Hello Kitty Fans Gathering


Gong Xi Fa Cai

Hi Fei Fei,
Sorry to say this, but this yr still 'lugi' one year because yr princess is not born yet. But next yr, you can dress her up and collect red packet.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE. May the Year of the Rat bring you lots of luck, happiness and prosperity. Gong Xi Gong Xi</font></font>
I tried the hk carrot cutters on carrots. need to exert strength to have the hk print nicely on the cutters. but it turn out very pretty.
Morning ladies..

Happy CNY!!!

Or do we have to cook the carrot 1st before using e cutter? Cos i abit worried that the cutter might break...hee
so far i cut the carrots before cook them. but those cutters i had r metal ones so easier to cut. hk one is plastic so need to exert more strength to cut. if cook first will be soft easier to cut, but dont know if will break easily or nt.
HI Ladies,
Any new stuff now ?

The links you posted for the Hello Kitty cafes are so attractive. My aunt is planning to go there in April.
the electric items looks like wat TH has also. is it more ex or cheaper than TH?

I remember i got the bread toaster at $39.90 from TH
Hey Ladies
Anyone know abt restraining order, is it available in sg, my lawyer is not in town so cannot ask her,my ex is terrorising me again, i've got an PPO against him, but its not stopping him, he has been harassing my family since the 1st of CNY, i'm on a brink of a breakdown, dun think i can take it anymore.
Pls advise
Morning ladies...

Me back to work liao...so fast..

the TPY stall is a make shift stall? seems like alot of cabinets hor...so u bot anything there?

hmm...sayang sayang....Calm down ya...hmm.. I agree with Janet lor, can the police help?
Thanks for ur concern, have made the report wif police, but according to them, they say the ppo is against any violence action only not or verbal harassment so the person u have the ppo against is standing in front harassing u verbally, as long as this person nv touch u, the police cannot do anything abt it
Hi Fei Fei,

Have you changed yr hp and home no ? That will lessen 2 more outlets for yr ex to harass you. Also do check when yr lawyer can be back so that she can advise you on the next move.
Good Morning Ladies
So fast back to holiday is over !!!

I saw the make-shift stall when i was at Toa Payoh. All the items veri nice.
Hve changed the mobile but not house number, my parent r not willng to change the number so no choice loh, he desperate for $ so h's tryin to squeeze more from me, he's thinkin to sell the house without gg thru the court, so he can threatened me so i'll be 'willing' to give him more $
Hi Kitty,
Take evidence of him harassing you. U may be able to present in court as harassment, causing mental distress. In the end, it may end up that he needs to compensate you with $$$.
Hi Ladies,

<font color="ff6000">Gong Xi Fa Cai!!</font>

How's everyone?? Me doing ok. Busy at work... but had a good week of rest over CNY. hehehheeh... me can finally log-in during work hours even if I'm out for Sales Calls cos I bot small portable laptop to bring out with me. hehhehehe... finally can keep in touch this way!

<font color="ff6000">Kitty</font>,
Oh dear. *Sayang* Yah.. I agree with Purin. Keep any evidence of him harassing you. I think you can buy those phone answering machines that can record phone conversations. Then at least you will evidence of verbal threats. Take care yah.
dear all,
happy cny!
how's everyone doing? i was away for cny and just been back, but sad that DD got sick again, sigh..

anyway, the sanrio jan items are all here with me now, in fact it was arrived on cny eve but i was away so just got it from Post Office, how u all want to collect from me? or by post?

<font color="ff0000">From she_she catalogue</font>

1) Snack &amp; Rope Purse @ SGD9.60 each Min. qty 4 : (pg 13 &amp; ref.328189)

1st set (CLOSED)
- 1 x Alicia
- 2 x Live Your Dream
- 1 x msblur

2nd set (CLOSED)
- 1 x msbrown
- 1 x lili
- 1 x lani
- 1 x kittymum

2) Foldable bag @ SDG7.68 each min qty 4 (pg 19 &amp; ref.435805)

1st set (CLOSED)
- 3 x blueblue
- 1 x Live Your Dream

2nd set (CLOSED)
- 4 x kittymum

3rd set (CLOSED)
- 1 x lili
- 1 x msbrown
- 1 x blueblue
- 1 x mypreciousthots

3) HK drawstring Pouch SGD12.80 Min qty. 3 (pg 13 &amp; ref.328383)

1st set (CLOSED)
- 1 x Live Yr Dream
- 1 x msbrown
- 1 x kittymum
sorry to hear u're suffered, i don't familiar with the law locally but i'm sure there's someone can give u a hand and i sincerely hope that yr problem with yr ex will be resolved soon.
Hi All,

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Gong Hei Fatt Choy. Wishing everyone Good Health Good Wealth for the New Year!!

