Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

today connection got problem ah! I'm so slow

Think the cotton buds don't have HK lor.. Hee..
Missed seeing you at PS today, you left so quickly ah...
If you meeting Jasmine & Lili, can help me to collect my loot from their pte sales please?
Then I try to meet you again soon, thanks!

Jasmine & Lili
Thanks for lugging back the nice loot for us! Please pass my items to MB
Haha...hw can i be at Lili's hse? If im there, u gals bo chun liao lah. All oso i wana keep! Keke...

Me cute? haha sure bo?? blushing***
Ya lor Angel, my hb sick so i have to ta bao lunch for him. Wanted to go KK end up also cant go. OK, no prob about pass baton.

Jasmine, can pass Angel's things thru me.

Thanks PP for the info

Piggy, very gan cheong hor?
Hehe, but ok lah, train our reflex to be fast fast.

Anyone selling the red soap dispenser from LD?

I will take the black one from you, can collect together with the sponge. I did order shinkasen notebook from you. But no worries, if my order is not captured. Actually, I never dig into Shinkasen, till I keep seeing the stuff you bought. Now I go nutz when I see Shinkansen
Eliz, you havent seen the HK pantyliner. Also got HK print embossed on it lor! My fren gave me i use till left 2 bu she de use.
<font color="0077aa">Princess</font>, I will pass your things to Lili

<font color="0077aa">Tling</font>, do you still want the pedometer?

<font color="0077aa">Hello Kitty Lover</font>, do you want the thermal flask?

<font color="0077aa">M_B / Eliz</font>, I used HK pantyliner before too
I also have the HK pantyliner. Bought from KK. Used 2 pieces be she de use already.

Aiya just saw your post again realise I misread abt the cotton bud.

Can I just take the SKS 1 and not the HK 1 for the cotton bud? Paiseh...

Btw MTW has new HK stuff. Different types of hk tin boxes with titbits inside.

Sigh. . .me missed the sale. Still in office and trying to stay focus both at work and clicking the refresh button. kekeke. . .
Hi ladies,
phewww..thanks all..hope u all had fun and got wat u wanted
those who didnt, i hope to get more stuff back during my next trip

will do up the list and then u all check correct or not lah...
Ok can no prob. Will keep the black dispenser for u then.
Haha...me oso no boi boi, but den when i saw SKS, me oso went gaga! Lili still keep reminding me 'Hav to be faithful to HK lah'! Kekeke...

Oh MTW selling the HK tibits box liao ah? Last wk i went, didnt see anything loh. Maybe they stocking up for x'mas liao.

Yeah...KK is still selling the HK pantyliner loh. Check it out!

MTW leh! U still remember hw much we spent at MTW Tiong Bahru last yr?? Haha...
Thank u!

Hope u dun mind, I asked Jasmine to pass u my paper clip n mug coaster. Issit ok tat u pass it to Nikita 2getter wif the things fr yr PS? I will let Nikita know.

Poor thing...so late still in office,so..so hardworking!

Wat does MTW stands for?
OMG..i remember...can *faints* man..hahah...got membership some more ;)

no problem...already keeping yrs and nikita's stuff from KM
Thought u managed to chope 2 items - the rose soap and 22? I revised my order cos realise I dun use scrub during shower.

MTW = More than Words

I bought 1 tin box design at Tiong Bahru MTW last week. Hmm dunno if Minitoons same series...
<font color="0000ff">Li's BP - SKS Stickers - Ready for Collection after payment to my Posbank Savings acc no. 093-46422-2.
RP: $3.90
BP: $3.00
- 6 x PP
- 5 x emma - PAID
- 4 x msblur
- 2 x bluegenie
- 1 x Tling
- 1 x acsy
- 5 x msbrown
- 1 x purin
- 2 x angeltopg
- 2 x bbgirl – PAID $7.80 (refund $1.80)
- 1 x Hellokitty
TOTAL : 30 pieces
Haha...tempted to get the HK pantyliners ah?? My hubby sure say i siao! Sure to say i siao ah...buy HK to put below!! Kekeke...

Ya lah...tink we got 2 membership some more hoh?? Haha... bot till the SA oso know us liao. Hee...
Ya ya..my hubby's collicks too! Coz' sometimes i ask him to meet some of the ladies here mah. Sometimes his collicks are with him loh. Haha...
eliz.. mrkt's colleagues in TW and even as far as USA knows he has a kitty siao wife.. they even made fun of him.. say if need him to go outstation, as long as within a 5km radius got hello kitty, his wife will allow him to go.. muahahahha...
I'm looking for this. Anyone know where to buy?

Kitchen Digital Scales

Good one!! How i wish my Hubby can go overseas trip where got HK but hor, he also might not lug back for me like Mr Kitty.
Though I din get anything today, still happy..cos I see the nice kitty things....make me wan to fly to TW.

