Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

for KK, u hv to be member then u can play. No need any purchase & each dip is $10. Usuali no queue de lor, everyone juz grab if u can manage to lah.

Hi Ladies

The LD prizes like quite nice hor...

So gd u all going BKK 2mr, have a gd trip ya, remember to take big big bags to keep yr loots

No prob, will remind u if u forget
Counting down to 6pm then I oso wana zroom to Rochor liao. keke...... Very excited leh..... Today & Tml are 2 exciting days.....
princess.. u going not? haha.. wanna see the slim slim u after u've delivered lohz.. hehe..

xing.. super duper crowded.. its a madhouse there.. haha
I wan go leh but dun think can make it lor. Tat time after confinement i went KP LD but u nvr go leh. Haa my tummy tat time still abit big until alot of pple thought i stll got baby inside, veri funny lor. Now much better leow lah. Yr stomach mus b quite big now, u still wanna go ah, b careful ok?
Hello Ladies,
KP also having the same LD 2mr..GOOD LUCK to all

me and msblur flying off saturday early morning...back on monday mid9...so will yak with you gals on tues

i nvr change hp...i dun know wat to reply u
been waiting for you to collect yr stuff..but no hear from u, so i dun bother to chase anymore.

no probs lah...hope u gals enjoyed the dinner
hope to have more of these dinners...hehehe...HUAT AH

think msbrown will inform in the forum after she pass the tickets to me, so u contact me thereafter, i wont sms u all to collect.
yoo..thanks for helping me buy the mug..is cute de loh

wah, so fast back liow ah..hows yr mooncake session? got pic to show us??
Msblur, don't know lor, 5 of us were waiting outside there abt 15 minutes long, and still no one come, so we just left there lor =(

What you doing now? Excited hor, keke
Not lesson cancelled...but kena played out by the centre!!! sooo angry....think they 4get abt the class n left the centre.

sooo sorry to make u all go on the way there n kena play out.
I confirm they did jot down my particulars when i registered lor but today at work too busy, else I would have call them to make make sure they will be there for us....but i wonder how they do biz...anyway, I feel at fault lor....sighhhh
hehe, they nvr say wanna buy too? keke...
heyo, u better go get some early rest ah...2mr morning i sms you to wakie and pick you up

huh? how come will like that one? u all so happily wanna go make mooncake leh...sigh sigh.

the 2nd TH shop is just 3 doors away...on the same level
acthia is also going..maybe u gals can meet b4 going KK for LD
ya lor....tmr i sure call them n complain!!!! Spoil our mood mannn...

Ohhh same level har...keke..i stil thot is in another centre. Xie xie!

Ya lor...nx time dun book them le..so problematic
excited hor. keke.... shoo shoo go slp early lah else tml muz wakie at least 4am to get dress & prepare to go airport lor. lug lots of loots back for us ah.... hee.... joking lah, enjoy yrself can liao.....

no blame u lah, juz tat the centre silly lor. tml call to complain then next time dont book wif them liao or ask for compensation. keke..... no worries, it's ok wor, juz sianz tat we cant make the mooncake, if lesson on, we will sure hv a good time de. Reali dont blame yrself. it's ok reali. tml we go KK cheong LD ok.
tks tks...my luggage to empty after putting in my barangs....ahhaha.

definitely will try to lug back loots for u gals..stay tune lah...kekeke.

YES, we are going BKK
I am sorry about the delay in collecting my stuff. My DH been working late the whole week and I have to carry bb home alone and I cant manage with the big bag of stuff and carry bb at the same time cos now my bb very heavy liao, unlike those times when he was much younger. Very sorry abt it.
Have a safe trip!!

Don't so upset lar.. tmr call and complain big time!! Haa..

Nice bumping into you just now.. Lionel so cute..
Paiseh i so blur, u wave so long then i recognised u. Haa..
Going for LD tmr?
Hehe. . nice to see you. I was still thinking which part of padang you would be at before that.

Yes. . I always think that Megan has the special look, can see not 100% Chinese. Mei mei de. . .

Lionel is cheeky de lor. . .trying to act out how fireworks shoot up into the sky.

Hope I can make it in time for the LD tomorrow cos has to attend a baby shower.

Ah Mau,
Me going to the baby shower alone. Hehe. . hope to see you at KK. Oh yes, your cookies are now back at KK again (put it there in case I can't make it tomorrow). Vivien and I had a good laugh over it just now.
Morning! Me 1st time up so early men! Hee...

Huh waited so long but see no one? Ah yo...luckily still haven pay up yet men.

Thks! Sure will enjoy ourselves de.

Ya ya...of course we will try to bring back more loots!

Bye ladies...me off to airport liao!
lili & msblur,
enjoy yourselves!!

i am dying to get out of singapore!! have been grounded for 2 years liow..

ladies, you all made the LD sounds quite scary yah..hehe... what about KP, do u need to be a member to buy LD too? or any min purchase? at 3pm also?
Hi babes,

Anyone going for the LD at KK today? Cos I'm working half day today so may "pop" by lor... From Sentosa to KK only 15-mins drive wor. Tot can catch up with you babes too. heheheh
Hi Ladies,

I'm selling the following loots from the LD at cost.

1x bag (blue)
1x soap dispenser (pink)
1x shower packs (blue)
1x shower packs (pink)

hihi ladies!!!

wow wow!! so fast got pple selling loots liaoz ah.. haha..

today mrkitty's luck no good... my baby also sleeping so i also no luck.. only 1st time lucky is maid.. she got me the 1st prize!!! keke
tling.. no leh.. me never get the head.. i got the pjs.. haha.. will ask msblur wanna trade with me not.. kekekeke

as usual.. u v lucky lohz.. draw so little only got big prize liaoz.. no repeats somemore!

dymples.. nice seeing u @ KK!!! u realli lost quite some weight leh.. muz take care ya!! eat more eat more!! hehe..


Helping HKL to post some informations...
Regarding the Latern Festival tixs, the tixs will hand-delivered to her office next week. She will then pass to Mau and let her distribute to the rest.
