Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

Hi Ladies,
I have 2 bath towels on sale at $15 each. I also have pink mugs, pink storage boxes and pink bath mat on sale at cost too. PM me if are keen. TIA for helping me clear.
<font color="aa00aa">hi ladies,
thanks for helping me to clear all the extra LD stuff.

i still have small LD prizes (except for hangers, got to KIV &amp; only able to confirm by tomorrow).

All letting go at cost, please PM me (including your hp no.) &amp; i'll contact you asap.

Thank you!</font>
Hihi Ladies,
Logging in using my iPhone in Taiwan. Just touched down today. Have gone to Sanrio and Daiso. Sanrio is disappointing cos it only carries Jap items. So everything there can be found in Singapore. Daiso like Singapore very few HK items.
I found Crocs shop selling original HK Crocs. Do they have that in Singapore already? Gonna check out Komonoya and flagship Hello Kitty Mcdonalds just opened recently tmr. Keep u all updated again. I am finding a way to post pics using my iPhone. Hope to be able to post some pics soon.

i think should have..cos i was at Vivo on Monday i saw the same poster of HK Crocs (the same poster) at Taiwan too!
Hi Ladies,

I'm clearing my mugs(PINK) and floor mats (PINK) from the latest LD at these prices:

Any 2 for $18 or
Any 3 for $26

Collection @ VivoCity, Orchard or Simei.
Or by postage ( additional postage charges applies)

These are available:
Pink Mat x 4

Pink mug x 6

Also, clearing this:
Towel x 3 ( @ $15 each)

Please kindly PM or leave a msg here for me.

Thanks for viewing!
in fact I did saw HK Crocs in Singapore in Marina Square. Pls go there check it out... No need buy fm Taiwan unless cheaper la. But wat I saw was for kids.... duno if they hv for adults.

And also ladies,
Jus sharing, if u collecting the HK apples from Mac Happy Meal, try to get the 2009 1st becoz tis morning, I went to T.Bahru Mac around 9.30am, 2009 already OSS. I hv to try our outlets... But heng I managed to get it
Hi Ladies,
Im still looking for more pink hangers. Pls sell me if you have extra ya (^-^) TIA. And thanks to msbrown, Ha3elnut and meimeibaby for selling me your extra. But I still need more!!(〃⌒ー⌒〃)
Hey Ladies
I am back from Taiwan. Taiwan has quite a lot of Kitty stuff but Japan is still the ultimate. They have LD there too but its more ex than Singapore. Its 250 Taiwan dollars. About $12+ Singapore dollars. They are still at the July draw. We are more current. =)

The crocs come in children and adults version. The staff at the Hello Kitty Sweets Deserts shop are all wearing the HK crocs too. Its cost about S$60 for kids and S$70 for adults. Find it a little costly so didn't buy.


Pictures taken at the Crocs shopfront. The exploded version is the design for adults.
Welcome back! Singapore also have the Hello Kitty croc. Did u take any pic of that new plush from the sweets shop? What did u get for yourself? Show your loots ^_^
The plush pics and other items they are selling...

I didn't buy any souvenirs from there. Just ate desert. Not bad, quite yummy. =p
My loots. Lazy to take one by one. They are in a pile... Budget down so mostly small small cheap cheap items keke... Can't see much cos I can't post a bigger picture with SMH picture size allowance. Somehow they limit my photo to this size leh.
Think 3 sizes. The Hello Kitty flagship McDonalds is nowhere near to the Hello Kitty Airport Transit area design lor... Just HK covers for the back of chairs, some HK wall murals, and Designs on Glass Panels. Not worth me going out of my way to go there to visit.
Lucky u didn't sms me about the plushie. I like the biggest one :p But would settle for a M size if u really did get for me o(∩_∩)o

Wow!!! That's quite abit of stuff. I think I saw mostly from Daiso,XLT and some Kilara tops. Pic shown for yourself only?
Sharp eyes ya!!! A couple of items for friends. Looking forward to my Jap trip in end Sept. =p You deicided on your trip liao?
My leather pouch not in this pic.hurhur...There's some changes so dunno when/where we're going yet(-_-) Since u already get me my leather pouch, think I will not be going taiwan le. But then I want that sweets cafe plushie (o^_^o)
Keep you excited. keke. Ya its not in the pic. Changes are inevitable. At least on your side flexible, only hubby not so flexible, so still not too difficult to decide on the destination and days. Plushie until the next forumer goes... Who's going next???

I received several PM keen on same item.

Deal will be based on:
1)first come first serve PM.
2)Acceptable to collect along west line mrt as stated if timing convenient for me
3)self collect at my hse during wkend
4)or else have to bear postage.
3)If not, then will have to pass it to the next person in q.

I will be offering the same price to all.Give me some time to reply as sometimes busy with work and bb.Thanks for your understanding
Hi Kelly,
This is the original thread.

My understanding is the other thread used to be "By Invitation Only". Pple who post in the other thread are discouraged to post in this. In short, choose only 1.
Pinky if i got plushies you want not? But i think most probably you already have them liao. Your JS very fast leh. Mine always take very long.

Kelly, Janiemin, welcome to chat/share here if you like.
Hi Kelly and Janiemin.

Hey Purin,
U got my cracker liao?

Hey MB,
I wanna dump my JS liao lah. She getting very lazy &amp; ex leh. Recommand me your JS!!!:p Show me the plush!!!Btw, I think I saw u in another international forum (^_~)
Hi Pinky,
Haven't. Will get it on the day that I go KK. Will not be these few days. Most probably next week.

Keke. . .now counting down to Oct cos I intend to sayonara by then. Can get the crackers for you till Oct if you like them.

You ok if I get you different types? Keke.. .can't exactly remember which ones I got the last round. Must go and see then can recall.
Morning ladies

Pinky, yea, i think we bump into ea other there >.< kekekekeke

Purin, you finally decide to be a SAHM ah? How's little Lionel?
Haha. . .I have said that many times since last year. Had delayed this by more than a yr.

Actually my boss quite good. Though not much, I still get increment this year and I know only selected staff get it. Most get nothing. My team out of 5, I only gave 2. Bo bian, all good but can only give to those with no attitude problem, willing to take on additional challenges, etc.

Have done up our finances and really not much $$ for me to buy HKs after I left. May have to get a part time job that allows me to work from 9 - 3pm. After 3pm can spend time with DS. Told DH I don't mind working in Mac.. . kekeke. .. he said I am crazy.

Lionel is getting cheekier. His Jap is lousy cos Mummy here no time to revise with him. He is behind his classmates. This also prompted my resignation. No point spending $$ to let him learn this and that when I don't have the time to revise with him.
Thumbs up for your brave decision! It will take a little getting used to not being able to spend as freely but the sacrifice will be worth it. Character and foundation building is important at this stage and no teacher is more suitable than Mummy Dear. =) Cheers!!!

U set the throw-letter in date already? I salute u cos it's really a sacrifice and same here, I also told my hubby I dun mind working in ntuc just so that I can have some income and still spend time with my kids. At least ur DH is supportive of your decision to be SAHM not like mine...Lionel is a fortunate boy.