Ryan din wan to sleep...so I cant focus on chopping... haha.

Emma, Eliz and Ms Blur
Yeah lor, i think we all are kitty siao then our hubbies also labelled and well known as "Daniel!"..hee hee. our friends and colleagues
always tease him as Daniel since the wife is Kitty!
Thank u

Oic,may drop by one day,thks

u ok hor, TIA! Will pass u yr apple clips n comb nx time i c u

Just saw yr blog! All the clips so nice, tempted to order! n yr girl so cute
<font color="0000ff">Summary of Li's Taiwan Loots Pte Sale - 10 November 2008</font>

1. 2 x Rose Wristrest - $6.00 (CLOSE)
- tling
- hellokitty
2. 3 x Rose Pencils - $3.50/pkt
- tling
- PP
3. 1 x Angels and 1 x Devils Pen - $13.00 each (CLOSE)
- softpillow
4. 4 x Shopping series pencil - $3.00/pkt
- tling
5. 1 x HK Earphone - $25.00
6. 1 x Table brush with pan - $9.00 (CLOSE)
- tling
7. 1 x Relax series Cup Coasters - $7.00 (CLOSE)
- princess
8. 1 x Relax series Pot Coasters - $8.50 (CLOSE)
- princess
9. 2 x Relax series Thermal Mug - $9.00 (CLOSE)
- princess
- angeltopg
10. 1 x Mug with cups - $9.00
11. 2 x Big Airtight containers - $6.50 (CLOSE)
- princess
- szu
12. 3 x Big Clips - $5.00 (CLOSE)
- piggychoo
- tling
- angeltopg
13. 3 x Small Clips - $4.50 (CLOSE)
- piggychoo
- tling
- PP
14. 1 x Rectangle laundry net - $2.50 (CLOSE)
- MB
15. 2 x Square Pot coasters - $8.00
16. 1 x Kitchen mitten - $8.00
17. 3 x Oil Blotters - $2.50
18. 1 x 2 pcs kitchen towels - $3.00
19. 1 x White Kitchen Towels - $3.00 (CLOSE)
- piggychoo
20. 3 x Rose Soaps - $2.50 (CLOSE)
- elix x 2
- hellokitty
21. 2 x Hair Wrap Towel - $6.00 (CLOSE)
- tling
- angeltopg
22. 2 x Body Scrub Towel - $3.00 (CLOSE)
- szu
- eliz
23. 6 x Bear Cotton Buds - $1.50/2 pkts
24. 2 x Black Rose cutlery pouch - $2.50
25. 1 x Pink accessories box - $15.00
26. 1 x small pkt plastic bag - $1.80 (CLOSE)
- MB
27. 1 x Rose handcream - $5.00
28. 2 x CN Big stickers - $4.00
29. 4 x SKS cotton buds - $1.50/2 pkts (CLOSE)
- PP
- hellokitty
30. 3 x SKS label stickers - $2.20 (CLOSE)
- piggychoo
- PP
- angeltopg
31. 2 x SKS kitchen hanger with towel - $8.00 (CLOSE)
- piggychoo
- princess
Hi ladies,
I missed the pte sales again.. sigh.
My hands too slow in refreshing.. all the stuffs I like been taken.
Me too tempt to go to TW or HKG now.

Hi tling/ Eliz,
Tks for the link.. will check it out.
These are very useful for my party planning.

Hi jOvAn'smuM
Tks for sharing the mango pudding recipe.
Next time must try your method.. usually I just add egg i/o whipped cream n ice cream.

Been having a long day as my gal been giving me a super hard time since afternoon.
To all Ladies who ask me to buy things in tpe,
Sorry i was unable to buy them cos i couldn't carry the big and heavy items back, as i was way overloaded, plus some of the requested items r all sold out at the kt places i went to, i nv went to the other places as instructed cos i'm not sure of the locations in tpe, dun wan to get lost cos my bf not really good in mandarin and i totally cannot read them.
Hope u understand, cos even for me most of my things i send back to sg via mail and i'm still waiting for them to arrived slowly, haiz......
<font color="aa00aa">Jasmine</font>
I will pass the pedometer. Thks.

<font color="aa00aa">Gan,</font>
welcome. Hope u can get what u want

<font color="aa00aa">lili</font>,
Can add in 2 more items for me:
No 23, n No 18 if still available. Thks.
good morning ladies
Aiya...miz the pte sale.

<font color="0000ff">Anyone remember thye lady's name in this forum tat mentioned she is doin some charity work and to collect things tat is still in good condition for poor family? Can I have her contact please? TIA.</font>
Morning Ladies!

U r welcome!

Can teach me how to make the tutu too pls?

To Account POSB Savings
060-72527-6 jasmine
Amount S$2.80
Transaction Reference 1971612453

How to collect from u?

To Account POSB Savings
093-46422-2 lili
Amount S$13.00
Transaction Reference 1971620126

