Hello Kitty Fans Gathering

hello kitty.. i like that big head kitty lantern!!! hehe.. bot from TPY ah.. hmm... think have to go look for barney/thomas lanterns tonight... doubt there will be any SKS ones...

angry lah!!!! stupid maid.. ask her to open luncheon meat cos i wanna eat it with bread for breakfast.. then dunno how to open dun wanna say.. make a mess of the can.. then machiam dig out the luncheon meat.. now everything looks like dog food sia!!!!! ask her to throw away man.. sianz!!!! so angry!!!! a hungry woman is an angry woman!!!!!!! argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Morning ladies

Waa, so much happened. HelloKittyLover, hope you managed to find back your stuffs. Your MIL so bad, no matter how angry at you also cannot throw away your things mah. Haiz.

Lili, sorry to hear that. Hope Wendy can be understanding that its not within your control but just some stranger causing trouble. Later i trsf you $ for the warmer pot.

Feifei, thanks for the flashdrive link. I might order 1, hehe
hehe, u are most welcome...I also tinking to order anot cos 2GB $16 quite worht it leh =D>..hee

oh dear...then wat u eating for bf?

Cooldown ger, dun be angry hor..*hugz*
feifei.. hehe.. no lah.. me no longer angry liaoz.. i was juz angry for that moment.. v fast the dark clouds pass one.. keke.. me had enzo's bday cake for breakie lohz.. keke... bo bianz...
<font color="ff6000">GOod MOrning</font>
So many posts to read..

<font color="aa00aa">Lili</font>
Aiyo.. So auto, anyhow quote your name. No good no good..
Cool down okie..

<font color="aa00aa">Msblur/Lili</font>
Thanks for lugging back the pots!
They are so nice!! I threw away the boxes and "display" in my cabinets liao.
Swee de lor!!!

<font color="aa00aa">Emma</font>
I got that big head HK lantern for Megan. Swee but music is so nan ting!!Super cheena.. Sianz.
Oh ya, i drop your mooncake moulds and rubbber bands from BBgal with Lili liao.
Yty i passed some durian snowskin moonies to Lili and Msblur liao. Shd be can eat since they still alive. lol.
Your bb craving for some?? Come collect from SK - I got extras for u only! hee..
Morning ladies!

All the lanterns u bought are very nice. I saw the hk die cut head lantern near my hse, its selling for $4 loh. Hmm...tmr i will be at TPY, tink will drop by to buy some bah.

Oh dear! Jialat men, throw away the whole luncheon meat?? Hmm...must tell ur maid lah, nwadays luncheon meat &amp; pork cubes etc are very very ex loh, if she doesnt know hw to open must ask u mah. Hai...
But she's been with u for abt 1 mth liao rite? Still duno hw to open can food??

Wei wei...beta dun take too much of Enzo's bd cake liao ok, its last sat one hoh.

Hope u managed to find the Bangla man &amp; find ur important tings back. Sign...

I will ask my seller whether she has enuff stocks for barney, thomas &amp; HK shoe charms.

The card holders &amp; scotch tapes we can get the designs frm outside shops de loh. No need to join bp lah.
The hougang plaza shop oso hav those card holders.
hi feifei
the tapes not advise to buy.. cos very thin, unlike the scotch tape we normally buy quite thick can use very long..

Hi soft pillow
i chance upon while surfing, its from Hokaido at S$ 35 exp hor..
Luncheon meat is so diff to get, I can't find it anywhere except for the ang moh type.

Ok, ACSY will tell her friend.
msblur/PLL.. ya lohz.. so hard to find.. mrkitty finally found it and she has to ruin it.. sianz..

msblur... ya lohz.. the cake from sat one.. haha.. but still got 1 tupperware full lohz.. haha... can eat for how long ah? its still nice and soft leh..

feifei.. i ordered a barney cake from prima deli..

eliz.. v tempted leh.. but SK is far de lohz.. keke
Ooo...im eating the Tulip brand nw loh. Kinda stuck to this brand liao, wont be switching back to the other brand which is OOS for quite some time even if can find it loh. The Tulip brand oso came with bacon de, very nice loh.

