Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Ladies, so sorry been busy the whole day!
Lili, u may release to the ladies who paid. Refer to my list. Thanks for your help.

Total: 23 pcs
BP PRICE: $3.00

1) msblur x 1
2) lili x 2
3) LYD x 1
4) hydrangea x 1
5) emma x 1 -(PAID & COLLECTED)
6) MB x 1 -(PAID)
7) feifei x 1
8) ktgal x 1 - (PAID)
9) sharon x 1 - (PAID)
10)dior x 1
11)cindy x 1

BP PRICE: $3.00

1) msblur x 1
2) lili x 5
3) LYD x 1
4) MB x 1 - (PAID)
5) eliz x 1 - (PAID)
6) feifei x 1
7) ktgal x 2 - (PAID)
8) kittymum x 2
9) dior x 1
10)princess x 1 - (PAID)
11)cindy x 1
12)emma x 1 - (PAID & COLLECTED)
13)sheshe x 1 - (PAID)
14)wendysim x 1

no lah, just for sharing only...i won't bring in coz it's from china website, the payment method indeed quite complicated unless u got a china bank a/c or toabao a/c...

Just transferred $3 to POSB#070-37170-7 (ref.: 1789251153). Pls check.

Hi lili,
Will see you tomorrow yah. But, where is NTUC ctr??? Will not be logging in tonite as my girl is sick - teething.
went to TH juz now and am happy with my loots.. hehe..



Lappy skin i bot from queensway..

PP.. think i'll pass on the mirror.. alr displaying a CK LD mirror.. anything else? hehe...
Ooh, these girl's clothing sets are so cute! Wish boy's stuff had such nice designs too haha...

Think Thur will be better for me

Nice loot! Is the diecut HK full body cabinet from Lili's BP or does TH still have stock for this item??? Missed the BP cos I was in hkg :'(

Was nice to meet you earlier
Will trf the payment for the clocks to you tmr hor...tks ya...But how to collect e clocks frm u? Are the clocks with u now?

u ordering the HK dresses? so cute hor...
Hi feifei
Seems like no one on tonite, it seems very quiet... Or is the forum down cos the page takes a long time to load, wonder if you are encountering this too?
You can get the cute dresses for your DD!
Lili, u may release to the ladies who paid. Refer to my list. Thanks for your help.

Total: 32 pcs
BP PRICE: $3.00

1) msblur x 1
2) lili x 2 -(PAID)
3) LYD x 1 -(PAID)
4) hydrangea x 1
5) emma x 1 -(PAID & COLLECTED)
6) MB x 1 -(PAID)
7) feifei x 1
8) ktgal x 1 - (PAID)
9) sharon x 1 - (PAID)
10)dior x 1
11)cindy x 1

BP PRICE: $3.00

1) msblur x 1
2) lili x 5 -(PAID)
3) LYD x 1 -(PAID)
4) MB x 1 - (PAID)
5) eliz x 1 - (PAID)
6) feifei x 1
7) ktgal x 2 - (PAID)
8) kittymum x 2 -(PAID)
9) dior x 1
10)princess x 1 - (PAID)
11)cindy x 1
12)emma x 1 - (PAID & COLLECTED)
13)sheshe x 1 - (PAID)
14)wendysim x 1 -(PAID)
Good morning ladies!!
Ya, i also find loading abit slow today..

Are you interested to get the dresses? Can buy and keep for CNY! Hee..
I have ordered but not paid. This way, we can save some postage since we both stay in SK.
Morning Ladies!

Oh, thank you for calling me pretty mummy so early in the morning hehe...

I'm still encountering lag with the page loading too!!!
Good morning Ladies
nice and cosy weather today....

yr things are with me liow..will passing "baton"...hehehe..

sooo nice yakking with you gals last nite..kekeke...
Thanks for bringing my things to SK *smucks*
Love them all.. esp the stickers!! Hee.

So cool chatting downstairs your hse hor..
I shd have asked my hubby to turn into your carpark then i can chat too. Haa..
lili, possible to pass my HK pink clock to nikita?

Nikita, possible to help me collect the clock and pass to me?

Thanks both of u! Not urgent! Anytime conveneient
u got rec my sms this mornning?

Me also find e page when refresh rather slow lor...

the dresses are nice but hor, it comes with e hat n braclet, abit no use leh...which one u getting?;p
Lili, Stephy,
Ya..it's so nice yakking with you gals too...hehehe...with my lau eh & kids all waiting for me to stop yakking and go home...wahahaha

Yes babe, next time must drive in and park at the 'waiting' area then we can yak...hehehe.

