Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

morning ladies

ryan'a big boy already, time pass so fast

i like the SKS case cos got track kekeke, u got extra to sell? kekeke
Hi Lili,

thanks for the pic of the stopper...if can still add in order I would like to 4 pcs please...

For the manicure set, if any of the ladies interested can take over mine but if no taker then I will take it cause my sil went china to get me one already...
a <font size="+2">BIG</font> thanks again for brought my MJ set to me, love it alot, sooooooo nice lei form the casing to the MJ. think I will bu she de to open and play.

thanks for bring my sponch too, love it too, regrated din buy more, think going to display it in my new kitchen next time instead of using it. ;P
Hihi, ladies

To those who wanna join the <font size="+2"><font color="119911">XLT spree</font></font>, last order can be accept by 25/11/2008 12noon.

Thank you!!
am ordering this set of bowls. each pc cost $14 incl shipping. any differences in price will post and inform you all. am only ordering 10 pcs each size. so post yr interest if keen. thanks.


Big (12.5 by 4.5cm):
- Lili
- emma (kiv)

Small (10.5 by 5.5cm):
- Lili
- emma (kiv)
<font color="ff0066"> Lili</font>,
Can I get 1 Big bowl and 1x Small bowl.

Pls sms or email me when pymt n collection time cos I seldom got time to 'pop' in liaoz... super busy juggling BB n my older gals. Thks
Lili, i want 1xbig + 1x small. TIA

btw i have not paid u for the doorstopper. will do so tommorrow. can i pick it up with Jasmine's lollipop case as well?

Dymples, yo! How's life? Enjoying ur BEE? The thread has been removed...we cant do a BEE outing anymore
didnt take down contacts with the rest of the mummies...did you?
Hi babe!! Me now becoming Panda and Cow liaoz. Life's been a whirlwind since I was discharged from hospital wz BB #3. So super duper stressful juggling BB, Kids, BF-ing... etc... Plus, my bottom is super sore from the episiotomy. *sob-sob*

Me can't wait for confinement to be over so can start using my BEE. hehehhe... Yah lor... the thread removed liaoz. I also din take any of the ladies contacts leh. The only ones I have are those ordering the custom canopies. Maybe we can start a new thread in the Temporary Holding Place? Then we can organise our BEE outing liaoz. *LOL*
haven sleep? what is BEE?

can i just order 1 small bowl? which is suitable for instant noodles? pls Kiv 1 big n 1 small for blueblue
<font color="ff0066"> softpillow</font>,
heheh.. no.. not sleeping yet. Cos my BB gal got Jaundice. So gotta 'sun' her in the phototherapy machine at home. Haiz... Got another 15-mins to go b4 can taker her out.

The BEE is actually a stroller - Bugaboo Bee. heheheh...
ic, poorthing. my boy also had jaundice when he was born too. he stayed 3 more days in hospital afer i was discharged, didnt knew can rent the equipment home during tt time, PD only said he gotta stay in hosp. hope ur bb gets free from jaundice soon

Hi Lili
I would like 1 big bowl please?
Thanks for helping me to store &amp; pass the HK Bowls Set from msblur's bp to MB too!

Please pass my bowls to Lili for MB when stock arrives, thanks!
One small bowl for me plse. Tks for sharing this lobang!

Wow...ur loots all nicey! I love ur SKS and swivel chair the most! The SKS bin is from the Sanrio pts rite? Too bad I dun have enough pts to exchange for it. If not I'm sure Justin would love it.

I love your 3D HK cookies leh. Even my DH who got "HK phobia" also commented it's nice. = ) U can bake to sell to us? hehe...

Wah...I can understand it must have been a trying period now juggling so many things at a time. No one helps u to do confinement? U rent out the jaundice machine? That's a good idea! I should have done that for Justin instead of me staying in hosp with him. Poor mummy. U take care ya.
Morning ladiees..

I want 1 big and 1 small bowl pls..tks..

Wow,ur cookies bery nice wor,esp e 3D one...=)...

Its okie de, jaudice bery fast will be ok liao, charlotte also hv jaudice for 1wk lor...So when u bringing her see pd?
Gd morning mummies

i've done the transfer to u for the SKS backpack + Hk sponges, pls check. kindly pass to cindy thanks muchie

To Account POSB Savings
070-37170-7 msblur
Amount S$13.70
Transaction Reference 1988852054
1 big and 1 small for me. Thanks.

Hee hee!!!! Muack Muack! Thanks for helping me to KIV. I like this design.
<font size="+1">Li's Korean Bowl BP (CLOSED)</font>

Small (10.5 by 5.5cm):
- Lili
- emma
- szu (KIV)
- tling
- Dymples
- S@L
- PP
- Softpillow
- blueblue
- Annie (KIV)
- feifei (KIV)
- eliz (KIV)

Big (12.5 by 4.5cm):
- Lili
- emma
- szu (KIV)
- tling
- Dymples
- S@L
- PP
- angel
- feifei
- blueblue (KIV)
- eliz (KIV)
oh poor baby and mummy *HUGS*.
i also rented the machine when my girl had jaundice. I couldnt bear the tot of her staying in hospital while i come bk home to sleep and then deliver milk to her. Its tiring to monitor every now and then, but at least u get to touch and carry her cos she's at hm
I'm sure her jaundice level will drop real soon, the machine is very reliable.

U BF all ur girls? this time must be very easy for u ? hehehe. i m still BF too and my mind feel like giving up, but my heart 'bu she de' hahaha. keep up the good work!

oh ya, u got the canopy already? Chio bo? good idea, maybe we can start a thread soon...
PP.. the pic that meiji posted... is the HK lunchbox the one we ordered from ur jan spree??? i doubt so ya? cos that one only comes after jan???
Hahaha.. Emma, u are so right!!
I was telling Hubby i'm tempted to buy these mould but make for who..
Guess his reply: For me lar!!
Sheesh, He's like a little kid too.. Fainted!
die-cut Hk/tomica car thingy is lunch box wor...

My boy saw the tomica car lunch box then ask me buy.
I ask my boy want Pooh or Tomica car lunch box, he choose tomica car.

I bot almost all HK/ Pooh cutter/moulds... Keep 1st... for future use lor... hee
eliz.. ya lah.. every "boy" will love cars one mah.. no matter big boy or small boy... haha.. buy lahz... keke

meiji... i would choose car too!!! hehe.... they still have stock? or muz order one?
Actually POOH also nice, but I must REN... cannot buy too many...
I got ton lunch boxes (HK, SKS, POOH, CN...) at home, the worst thing I haven't use! haha
I think still have tomica car lunch box leh.. u call KK reserve ba...
I guess HK one finish liao...
I bought the small clear HK containers too. Saw a few times but din buy. Finally bought it. Still tot of asking pple to share with me cos got 6 in one package. I bought the zip lock bags too..very nice.

He is wearing 2 or 3 yrs old Tee now. much taller than kids of his age now. BTW, KK showed me the next LD..not bad. Can chiong together!
