, containers, bakeware etc ... anywhere in shops and along streets i think. Jpn also have but not as readily avail on the streets etc ... you have to go and find. HTH
Oh and some jpn stuff hkg also have. But each have their good lah. Y not go both? hehe

ur hk mooncakes so cute,pink somemore.

thks for the link but din see my melody items in seimon-cho web. hk pots n kettle so cute.yday when i was at PS,i almost bot the hk icecream plush then hb said waste $$ so din buy;(
next time if i were to go hk shopping,can't bring him along hehehe
<font color="ff00ff"> softpillow</font>,
Yah... sometimes my hub also like that. He'd prefer if I buy HK stuffs that are more practical rather then display purpose. heheheh...
tks for ur reply. i also want to go both but hv to depends on hb.

but hong kong seems to have more hk stuff.
wah, so many postings read till eyes crossed :p

dont know where to start...

anyway, i am glad that weekend is one day closer..
xing.. sanrio and KK selling this bag too.. realli cute..
got matching wallets and everything!!

lili.. look who's using the table!!! its sq leh.. can use to play mini mj.. lol..

really har? maybe can consider the wallet! i scared i dare not bring this bag out after spending so much on it..hehee..

is that your boy in the pic? glad to see he is up and painting! i tot that table is for adult mj, so it is a children table. i think if u got a girl, she will surely be HK from head to toe.

i saw this little cute pouch that is part of a HK sport bag in seimon cho also. too bad the sale lady said they are not sold separately.

<font color="ff00ff"> Emma &amp; xing</font>,
The HK bag really nice leh. Wonder how luch KK sells it. Sure berry ex lah. Somemore got matching wallet. OMG!!
the bag costs $81+ at seimon-cho...i got to walk away with eyes still glue to it. the sale lady was nice to bring it out for me to touch and see..
Hummmmm....*tok*tok*tok*tok*...who looking for me?

PLL - *tok* until my boss want to fall asleep...

So many posts ah...half a day.Hummmmm....


*tok*tok*tok, you all still got baking class to go...If I go...I 7 holes bleed...


The mooncake so cute and tiny! You use the carrot cutter?

Fwah you ladies make yummilicious mooncakes...baking ones seems harder than snowskin wor..
talking about ....*tok*tok*tok*tok*...

i brought my girl to pai pai immediately the next day after she 'saw' a 'jie jie' on the last day of 7th moon........*tok*tok*tok*tok*...

may there be peace and love for all..
Hi Lili,
Thousand apologies to get you involved. Didn't know that we should not check and choose the clock at TH.

However, if there are some defects, is there anything that can be done?
how r u?hk too cute to resist n easily influenced,my hk collection not as much yet,im slowly building it.

nitez ladies.i go sleep le.
My fren is the one in pink &amp; long hair. She came out in the ending part.
She told me will be competing again with the other mummies on 16th Sept.

The bag u posted is nice, i saw it at Grace's shop loh. They hav matching wallet &amp; card holder too. Oh ya...Lili juz bought this series nintendo holder loh, quite nice!
Oh dear...is ur gal ok nw? Did she mention abt it again after u brought her to pai pai??
Btw, ur hk mug is with Lili oreadi ok.

Haha...so cute leh. So its Enzo the artist at work sia!
Hi Ladies!

U also watch? The most recent episode really very sad hor. I couldn't stop crying...
Btw, I saw Pompom purin adult Tee at the 2nd TH the other day when I went to collect the clocks. Did u get that?

Can sms/pm me your a/c no. again? Wanna transfer $ for the HK stackable container to u.

I am letting go the LD watch at $50. Can accept Taka or Isetan vouchers too. Do contact me if keen.

Haha me same thought as u abt the Flyer. Actually nothing much to see up there too...

wat kind of defects?

the TW chair's height goes well with the HK table wor...nice nice...enzo must be so enjoy using it

<font color="ff0000">Nikita and all Ladies who needs to pass on stuff,
pls have the courtesy to ask me or any other ladies who's involved in passing/collecting stuff for you all, before you all make any arrangements. cos seems like these days me/we are being passed stuff w/o being informed....
Is it? I will try to remember to catch the next episode next week. I think all the mummies yesterday has at least 2 children right? I must say they are so brave and confident to join this type of contest.

Very scary wor, how did she describe the incident to you? Did she have any fever after that? Cos normally I heard or see from TV most ppl fall sick after seeing the dirty things.

Thanks for telling me where Sanrio gate is at HF? Sorry I didnt introduce myself clearly on the phone and I didnt know you didnt save my no too. Thanks a million once again or it will be a wasted trip for me tonight.

