Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

pSi, say oni lah, wait 5th year first, scarli by then got kids spend so much money, nothing left for rolex liao, hahaha. See how bah, always good to have an aim.

Ooo Lili got BP ah? For these 2 items you posted? Gonna bathe first, later see.
any color will do, tks!

bot these washable floor mats at china town today at $2 each, cheap?
Ya loh...which is y that time our gathering, i suggested having buffet at Sakura mah, coz' i like to eat salmom sashimi & my hubby dun eat de.
Had told my hubby luckily i hav my HK frens men. Hee...

So did u order the diecut pillbox frm KK? Well...i did buy an extra of the pillbox loh. Can let got to u if u reali like it. Let me know lah.
msblur.. u can count on us for anything... keke.. not only sashimi!!! keke...

MB/Psi.. ya.. mrkitty agreed before we got married.. hehe... so now there's no backing out...

she_she!! nice floor towels.. Jurong west central/beauty world plaza sell those too.. for those staying in the west lahz.. hehe..

bot this massager from IMM juz now.. MrKitty says minitoons also have... then i muz have kenna ketok again.. keke...

Hee...thks men!

Hw much did u buy the massager for? Wa...nw Mr kitty oso know beta than u which places has HK stuff hoh?? Hee...

No lah...was tinking if u reali like it very much, i can let it go loh. Anyway im using one rite nw mah. Did KK tell u when they hav new stocks? They were saying last wk de, but didnt receive their sms leh.
hi emma
nice cha soba! Actually like msblur, i oso dunno how to make cha soba.
Finally found my camera batt charger and took pic of the HK mirror. See if u still wanna exchange =)

thanks for the info abt the phone no of Sanrio@Harbourfront. So happy to get my goody bag ytd!
I ordered already, not nice to cancel right? Anyway, I don't need it in a hurry so don't mind waiting
They said already ordered the pillbox again but the new batch has not arrived yet.

I saw some HK small toyogo type drawers in pink & blue, HK drink dispensers and small wastepaper baskets. All these items are from Thailand I think, not sure if these are new stocks as I didn't ask...
That's a very nice mirror! N its emma's favourite series too.

Ic ic..Hope u will be able to get ur pillbox soon.
U saw small toyogo type drawers?? Hmm..dun remember i saw it that time i went down leh.

Wa...so gd leh, gg to hav a Rolex watch on ur 5th anniversary! Me got nothing frm hubby ah even though 10th anniversary liao.
it's from the newly renovated complex, i don't know the name? haha...i saw another shop selling lots of HK wallets/pouches/bages too, similar to the one from far east plaza.

selling at $2 each too coz i bot all the colors that i like, only left with organe color, if i want to buy again, probably need to go those shops u've mentioned then.

u went KK, is it? i didn't go there, i went ppl's park and that complex only, hee..

nice mirror!
hello kitty lover,
I tink the water bottle holder cost $5.90 each.
Hougang Plaza is near Hougang Interchange.

Ya lor, after sms u, still hesitating to buy or not to buy. Then the SA told me the curtain was design by their lady boss n made in Singapore loh
The curtains is veri long!
The bedsheet onli one design. I saw one super single bedsheet with the comforter leh but can't remember the price le
Ic ic..
My gal had wanted me to buy the water bottle holder for her too the other time. Hmm...maybe will drop by nex wk to see the bedsheets lah.
U didnt buy?
*yawn yawn* I'm going to sleep le, nitezz...
Oh ya, the play - "The Jungle Book" was nice. My boi oso enjoyed watching it
I want the Monday offer for the nite lite @ TH.

Do contact me thru' sms if neccessary cos' I'm not working on Monday. Bringing my Grandma out...
Morning ladies

She_She, those are the current mats i have at home now. I got them at a market near my in laws' place a few mths ago actually. They are quite thick and good hor? Only thing is instead of say 'hello kitty', its 'hello hello', hehehe

Ya lor, Eliz, i bought a dozen i think cos like the picture, a pity the word is 'hello hello' haha but ok la, at least got the cute cute pic.
Good morning ladies

note, will buy 2mr...

yes, the HK usb speaker is a pair.

noted, will help you get later...
Hi Emma/MB,
Talking about Rolex. My Dh still otang me one Omega watch. Wanted to buy it last yr but saw that the price is so steep now till it's me who bu se de that he spent the $$. Conclusion is, Rolex is more value for $$. So will get him to buy Rolex insteal of Omega.

