Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Hi Ladies,

My loots from Hkg:

1) Cabin Luggage & Handbag

2) Card Holder

3) Toothpick Holder

4) Cork Board

5) Coasters for Pots

6) Measuring Tape

7) Nailclipper

8) Water Bottle

9) Cup Cover

10) The rose series containers which Dorothy bought for some of the ladies

11) Water Dispenser

12) Pass Holder and Name Tag

13) Korean Cutleries

14) Stationery Case A

15) Stationery Case B

16) Chop with Light, Scotchtape Dispenser and Eraser

17) Digital Camera Pouch

18) MM Cooler Bag (HK OOS. Lili, if you see HK design, appreciate if you can get one for me. Thanks!)

19) Coin Bank

20) Saucers & Teapot

21) Bowls (come with a spoon)

22) Plates

23) Most expensive item. 999.9 HK Gold Figurine - Statue of Liberty with Crystal Hotair Balloon. This is the Around The World Series.
U got any extra coaster n water dispenser to let go?? hehe

Btw, where u got ur loots fm har?? How cm I did nt c it when i was in HKG early tis yr??
Wow...all ur loots frm HKG r so nice! Which part of HKG did u get them frm?? The toothpick holder, coasters & card holder is very very nice, i like them.
my hp is N6300, dun have the hole to hang one leh

aiyo, me blurs again, always mixed yr nick and acthia's nick..hahaha. sori sori.

wow wow wow, nice loots...makes me drool and excited abt my HKG trip...kekeke. can advise where u got most of the stuff? especially the cooler bag u want, keke

btw, 2mr i come to meet you ok?
I knew u've been looking for the cork board for very long time liao. Previously i did post another cork board, had intend to buy it, but ended up too ex liao, so gave up.
HI Purin,
Called yr mobile just now. Wanted to ask if can meet 2moro to pay for the LPB. Pls call me 2moro if possible. Thanks

I hinted to hubby about a HK bracelet for Christmas present...he pretended not to hear me

I saw the rose digital cam pouch at Taka Sanrio.
Hi BA / Forgetmenot,
Some of the things can be found locally. But I think it may be cheaper in Hong Kong. The digital camera pouch is around $9.

Think different seasons may have different things. Thus, it may explain why you don't get to see the same things at beg. of year.

Toothpick holder is around $5 each. And most of the stuff can get at Ladies Street. However, the things there are slightly more expensive.

Hi Janet,
The cork board is around $17.
Hi Forgetmenot/Janet,
Taka selling the digital cam pouch at $12.90.

Hee! The gold figurine I buy first then told DH that I saw it and I like it very much. So asked him to buy for me and it'll be my presents for the rest of the occasions this year. Actually wanted to buy another one. DH pays one and I'll pay for one myself. But no time.

Hi Lili,
If no time, just go to Ladies Street. If have time to spare, you can go to Sogo.
yes yes, i saw. so the ice shaver same as msbrown's rite?

Am going ahead to order all stuff, the freight charges think will divide by all items. see how much is it 1st lah. will let u gals know 2mr. May need u all to transfer some funds 1st.

ok ok, got it....counting down..kekeke
$17 is reasonable price.

Li Li,
I've posted in WTB section for the bag. Don't know why this person 'Kitty' posted a comment which I'm not too happy after reading.
U mean fm the shops along Ladies street har??
Tat's cheap for the toothpick holder..

How abt the water dispenser bottle?? how much??

Sorry but can i add in the toothpick holder n water dispenser bottle tt Purin got fm HKG as well?? :p
no leh, i wana ask my fren whether she can help me find some of the tings Purin bought or nt. Dats y need to know where she bought it frm. I like the tooth pick holder mah.
Ms Blur,
I thought you may be keen, bcos we were both looking for it then.

