Ectopic Pregnancy

hi Twin Star,

I'm seeing the one at Marine Parade, Ban choon Chan. His charges are reasonable but you have to be patient to boil his herbs.
I strongly recommend him because he is well versed with the western medication terms. Therefore he make sure his chinese medicine doesn't clash with the western medicine.
I merely saw him for 3-4mths..and he managed to help me to get pregnant.
Hi Frostt,

So glad to hear of your good news. Thanks for sharing about your tcm. Can I check whether you are still seeing him after you got pregnant?

My hubby has been outstation most of the times. I took a blood test and showed that my testerone level is on the high side. I suspect it's due to the 3 injections I had last year for the endometriosis.

Congrats to you once again. It's really very encouraging to read your posts.
hi Twin star,

Yes..i'm still seeing him and my gynae. haha..kiasu.
For the 6-8 weeks, got to see them once a week. after that.. once a month can already. because during the 6-8 week is the critical the TCM will try his best to "pu" the womb and baby.

No harm trying the tcm, by touching your pulse, he can tell you many things! eg. He knows i have low plancenta way before the gynae told me. He knows my right side ovary is empty..and i have to depend on my left side.. etc etc.

Yeap my husband and i are very happy now. And i hope to hear some good news from you too. It's not the end for ectopic cases... we can still conceive safely.
Dear Frostt,

I am really happy for you. : ) Now Im in a fix cos im scared of going to do HSG. Im not seeing any gynae at the moment. Just wondering if its ok not to do HSG? Perhaps I shld visit the tcm and see what he has to offer.

Do keep me informed of your updates k. : )
its closed on tuesday.
operate from 8.30 to 4pm. It's better for you to go early as the long can really kill you. sometimes i wait for 1 hour for my turn.

Tel: 63446718

IT will be good that you can bring your husband along. He will take both your pulse. And would be good if you go during your menses or straight after your menses.
You do not need to go for hte HSG test, the TCM can tell you whether its blocked or not.
Dear Frostt,

Thank you so much for the info. The line always seems to be engaged. Think tmr i will go and see him. Thanks once again. Will let you know what he says. Pray hard that i dont have to go through HSG. I will be going alone as my hubby is always travelling.
Dear Frostt,

I had seen the tcm this morning. He read my pulse and said that my right side is not too good. That is the side where the ectopic happened b4. He said something like my womb is cold so even if the sperm and egg meet, it will tend towards outside the womb where the temp is higher. I guess it explains y ectopic occurs.

These few days, i can feel slight discomfort on my right side again. Any idea where shld i go for consult? I dont wish to go back to my previous gynae in Gleneagles. Im staying in the northeast zone
hi ladies, i may visit the tcm too at marine parade.. hi twin stars, does the tcm tell u how he can help u build up the health?

how's the charges like at there and does our hubby need to go?
hi Joline,

The tcm is quite approachable. He will listen to your pulse and tell you what he detechs. I brought along all my medical reports done previously as well as my hubby sperm report. According to him, it will be good for him to know better and prescribe herbs according. He told me my fertile dates and asked me to go back on 22 to see which side the egg ovulate from.

Today he did not prescribe me with herbs so I didnt pay anything. I told him i still had some herbs left from previous tcm, so he asked me to finish first. It will be good if hubby can go together. For me, i went alone cos hubby always travel so i thought i shld go tiao yang first.

Are you currently seeing any gynae?
hi twinstar, thanks. yes, im seeing gynae at sgh. can i know how to get to the tcm?

did he tell u your condition before seeing your report?
Hi Joline,

The tcm is at Marine Parade. Shop name is Ban Choon Chan, Blk 81, Marine Parade Central, #01-636
Tel: 63446718

Business Hours:
Mon-Wed-Thur-Fri: 8.30am-4pm
Sat: 8.30am-3pm
Sun: 8.30am-12pm
Closed on Tue and Public Holidays

He read my pulse after seeing my reports. However, I guess he is right to say that my right side is not good cos I did experience slight discomfort these few days. I didnt tell him abt my discomfort.
hi twin stars, thanks.. i will go tcm one of these days
hi Twin Star,

Glad you visted the TCM. He's quite amazing right? At least he doesnt force you to buy his herbs. At ur next visit, he will draw up a calender for you to try to conceive and when to eat his herbs. He can determine when you ovulate too!.

Please keep me updated. I'm also excitied for you.
hi Frostt,

: )) Yes, i must say he is very amazing. He did draw up a calendar for me to try. As I still had some existing herbs from a previous tcm, he asked me to complete first b4 prescribing me with his herbs. I was told to go back on 22 for consult and he will let me know if i ovulate. I forgot to ask him if i need any accupunture to improve my womb condition during the visit.

