Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Hi Kittymum!

HK Oven Toaster - $70 each (3 Sets Only)
1) Live_Your_Dream
2) Lani

HK Cushion Seat - $35 each (1 Set Only)

HK Musical Photo Frame - $8 each (3 Sets Only)
1) Hello Kitty
2) szu
3) Maplebabies

HK Kettle - $36 each (3 Sets Only - Reordered)
1) Live_Your_Dream
2) Hello Kitty (TBC - hee...still considering...but very tempted!)

HK Drawers - $89 each (1 Set Only Reordered)
1) Lani

Alicia, i saw that clothes pole the other day, in one of the makeshift stalls, selling at $29 i think, but the one i saw is not pink, its a mixture of white and red. Still thinking if i should get it, hehe ... but yours nicer.

Is that your daughter? She is very pretty. Like a doll. Next time grow up sure very charming.
Waa, kittymum i just read your long schedule for today. Busy busy ... take care of health and meals hor?!

I put my name in for the oven just now but just removed it again cos DH SMSed to remind me if i get the oven, then i wont have space for microwave, which is quite true so i have to give it a pass for now ... so sad, so she bu de ...
Agree, when toddler is not well parent (especially mummy) sure panda cos have to take care of them thruout the night..that's why i very kan cheong if my gal have slight running nose, cough or feverish (easy to detect by seeing her lip get 'redder' than usual), i'll quickly give her medication rather than 'it's ok lah will go away soon' like my dh always say!! my reply to him is 'you not the one taking care of her thru out the night & day, so u dunno how tiring it is lor'..sometime so angry with him leh.
Hi MapleBabies,

alamak ! i have been trying to look for the clothes pole for so long... didn't know we still have it in s'pore .. mine cost SGD32 and still have to take a plane back ;P

actually, i'm using it to hang all my gal bags ! you bet, she has as many bags as me...
I can help u check if she has anymore left cos this drawer sells very well.

This is her best price, her profit is only $5 (for big items). She's very transparent with her profit making to me & even bargain with the supplier and me hearing their conversation and i trust she's giving her best price & not making much..

Muffin, feifei,
Ya lor, it's very nice..the last time when seller when to warehouse to pick up our HK Pink Cabinet, she saw tis (only 4 sets then) and quickly call me to ask if i want, and hearing her say till so nice hor can't resist so ordered 2 sets from her (1 for me & maplebabies bot the other after seeing it..heehee)then tis time she manage to get 1 more set so i quickly chope from her & see any ladies here wants lor cos really veri nice wor.

But you gals don't impulse buy again hor...must keep some vitamin M for X'mas & CNY LD.

No worries, get the microwave oven 1st cos tt's more a need in a home than the oven. Next time if really need, sure can find lah.

The HK clothes pole nice nice leh, agree with maplebabies that ur pink one is nicer than the red one lor.
kittymum.. does ur supplier have anymore musical frames? i realli like it.. but too slow to order..
Morning ladies,

wow, lucky gal, congrats.

thanks, i like the hand towel too..
its very cheap , i think about $3 or $4 each only

glad ur DD recovering.

wow nice stuff, u sure are our lobang queen
Morning ladies......

I've got a $91.90 KK receipt, if u want, pls email me at [email protected] ok.

U reali hv very good & nice lobangs leh. A pity now tat I'm being controlled on a tight leash tat I cant order anything even if I fancy them. Used to order order non-stop but now totally stopped.

Yr drawer nice nice. I went to KK last nite. They hv very nice CK stuffs. Tis new series of CK stuffs reali very nice. I duno if u'll like it coz I like the CK pouch from the goody bag very much but u said not very nice. haha... So am not sure if u'll like tis new series.

I dun hv the picture else will show u. I got 1 satin pouch with biscuits at $12.90, the rest all I cant buy coz kena CONTROLLED by Blue Genie. haha.... Good Good, like tat wont be able to spend. keke......

Ladies who're in for the steamboat on 23rd Nov, pls indicate yr name again ok coz I lazy to go back archive to search. Those I remember I'll put in ok. Pls insert yr names hor... The more the merrier.