Yr loots are always making me drool. The red cabin luggage is cool !!! Very useful since you're always travelling. Frequent travellers would like this. Li Li, you should consider getting it since you travel quite often.
Haha, too much luggage bags at home..my mum will kill me if i buy it. but then again, maybe she will let me buy if she's in a good mood then ;)
ok...thx ya

Updated List:
This is the HKG shopping list for Li Li:
This is the list for yr HKG trip.
1. Lani - LPB (1. Tianjin red bean w/ NZ honey, or 2. Red bean with chestnut filling w/ NZ honey)
2. Ling Ling - HK electric kettle
3. HoHo03 - 2xcutlery sets
4. Dior - HK kettle, breadmaker (not toaster)
5. Sharon - HK electric kettle
6. Fei Fei - LPB
7. PrincessEmma - LPB
8. Ms Brown - Checked bear water bottle, Small Food warmer (something like the one KK is selling enuf for 1-2 pax budget SGD15), HK Ice Shaver (tink Dorothy says it's SGD25)
9. Janet - Rose wallet budget $30, kids HK rose t-shirt budget $8.
10. Bubblesangel - HK Ice Shaver (tink Dorothy says it's SGD25), HK Toothpick holder (Budget S$5), HK Dispenser Bottle
Your loots make me DROOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLL non-stop... SOooooooooooooooooooo NICE!

Sorry if possible can also help me get the coasters (HK & MM) as well as the cooler bag (1st choice HK, if not MM also can) when u go HKG? Thanks!

Updated List:
This is the HKG shopping list for Li Li:
This is the list for yr HKG trip.
1. Lani - LPB (1. Tianjin red bean w/ NZ honey, or 2. Red bean with chestnut filling w/ NZ honey)
2. Ling Ling - HK electric kettle
3. HoHo03 - 2xcutlery sets
4. Dior - HK kettle, breadmaker (not toaster)
5. Sharon - HK electric kettle
6. Fei Fei - LPB
7. PrincessEmma - LPB
8. Ms Brown - Checked bear water bottle, Small Food warmer (something like the one KK is selling enuf for 1-2 pax budget SGD15), HK Ice Shaver (tink Dorothy says it's SGD25)
9. Janet - Rose wallet budget $30, kids HK rose t-shirt budget $8.
10. Bubblesangel - HK Ice Shaver (tink Dorothy says it's SGD25), HK Toothpick holder (Budget S$5), HK Dispenser Bottle
11. Hello Kitty - French rose wallet budget $30, coasters for pots (HK & MM), cooler bag (HK/MM), 1 set of korean cutlery (pink preferably the 2nd one on the left of purin's pic, else others also can).
Hi Ladies,
The Korean stuff is cheaper in Hkg. If Lili can lug back, you can consider getting her to buy. I went with a male colleague this time. Quite paiseh cos most of the time I went shopping myself cos he knows I want to buy HK. When I went, my baggage weight was 11kg cos of the hardcase luggage. Lucky only 20kg when I came back. Only had 2hrs on first day and 1hr on last day to do my shopping. So most of the things just grab and go. Don't have time to think too much.

Wanted to get more of the toothpick holders, but only left with one last HK.

Hi Janet,
Yes, I don't have a proper cabin luggage. So this one is just nice for me. Not too childish too. Even my male colleague said it's nice.
let me send my fren the pic & see whether she can find the cork board & tooth pick holder for me or nt. Purin said she bought her loots at Ladies street rite?? Will email my fren tmr. Got to check hw much is the cork board loh. If too ex, den maybe i wont buy liao.
Li Li,
My hubby saw the red one which Purin bought...the red is really striking. Will you be going to HKG with yr mum ?? Can consider getting it leh.

Hello Kitty,
HOPE that ridiculous buyer has stopped giving you problems. Some of the people in this forum can be so damn rude (sorry ladies). Wanted to sell off a walker then...the buyers stood me up and when I sms-ed later that night, I was told to deliver it to her house since I'm selling it. No words of apology at all.

Ms Brown,
Hope you can stay at home and rest 2moro since you're having diarrhoea.
hello kitty,
pls add on to the HKG list, will try my best to get for all gals
am getting all so excited man. think must change more HK$..hahahh.
okey, where u stay? i stay in woodlands and when u want to meet?

tks for asking, he's better now but still bloody red in his eye, i dare to show pic here coz i'm afraid u'll feel uncomfortable with it.

yes, my DD enjoyed the trip even we didn't go so many places!

here's my loots but certainly not as fruitful as what purin has in hkg, hee...




japancraze, i bought this keychain!
Hi Lili

Thanks so much!!! Do let us know if u need us to tt first (for the target stuff as well as the HKG stuff). Your hols come first, so dun have to specially go look for the stuff lah, just help us buy if u happen to see them.