Thanks again. ; )) I may take longer to conceive due to my existing conditions and my hubby is always outstation.

Side track abit, do you have any frens who maybe keen to adopt my 2 terrapins? I had kept them for 15 years so I would like to find them a committed owner. I know it may be tough. I hope to join my hubby after giving up my pets.

Keep me posted of your bb developments too. I feel very happy for you.
hi twin star,

you may want to check with him on the food to avoid. He asked me to avoid "dang gui" at all times. I doubt he does accupunture. But i think his herbs will help you.

during my course with TCM, i didnt visit my gynae. Only when i found out i was pregnant, then i visited my gynae. Being a fertility doctor, he was also quite shocked that i got pregnant with no complications this time. *Touch wood*

During my first visit at TCM, he tried to regulate my menses. Then after 2 dosage, he realised my body is not reacting to his prescription.And also he told me my right ovary is empty. Therefore he changed the entire prescription and tried for the next cycle. During that time, me and husband kinda given up hope already. But who knows, miracle happens and the medication works for me!
Dear Frostt,

Thank you for sharing so much. I find encouragement from your posts. In fact, i was feeling abit down after hearing from the tcm. In fact i am quite disheartened. Somemore my hubby s report also not good, so the more im worried. He did tell me to avoid dangui cos of my endometriosis.

If my prob can be solved by accu on top of brewing herbs, i will go for it, although im scared of the needles.
Hi Twin star,

Don't worry. My husband also have higher percentage of abnormal sperms. ( due to his heavy/long term smoking )But the TCM later on told him that his sperms are improving and getting better with no problems. hahah!

Just be patient with brewing his bitter herbs! haha.
Hi Frostt,

Thanks for sharing so much. Does your hubby does with you during every visit? I feel very helpless at times cos my hubby is always travelling and he may not make it with me for tcm.
he just follow me on the 1st visit during my menses. after that, i go alone.
Which means, every cycle he goes 1 time with me. subsequent visit, he is not required to go.
Hi Frostt,

I will try to get my hubby to go with me once when he is back. Thanks. Does the tcm allow me to get herbs for hubby?
Hi ladies,
just a little encouragement for you gals, i had a ruptured tube due to an ectopic pregnancy in april 2009.. now i'm 15 weeks dun give up hope!
Hi everyone,

I'm new here. I had an ectopic early last year. Now we're ready to try again. Was wondering if any know of any good gynae to recommend?

My gynae didn't remove my left tube where the ectopic occurred as during the surgery she saw the right wasn't doing very well too. Furthermore my HB semen analysis isn't too gd. She mentioned that we may have to consider IVF.

Now I'm thinking of going to check if my tubes are blocked and if there's a doc who's gd with male infertility issues at the same time. Anyone to recommend?
I think your gynae can prescribe some pills to improve your husband's sperms. That's what my fertily doctor did. After 1 mth later, husband did go for a semen test and it improved.
Of coz, he has to stop smoking and liquour.

For your case, you can go for a HSG scan to check whether your tubes are still block. The doctor will pour a certain liquid into your uterus and it will flow to your tubes. From there, you can see the liquid flow through a Xray scan.
Hi frost,

Thank you for your reply. Yes I do know that my own gynae can do the HSG.However she's not really an expert on fertility issues. She did prescribe the vitamins before but that's abt all that she can do. Hence I'm thinking of speaking to someone who's more experienced with men issues.
hi i am new here..
i had ectopic pregnancy in march 2009
still trying hard now

yesterday saw my gyne dr heng tung lan. due to my irregular period she prescribe me Chlomid and asked me to go and see her again on 22nd to see weather my egg growing or not...

any advise gals?

this is my 2nd pregnancy and my gyne is 60% sure i'm having ectopic pregnancy cos i dun have the symptoms and i'm bleeding.

anybody experience this? my 1st pregnancy is normal n my boy is already 10mths+

I am new here, I had 1 ectopic pregnancy(EP) in Nov 2010 and 1 abortion many years ago. I am now 6 weeks pregnant. Unfortunantely, my hcg level is very low and is not doubling in the past 72 hours... Look like it could be ectopic pregnancy(EP) again.

I'm thinking of trying IVF but my doctor says IVF also has risk of ectopic preganancy.I'm so depressed now, as my husband and I really hope to have a baby.

