Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Nice loots u've got. U reali quite xiu lian lor. Buy so little only ah. Tok Tok Tok reali got use leh.... keke....
Wat is the pink HK item on the last photo on the left hand top corner.
Maybe its bec you didnt buy enough thus he is upset. kekekekek just kidding lah. Maybe its not bec of you should be due to work. Btw I like the notebook, how much did you pay for it. Cos I may ask my friend to help me buy it.

You mean the middle item is it, above the luggage tag? It's the luggage belt for strapping luggage.
I xiu-lian and put my hubby angry face pic...works better...

PLL...that will be the biggest joke! He will buy 4D and touch if I stop buying...
Good morning ladies! TIGF!!!!!

Went orchard last night and bought some HK notepads.


comes with 1 page sticker. every page is perforated to 3 sections.
The pencil cover comes in a set of melody, HK, skinka, sahana & twin angels. very nice. ;)
<font color="ff0000">Ladies</font>,
sorry to cause so many goose pimples with my 'jie jie' story. like many of you, i dare not watch horrow shows/movies also..hehe! i actually left out one small part in the 'jie jie' story involving swimming google. shall not scare you ladies further...

<font color="ff0000">BA</font>,
so you and hubby also got some encounter yah? i believe in mutual respect. in fact, the first instinct is not to be scared but to think of how to protect my girl that night...

<font color="ff0000">emma</font>,
aiyoh, your boy so adorable!!

<font color="ff0000">lili</font>.
no more pots and kettles sale har? so sad..

so anyone went for the summer LD? saw the summer HK series in sanrio stores. they are in brown colour theme.

if anyone is keen to buy the HK bag that i post earlier on. it's cheaper in isetan by about $6. didnt see the same series wallet though in taka and isetan.

TGIF!! long day for me though... hopefully still got strength to login tonight..else will be tomorrow morning again. ciao!
really har? what time were u all there? i was there after the mooncake shopping. quite early at around 5+pm i think. my hubby was with me also. both of us carrying mooncakes..hehe..

we both took half a day off yesterday to skive officially. my section cleared the audit checks and it was a load of my mind!
we were at sanrio gate 7+ r u still there?

i hv a pink hk bag from bedrm series ld to sell,anyone wans? free postage. will post pic later k
Thanks for remembering my birthday. = ) very excited to see what my HK cake looks like. Will post here after I see it tonight.

Tks for the mochi mooncake! Very nice. I esp love the daosha-chocolate fillings.

I'm interested in the taiwan seller's things too. If you doing bp on it, let me know. Tks!

U down with fever? Glad the fever is gone le. The thing I worried the most is being sick when preggie cos not good to take med. Really must take care ya. Just a month plus to go at most and ur No. 2 be out. Think of his name le? Enzo is a unique Christian name. U thinking of starting with "E" too? My two boys all start with "J". Looking at smiley Enzo really brightens up my day! = )

Ur "jie jie" story real scary. My boy during the 7th month also very strange wan. He'll wake up in the middle of his sleep and refuses to open his eyes no matter what we tell him and yet he can walk out of the bedroom or stand on his bed crying and waving his hands and legs. I see liao so scared. Then my mil said I shouldn't bring him out during the 7th month. Then I noticed the pattern, for the day and the next 2-3 days after I brought him out, he'll behave like that. Now 7th month over, he'll sometimes wake up and cry but with his eyes open like before le. So some things can't believe also cannot.

I gg KK today. See if got any new stuff to update u all.
pompom.. yes.. we did.. we used desitin.. v useful also.. overnight sure ok.. today he cranky though.. sianz..

xing..he's adorable lahz.. but super notti.. he juz used the back of his head to hit my nose.. pain till i wanna cry liao!!!

spunk.. not bad.. all small small stuff.. ex to hide mah.. put in ur handbag he also dunno u bot anything.. can see how desperate i am.. think of so many patterns to hide my shopping liaoz... tsk tsk tsk..

this one lili will know best.. she's still trying to help me make my TH big grey bag disappear!!!

annie.. thanx.. me much better liaoz.. realli cant wait to give birth leh.. i miss being able to run ard.. and i cant wait to diet!!! hahahaha.. siao liao hor me.. can eat like pig also dun want.. tsk tsk tsk... ya.. we kinda confirmed a name liaoz.. unless a better one comes along, enzo's didi's name is gonna start with an 'A'.. hehe.. will tell u all when he's born lahz.. keke.. how's taking care of 2 boys? siong not? my hubby nwo complain tired liao.. his no2 not even out yet lohz..
Morning Ladies

Can I have the pouch or not?Btw can provide me with measurement or not?I want to see if its too small for my handphone. TIA
PLL.. haha.. if its big enough for a PSP, i dun think it will be too small for u hp.. unless u still carry those waterbottle hp lah.. keke..
Yo,thanks wor.kekekeke Cos I thought of getting Samsung Omnia not sure whether can fit in or not.Hope you are feeling better.How is enzo?