<font color="0000ff">ktgal</font>,
can you try to call yr lawyer overseas? can get the secretary to hook you up. its an emergency case, definitely the lawyer can be contacted. u are afterall paying for his service.

<font color="0000ff">nikisan/janet</font>,
i didnt go to the TPY stall, got the pix from someone else...but i guess the prices is definitely more expensive then TH.

<font color="0000ff">she_she</font>,
can you pass msblur and mine items to any of the gals who's going to collect from you? ie, msbrown/kittymum? then will arrange with them to collect.

<font color="0000ff">msbrown/kittymum</font>,
can trouble either of you to help us collect? thanks lots.
<font color="ff6000">lili</font>,
Hi babe. Are your tall glasses still for sale? I wanna buy all 6 as a set. Let me know. Thks.
<font color="0000ff">acthia</font>,
opps, sorry they are sold already.

btw, which hotel r u with at sentosa ah? am attending an ROM next month at one of the hotels there..wondering is it where u r working..hehe.
<font color="ff6000">lili</font>,
No worries babe. hehehe..

OIC... lots of people seem to be having their ROM's in Sentosa. Must be the Island atmosphere?? *scratch head* Anyway, me working for Amara Sanctuary Resort.
<font color="0000ff">acthia,</font>
must be lor...more "lomantic" mah..kekeke. but its so early...have to reach there 9.30 am..OMG.
Yalokitty &amp; She_she,
Thanks for helping to order and collect the GI gift set. I only managed to open the nian gao set over CNY. Very nice. Dun think I'm going to use it, too precious to me, heehee.....
<font color="ff6000">lili</font>,
must be lah......... but after working at Sentosa, I dun find anything fantastic about that place anymore! During weekends and PH, the beaches are packed with loads of foreign workers, like those Thai, Indian &amp; China construction workers... so the whole atmosphere is definately not so "up-class" now. The worse part.... the place is absolutely filthy! Dun know what Sentosa is doing man. I dun see any maintenance!! Imagine... just sitting on the beach you see lots of rubbish lying around - empty disposable plates &amp; cups, empty drinks can, sweet wrappers, strings, paper, etc... I even found 2x rusty bottle caps hor!! So dangerous! What if someone step on it barefooted! Sure go hospital lah!
<font color="0000ff">acthia</font>,
oh dear, is that so...sounds so dirty leh..no more lomantic lah...i only know lotsa contructions going on there...very dusty.
<font color="ff6000">Kitty,</font>
Dont fall for his trap, esp since you know what he is trying to do.

<font color="ff6000">Acthia,</font>
Nice to see you back in the forum again. My cousin worked in Underworld at Sentosa few months ago and he said that Sentosa is surviving because of the many Indian tourists.

My hubby has brought daughter for that pneumoccocal jab...waiting for them to come back so that can sayang her. She was sobbing on the phone when I called hubby.

<font color="ff6000">Fei Fei,</font>
What stage of your pregnancy are you in now ? Is yr princess doing lots of aerobics now ? HeHeHe.
Hi ladies
Thanks for ur concern, really appreciate the encouragements.
Have seen my lawyer this afternoon, was worried she didn't come back on time, my ex 'the b*@#$%*d' wans to sell the flat &amp; split the cash profit 50/50 if not he wouldn't sign the papers. I know he's desperate for $ cos he's a good for nothing hasn't been wkin since yr2000, he has been living off his parents ever since until they decided to cut him off 3 yrs back. Anyway my lawyer is also quite annoyed wif him, she abit expensive but she's quite good so will leave everything to her to handle
Morning ladies...