Anyone with multiple EP and manage to conceive with ivf? Please share your experience...
Was diagnosed ectopic 2 weeks back and was given 1st mtx jab on 26 may, did blood test 5 days later and hcg level increased from 10000 to 17000. Had a 2nd jab and now waiting for another blood test to determine if the hcg levels go down. If it does, heng. If not, hv to remove the affected tube. But currently there's no bleeding or any worried...
Hi all

Just some positive encouragement. I had an ectopic preg in 2005 and then another ectopic preg in 2006. Both were conceived on left tube. Gynae suspected the tube was not good and suggested that to remove it. Both preg were terminated at 7weeks.No reasons were found/given on why the recurrent ectopic preg. In 2009, I was preg again, this time with twins and they were conceived on the right tube. They are now 3 years and growing well. Don't give up hope even if you have one tube left. Be positive.
Hi Delifairy

happy for you. Life's like that. U lost 2 but you got back 2 ultimately, so it's just a sooner or later thing. Heard that after 1st EP, there's a higher chance of getting 2nd EP.
Hi Summer, I had my mtx jab on 27may, hcg level are decreasing very slowly, I just had my review on 6/6 and was informed that my level now is 230 and by this sat ( which is another BT) if the level is still 200, then I need another shot. So fearful as I dun want another shot, it's horrible, cuz I hv very bad cramps n terrible pain on my right side.. I'm still bleeding. Was wondering if do hv a 2nd dose of the mtx shot, meaning to say that we hv to 6 mnths and not 3 mnths to try again??
Sue Ann,I had 2 mtx shots and 1 d/c and my hcg levels dropped to right now bleeding and hopefully all is fine. Yours right side too? Yeah, mine right side too and I still have that minor tugging feeling. Don't care la, the moment my hcg levels hit <5, I am going to pile up with folic and TTC!
Hi ppl I'm new here , I just discharge from Kkh , I had ectopic pregnancy when bb 7 weeks . Have one injection , 5 days later going to follow up . My bhcg is 1500. Hope I can get well soon . Haiz I'm worry abt whether can I still get pregnant and will not get ectopic again
Hi shirley, hope you are fine now. wat were your symptoms before you know you had ectopic? can la, you can still get pregnant and yes, there is always a nagging fear of ectopic esp when we have kenna before : (
This thread no longer active?

I want to know what the cause of ectopic after Ivf? Anyone has any idea?
Does doctor skill play apart ?
I had an ectopic pregnancy 2 weeks ago and i feel so sad as this is my first pregnancy. The doc gave me mtx injection and it was reacted well. At first my bhcg level is 5900 and after mtx 5 days later is drop to 3900. 2 weeks later is next week have to go to take blood test again to check my bhcg level again.
Anybody know when can i start to eat those chicken essence? I plan to go to tcm to tiao / bu my body as well, can i go now or must wait until bhcg level go to 0?
Finally my hcg level has dropped to 139 this week. And yest my mens have came, that's mean i have back to normal. Will need to have a doctor review again next week.
Finding some some support. My hcg during 4 weeks plus is 1778... but couldn't face my sac... today went for ultrascan also can't find.. doc suspected is etopic pregnancy..
Hi all, I just had an ovarian ectopic pregnancy. Was admitted last friday for emergency operation as it had burst and I was haemorraging big time. Lost alot of blood but doctor managed to save me. I had given birth to a baby girl 9 months ago and have been healthy all through till this. What could have possibly caused the EP? Will I b able to conceive again? Is my ovary damaged from the rupture? Got so many questions but can only ask my gynae next monday. Really sad about the loss
Hi all, I just had an ovarian ectopic pregnancy. Was admitted last friday for emergency operation as it had burst and I was haemorraging big time. Lost alot of blood but doctor managed to save me. I had given birth to a baby girl 9 months ago and have been healthy all through till this. What could have possibly caused the EP? Will I b able to conceive again? Is my ovary damaged from the rupture? Got so many questions but can only ask my gynae next monday. Really sad about the loss

how many weeks are you preg when discover? which hospital are u admitted... did you ask your doc about your ovary?
I had an ectopic pregnancy 2 weeks ago and i feel so sad as this is my first pregnancy. The doc gave me mtx injection and it was reacted well. At first my bhcg level is 5900 and after mtx 5 days later is drop to 3900. 2 weeks later is next week have to go to take blood test again to check my bhcg level again.
Anybody know when can i start to eat those chicken essence? I plan to go to tcm to tiao / bu my body as well, can i go now or must wait until bhcg level go to 0?
Hi... did you get any reply when can start eating the chicken Essence?