Hehe. .. it's our 5th anniversary this year. But hor, he may ask me what I plan to get for him cos it's also his BD.
Good morning ladies!

Did you receive my email?

Maybe we can ask if any of the other ladies can help us with our bowl exchange
Besides Kittymum, I'm also meeting PP, Starlight & MB this week...

Ok to meet at your lunchtime tomorrow? Think I will go meet Starlight in TP then take the mrt down to Somerset to meet you
But I need to confirm with Kittymum what time she's meeting me 1st...
Hi Ladies,
Long time no chat. Hubby took leave today bcos of Youth Day holiday...so here I am surfing Net.

Hey Purin,
Get a matching pair of Omega watches...it's the perfect wedding anniversary gift. Next year will be my 10th anniversary. I am now thinking of what to get. Actually I thought of getting a new pair of platinium rings bcos present pair is tight but gold is at all-time high now.
Purin, ya i agree. Rolex more worth. Oh your 5th yr anniv this year, how about getting each other 1 rolex each? Good things come in pairs, hehe.

For me, still 3 more yrs to 5th year. See how, if by then, we relocated or i quitted my job or spent too much on children, our 5th yr rolex plans may be changed to 10th yr instead.

Hi hi Angel, ok, its fine tomorrow. Just let me know what time
I agree. Actually we spend a lot on DS, thus I bu se de to spend the $$.

My DH cannot wear this type of watch to work. He's only in town on weekends. So will definitely say it's a waste of $$ since he seldom get the chance to wear it.
anyone else wanna buy??? am going during lunch today.

Offer #1 - HK Nite Lite @ $10
- szu

Offer #2 - HK Fullbody USB Speaker @ $10
- stephy
I just sms Kittymum. I'll pass her the bowls tonight and she will pass to u tmr. Hee.
You can pass her my bowls too.

Thanks!! So ma fan ni le..
MsBlur ah, transferred $6 to you for the 2 alarm clocks liao, ref 1788875473. When you be collecting and distributing? I am able to meet at Hougang MRT most mon evenings or can you pass to Lili since i be meeting her? Lili can ma? Thanks in advance!! Then i collect together with the dessert bowls and Kittymum's bakewares. Hor?
Kittymum can meet me earliest 1.30pm tomorrow, so maybe better if I don't rush her and perhaps we arrange for Wed/Thur instead? My timing is flexible so I leave it to you, will be catching a bus from my place straight to orchard hehe...

Great! So you will be meeting Kittymum again to collect the HK Bowls from me?

Thanks very much for your help
help you gals get the alarm clock already. pls do the necessary xfer to msblur's account. thanks.

the alarm clocks with me le...i can pass u when we next meet, provided all payment is in.

let me know if can release the stocks for the alarm clocks hors..those not paid i will not release. let me know. thanks.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">dior,
yr items from VQ is with me. plus the alarm clock also ready. pls xfer msblur and collect at the same time. pls collect asap. thanks.</font></font>
thanks so much babe! so the alarm clock is with u or msblur? can pass it to msbrown? and what's msblur's a/c no.? $3, is it? tks.

hey, trouble u to pass me the alarm clock, hor? i think i'll meet u when jul items arrive, ya? thank you.
Funds Transfer to Other DBS/POSB A/C
07 Jul 2008 03:11 PM Singapore

Your transaction is completed.
You may wish to print out a copy of this confirmation for your reference.

To Account POSB Savings 070-37170-7 blurqueen
Amount S$3.00
Transaction Reference 1789076154

msbrown, can trouble you to help me collect the hk clock? Thanks
ladies who are with my sanrio aug order,
i'm still waiting for the payment, so pls hang on, sigh..hope that all tsf will be done before i leave town, ya? tks...
OMG so cute!! I dont have children also feel like buying! Dunno if i buy and keep will turn yellow or not hor? Oh so cute!
Sound like me! I see HK tees/dresses just buy and keep.
So many waiting in the cupboard for Megan.. *Fainted*

Yalor.. Too bad don't have your gal's size. Very cute hor..
We cld share postage somemore..
Postage ex ah.. just a dress, handerchief and hat - $2!

I like the red dress actually and this auction got size 100!!
Would you be able to help bring in? How much plus shipping??