You have got a mail.
PLL, really? I also eyeing the Omnia!! Hehe, actually HB started first now i also want, hehe

Haha Spunk, i just finished reading your posts. You are cute de
Cannot tell your HB say you help friends pass baton? Then he wont think its you buy one. Then you keep and when he forget, you take out use, hahaha. Thats what i always do. I also tell my hubby oh, this is buy that get free one. Now he know my pattern, everytime ask me, so today free what? kekeke
PLL.. me using samsung omnia.. sure can fit.. its much smaller than my psp.. keke..
me can joke means better liao i guess... keke.. enzo also good.. start to be notti liaoz.. bth...
Yo,I wanted to buy iphone but my mil beat me to it.I dont want to be having the same phone with her.Not sure if any of the ladies here has it,not very easy to use though.Thus I thought of alternatives.that is Omnia besides its 5mega pixels.

Good to hear both of you are feeling better.Thanks for telling me that it will fit Omnia cos I dont have any psp or nds.
Annie (annmiko)

hi,am not doing a bp cos don't know about her stock.plus she only accept cash payment no visa/paypal/tt etc..etc....
so needs to change currency and mail registered qouted by her.Has yet to find out how.But i will be buying some stuffs from her,if you are interested let me know. after placing order from her,she will inform me of the shipping cost,then we will split and share.thanks
Emma, hahahaaa...

I'm also interested in some of the items in the TW website
But hor, how to calculate to SGD and estimate shipping charges?
<font color="ff0066"> Good Morning Ladies..!!!</font>

Yeah! It's Friday!! Haiz... raining again. Gotta bring my J1 to doctor later cos she said her throat is painful. Then last night fever.
Luckily managed to convince J2 to go school... or else sure pengz wz 2 of them at home.

Is Samsung easy to use? Me also thinking of changing my HP cos my Nokia is the old Le Amour collection. Tink it's gonna "kong" out soon.
How is the Nokia N95? Anyone using it?
Gd Morning Ladies

is yr that ps puch still available?

u using omnia huh? how was it huh? share yr view leh. was tinking to get it.
hope ur darling fast fast recover.im using N95,good-i like. can edit the photos with text n add graphics.can do slideshow with music
nikita.. me not a fan of touch screen.. v hard to use while driving... i had to make a call while on AYE.. i started calling at NUS.. and only managed to call out at alexandra!! haha.. so to me its a cumbersome phone lohz... needs some getting used to lahz... other than that its pretty ok..

acthia.. hope J1 recovers fast fast..
Hi Ladies!

Good morning!

I am keen to order from the website too! Pls pm me when u r doing a spree on this.
Btw, for your HK BP#2 can pls inform us here when stuff really for collection?

Happy Birthday!

Your DS's story sounds scary too! Hope he is ok now. Maybe next time 7 mth try not to stay out too late. I was advised during 7th month should try to be home before 7pm, especially with children cos children can 'see' them easily.

Ya lor...last day of holiday
. So short! Feel like no holiday leh been running around to do errands and tidying up home. Also went school to give students remedial. Haiz...
Glad to know that u and enzo have recovered!

Haiz... funny weather so many kids falling sick. My DS been sneezing and coughing for the past few days... U take care too, with tummy big big and have to take care of your 2 girls somemore.

Okie have PMed u.

<font color="ff0066"> softpillow</font>,
She's ok lah... now can still hop around the house chasing the flies away. *faintz* Then when ask her to go school... she'll lie on the sofa and complain her head pain,
throat pain.. At least the fever has subsided liaoz.

Wow! The N95 can do so much yah. Aiyoh.. I'm actually a techno "goon-du" so dun need fanciful phone leh or else will waste the added features.
As long as can make calls, sms, mms, take photos, got radio can liaoz. I was also looking at the Nokia 7900 prism. Looks so cool.
<font color="ff0033"> Happy Birthday Annie!!! May GOD bless you abundantly always!</font>

<font color="ff0066"> Emma &amp; Hello Kitty</font>,
No worries. J1 will be fine. Tink it's a mild throat infection or else she's too heaty lah. Yah.. agreed that the lousy weather does not help lor. Lots of children falling sick.
M B (sus_sus)

softpillow (soft_pillow)
my email:
[email protected]
the moulds like pretty hard to get and very ex.

Eliz (star_eliz)
i don't know about the currency x rates so will put at sgd1 to NT20.Like if the item is NT100 then you use NT100/20 so the item is sgd5.00.as for shipping,the supplier will inform me then we share.

kittymum (kittymum)
email as above.maybe by next wed.how?

Dymples (acthia)
must wait for the rain to stop and must wear jacket,don't let your baby "kuan dao".Take care.
nikita.. no lahz.. its not the connection problem.. its cos its touch screen and while driving, bumpy, so i keep touching the wrong stuff then have to start all over again!!! hahahaha.. net surfing is ok.. but not realli feasible lahz.. i tried loggin in to this thread.. had to scroll thru like 600 over pages to get to the last post.. haha.. gave up!
Hello Kitty (kittytulip)
1st parcel reached singapore but singpost has not deliver to me.called them a few times,they replied will called me.2nd parcel already shipped out by supplier and the 3rd(which is the last) still pending for some pre order items.thanks
I have PM you LYD's contact. SHe asked me to PM you as she has no access to the internet today.

LYD also wants me to PM you her contact but you do not accept pte msg? Can I have your email address?
oh ok. Thanks for your information. i think this forum is moving too fast, mayb thats y is long when surfing on hp. Now im still tinking wanna buy omnia later today. hahaha

Morning ladies

Happy Birthday!

I'm also interested in yr bp, pls post here when u going to order thks!