- Msbrown
- Lili
- Blue Genie
- Msblur
- Purin
- Szu
- Nikisa
- Feifei
- Live Yr Dream
- LunaticFreezer (to be confirmed)
Hi msbrown
i cant attend on the 23rd. but can help me take a name card or a price list of the steam boat. TIA.

Name List for steam boat:
- Msbrown
- Lili
- Blue Genie
- Msblur
- Purin
- Szu
- Feifei
- Live Yr Dream
- LunaticFreezer (to be confirmed)
Morning everyone!

i think i also got the same CK satin pouch as u, nice nice =) Also bot a box of chocolates shaped like mini luggage, the chocolates inside have very nice designs like diecut HK, CK, CN, Shinkansen, and HK with bear too =)
Did you play the LD ytd?

Ladies who played LD together ytd,
Nice meeting up with you too =) It's fun to play together =P

The 2 slow cookers were won within minutes after the LD started. I haven't even played yet, and they were gone liao =( 1 was won by HelloKitty's friend, the other by another lady. The rest of us were drooling at all their prizes, becoz they got a few top prizes...
Hi Kittymum!

HK Oven Toaster - $70 each (3 Sets Only)
1) Live_Your_Dream
2) Lani

HK Cushion Seat - $35 each (1 Set Only)

HK Musical Photo Frame - $8 each (3 Sets Only)
1) Hello Kitty
2) szu
3) Maplebabies

HK Kettle - $36 each (3 Sets Only - Reordered)
1) Live_Your_Dream
2) Hello Kitty (TBC - hee...still considering...but very tempted!)

HK Drawers - $89 each (1 Set Only Reordered)
1) Lani
2) Dior (if still can order)
Oh, the slow cooker won by HK's friend ah? I didn't know tat leh. haha.... but HK told me she brought her friend there lor. I only played 1 times y'day for the fun of it lah. Left 1 jacket, & myself, amanda & another lady were aiming at it though. But me no luck. haha... The last time I played 8 times but all the 7 times were drew by DH then I only played once lor got sock. Then last nite tempted to juz try try lor again I got sock. FAINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK will take the namecard for u. Actuali tat day I jzu went with DH took a namecard but duno where I've left it liao. so forgetful lor...
wow, so fast hor....so good...=)... Tink now we can only wiat for the CNY LD lor =D>.

Tks for organising e steamboat dinner....Hopefully more ladies will join us..

Hi ya...so long din see u here...been busy huh?
Anyone interested to take over the recycle bag tt I bought from LYD sales from Korea. Yesterday, while packing, realised tt I have 2 similar pcs.
next time LD ask your hubby to go again since he got good prizes for u lor =P Can ask him to draw for me too? hahahaha....

think Grace there has 2 LDs next mth? I think we really need to control lor, with bb coming soon. How're you feeling? Still got morning/evening sickness?
tks ger....feel nausea recently...tot 1st trim coming to an end won't have anymore MS, but seems like MS kicking in liao...I always feel nausea during evenings leh....felt heartburn yest also...Any remedy for this?

how much is the bag?

2 sets of LD???!! OMG, goign to spend more liao, somemore xmas next mth, need do some xmas shopping..ahyo...Me felt nausea during evenings recently leh...duno y also..now 11th wk, tot by 12th wk shd be better...hiaz...so xinku sometimes, no appetite wor...
ya ya tat's y I always drag him along when I go LD lor. 1 hand, he can help me draw goody goody prizes, the other oso to control me lor. haha....

I tink KK oso having a HK LD $20 one in Dec. It's their japanese Daruma series lor. Like our chinese ' put tao ong ' one. haha, duno wat I'm talking abt. keke.....

I like the recycle bag leh, but wat's the material like? It's only $4.50 right? Wat's the measurement ah? Duno I can buy a not? Gotta ask my DH liao.