I am in my 6th mth now =D..bery fast leh...Can feel my bb kicks and movements more now...really bery amazing lor...Do u still rem the time when u were abt to give birth? is it ur waterbag leak 1st? or was it a show? ;p...

Be strong ya...
<font color="119911">Hi Fei Fei,</font>
Wow, 6th month already. The 1st trimester and 3rd trimester is usually the stage which drags. I remembered when I was at 38th week and had to visit the gynae every week, only to hear, 'not time yet' (meaning to say cervix not dilated).

For my 1st one, I had 'show' and the cramping kinda of pain which came every 10 minutes (I think). Water bag burst by the gynae much later. 2nd one induced, so admitted to hospital at midnight.
Good Morning Ladies,


I'll collect from She_She today, who wants me to collect on behalf please inform She_She to pass to me hor...me going to send my gal to school then go to her place oredi...can't log in till around noon time.

From she_she catalogue

1) Snack &amp; Rope Purse @ SGD9.60 each Min. qty 4 : (pg 13 &amp; ref.328189)

1st set (CLOSED)
- 1 x Alicia
- 2 x Live Your Dream (Collect by kittymum)
- 1 x msblur

2nd set (CLOSED)
- 1 x msbrown
- 1 x lili (Collect by kittymum)
- 1 x lani
- 1 x kittymum

2) Foldable bag @ SDG7.68 each min qty 4 (pg 19 &amp; ref.435805)

1st set (CLOSED)
- 3 x blueblue
- 1 x Live Your Dream (Collect by kittymum)

2nd set (CLOSED)
- 4 x kittymum

3rd set (CLOSED)
- 1 x lili (Collect by kittymum)
- 1 x msbrown
- 1 x blueblue
- 1 x mypreciousthots

3) HK drawstring Pouch SGD12.80 Min qty. 3 (pg 13 &amp; ref.328383)

1st set (CLOSED)
- 1 x Live Yr Dream (collect by kittymum)
- 1 x msbrown
- 1 x kittymum
so sorry to hear about what happened. hope everything will be resolved to your advantage very very soon

different lawyers are good for different issues... so got to see what is your issue that you need a lawyer for, then look for one who is an expert in that area.
Good Morning ladies

Thank god u manage to get hold of your lawyer. I also have the same problem. Only now is he refuse to let go of the child and didnt even bother to work to give allowance to the child. He alway say he have the right. Im so pissed with him.

thats was so fast. 6 mths liao. It's fun to feel the bb moving inside hor. kekeke....no worries lah. Do more walking and light excerises will help smooth delivery. and if can opt for epidural. It really helps in relieving the pain.

pls pass msblur, blue_blue and my items to Kittymum, thanks.

Thanks for helping to collect.

From she_she catalogue

1) Snack &amp; Rope Purse @ SGD9.60 each Min. qty 4 : (pg 13 &amp; ref.328189)

1st set (CLOSED)
- 1 x Alicia
- 2 x Live Your Dream <font color="ff0000">(Collect by kittymum)</font>
- 1 x msblur <font color="ff0000">(Collect by kittymum)</font>

2nd set (CLOSED)
- 1 x msbrown
- 1 x lili <font color="ff0000">(Collect by kittymum)</font>
- 1 x lani
- 1 x kittymum

2) Foldable bag @ SDG7.68 each min qty 4 (pg 19 &amp; ref.435805)

1st set (CLOSED)
- 3 x blueblue <font color="ff0000">(Collect by kittymum)</font>
- 1 x Live Your Dream <font color="ff0000">(Collect by kittymum)</font>

2nd set (CLOSED)
- 4 x kittymum

3rd set (CLOSED)
- 1 x lili <font color="ff0000">(Collect by kittymum)</font>
- 1 x msbrown
- 1 x blueblue <font color="ff0000">(Collect by kittymum)</font>
- 1 x mypreciousthots

3) HK drawstring Pouch SGD12.80 Min qty. 3 (pg 13 &amp; ref.328383)

1st set (CLOSED)
- 1 x Live Yr Dream <font color="ff0000">(Collect by kittymum)</font>
- 1 x msbrown
- 1 x kittymum