Hmm...nt sure the cake can keep hw long leh, but den u r preggie, so beta dun eat those food which has been in the fridge for quite long liao loh. No gd for tummy dear..
msblur.. ya.. now my bowel movement v frequent leh.. i heard pple saying frequent bowel movement means gonna deliver soon??????

anyone heard the same thing before?? i still dun wanna deliver so early leh.. kekek...
<font color="aa00aa">Emma</font>
No good to eat the cake ah.. so long liao..

Hmm.. Frequent bowel movements ah? Think i did heard that before but it didn't happen to me.

Yalor.. too far from u.. OOps..
K lar, just cute only.. taste is very normal. Nothing special.

So you gona start making your own? We shd all have the mould.. can try..

Need to to email u the recipe?
I think I am eating that too, cos its my dh who bought it.The "Ma Ling" brand used to be my favourite la but ever since what has been publicised in the media about China made canned stuff. we stopped taking it.You are right it has dissappeared from the rack for quite a long time. REcently I just saw it again in the provision shop near my house but it was carefully hidden right behind some goods like not meant to be seen. But me kaypo went to peep then found it lor but I also never ask uncle why he hid there in such a secret place.Sekali uncle answer :"If its in a hidden place, how come you can find leh"??.. What am I suppose to say.. kekekekekekekek

So poor thing, but its still better that you dont take too much canned food or instant noodles lor..
Ya ya...i used to eat the China brand luncheon meat too, but nw im stuck on Tulip brand liao. Wont change.
Ah yo...nw they mark up the prices terribly lah! Even the pork cubes, previously i bought one can for $1.40 nia, nw i buy its $2.95 liao ok. Sign....
dun mentioned lah, coz i have buy alot last year, to include inside my son's 1st b'day goodie bag for his peers..

i also duno how true but hubby's granny also told me bf if bowel movement change, means its about time baby wana pop le..
PLL.. ya.. i've stayed away from canned food and instant noodles most parts of this pregnancy.. hehe.. only touch them once in a blue moon.. now my moon also not shining lohz.. lol...

estben.. realli ah... hope baby will wait exactly another month!!! haha.. but today would also be a nice date to deliver.. 10/09/08.. hehe.. but too soon lahz.. keke...

Is it?? I still have one more can of pork cubes b4 the hike. So now I must not any how open to eat lor... kekekekekek I didnt know the price has risen so much.. OMG daylight robbery.

hahahah.. bec of one can of luncheon meat, go get yourself more healthy stuff to eat la.. kekekeke
keke the number is so nice hor..so this is gonna be a oct baby..

For those baking mummies, maybe the next round of cupcake can do this..so kawaii oh

<font color="aa00aa">Sanrio will be holding some kind of event at Takashimaya in Oct again this year, date to be advised tho..</font>
Acthia,Msblur, M B

i'm still praying hard that i can dig out my things from the chute. the cleaner head told me to be there @ 4 pm as the big thruck will be coming to collect so may be can help to fish out some stuffs as my stuffs are at the bottom.i need to pay them some coffee $$

i told my hubby as i was so angry the ans he gave was throw away i pay u back just tell him how much. is not the $$ matters but personal stuffs &amp; privcy. some things are from overseas &amp; certs too. this is too much.even they don't like it should leave it aside &amp; make sure i clear it by today or so if not will throw. no infrom all throw what is this..
Eliz, me also finally found the suitable mould for my snowskin moonies since cannot find the 2006 version.

this is what i did yesterday...kaoz spent the whole afternoon making these and some traditional ones for friends.

the colour is kinda strong la but at least the imprint is visible


HKlover, wow u very good temper already.if i were u. will demand hb and MIL to go and do the search. very bad to not respect pl's privacy. sometimes my hb also threaten to throw my stuff i already canot take it....

hope u can find it back.
<font color="ff6000">Good Morning Everyone...!!!</font>

<font color="ffoo66"> HKL</font>,
Hopefully you can retrieve the "lost" items. Haiz... how can your hub say that? Lost certs and personal items cannot be replaced lor juz like that lor. Guess he reply like that cos he's stuck between you and his parents... dun want either party angry. Cool down ok babe. Later... you go buy some "snacks" for the bangla men plus give them some $$$ too.