Wa your buyer also very chaliat ah? Like that I rather keep the walker. I have emailed that woman,waiting for her to revert.
Ms Blur,
Purin mentioned she bought the cork board at $17.

Yr red cabin luggage is nice leh...saw a blue one in Taiwan Yahoo site, but then blue isn't a HK colour.

Li Li/PrincessEmma,
Yr HKG/BKK trip getting closer. I'm getting excited for you gals. PrincessEmma, hope you'll be able to find the rose wallet in BKK.
i will post before i confirm orders, so if wanna cancel better inform me early lor.

Hello Kitty,
thanks for understanding
i will look out for u gal's stuff while i am shopping for mine, multi-tasking..kekeke.

can trouble u to help mi to get some items too?

Updated List:
This is the HKG shopping list for Li Li:
This is the list for yr HKG trip.
1. Lani - LPB (1. Tianjin red bean w/ NZ honey, or 2. Red bean with chestnut filling w/ NZ honey)
2. Ling Ling - HK electric kettle
3. HoHo03 - 2xcutlery sets
4. Dior - HK kettle, breadmaker (not toaster)
5. Sharon - HK electric kettle
6. Fei Fei - LPB
7. PrincessEmma - LPB
8. Ms Brown - Checked bear water bottle, Small Food warmer (something like the one KK is selling enuf for 1-2 pax budget SGD15), HK Ice Shaver (tink Dorothy says it's SGD25)
9. Janet - Rose wallet budget $30, kids HK rose t-shirt budget $8.
10. Bubblesangel - HK Ice Shaver (tink Dorothy says it's SGD25), HK Toothpick holder (Budget S$5), HK Dispenser Bottle
11. Hello Kitty - French rose wallet budget $30, coasters for pots (HK & MM), cooler bag (HK/MM), 1 set of korean cutlery (pink preferably the 2nd one on the left of purin's pic, else others also can).
12. forgetmenot - small food warmer(same as Ms Brown), 1 set of korean cutlery (pink preferably the 2nd one on the left of purin's pic, else others also can), kids HK rose t-shirt budget $8 (for 1 year old..size 80 or 90..if not..100 oso can)
I love that pair of shoes & clothes you bought leh. The HK tees in Taiwan/HKG/Japan websites are so....NICE !!!

Hello Kitty,
I almost wanted to call and scream at her...wah lau, she stood me up and we couldn't go anywhere bcos of waiting for her and her hubby. Then got the cheek to tell me to deliver to her house.

Li Li,
I hope you manage to find the rose tee.
How much is the water dispenser u got fm HKG?? If is within my budget, i would lk lili to lookout for me...thx!

Since Purin mentioned tt she took the last pc of the HK toothpick holder, so in case u cant find, pls get MM toothpick holder for me instead.
Oic...can can..i wil let u know by tmr.
In case, u dun c me in forum tmr pls sms me hor..thx!

Updated List:
This is the HKG shopping list for Li Li:
This is the list for yr HKG trip.
1. Lani - LPB (1. Tianjin red bean w/ NZ honey, or 2. Red bean with chestnut filling w/ NZ honey)
2. Ling Ling - HK electric kettle
3. HoHo03 - 2xcutlery sets
4. Dior - HK kettle, breadmaker (not toaster)
5. Sharon - HK electric kettle
6. Fei Fei - LPB
7. PrincessEmma - LPB
8. Ms Brown - Checked bear water bottle, Small Food warmer (something like the one KK is selling enuf for 1-2 pax budget SGD15), HK Ice Shaver (tink Dorothy says it's SGD25)
9. Janet - Rose wallet budget $30, kids HK rose t-shirt budget $8.
10. Bubblesangel - HK Ice Shaver (tink Dorothy says it's SGD25), Toothpick holder (1st choice HK, 2nd choice MM) (Budget S$5), HK Dispenser Bottle
11. Hello Kitty - French rose wallet budget $30, coasters for pots (HK & MM), cooler bag (HK/MM), 1 set of korean cutlery (pink preferably the 2nd one on the left of purin's pic, else others also can).
12. forgetmenot - small food warmer(same as Ms Brown), 1 set of korean cutlery (pink preferably the 2nd one on the left of purin's pic, else others also can), kids HK rose t-shirt budget $8 (for 1 year old..size 80 or 90..if not..100 oso can)
