Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Nice seeing you too. Enzo really really cute man... and such a happy baby. hehheheh...

Yah. me lost weight cos my job really really stressful. Hopefully after I resign got chance to eat and sleep... then put on weight. *hiaks-hiaks*

Mau and other ladies...

Nice seeing you too. Sorry me could not stay back and chit chat cos gotta rush off. Maybe next time I can join you all for your makan gatherings yah.
Hi BBgirl

I am interested in the Pink mat. Do you still have it?

It looks like you have got the complete set huh?What time pink colour rack in the right?

its the pink colour transparent thingy, i dont know what is it. pai seh... lunch box is it?

wow, you are a fast worker leh...

yes, please pm me your account no.Tks btw how are you going to pass me huh??
ok but i will do the transfer on monday hor. let u know once that is done. Yes, i stay in seng kang.

Aiya where got as fast as you? hahaha..

anyone else has got pink mat to let go at cost? I am keen to buy.

Its because I am not working ma else you will definitely be earlier than me to book the stuffs that you want. :p Have you had your dinner? Or are you waiting infront of your pc?

Yes I had mine infront of the pc cos my ds wants to watch Hi-5. We didnt bring the DVDs out so can only watch from You Tube.
Thanks for drawing for me.
My mat is what colour huh? TT to you on Monday hor.
Thanks again.. Too bad i couldn't go myself..
Raining heavily and Megan was sleeping

I want the pink bag if still got..
Hi Ladies,
Have the following LD items for sale at cost:

1. 1 set of pink and blue dispensers
2. 1 set of pink and blue bags

eliz.. the pink bag is urs.. btw, y u never come??? sorry leh.. till now i havent had a chance to go taka..

i think the pink bag is gonna be pretty useful.. waterproof can bring to the beach/swimming...
i'm giving 1 to my niece.. for me, put my swimsuit full liaoz.. muahahahhahaahha...
Hi Ladies,

I'm selling the following loots from the LD at cost.

1x bag (blue)
1x soap dispenser (pink)
1x shower packs (blue)
1x shower packs (pink
Nope..i did nt go KK cos i know i sure lose out in getting the dips haha. So i divert my attention to go KP instead.

Np..let me know once trnf.
So u let me know how you wan to collect ba. I stay in the east but can mt u in town during weekends or if u wan me to pass to any of the ladies here, pls let me know.

I still hv the below LD prize to let go at cost or can even exchange with blue mat
- pink bag
oh ya...today i called up the shop. Piang! if u hear wat the lady told me, u all will *faintz*

Her Story: She said she called my number 2x yest afternoon to confirm if I will be coming but I told her I did nt receive any miss call. So I asked her wat number she called n indeed she called the WRONG number.
So i reprimanded her lor...since she did not manage to get me thru call, how could she assume we r not coming?? & also they should have wait till 7pm ma rather than 6+pm just close shop like tt!
*conversation cont'd wif her excuses while I jus keep fire fire n fire hahahha*
My parents' place is at bedok reservoir rd and I go there almost every day after work to fetch my ds home so I can meet you in the east. I will pm u my contact after this and we arranage via sms when I have done the transfer.
Today, I control not to play so many times loh

My boi n your Enzo become friends liao, when we were outside KK, two of them still want to hold hands
tling.. ya lohz.. they look so cute together.. haha.. enzo held ur boy so tight dun wanna let go lohz.. haha.. next time we can bring them to LD and they can entertain themselves while we play liaoz.. haha
Next time, we put them at one corner n let them hold hand together, then we can "an xin" play our LD, kekeke....
wowowow.. you ladies indeed had fun at the LD!!

nobody answers my question yet: Do we need to be a member at KP to play LD also? need min purchase?

i was grounded the moment i got pregnant lor. now my girl is 1.5yrs old. the further i have been to is only P Ubin and Sentosa.. so sad.
Used to travel at least once a year out of spore, so feet very itchy already.

haha! really got HK russian dolls! is that set the only design? exp or not, i know real good russian dolls are not cheap but worth buying if within means.
where can get the russian doll at $25?

ANyone has the HK LD towel to let go? Am willing to pay above cost. tks
I happened to pass by an atm just now so I have tt $10 to your acc. Ref is 3978. Pls check hor. We arrange collection via sms ok? Have already PM u my contact last night.
where do get more info about the kitty russian dolls?

limited options if i were to bring my girl out to travel. the tot of lugging those milk powder and bottles and nappies really put me off. planning for a cruise at year end if schedule allows though..

do u need to be a member at KP to play LD? any min purchase?
I feel bad about asking some of the ladies here to attend the mooncake making course at the school, didn't know they are so irresponsible. They should have waited until 7pm. I always attend their afternoon classes and i was there on last fri afternoon. Really sorry ....
Morning ladies...

thanks...i wil chk my acct tonite

Not your fault lah...no worries

No next time for me on tis shop thou..

U no nd to b a member to play LD @ KP
Aiyo, how come they so blur, got your HP wrong.
So not going for Mooncake classes? I still want to learn ley..
Cannot let my moulds become white elephant

Not your fault at all.. No need to feel bad okie.

Thanks! You email me my damages together with the OPI ones hor.

You know me well, haaa.. Thanks for getting all PINK to for me.

eliz.. ok.. think u have 1 color oos.. hehe.. when the polishes come i let u know ya..
maybe u can try online recipes first lahz.. experiment urself if realli no courses to attend lohz.. or if u want, come to my sch lahz.. i got a parent volunteer to hold a moon cake baking class!! woo hoo!! hehe