<font color="ff0066"> Lili &amp; Msblur</font>,
THANK YOU BOTH for organising all the many BP sprees and then having to lug our loots from TH back to lili's ofc. Really agree that it's no easy task. Really really appreciate it berry berry much!! *muacks-muacks*

<font color="ff0066"> Emma</font>,
Aiyoh babe... dun eat so much canned food yah. Somemore the cake since Sat! *faintz* Yah... if got frequent bowel movements means your body getting ready for delivery liaoz. Make sure your hospital bag and everyone is on stand-by mode. Good luck babe and have a safe delivery then...

<font color="ff0066"> feifei</font>,
Flashdrive and Thumbdrive is the same thing babe. I also really tempted to buy it cos it's 1GB wor. Can store lotsa things. Somemore only costs $13 per pc. Can make good x'mas prezzies too.
What colourings you use huh?
I wanna use blueberry for my doreamon moonies but think blue for moonies is like kena poisoned!

U used the silicon mould ah? How to dislodge the moonies?
I tried using my jelly moulds but failed!
Eliz , i m using the Wilton colours. I think blue is cute le...no rules says moonies much be in pastel tones! ahahha hv u seen the BLACK durian moonies? i think that looks worse! but its yummy!

actually very easy to dislogde le...much easier than the wooden/ plastic one. shake shake abit it will come out.

i also used the mould for konyaku jelly to make small moonies. they look good too!
Acthia &amp; softpillow

i now that y i told my hubby not to tell her off as he is caught btw us. so wat he said it to her wat can be done. i only worried that if i found those things back where can i put as she will be back by then. i told hub hat i don see her not so angry see her give a face also not nice.

s@L &amp; ladies here do remember if u all are doing the mooncake no matter what mould u using always weight the skin needs how heavy &amp; than the filling is how heavy. lastly finish u weight the moon cake is how heavy. record down from there u will know all the moon cakes u made are the equal in sizes &amp; weight. i made those moon cake before if the weight is not right the moon cake will be either out of shape or no nice loh
Nice moonies you have there. Aiyoh.. you ladies all so talented. Know how to bake cakes, moonies, etc. Me only know how to eat them. hahahahah...

<font color="ff0066"> HKL</font>,
Wah... you really patient and understanding man. Tink if it's me, I'd have exploded last night liaoz. But also pity your hub cos he's stuck between you and PIL's. If you can manage to find your stuffs then keep in your room first lor. Or better... tell your hub you need to buy HK cupboard to store all these stuffs of yours. hah!
HKlover, i bought mine from Phoon huat.

Dymples, me beginner la. snowskin is very easy to make. I dare nt challenge the bake ones and the TEochew spiral ones...hehehe.

Oh ya , check out my reply to u in the Bugaboo thread.
At least you know how to make the snowskin ones lah. The first time I did baking was for my Home Econs class. And my rock buns really turned out hard like stones. *faintz* Thankfully... by the time I got to Sec 5, my baking skills improved so still managed to get B3 for Home Econs. But after that... no more baking liaoz. Too lazy. I'd rather buy and eat. *yum-yum*.

Replied you in Bugaboo thread liaoz.
i did cry like mad &amp; i took leave to pack my things &amp; been cleaning the toilet since just now wander what the maid been doing my toilet is so dirty .
My fren can meet you tomorrow @ 1pm, raffles place but where exactly at raffles place, at the entrance of UOB building ok for you?
<font color="ff0066"> HKL</font>,
Wah... I won't juz cry like mad. I'd explode like Mt St Helens - major volcanic eruption + F5 tornado + Earthquake (7 on richter scale) if my MIL or even my own mother ever throw any of my stuffs away without asking first lor.

Thankfully, my PIL's are so boh chap... they have left me and my hub largely alone ever since we gotten married. In 1-year I only see them like 10-times (for CNY, X'mas, B-Day's, and other festivals).
Hi Lili,

Already transfer $62 to your account.

To Account POSB Savings
093-46422-2 lili - hello kitty
Amount S$62.00
Transaction Reference 1880044370

Will try to collect from you ASAP. Thanks for your help.
So sad to heard that your thing have been throw away by your mil without asking you at all. If i were you i sure scream like hell. Hope you can find all your stuff back.

Dun angry so much. Hope the people will know is wrong to use your name to ask for discount.

Msblur / Lili,
Really thank you and appreciate your help to take all the pot back to lili's office and all the BP which you all organize.