The suit that enzo wore looks so nice. Did you get that from bp too? He looks so pro in it. kekekek
Wow..HK thread move very fast

hi lili
the HK cover look so nice, wana ask u does it have the size that fit PSP?

Ms blur
so sorry never log in for 2days..cannot catch up with so many postings..miss your question, emm not likely to go town cos my son down with high fever
i sms u again and meet you at yr area ok..
<font color="ff0000">MB/ softpillow/ spunky/ msblur/ PLL</font>,
my girl was only 1.5 yrs old then. first my girl pointed to a corner of the room (that is brightly lit) and said "jie jie play", so i dismissed it. but later, she pointed at a corner inside the wardrobe and called "jie jie" again. i didnt feel anything all these while till i started 'talking' to the 'jie jie' in my heart. i got goose pimples as i 'requested' her to leave my girl alone and not to disturb her. so quickly i went to search for a very antique amulet and accessories (that was worn by my hubby when he was young) and put it on my girl. then i felt at ease again. my girl was ok all these while but to ease my fear, i decided to go pai pai at the temple to pray for my girl and the 'jie jie' lor...

<font color="ff0000">msblur</font>,
noted with thanks.

<font color="ff0000">lili</font>,
sorry, i am one of the guilty ones. should have informed you first b4 msblur passed u my HK mug. sorry for the inconvenience caused.

<font color="ff0000">acthia</font>,
there is also NDSLite HK Cover that lili just bought for this series! the ext material is shiny and laminated type, thus easier to maintain.

<font color="ff0000">softpillow</font>,
i think i dont have kind of face to match the cute bag, so might go for other accessories instead. the price factor also a consideration..
Morning Ladies!!

Hehehe...ya lor, long time no chat liao..

Wooo...nice cover for your DNSLite..

reading ur post regarding the 'jie jie' gives me goose pimples too...eeewww
Morning Gals

You are early today. So are you still doing the housework yourself or have you got a maid already?

Yeww... that sounds really scary. Anyway glad your daughter is better now. They(the things) have all went back liao. Hmm...

Show you gals my loot from HF sanrio

Hk snack pouch;umbrella;highligher
i also hv goose pimples when reading ur post abt the 'jie jie'

nice loots,did u play ld?wanted to go down to sanrio yday evening but it was raining so decided to head home
hehe, thanks. No I didnt play cos most of the stuff the gals are selling in the forum. If I want to try maybe its for fun only. I dont feel lucky yesterday so I didnt play. Yes it was raining yesterday and I reached home about 10pm. We couldnt get a cab back as the queue were very long. So we took train back instead of waiting for the cabs.
Morning ladies

Waa sweeee leh Lili, the NDS cover! Where u get? Got cover for PSP too?

Oh dear Xing, she is ok now ya? I read your post, all my hair stand!
Morning all..

Luckily U post the 'jie jie' story in the morning, if u post at nite n I happened to login yest nite, think I will hv 2nd thots...cos is real scary eeiiii
Btw, the last day of this 7th month, in fact both my DH n I also experience someti funny.
That nite after dinner, I asked my DH to donate some old stuff to Salvation Army. When we rch, the moment he opened the door to go out to drop the stuff while me n DD in car, I smell a v strong fragrance (at tt time I dunno wat is tt but my 6th sense tell me someti nt right). Only when we rch home, my DH told me tat plc nt 'clean' cos he also smell the same fragrance. Accordingly to him is the frangipani smell n ard the plc got no such trees so it means the 'thing' is ard.
Eeeek BA! Oh dear so scary! Haiz, if i next time go salvation army will go in the day liao.

I very scared one ah, can have nightmares one if i watched scary movies or think scary things or stressed like having exams. Then i will shriek in my sleep lor, scared the shit out of HB when i do that too.

PLL, yo yo!
He got 'jie pi' so he cannot tahan see the place dirty so bo bian clean himself lor further more he knows that i HATE doing housechore...hehehe.

OMG!!! that's scary too...eeerww
Kittymum, you remind me of the zhong qing show last nite, the cleaning house show. Last nite they feature a japanese family in spore! Somemore just a few blocks away from me. Waa, their house really in a mess man! But the jap hubby very cute also, ask him got regret marry the wife, he said No. So sweet! But the way he trash his wife's mags and books very funny, so strict-faced.

Ya ya..i got a glimpse of that show too...the wife picking the mags n books back then kenna drag out of the room while the hubby trash her stuffs...wahahah..cute lor. If my hubby saw that, probably he will do that to me too....faintz