Hello, how r u? So long nvr see u online.Busy wif yr kids is it?
it's like that, i only felt much better by 14/15th week, even though i didn't really vomit, just feel like, and always feel bloated and burping *oops* Jiayou, ma1 ma1 shi4 wei3 da4 de4!
I have not seen the bag myself. According to LYD, it can holds A4 documents. I bought $4.50 from her so also gg at the same price.
No pro lah...I understand cos' I also overspent tis mth. So trying very hard to control on the drawers. CC bills also have not paid...
I also keep buying and order non-stop. My parents already complaining tt I buy HK stuff untill I gg to forget my own surname liao...Somemore, hubby outstation so its the best time to lug things back when his not around
actuali hor, I very much wana buy le then hor, I still asked LYD to tell Szu I'm getting it lor. Then LYD asked me to trf the $4.50 to Szu then I huh, trf ah, I cant leh then come to tink of it, I already hv a few receycle bags & oso u 2 remind me again I cant buy. SO in the end, I gave up again.

Yippie..... thanks to u all. I reali cant control a bit liao leh. Be hard hearted & say NO. haha..... Thanks thanks... appreciate it......

Sorry ah. I changed my mind on it.
<font color="aa00aa">enzo mummy,Sasi</font>
Ordered 4 more sets of Musical Photo Frame & added ur nick liow.

<font color="aa00aa">blueblue,Dior,</font>
Seller managed to get 2 more sets of drawers from supplier so total now have 3 drawers.

<font color="aa00aa">starlight74,</font>
Hahaha..aiyo, see lah i spent $$ oso 'hai ren' spend together with me wor..keke

<font color="aa00aa">msbrown,</font>
Must 'REN' 'REN' 'REN' hor..heehee
no prob, i also need to control myself lor... Control a bit then aim for other stuff, like LD prizes? Your CK cabinet how?
BTW, abt daruma, i know what you're talking about. Looks something like this:
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">To All Ladies,</font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000"><u>Kittymum's loots (14/11/07)</u></font></font>

<font color="aa00aa">HK Oven Toaster - $70 each (3 Sets Only)</font>
1) Live_Your_Dream
2) Lani

<font color="aa00aa">HK Cushion Seat - $35 each (1 Set Only)</font>

<font color="aa00aa">HK Musical Photo Frame - $8 each <font color="ff0000">(Add on 4 sets, Total : <u>7 Sets</u> Only)</font></font>
1) Hello Kitty
2) szu
3) Maplebabies
4) Emma
5) Sasi

<font color="aa00aa">HK Kettle - $36 each (3 Sets Only - Reordered)</font>
1) Live_Your_Dream
2) Hello Kitty (TBC - hee...still considering...but very tempted!)

<font color="aa00aa">HK Drawers - $89 each <font color="ff0000">(Add on 2 sets, Total : <u>3 Sets</u> Only Reordered)</font></font>
1) Lani
Ya lor...control lah...I also think U dun need the recycle bag.
I love the recycle bag lor but since I have simliar pc so decided to let go lor...
Ya me so busy with kids then DH now working from home then everyday at home...me like kenna spot check on all the thing I do...dont even have private time to myself...

That day Kittymum sent the CK cupboard to my house still must get my DH in the room first then get my maid to go down and collect the stuff then you know my maid so smart...hide outside the house where the piping are...then later me and my DH go out then she smuggler the cupboard in the house...HeeHee
<font color="aa00aa">Dior,</font>
Hahaha..ur maid so smart wor..u veri cute leh. Then did ur DH realise something extra in the house?
<font color="ff6000">To All Ladies,</font>
Items (including current loots posted yesterday) will be delivered to my house tomorrow, i'll sort it out & arrange collection with you.

No lah...my friend won the HK jacket, not slow cooker. Actually my friend knew of the shop long ago, but never really patronise it. She grew crazy (oops hope when she reads she will not be angry that I mentioned she also crazy abt HK like us...) over HK stuff recently after I jio1 her to the sanrio fair and encourage her to visit this thread...keke... Sooooooooooooo many nice pics of HK stuff and lobang for HK stuff. Really envy her 1st time play LD got so good prizes!