SK is the central area for me to go because most of the gals stay area there mah...and i really enjoy going there to meet you gals..and....yak..wahahaha

Good to know you like the sticker..
hehe..pai seh abt this morning hor..i couldnt drag myself up..hahahah. anyway u still got a alarm clock..so meet up together for that lah..kekeke

aiyo, u ask me pass to msbrown, then now say pass to nikita. anyway its with msbrown already. u arrange with her. dun do this again...things get lost in transition, we wont be responsible hor.

har lors..we can yak non-stop man..pai seh make yr ah lau and kids wait..kekeke..lucky got a playground nearby..heheheh
I bought the Pink one as only this one got my gal's size.
Hmm, i will make Megan wear the hat and take pic.
Actually the price for the dress already worth the money! Haa..
Not easy to find nice and affordable HK dresses/tops for megan ah.

I scared Lili not in mah so didn't drive into the carpark. Haa.
Next time i know better liao.. LoL.

No problem lar.. me in no hurry.
My new maid's coming next week, now busy preparing her stuff
hehehe...lucky he never nag after we got into the car...heng ah. He off to work liao, coming back tonite so now i can online without stress..keke
wow, u came sk yest? me also stay there wor =D...hehe...next time can come sk drink coffee =D.

okie, tks ger for passing my clocks to bluegenie, she just told me liao =D...tks ya..

true lor..hehe..but hor, wat size shd i buy cos by then my ger coming to 1yrs old liao..
Orh...next time call her 1st ya..kekeke

drink coffee??!!! hehehe...always there at someone's block wor, maybe can drink coffee one day hor..
ohh, u also got new maid coming ah...ic ic.

i try to clear all loots with me asap..dun wana hold long..scared go MIA, then i cham liows man...

heheh..hengs ah...was scared he would nag lors...we yak quite long man..kekekekek. so today u going to deliver more goods eh..mah fan ni le leh..organise bps and still must deliver....*muacks*
Ya gg to deliver more goods, today is TPY but can't go anywhere further cos petrol getting more expensive le...hehehe..bu ke qi lah but hubby see then sometime will nag ask why i make myself so busy? my answer to him is 'happy leh'...wahahaha..
Yalor.. finally getting a maid to ease my workload.
Megan getting more "mobile" so more headache.. Haa..
Kk, the clock here then u sms me to collect. Thanks!

Yalor.. Petrol now super ex ah!
Yr things from she_she oso with Lili leh. So u can go collect from her too.

Yrs from she_she oso with lili.
lili, paiseh paiseh cause juz nw I msn msblur, she told me the HK clock with U so I thought you haven't pass to msbrown!

I will collect fr msbrown Thanks
HUH???? Me lor.... I went to her place to collect de lor... then I pass to lili lah... U wana thank so many ppl ah.... keke....

So u r here. I tot u outside liao leh... I reali ma fan u big time tis time lor.... So pai sei.....

who's keen for Crabby Bee Hoon at TPY Lorong 8 this friday 11th July?

- msbrown
hee...go compass point drink cooffee...but hor, dun hv coffee bean, onli starbucks, not so nice leh...

ah mau,
TPy got nice crabs?
ah mau
really muz thank u lor, help me collect, if not, i oso dunno when can collect from her, since going back to work, must go home asap from work to take care of bb, not as much time to jalan jalan liao...
Crabby Bee Hoon sounds good, i'm hungry, kekeke... Lorong 8 which block, i suaku, wanna try when i go TPY on sat =P
yes TPY got nice crabby bee hoon soup noodles. It's call Mellben Seafood. Blk 211 Lor 8 TPY #01-11-15. Tel 63533120
Ah mau
Friday i can't ah.. Coz got workers coming to do some simple reno at home

The crabs solid lor! So yummy, after ah mau recommended, i brought my hubby the following week!

Not I don't one leh..cos I very mah fan with food. Alot of stuff also don't dare to take. But im not vegetarian lah. Only meat I take is fish only. Hehe..very mah fan hor :p
not free ah??? Hmm... how abt next week? Actuali lili & msblur suggested this fri coz u rem the last time we went there for dinner? Tat durian uncle said tis fri 11th Jul got free durian eat till u drop??? keke....

I tink so lah....
ah mau,
oic...hehe..din know wor...onli know AMK Ave 3 there has nice crabs =D...Won't be able to join u ladies again cos I haven 100days lor, can't eat seafood yet wor..

steady hor....=D..i like black pepper crabs..yummy but now still cannot eat cos haven 100days for me yet..hiaz...my salver dripping liao..
Hmm...u r nt the only ma fan one lah. They oso said im ma fan too. Coz' they order a few side dishes i oso dun eat de mah, they nearly wana ask me go one corner & eat myself liao! Kekeke...
I oso love fish!

ah mau,
Nt tink so lah. Its confirm de loh. Juz nw i still sms kittymum, ask her to remind her 'ah bui' got durian buffet this Fri hoh! Kekeke...
